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词汇 example_english_reflexive

Examples of reflexive

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Half the items used reflexives and half used personal pronouns.
The issue at hand is the acquisition of reflexives.
With these two constraints alone, reflexives are predicted to be correctly understood and produced, yet pronouns are only predicted to be correctly produced.
Pronouns and reflexives were interpreted equally well in this condition, at the high level at which reflexives are interpreted in other conditions.
Processing of reflexives, where the interpretation is obtained within the clause via syntactic mechanisms alone, is less costly than that of referentially ambiguous pronouns.
On average, the reflexives, himself and herself, were approximately three times as long as the pronouns, him and her (330 ms vs. 100 ms).
We make use of the binding theory for reflexives.
Then why do we need to distinguish between local coargument reflexives and m-reflexives if both of them are associated with syntactic binding ?
Subjects were asked to judge the grammaticality of sentences containing reflexives and embedded clauses with or without complementizers like "that" present.
More specifically, they focus on the processing of intrasentential anaphora, especially of intrasentential reflexives and pronouns during language comprehension.
In sum, we can say that children are equally good at producing and comprehending reflexives and pronouns if a coherent discourse is provided.
The basic intuition derived from the contrast in (1a) and (1b) is that reflexives and pronouns are in complementary distribution.
In their first three experiments, children's comprehension of object pronouns and reflexives was studied in sentences with referential subjects.
The fact that these noncoargument reflexives allow syntactic binding clearly indicates that syntactic binding is not restricted to reflexives in direct argument positions.
Sentence-internal features, like reflexives then, are among the few phenomena not treated in the book.
The examples in (31) involve real thematic objects, whereas the objects in (32) are fake reflexives.
The author concludes that 'non-anaphoric reflexives represent a fairly rare but significant marker of free indirect style' (188).
Why do full noun phrases, pronouns and reflexives exhibit different patterns of distribution, and why are coreference possibilities the way they are ?
Only three properties hold of all subjects - control, antecedence of reflexives, and same-subject reference across clauses.
As a result, m-reflexives have either been solely analyzed as syntactic reflexives or simply treated as discourse pronouns.
Second, the embedded sentences improved pronoun comprehension relative to the classic condition, as they predicted, but the same condition surprisingly made comprehension of reflexives harder.
Overall, children are better at comprehending reflexives than pronouns, consistent with earlier results.
Testing production, however, means that it becomes possible for participants to offer a range of referring expressions, not just pronouns and reflexives.
We will not present a detailed discussion of this topic here, since such uses of reflexives and the relevant conditions have been extensively discussed in the literature.
While these two widely held views differ in the definition of locality, they seem to agree that reflexives require obligatory binding especially when syntactic antecedents are available.
Comparing each age group across all conditions we found no interaction between the age of the children and their correct comprehension of either pronouns or reflexives.
Whereas the comprehension of pronouns is highly dependent on the discourse, the comprehension of reflexives, on the other hand, is entirely independent of discourse coherence and topicality.
On one's own : the semantics and pragmatics of reflexives.
However, this solution leaves unexplained the general question of why the reflexives are present in the syntax at all, even though they are not thematic objects of the verbs.
Second language acquisition of reflexives revisited.
Viewpoint, reflexives, and the nature of noun phrases.
He provides a list of diagnostics - constituent order, imperatives, control, switch reference, deletion under corefence, anteceding reflexives, relativizability, and ability to be a target in a valency-changing construction.
The fact is that while many picture noun reflexives pose problems for the standard binding theory, other instances of picture noun reflexives seem to be associated with syntactic binding.
Syntactic and nonsyntactic constraints on long-distance reflexives.
Principles and parameters of long-distance reflexives.
Long-distance reflexives : the state of art.
Notes on pronouns, reflexives, and pronominalization.
Indeed, it might be possible to coindex the reflexive with the matrix subject under certain circumstances.
If one defines theory in the broadest sense as reflexive thinking, it is clear that theory is ver y much alive within architectural practice.
First, acknowledgment of the reflexive properties of research can result in an uncomfortable paradox.
We can make claims that our formation of identity is the product of an active and self-reflexive process throughout our lives.
Structure, institution, agency, habit, and reflexive deliberation 191 public transport is maintained, it could eventually be undermined by repeated personal car use.
The proximate cause is what 'tips the balance', namely the reflexive deliberation.
On the evidence of my study the assumption of a clear association between autonomy and a reflexive self is questionable.
What should finally be stressed though is that our historically reflexive awareness of psychoanalysis is a major factor in subverting its totalizing aspirations.
The forums would make government possible by converting the mass into articulate and reflexive citizens.
If "experiencing" includes reflexive and evaluative engagement, then a degree of distancing from normative contexts is a prerequisite for dialects to carry their social meanings.
