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词汇 example_english_reachable

Examples of reachable

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The reachable area for each leg is shown by the dotted square.
Desired goals are taken to be reachable to the extent that they are feasible within the conceptual and technical means at hand.
The boundary of the reachable workspace is a two-dimensional surface consisting of some outermost external patches.
The maximum reachable force that can be applied by the manipulator has an associated moment.
Figure 15 shows an example of the reachable trajectory space.
We shall say that a vertex x is -reachable if the path from r to x is -adapted.
Our analysis is currently handcrafted; an automated analysis would probably require us to work with a superset of reachable states.
Therefore, the reachable workspace can only be obtained numerically.
We now want to compute all airport pairs that are reachable by flying through at most one intermediate city.
In fact an extra argument will be added to all states reachable from the action and removed only when an action explicitly ends the association.
As abstract addresses become unreachable, the analysis discards them along with the resources or values which are reachable only via the these newly discarded addresses.
Rather, we intend to define a reachable target for the running time of a practical implementation.
There is no difficulty in defining the concept of pointed reflexive graph and their morphisms, nor with reachable pointed reflexive graph.
We are not sure if such a result would be technically reachable, but in any case, we are not really interested in it.
Serial composition of reachable automata is just composition of 1-cells in the bicategory of coalgebras.
The maximum reachable moment has an associated force.
Therefore, the mechanism has a continuous reachable workspace when inequality (14) is satisfied.
When animals deplete the food lower in the canopy they search for food at higher reachable levels.
During the second stage, the mobile base is static and the valve is at a range reachable by the manipulators.
In the map, the outermost and innermost circles which are centred at the origin represent the boundaries of the reachable workspace.
The "lowest" velocity is defined as the minimum velocity always reachable by the moving platform in all directions of the operational space.
In general, a columned reachable workspace is required for a parallel kinematic machine tool for its special configuration arrangement.
In this way, only the needed region within the task workspace would be reachable by the surgery tool.
Point 41 is reachable from point 31 or 31*.
The obtained ranges are then used to develop their orientation and reachable workspaces.
On the other hand, reachable variables cannot be removed since their values depend on the instantiations of the free variables.
Thus, in this example the set of possible reachable configurations is infinite and contains configurations with arbitrarily many threads and fresh names.
The tool reported that the state was not reachable.
Channels can be connected to integrate reachable components, facilitating visibility and composition.
We have shown that, by concentrating on the set of reachable states, we can get a tractable analysis of virus propagation.
Over-approximations of a count result when a concrete binding is not reachable, but the abstract binding representing it still is.
The first condition is to avoid the same state being locally reachable from two different in-transitions.
However, referring to the above picture, note that not all nodes reachable from w have been copied.
The unconstrained shortest path program visits each edge that is reachable from the initial node exactly once.
No reachable town is too tiny to be ignored and playing prospects are measured in weeks or nights.
In the particular situation we are dealing with now, the subcoalgebra generated by a subobject can be described explicitly in terms of reachable states.
If the cut-formula is not reachable from n, the reduction is a zero-step reduction and the right- and left-hand sides are the same.
The discovery protocol should work if devices, applications and services are reachable through a network.
We construct a minimal reachable pointed graph realising such a class of trees.
Indeed, as the proof shows, any path lifting morphism whose codomain is a reachable graph is onto on nodes and edges.
We have not addressed this issue with respect to proving that goal states are reachable.
Actually, we do not need all the reachable workspace of the parallel machine tool, but a subset with a very regular shape.
In particular, the reachable workspaces, collecting only the pure translation configurations, are the same for both the manipulators.
Obviously any desired path must be completely included in the reachable workspace.
If the goal is not reachable, then the robot would never stop trying to reach the goal.
Another feature of their method is that it informs the robot whehter the current goal is in a reachable region or not.
Therefore, the orientation workspaces and reachable workspaces developed from the actuator ranges are singularity-free and link-interaction-free workspaces.
