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词汇 example_english_remember

Examples of remember

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Knowing and remembering in young children (pp. 166-196).
However, it should be remembered that this is only one of the six clustering solutions.
Furthermore, although artists or song titles may have been forgotten, the lyrics were more often remembered, and many were able to sing along.
One of their guiding principles is that place and type are remembered formally and materially, and then selectively reconstructed as images specific to each project.
Today this act is remembered as a ' betrayal ' that called into question the legitimacy of the matrilineal system of labor and inheritance.
One possible explanation is that readers remembered that something was doubled in these words.
However, he is best remembered for about 40 fine lines that he drew crossing the bright red areas, canali as he called them.
Evaluate them if you wish, remembering always that different rankings will be produced from different perspectives, including the perspectives of different concepts of faith.
I asked her if she remembered any of the poems she used to recite for us when we were kids.
Recall was minimal, all participants remembered their overall score, but only three remembered other details.
In so doing, the author argues that new target words or structures can be more easily remembered and retrieved more quickly.
Terms that are only marginally covered can be remembered as detailed topics in the context of the important topics.
One writer in his thir ties today remembers his childhood.
Total solar eclipses are rarer still and are so striking-turning day into night-that they are well remembered.
The information read may be remembered but not the personal experience of reading.
Vocal refrains are more easily remembered than non-vocal ones.
The exact same way he lost it: he remembers who and where he is!
He remembered being in a small church in the country, his daddy at the pulpit and the congregation singing that hymn.
If the standards are remembered by patients as longer than they truly are, the two key effects reported above may be explained.
Such an artificial, non-spontaneous way of remembering requires constant exercise of the mind.
They remembered the new sound but not the new association.
The children's confusion suggests that they have difficulty remembering new combinations of syllables that form new words.
Specifically, if people reach more often to one remembered location - "biased" location - than others, memory responses are distorted in the direction of the biased target.
I also agree that perceiving and remembering are critical aspects to knowing.
During this period of disruption and dislocation, groups often remembered a specific homeland from which they were evicted as a result of conflict.
A further observation comes from comments made by three respondents who remembered hymns because they held personal associations for them.
One storyteller, for instance, remembered strict, ruthless teachers - a harrowing experience.
Like the bulk of the world's music they will be invented directly through experiment and improvisation, con®rmed by repetition, and remembered.
Trilling, for example, is remembered more for his criticism and teaching than for his ' ' artworks.
His kindness and teaching will always be remembered.
In the memory task, subjects remembered the locations of three falsefont characters, all of which were in either the left or right visual field.
I t i s worth ending by remembering a scenario envisaged in my original paper.
Contests for scarce resources in under-funded universities provide situations in which unhappy cohabitations may be remembered more than alternative narratives of co-operative ventures.
Thus, their difficulty was not in remembering long stimuli, but performing various tasks concurrently.
What should be remembered, however, is that most of the materials mentioned in this paper were written by religious intellectuals.
339 capacity for serial processing, and thus encourage propensities toward developing divided and relatively independent0dissociated mental processes which, becoming structural, are poorly remembered.
Instead, remembering an item means that it will be included with all the other remembered items in the computation of the analogical set.
639 vides the basis for subjects' memory awareness, the subjective sense of remembering "being there then" during a past experience.
First, it is clear that events in which young children are involved are better remembered by them, relative to events that they only witness.
Stock market quotes on the radio mean nothing to those who do not know or care about them and are unlikely to be remembered.
He remembered the feeling of burning all over his body, the pain, sounds and smells from the accident.
The realization may be accompanied by a rush of emotion that is interpreted as the impact of remembering something for the first time.
The child does not know how to integrate it with other memories and thus it is not remembered in the intervening years.
By virtue of their self relevance, traumatic experiences would be expected to be well remembered.
Knowing and remembering in young children (pp. 249-284).
Even if we concede that "threatening" events are over-represented in dreams, rather than more easily remembered, revonsuo's "threat simulation" proposal is not convincing.
Maternal transfusion may be considered depending on the maternal condition, as the risk of further heavier bleeding must always be remembered.
