词汇 | example_english_revision |
释义 | Examples of revisionThese examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. Our own compendium takes these into account, adding several revisions and new identifications. Even studies where these distinctions are alluded to typically fail to give a detailed breakdown of the range and kinds of revisions observed. Of course, other factors might also be influential, including revisions in expectations of longevity. Examples 4 and 5 both constitute examples of revisions, and in principle, both scenarios are perfectly feasible. Both groups of children produced more lexical and syntactic revisions (which they referred to as content mazes) than filled pauses. Subsequent revisions based on modifications of the analysis and proofs required an additional week. Already, writers no longer produce manuscripts: early drafts of current work are electronically overwritten by later revisions. Series of subsequent revisions foster conflict, leaving many reforms unimplemented. The revisions are small for the sake of continuity. Guidelines for wastewater reuse in agriculture and aquaculture: recommended revisions based on new research evidence. Approximately a third of revisions in both modes were g rammatical. The centerpiece of the revisions is the new list of 1,945 jôyô ('general use') kanji, adopted in 1981. The items selected for further post-editing required "minor", "fair" or "major" revisions. The coloration likewise occasioned revisions in the diminished taleae. After all, children effect many kinds of revisions and repairs to their utterances, following the intervention of a clarification request. Thus, overall, a clear pattern emerged, whereby clarification questions are associated with revisions in child speech from ungrammatical to grammatical across a looped sequence. In 1994, it was reprinted with some minor revisions. However, characteristics of the revisions of given elements varied by language to some extent. However, as revisions do not provide explicit information on headship, it is not always apparent who the head is. Two methods of constructing contractions and revisions of knowledge systems. They also scored higher on word order revisions than morphological revisions, an unexpected finding. Results show that students incorporated a significantly higher number of reviewers' comments into revisions post peer review training. Another limitation is the absence of any discussion of dissent among women's groups concerning the content of the revisions demanded in the civil code. All studies, however, reported differences in the clarifications and revisions asked of researchers regarding consent, recruitment, risks and benefits, compensation arrangements, and scientific issues. There were no incompatible judgments reported in any of these studies, although there were variations in the revisions required. History to revise names in accordance with subsequent taxonomic revisions and re-identifications. Ultimately, guideline revisions are driven both by (new) evidence and (changing) normative perspectives. In light of these results, chapter 9, the conclusion, calls into question the critical period hypothesis and further suggests some revisions in theories. As a result of pilot testing and subsequent revisions, the study instrument was shor tened to 91 items. Pilot testing had led to revisions to the protocol and interview questions. Here, the e-conference link will provide secure space for the online blind-review process as well as revisions. The senate indeed approved the bill but sent it back to the chamber with many revisions. In addition to revisions of this kind, the child may simultaneously make other alterations, both to grammatical form and to other aspects of linguistic form. The use in education has motivated the development of a succession of revisions each introducing higher level conceptualizations and visualization of planning domain knowledge. The question of headship is a difficult one to investigate using soul revisions. Our anonymous reviewers deserve special mention as their insights prompted exacting revisions to our original manuscript. The book is full of historical ' revisions ', often combatively expressed, and new angles and information. The result is a richly textured and beautifully written history full of surprising revisions to conventional wisdom. In the event, such revisions were rare, occurring on only 1-2% of occasions. However, invalid regulations were preserved in the codes because partial revisions were not made unless the "primary" code of law itself was abolished. The most major rearrangements and revisions have been to the chapters dealing with qualitative and quantitative analysis. The complexity of the problem increases once modifications and revisions are taken into account. The recent taxonomic revisions have made the identity of a number of these ticks, in particular the rhipicephalids, uncertain. None of the committee members declared himself ready to accept the essay without major revisions. When the focus groups had been conducted, further revisions then took place in preparation for the individual interviews. Although some of the papers have been revised for this edition, the revisions have not been very extensive. Any of the above considerations could lead to revisions to the notion of empathy evolving as a singular, highly adaptive capacity. More generally, the current study underscores the need to consider carefully the specific kinds of revisions that clarification requests inspire. As noted above, repairs constitute a subset only of possible revisions to an utterance. In the current case, the revisions of interest were repairs to grammatical form. We wish to thank the authors for the hard work