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词汇 example_english_relative-humidity

Examples of relative humidity

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The air was dried to zero relativehumidity by passing it through two columns of silica gel.
In contrast, exterior surfaces exposed to lower relativehumidity and substratum water contents, supported less abundant (biomass) biofilms.
For example, water vapour and relativehumidity are directly proportional to each other; when water vapour increases, so does relativehumidity.
The correlation with relativehumidity is, of course, negative.
Unfortunately, the data logger was faulty and most of the data records for relativehumidity were corrupted.
As temperature rises, relativehumidity declines and the drying capacity of the air increases.
The user therefore has to interpolate from his measured wet-bulb temperature to find the vapour pressure or relativehumidity.
Temperature, wind speed, relativehumidity and rainfall were recorded.
Temperature and relativehumidity in each of the trials were recorded with thermohygrographs.
There is very little difference in the relativehumidity.
Natural infestations are common and epizootics may occur, especially on the ground in cool conditions with high relativehumidity and heavy shade.
A water-impermeable seed coat, and hence an inability to equilibrate with ambient relativehumidity, may contribute to long-term survival of these species.
Locomotor activity in land pulmonates depends on various external environmental factors, such as light intensity, relativehumidity, temperature, soil moisture and time of day.
The greenhouse had automated control of relativehumidity, by a fog system.
The incubation cabinet used in the study was specially produced, including an electronic climatic control unit, to obtain the relativehumidity and temperature conditions.
The relativehumidity was monitored throughout the experiment using hair hygrometers and was consistently 100% (high) and 68% (low).
The maximum life-span is only achieved when eggs are kept in cool conditions with a high relativehumidity.
Temperature and relativehumidity are the major determinants of evaporation rate and hence water-loss.
These values are for wellmanaged crops, 2+3 m tall, grown in a sub-humid climate (minimum relativehumidity c. 45%).
Relativehumidity rarely dips below 60% and fluctuates between 90% and 100% for most of the year.
The seeds of both species were stored at room temperature and ambient relativehumidity.
In (c) there is a single rock type, perhaps with decreasing pore size (or increasing crystallinity), leading to a monotonic increase in relativehumidity.
Many surface fires burn during the day, only to be extinguished when relativehumidity increases in the evening.
There are also charts of temperature, relativehumidity, and rainfall (precipitation).
Levels of relativehumidity were maintained within the range of 60-80% by providing free water in trays in the cabinets when necessary.
Temperature and relativehumidity in each of the cabinets were recorded continuously with thermohygrographs.
The average relativehumidity in the cages was below 20 per cent, throughout the experiment, with the exception of three days.
The influence of relativehumidity on the aerosol stability of different strains of foot-andmouth disease virus suspended in saliva.
When the relativehumidity is higher (30-50 per cent.), the same movements take place but with increased activity.
The human body may respond to relativehumidity, but it does not respond to air absolute moisture content.
During these periods the relativehumidity limits were maintained.
Temperature and relativehumidity were recorded every 10 min over the course of the experimental period.
During this latter step a gradual reduction in temperature and simultaneous increase in relativehumidity is desirable.
Relativehumidity was generally higher at night, and the total range and average range of humidity was greater during the day.
I am always disappointed by relativehumidity figures because on any misty morning in any climate the relativehumidity is about 100%.
Climatic data including temperature, relativehumidity, solar radiation and precipitation, were measured daily during the course of the study.
Questing of larvae in summer peaks of numbers was positively correlated with temperature and negatively correlated with relativehumidity.
Relativehumidity ranged from 20-30% at dawn to <10-15% in the mid-afternoon.
Relativehumidity varies not only with depth but also with location.
Even where seed moisture content at the time of storage was low, seed moisture will increase during storage due to the increasing ambient relativehumidity.
Humidity is the mean per cent relativehumidity at each trap position.
The relativehumidity in the cages was maintained at either 40-50% or 70-80%.
The laboratory meteorological parameters needed to determine the heat flux across the water surface are the air temperature and relativehumidity.
The relativehumidity was calculated from the readings of dry and wet bulb thermometers.
The high relativehumidity found within the huts (authors, unpublished data) has promoted mold growth on paper, textiles, and even wood.
Moreover, the prevalence may be related to the wind speed, temperature, relativehumidity, and altitude in the different areas surveyed.
