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词汇 example_english_realization

Examples of realization

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Certainly, prosodic prominence can warp vowel realizations in ways other than those explored here.
The lazy constraint and its values at different levels, as well as the effort costs of various surface realizations, are motivated by articulatory difficulty.
Pensions are computed through applying net replacement rates to the last wage (averaged for the realizations of the wage shock).
We identify these realizations as those where fewer than five horses became infected.
A feeling of lost opportunities and the gap between one's early hopes and dreams and realizations that time has gone forever and hope is lost.
In particular, dynamic panel techniques use instruments based on previous realizations of explanatory variables.
Thus, for example, the first realizations of industrial robots, rehabilitation robots and the like have been left out.
The distribution is obtained from stochastic realizations of each particular scenario.
Average realizations for each style are represented by the larger symbols.
Essential examples of (global or local) po-spaces are provided by cubical complexes and their geometric realizations.
As it is based on semantic categories, it is helpful in detecting the varying linguistic realizations that correspond to each evaluative category.
Clearly, a straightforward ensemble average of the time-referenced signal realizations will tend t o smear out the spot boundary as well as its distinguishing features.
Figure 3 shows that the marginal distribution of each of the posterior realizations of the residuals are fairly close to the standard normal distribution.
The table shows mean values over all realizations, but minima tell a different story.
The shocks t are normally distributed with variance 2 = 0.25; the 50 realizations t of the random series were the same for each market.
Subjects have no information about underlying market equilibrium equations, but can learn by observing past price realizations and predictions.
On the other hand, these expectations typically are formed on the basis of observed past realizations of the economic variables.
In the case of indefinite articles there may be several phonetic realizations of a particular article form.
Younger speakers, except the young male professionals, use neutral and innovative realizations.
The resultant ranking would yield targetappropriate realizations of coronals and velars before liquids without the possibility of overgeneralization.
The principal basically reduces payment of costly information rents by reducing the emission reduction that is demanded by agents stating high cost realizations.
Other realizations are also attested, some of which are brie-y discussed below.
In this approach constructional variants are regarded as underspecified realizations of constructions.
The reported results are based on a minimum of 200 realizations for each condition.
Samples were taken from repeated realizations, and spectral variables were averaged over adjacent wavenumbers.
Statistics for the flows with water and polymer injection were calculated using ensembles of 10000 independent realizations.
The first and most important step was to develop a signature-recognition scheme in two variables as a basis for ordering the various realizations.
One condition is the physically obvious requirement that the quantity averaged evolve without any singular behaviour in all the realizations of the ensemble.
All scenarios used the same sample of price and weather realizations.
In particular, we considered four key variables of experimental design that take on markedly different realizations in the two disciplines.
Our evaluation of the effects of semantic predictability provides us with data on words and segments whose acousticphonetic realizations are influenced by cognitive factors.
When the easier to hear syllabic realizations were used, the poor phonological ability participants were no longer at a disadvantage.
Our final analyses of the children's subject realizations concerned the discourse-pragmatic contexts.
Descriptions of specific realizations, both microscopic and macroscopic, are invaluable, especially for diagnostic and treatment-oriented purposes.
Among the realizations it can take over time, those converging to one of the following stable states are of particular interest here.
We have also applied our transformational techniques to the derivation of parallel realizations of functional specifications.
Instead, these target-appropriate realizations diffused only gradually through the lexicon.
By assumption, the policymaker will never be able to revise his policy rule as a function of future shock realizations and initial conditions.
Thus, realizations of the past influence the new realizations through the way in which economic agents perceive this interdependence.
Computer-intensive methods, as the ones used here, generate large numbers of realizations and can therefore produce reliable estimates of downside risk.
Are those speakers who are most innovative in terms of dress/fleece overlap also the speakers who produce the most diphthongal realizations of fleece?
I call these individual realizations of the myth "scenarios," the mise-en-sc'ne for each e reign.
Each variable is also represented by a table showing its realizations and, when applicable, marginal and conditional probability distributions (15).
Price realizations only depend upon subjects' price expectations.
Equally, there may be similarities across domains and first language backgrounds in the formal realizations of these functions.
The resulting bond graph structures give designers insight in choosing among different physical realizations using active or passive subsystems.
The two languages resemble each other in their realizations of the object position.
Figure 1 in section 2 above shows that the two languages resemble each other in their realizations of the object position.
The structural similarities that occur between a bilingual's grammars may be variable rather than fixed realizations.