on submissions (and subsequent revisions) and the referees for their substantial and helpful reviews. A consistency ratio above 0.1 requires revisions of the judgments in the matrix17,34. I do not believe he is satisfied with my revisions, however. The earliest revisions may simply reflect an effort to make the role singable. There was little understanding of error codes and students did not like stylistic revisions of their sentences. Physiology of speech production : a preliminary study of two suggested revisions of the features specifying vowels. Again, the empirical consequences of these revisions to the theory are extremely subtle, and mostly unexplored (though see p. 400). Such revisions naturally cast serious doubt on figures based on previous censuses. Combined with growing public support for risk-averse policies, these revisions have had important policy impacts. Figures in parentheses are number of correct revisions (out of 28) in the whole group. The revisions to the manuscript are extensive, and particularly interesting with regard to the introduction (bars 1-48). The subtle theoretical revisions of many theorists working in these areas are important ones. Longer and more detailed text specific comments were also found to result in more positive revisions. Like adults, the children self-corrected in phonological, grammatical and semantic domains as did adult speakers and lexical revisions were the predominant type (40%). Future revisions and extensions to the present work are therefore not inconceivable. The examiner often suggests revisions in the patent, such as removing some of the claims that have been anticipated by the patents of other inventors. None of these revisions would have been possible had the insurance market continued to spiral in the topsy-turvy fashion of the 1850s. Given enough time and effort, the morphospecies of category 2 would eventually be identified even if no new taxonomic revisions were published. The impor tant question is whether new experimental data may force more substantial revisions. Participant reports of awareness in the reformulation + think-aloud condition suggested that noticing of feedback was related to the accuracy of subsequent revisions. The reader is told that this will illustrate how minor revisions to melodic lines can make a difference, but no examples are provided. All of these changes, motivated by literary considerations, were carried out independently of the musical revisions, conditioned mainly by the evolution of melodic-rhythmic style. Typically, his papers were characterized by their brevity, clarity and insight, and were always the product of hard work and many revisions. Erroneous revisions were coded into categories that would help us examine the ways subjects revised the grammatically deviant sentences. In all there have been nine revisions of the international classification, up to 2000. We also thank three anonymous reviewers, whose comments have led to many useful revisions. The change due to mortality assumption revisions also occurs at two distinct times - when the tables were changed in 2000 and (optionally) in 2003. Students can make their own revisions without feedback and improve their writing significantly. They found that all eight students used the teachers' suggestions in their revisions, but the weaker students tended to follow advice far more closely. There is also the issue of whether student revisions in response to feedback improve their writing. However, less explicit forms of feedback also led to accurate revisions most of the time and this occurred whether underlined errors were coded or not. The students reported incor porating more teacher than peer comments into their revisions and this was cor roborated by impressionistic analysis of texts. Most of the students did make use of the feedback in their immediate revisions and it was highly valued by all. Such revisions have begun to redraw our picture of early modern kingship. Six of these papers are substantially extended revisions of papers presented at the workshop itself. After the focus groups' revisions were incorporated into the instruments, the protocol was pilot tested on 16 families, 8 from each site. The household listings and soul revisions, though rich in detail, are not without drawbacks as source materials for a study of this kind. How do we know which definition of household was being used in the household listings and soul revisions ? Until about two years ago scholars could not distinguish the original 1798 version from later revisions, which involved significant alterations, new numbers and substitute arias. There were subsequent revisions in 1906, 1929, 1949, and 1977. When the final revisions are in place, you can incorporate or remove the changes all at once or selectively. Ensures that revisions are maintained before, during and after manufacturing machining, forging, assembly, turning, etc.! Although a compromise, it still contained substantial revisions. The book could benefit from some revisions and additions. Currently, social roles are determined by age cohorts, but recent changes in our lives have not been paralleled by appropriate revisions of social structures. He suggests that a "sufficiently abstract" characterization of patterns, immune to revisions in microphysics, would be preferable. However, a four-year delay from final revisions to bound copy is fatal for a volume that attempts to summarize such a rapidly changing research field. In this sense, foundation theories are not revisions at all! Then the government bills with the above revisions were put to a vote en bloc. Many revisions to the 2004 articles have been technical and typographical. These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. |