Readers, it appears, were invited to engage in reflexive fantasy by associating their desired state of being with that of a trained psychologist.
In general, reflexive pronouns do not form a large percentage of postverbal pronouns.
Intelligent international action is reflexive in that it attends to the world that actions help constitute, as well as take effect within.
The issue of whether the zero-reflexive alternation arose diachronically through elimination of the reflexive object is of secondary importance and is not addressed here.
The implication is that these indexical perspectives are subject-dependent because both are expressed by token-reflexive utterances.
Neuropsychological evidence from brain-damaged patients offers instances of the opposite dissociation, with defective direct consciousness and preserved reflexive consciousness.
Not all those who become welfare subjects use that space in a creative reflexive way, however.
The multi-step result follows because is reflexive and transitive.
In one account, these risks are novel, reflexive and incalculable.
As can be expected, the static subtype relation is both reflexive and transitive.
The inherent reflexive construction is just a variant of the anticausative, involving cases without an active non-reflexive counterpart (45, but cf. 232f.).
The reflexive is not a thematic argument of the verb.
Let - be the reflexive, transitive closure of the - relation.
The musicians' use of dynamics underlines the marchers' reflexive awareness of performance, the carnival's undermining of the distinction between outsider and participant.
Moreover, if the reflexive in possessor position is stressed, it cannot be dropped.
The author further claims that there is a reflexive relationship between language lear ning and chang ing identities.
Linguistic theories rarely examine linguistic discourse as an object of self-reflexive scrutiny.
Because an equivalence is reflexive, they include all original symmetries.
Although (obviously) reflexive, the path relation is not in general transitive.
The entire accompagnato, therefore, acts as a reflexive narrative.
The operas, moreover, are self-reflexive: they contemplate themselves.
Reflexive analysis may be invested with critical and emancipatory potential, but there a re many problems with how it has been applied in practice.
The reflexive questions were overall interpreted correctly : the participants chose the sentence-internal referent in 95 % of the cases.
Of the 22 that allowed a reflexive direct object, 4 verbs, listed in (24), had a fully acceptable corresponding composite form with afto- : !
The recognition of reflexive impersonals also bears on the role of agentive phrases in passives.
Also in this case, unfortunately, this reflexive awareness was ineffective to palliate the patient's cognitive problems.
We argue that reflexive clitics are heads, object clitics are "deficient arguments" and subject clitics display the complete internal structure of noun phrases.
Reflexive clitics appear much later that subject clitics.
Several aspects require future research: on the basis of our data, we could not find a stable acquisition order for reflexive and non-reflexive object clitics.
Therefore, observing that these relations are reflexive, r-1 -j (v) - -(j-1) (v) = j (v) - (j-1) (v).
Reflexive practice should acknowledge the reality of the traces of the past we encounter as well as the intentionality of our relationship with them.
In addition, the reflexive acknowledgement of context in archaeology tends to be ironically shallow in historical terms.
However, it allows for a detailed investigation of people's sensitivity to eye gaze cues by measuring the efficiency of reflexive orienting under highly controlled conditions.
Neither infants with autism nor control infants displayed a reflexive orienting response to this cue.
On some trials, flashing lights appear on the middle screen, prompting a reflexive movement of the eyes to that screen.
What happens to reflexive eye movements in people lacking normal innervation of the eye muscles?
The thematic asymmetry between the zero-reflexive examples and the causative-topassive change is schematized in (26).
Thus, reflexives with such antecedents and their interpretation are primarily syntactically-based, just as local reflexives are.
There is a set of picture noun reflexives whose referents cannot be simply attributed to pragmatic, discourse or processing conditions.
Second, languages may differ in terms of where reflexives (not just m-reflexives) may exhibit this ambiguous (or dual) status.
Thus, m-reflexives include a subset of picture noun reflexives.
As with the reflexives, the intransitive cases are excluded from our initial calculation.
Thus, the only argument of pronominal reflexives is claimed to be an undergoer.
As a result, reflexives will be optimally interpreted as co-referential with the subject of the clause.
Children were found to be significantly better at interpreting reflexives compared to pronouns.
When topic constraints are followed, children employ pragmatic knowledge and achieve results similar to reflexives.
English passives, reflexives, and reciprocal constructions each utilize separate forms, and anticausative alternators require no overt morphology.
Another difficulty in dealing with reflexives has to do with interpretation based on contextual or pragmatic information.
However, his preverbal clitic factor group included ne, object clitics, and reflexives.
The discussion is illustrated with numerous examples of the usage of personal pronouns and also of reflexives and possessives.
The relative incompatibility of ne-cl with such reflexives might depend on this property.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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