The model farming system had the same initial state but dierent realizations of weather and prices in each replicate of a given scenario.
Table 2 below gives a synopsis of the results for realizations of the reduced de®nite article.
One might wish to argue that, if various allophones are realizations of one phoneme, various 'allospells' are realizations of one 'spelleme'.
A problem we have only partly settled is the relation between genericity in the space of measures and genericity of topological realizations of them.
The above realizations are examples in which the larger, presumably older, packets are convecting faster than the smaller, presumably younger, packets closer to the wall.
However, in most cases when realizations display some type of pattern, that pattern contains a linear ramp angle in some form.
By the flexibility of a given topological model of hyperbolic dynamics we mean the extent of different smooth realizations of this model.
An ensemble of realizations at t = 0 is represented by a distribution of points.
We have realizations, but we don't know what people are holding.
Processing strategies in the acquisition of relative clauses : universal principles and language-specific realizations.
The uncertainty concerning the specific linguistic realizations of children's utterances cast doubts on accounts of early development of determiners based on analyses of this kind.
The realizations of these reduced pronouns range from the simple reduction of the vowel to [b] to elision of the whole lexeme.
Given the variety of surface realizations of the abstract iambic and trochaic rhythms, what are the constraints on their iteration within a single metrical template ?
Such probabilistic models derive the realizations of future fertility, mortality, and immigration rates from a stochastic process.
Although the target of the glide of 0ai 0 (in dialects with diphthongal realizations) might be [i], glides often do not reach their targets.
Each simulated case-history is the best (by least #) out of 50 stochastic realizations.
Processing strategies in the acquisition of relative clauses : universal principles and language specific realizations.
With this simulation, we can also study the evolution of individual realizations.
Each of these realizations corresponds to a model run based on a different sequence of random numbers used to generate a sequence of random events.
All of the 1800 realizations observed a t 2 = 35 cm are included.
Realizational differences exist when phonologically identical tunes have different phonetic realizations.
On this view, basilectal speakers store both a basilectal underlying representation and a mesolectal 0acrolectal one from which the alternative phonetic realizations are derived.
The utility entitlement w summarizes the history of output realizations of each agent at the beginning of each period.
How does a child learn variant realizations of ' the same ' phonological item, and then learn how to deploy them for sociolinguistic purposes ?
Here, the same combinations of lexical items show different prosodic realizations, which demonstrate the variability of prosodic features.
With the object and data module encapsulation, realizations of some important functions in a multi-processing system become as easy as that in a single-process system.
Nature could be seen as a whole, since all emerging phenomena had to be regarded as individual realizations of a unified process.
Faced with the multitude of musical realizations the score enables, in what sense can one talk about the music in generalized terms?
The narrow regions of large scalar gradient in the lower-left snapshot of figure 3 are realizations of internal superlayers in the simulation.
Furthermore, the number of realizations required for convergence is reduced.
A straightforward ensemble average of all realizations gave the initial guess (zeroth iteration) of the spot signature.
Figure 5 (c) shows the ensemble average (zeroth iteration) of 200 realizations of the filtered signal.
Integrating all realizations until they reach a steady state completes the simulation.
Their approach indicates how both stable concept definitions and contingent realizations of those definitions can be inferred from simple processes of text analysis.
The data from each of these realizations was used as input to our normalization routines, which performed normalizations in two ways.
We live by our own feelings and our own thoughts but when we come to realizations we transcend our own feelings and our own thoughts.
If two complements in different groups are identical in form, the semantic roles expressed by their lexical realizations are indicated.
However, the relative gain falls, as with higher volatility the ability of a water market to offset unfavorable realizations diminishes.
The variant realizations of a linguistic variable do not encode different referential meanings.
Once the realizations leave the influence of forcing, their trajectory is decided.
The later volumes will deal with the mathematical theory of genotypic change in populations and the realizations of this theory in experimental and natural contexts.
The eduction has been performed through digital phase averaging of the spot signature from 200 realizations.
The number of iterations required and the fraction of realizations rejected progressively increase with the downstream distance and the radial position.
Equivalent realizations under the same experimental conditions are almost identical and individual trajectories compare well with theory.
They are not syntactic but morphological - their task is stating phonological realizations of words, not defining sentence structures.
However, it actually has a number of different phonetic realizations in various dialects.
We also illustrate a number of concrete realizations or 'reifications' of the proposed abstract model.
However, for low values of such as this, realizations of the model are highly stochastic and many outbreaks last for over 100 days.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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