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词汇 example_english_recycle

Examples of recycle

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
In following the organic agricultural principles of recycling local inputs, only 15% of respondents reported off-farm purchases of soil amendments.
Many of the arguments used then for or against conservation have been endlessly recycled and are still in use in different contexts.
Economically, the recycling type decreases corporate profits because of additional costs in the recycling process.
There are thousands of bïlinï texts, but far fewer bïlinï melodies, owing to the fact that performers habitually recycled them.
Indeed, as we have seen, there is evidence of women in closed networks recycling the (dh) variable.
We would not be prepared to say that recycling is always associated with men.
Other electrons are recycled and their momentums depend on their recycling times.
In truth, it recycles, reproducing the circular rhythm of a feelgood culture of excess.
We lost the battle over rainwater recycling but won it over healthy breathing walls and recycled insulation.
In other cases, they become the norm simply by being recycled in a narrowly specialized field.
When efficiency losses are not too great, recycling farm income through the local community will strengthen the community, which will in turn strengthen local farms.
To begin with, a recycling market hardly existed in the first place.
Powder coating is characterized by small loss of powder in the application phase, the loss can be collected and recycled, and health hazards are diminished.
The environmental groups doubted whether the waste management programme had exhausted every possibility of avoiding and recycling waste.
Repeatedly recycled, identity seems to float somewhere between the desire of the subject and the images of consumption.
We implicitly assumed that all recyclable waste is recycled.
First, recycling can improve the economic and environmental performance of the plastic sector.
Second, recycling can reduce dependency on foreign resources and thereby save on import cost.
A variety of environmental justifications for recycling exist.
To answer this question it is important to clearly understand the different features of recycling.
The cropping systems had a signi®cant eect on wet season rice yield when residues were not recycled but had no eect otherwise.
The retrieved protein can be recycled to the plasma membrane (step 7) or targeted for degradation in the lysosome (step 8).
The length of the growing period in large part deter mines the quantity of biomass produced and nutrients recycled.
Signi®cant amounts of total calcium, magnesium and nitrogen accumulated in the whole plant were recycled in the leaf litter during growth.
We should also explore the possibility of recycling products made with latex.
Discarded paper was gathered up to be recycled or used as fuel or packing material.
Improving construction practices is best accomplished by first reducing the amount of materials used, then reusing components and assemblies and recycling materials.
After a few days it becomes once again rich in salt and can be recycled and used anew.
As we will see, clitics are always taken from the accusative inventory for recycling purposes.
Finally, disposal costs have increased, improving the profitability of recycling.
Neutral particles in periphery plasmas play a crucial role on plasma transport and recycling phenomena in hightemperature plasmas.
The result can be explained by the fact that high organic matter increases the efficiency of applied nitrogen by recycling the available nitrogen.
Even for children of the 1970s, earlier genres of popular music, past 'hits' and programmes were already being recycled.
The new approach is seen as encouraging socially oriented organisations to be more financially aware, while also allowing money to be recycled through re-lending.
The front of the list is thus available for recycling by the garbage collector.
The results suggest that financing the recycling program through tariffs in isolation from other waste management upgrades will be rather difficult.
The revenue effect refers to the welfare gain derived from using environmental taxes to lower distortionary taxes compared with recycling in a lump-sum manner.
Surprisingly, activities such as recycling have shown high rates in developing countries compared with more developed economies.
Utilizing data for seven major elements, these are designed to discriminate between four main provenance groupings: mafic, intermediate, felsic and recycled quartzose.
Note that we are recycling notation in this section of the paper.
In addition, rhabdom degradation products could be transpor ted down the microtubules from the rhabdoms toward the photoreceptor inner segments for recycling.
A debate about mind and body, in many respects recycling thoughts and concerns expressed earlier, continued in subsequent decades.
Larval beetles form a defense from recycled host plant c hemicals discharged as fecal wastes.
In both cases of the evolution of stars, heavy elements may be recycled to form new stars and terrestrial planets.
However, optimizations are made so that in many cases the previous thread is recycled instead of forking an entirely new thread.
205 that recycling of continental crust is apparently overshadowed by the addition of new melt at this continental arc.
Like refuse itself, we will move from gathering and transport to recycling and then, to destruction.
User costs will begin to include the costs for recycling or disposal.
Otherwise, the component goes to the recycling process if it is recyclable and, if not, it is just dumped.