Relativehumidity ranged from 69.8 to 72.1% in winter and from 61.5 to 67.7% in summer.
This extrapolation leads to the prediction of the relationship between water content and relativehumidity at temperatures where direct measurements are difficult.
Theoretical relationships between relativehumidity and matric or osmotic potential are temperature dependent, and temperature gradients are likely.
The question is, how quickly can air at 100% relativehumidity supply water to an imbibing seed?
Diurnal temperature fluctuations likely cause the soil atmosphere to fluctuate in relativehumidity between supersaturated while cooling, and less than 100% when warming.
Table 2 presents a list of the salt solutions used and the corresponding equilibrium relativehumidity at different temperatures.
The tubes were covered with cotton wool and kept in an incubator at the temperature and relativehumidity indicated above.
Conditions in the laboratory reflected ambient outdoor temperature and relativehumidity in the shade.
During the rains there is no marked difference in relativehumidity, except where there is standing water.
Relativehumidity within the microcosm chamber was 15-18% on a routine basis.
In fact, the lack of long droughts and the high relativehumidity hinder the spreading of forest fires.
Relativehumidity is desirable in freezing grippers and affects the electrical proper ties of the material.
The mean relativehumidity exceeded 90% for most of the period.
Grafted plants were transferred to a mist chamber (> 95% rh) for eight days, after which the relativehumidity was reduced gradually for acclimatization.
Relativehumidity in the forest never falls below 80 per cent., whereas in savannah it is never above 80 per cent.
There was a significant negative correlation between fly and relativehumidity, measured with a wet and dry bulb hygrometer in a screen in the open.
The optimum relativehumidity in the breeding-pots was 85-95 per cent.
Temperature and relativehumidity were recorded in developmental and questing microclimates.
It was found that the relativehumidity was high at 6.30 a. m., but fell rapidly during the next two hours.
The following tables show the air temperature* and relativehumidity in various situations.
The hair, like so many hygroscopic substances, takes up a weight of water from the air which depends on the relativehumidity, irrespective of temperature.
Net population increase data were calculated from the experiment to test the effects of tree parts and relativehumidity on breeding success.
Other factors, such as solar radiation, relativehumidity and wind were either non-significant or only of minor importance.
Mean daily minimum and maximum temperatures and relativehumidity were recorded for each location for the six-month period.
Such seeds are often stored in inappropriate storage materials under ambient and fluctuating temperature and relativehumidity conditions.
Transpiration in grafted plants increased as relativehumidity of the air decreased from 08:30 to 11:30 hours.
Relativehumidity increased during the course of the study, although the diurnal humidity range remained largely stable.
The influence of relativehumidity on the aerosol stability of different strains of foot-and-mouth disease virus suspended in saliva.
These authors noted that temperature, light and relativehumidity influence feeding rates of both parasites.
Relativehumidity is low for the most of the year.
The objective was to prepare a range of seed moisture levels from quiescence (storage at 70% relativehumidity) to full imbibition.
As a result, such seeds are effectively 'isolated' from potentially high ambient relativehumidity conditions.
While hydraulic conductivity decreases by several orders of magnitude as soil water content, bulk density and seed-contact decrease, relativehumidity remains near 100%.
Relativehumidity and daily temperature in the area are fairly constant throughout the year.
Thermal seasonality is weak, but mean relativehumidity shows clear seasonal changes.
Below-canopy leaves were also typically dry, even though the relativehumidity was > 90%.
Levels of relativehumidity were maintained within the range of 60-90% by providing free water in trays in some of the cabinets when necessary.
Models are adjusted for trend, seasonality (up to the 6th harmonic), public holidays and relativehumidity.
Similarly, the effect of relativehumidity was adjusted for by including natural cubic splines of the humidity series in the model.
On page 52 it states that 'the effect of relativehumidity on perceived comfort is insignificant provided it is within the range of 30 to 70%'.
Much of this information, however, is derived from laboratory studies whereby a picture is built up from experiments undertaken at various combinations of constant temperature and relativehumidity.
However, the relativehumidity within the moisture-proof container fluctuates with any change in temperature.
The average annual relativehumidity was 96%.
The mean monthly relativehumidity is 87%.
The relativehumidity was kept at 80%.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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