However, it must be remembered that cellular senescence also plays roles in multiple other disease states and might potentially nurture tumourigenic growth.
Additional evidence suggests that orthographic representations are useful in remembering novel phonological forms.
Warnings from long past are remembered, and over-confident technology is shown to have often run ahead of reasonable restraint; perhaps this is sadly inevitable.
She always wanted to do art, and never remembers a time when she did not want to draw and paint.
Geographic points of departure, how the homeland is remembered, and the current relation to that place are key.
Sites were remembered because of important events or because of their former uses.
Most of the books written in the shadow of these events are superficial efforts unlikely to be remembered a few years hence.
Neither recognition specifically, nor remembering generally, standardly involve the thought of the continuity of the self.
She learns that the results of the recent study she remembered do not alter the guideline recommendation.
He will be remembered for his contributions and for his open, friendly, sociable and encouraging manner.
Since there is no problem upon backtracking to a collected choice point, there is no need to remove the related remembered set entries.
The physician ignores the guideline prompt, remembering to disable it for the next new patient until more than registration information is available.
How does the advancement of the sciences relate to the ways in which their founding figures are remembered?
He is remembered as a humanist and an intellectual who was guided by his belief in truth.
The last line of this passage contains an impossibly proleptic statement, but one that reveals the physiological basis of remembering.
Once again, however, we should note that the numbers remembering a phone call are small, so some caution is in order here.
Influenced by and fond of his grandfather, he remembers him in his old age.
She remembered being frightened by his appearance on his return and not wanting to let him into the house.
Finally, the infant remembers the parameters of the current reach.
Both groups have difficulty remembering a stimulus over a delay and seem unable to inhibit prepotent responses.
When eyes were closed, however, the target location had to be remembered for about 2 seconds.
In the attempt to write this place, my own remembered and current experiences were used as primary source material.
Making memories: brain activity that predicts how well visual experience will be remembered.
Rather than re-call the thunk each time the list's value is needed, the thunk should be called only once, and its value remembered.
Recall was assessed for the amount and type of content remembered and the amount and type of confabulation.
However, it should be remembered that such thermodynamically stable complexes might not be true initiation intermediates.
Devices which do this rely on the user remembering where the pre-stored utterances are stored in the system, and how to select them.
What are we remembering when we talk of cultural memory?
Even the act of remembering the past and of anticipating the future happens in the present.
The many layers split, remembered and reunited with themselves and with digital pictures in theme and variations.
Results showed that students remembered and recalled text best when they had selected both verbal and visual annotations while listening.
In shor t, he underscores the impor tance of remembering to include sign languages when we speak of endangered languages.
The languages are remembered by and can be elicited from signers over age 45.
The lexicon of other dialects appears to be still remembered by a few old people.
Thus, they must have remembered the locations where targets had been found previously and therefore did not search these locations as frequently.
Once again, it must be remembered that there is great wealth inequality.
Every community also has its own hierarchy of communities, in which it places the others, according to a remembered or mythic past.
In that moment war becomes a form of remembering the vulgarity of our own hearts.
Such anecdotes are remembered and they are convincing.
When the bishop became aware of this, he remembered the boy and had him called in.
The results of the present research into area compression bear strong resemblances to recent research into boundary distortion when pictures are remembered.
Two hundred and forty-five first-year psychology students, none with previous experience of area remembering experiments, served as subjects.
If they had noticed, they would surely have remembered this unexpected feature.
An interesting question is whether some people are better than others at remembering the source of the information they retrieve.
Edwards is now remembered as the author of some excellent sonnets.
The uniqueness of this step was long remembered.
In that final settlement he can be influenced by, without necessarily even remembering, every relevant experience throughout the whole of his life.
Too often school examinations are concerned more with remembering than with understanding and applying knowledge.
On page after page of his work sentences leap out at the eye to be noted and remembered.
She remembered suddenly: the white bars of her crib, feeling her father come home.
The affective relationship with the body is established not by what it perceives but rather by what it remembers.
The abandoned farmsteads may just as well have been remembered and respected as part of the family history.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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