Examples of such information include practical lifetimes of components, customer behavior, reuse rate, collection rate, and recycling rate.
Although considerable quantities of nutrients were recycled to the system by pigeonpea, overall yield increases of maize and cassava in the second year were disappointing.
The results presented in table 6 suggest substantially lower willingness to pay for packaging waste recycling than for landfill upgrading.
We evaluate the feasibility of this cost recovery strategy by estimating household willingness to pay for upgraded landfill, sewerage and two recycling programs.
Therefore, it seems that there is an acute shortage of recycling capacity which goes to support our earlier findings.
Instead, the profile of change reveals recycling, suggesting that the mechanisms of intensifier renewal may be more complex than previously thought.
The chains are then recycled to the cell surface.
The different motivations for recycling in the respective regions go on to create differences in the configuration of demand and supply in recyclable waste.
The most significant change is recycling, which increases more than 40 per cent during the first years, compared with the baseline.
The environmental subsidy is provided only if the production uses clean technology or if consumption goods are recycled.
Here we assume that metals are material recycled and plastics are energy recycled for keeping simplicity.
A component is modeled as a set of attributes, such as possibility of recycling and reuse, manufacturing cost, manufacturing energy, lifetime, weight, and material.
Geological processes on the planets recycled the materials inherited from the interstellar cloud removing most indicators of their provenance.
Section 5 develops the theory of recycling in which our analyses are based.
Crystal structure of the ribosome recycling factor bound to the ribosome.
A second follow-up agreement, running until 2010, envisages a recycling rate of 66 per cent.
With little alteration in the basic product being advertised, successful images and ideas could be recycled over many years.
People at every level of society gathered and recycled information by the traditional methods of oral exchange based upon personal contact.
In such situations, nutrients from deeper soil layers are continuously recycled and made available to the rice and wheat.
The recycling pool used in the lkb has a fixed size, though.
Financing such investments came from oil revenues recycled through multinational cor porations and off-shore banks.
In large measure, the institutions and strategies of the 1960s are being recycled.
In the face of these ®ndings as self-confessed true believers and recycling activists the authors try to remain positive.
They have also announced that they will organize taking back and recycling old equipment.
She pursues this analogy through an analysis of notions of mastication and potboiling, with all their implications of recycling, reiterating, and reformulating.
High litter quality and substantial nutrient recycling with annual pruning make annatto a valuable component for agroforestry systems.
In other words, the domestic recovery sector is operating at full capacity and all domestic recyclable waste is being recycled.
A second crop of papers looks at the impact that recycled fiscal revenues can have on relevant macroeconomic variables, especially employment, output, or growth.
In one instance, with revenue recycling, it actually increased the ratio due to interaction effects.
We evaluate the feasibility of this strategy by estimating household willingness to pay for upgraded landfill, sewerage, and recycling programs.
Endocytosed proteins can be either recycled back to the cell surface, or directed to intracellular lysosomes where they are degraded.
The supplementary cladistic analyses add a level of rigour and testability to the taxonomic conclusions, although some data matrices have been covertly recycled between chapters.
The ' same' proof is recycled to generate structurally similar propositions.
Ef®cient recycling can reduce nutrient losses and so is an important strategy in such lowexter nal-input, smallholder far ming systems.
There is, however, one other option where individuals can contribute, and that is recycling.
First, there is an element of recycling, the re-use of a barrel to become a dovecote.
The characteristics of the crop and management procedures determine the share of plant nitrogen which is recycled.
Results are in fact quite sensitive to the recycling assumption used.
Most of his biographers have uncritically recycled versions of older accounts.
Mechanisms are therefore typically needed for recycling charge revenues back to private sectors.
Moreover, recycling can be economically beneficial in developing countries.
Unfortunately, a comparison of the same revenue recycling scenario is not available for the two multi-country models.
From here the idea to decrease the deadweight losses, substituting environmental tax revenues for labor taxes revenues inducing the so-called 'revenue recycling effect'.
In this type, modules of collected discarded products are reused if possible, and other modules are recycled.
Consequently, the former languages need to resort to the recycling strategy as formulated in.
They explain the link between nutrient recycling efficiency and surface nutrient concentration in terms of consumption by phytoplankton, iron supply, light limitation and temperature.
The released myo-inositol is recycled into galactinol to further the accumulation of oligosaccharides.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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