Important performance measures for multi-legged walking machines include power to weight ratio; efficiency; body and foot workspaces (reachable areas) and stability.
In the reachable workspace, no interference among four legs occurs.
The legs' reachable workspaces can be any shape so long as they can be approximated to straight sided polygons.
States: number of reachable states of the model (if known).
Cells, that are not reachable through that environment are eligible for early reset.
In the proposed approach, the reachable trajectory space, which is nominally rectangular, is discretized into nine equalarea rectangular regions.
The global optimal path, the path from point 31 to point 42 with the time of 0.682 s, is not reachable in this case.
The maximum value of the reachable workspace in the various planar-closed configurations of the solution space is inversely proportional to r4.
A cuboid obstacle is placed within the reachable range of the robot.
In this paper, in the detennination of the constantorientation workspace and reachable workspace, only the kinematic constraints are taken into account.
A position (orientation) workspace can be defined as a set of reachable points (orientations).
Minimization of automata classically proceeds in two steps: first non-reachable states are discarded, and then states with equivalent behaviour are identified.
We note, for later use, a comparison between the reachable kernel of a composite and the composite of reachable kernels.
However, it may contain loops, so induction on the reachable part of the store is unavailable.
Thus, d expresses the fact that from each state a terminal state is reachable.
We obtain a bicategory of coalgebras that are the spans of reachable graphs.
Reachable ion temperature is close for both targets.
The second requirement ensures that every reachable binding has a corresponding entry in the global value environment.
Then the copy phase of a -step copies only those nodes of the function's body that are not reachable from a flagged node.
I n t he understorey, only plants that were within the reachable height of the collector were sampled.
Before scanning cells in the reachable environments, forwarding is first started from references found in the remembered sets.
Here, the extreme value smax = 3 b is selected to obtain a larger reachable workspace.
The following section will evaluate and compare the global isotropy, orientation workspace, and reachable workspace of the presented five manipulators.
The derived analytical inverse kinematics model always provides correct joint angles for moving the arm end-effector to any given reachable positions and orientations.
Usually, tens of thousands of iterations are needed to determine the whole set of points approximating the reachable workspace.
In the paper, we compute the envelope of the reachable workspace.
The workspace, reachable and orientation workspaces, of the manipulator are analyzed.
The reachable workspace can be determined if we knew the configuration dimensions of the parallel kinematic machine tool.
However, not all of these propositions are compatible; even if we permitted concurrent action, not all of the reachable propositions could be achieved at the same time.
The branch-and-bound algorithm explores a search tree based on decisions considering whether a node is followed in the tour by its closest reachable neighbour or not.
Furthermore, the dynamic semantics is rather different: marshalling copies the reachable fragment of the store, whereas names are simply marshalled as the values that they are.
On the other hand, if the goal position is reachable, then all the obstacles can be circumvented and the last interval of the trajectory is a reaching the goal period.
Here, the usable workspace is designed to be a cylinder since the cross section of the central part of the reachable workspace takes on a hexagon shape.
In fact, all we need to show is that the counit is compatible with the colaxity for composition, but both are defined by taking the reachable part.
Let us show that u0 is reachable.
The geometry of the reachable workspace depends on the arrangement of joints in the mechanism, ranges of joint coordinates and relative proportions between the link lengths.
On the whole, we believe they were the semantics makes clear, at all syntactic points in all configurations reachable by reduction, what type equations are in scope.
The property we want to hold is that every element in any of the original lists is reachable within a finite number of steps in the new list.
The comparison of kinematic properties showed that the fully symmetric designs have better rotatability and global dexterity, and one of the designs has the largest reachable workspace.
The parameters of the virtual link correspond to the reachable workspace point and the orientation angle of the end-effector link is related to the rotatability of the mechanism.
Most houses are set back from these roads, and reachable only via narrow footpaths.
The first example deals with directed graphs, and determines, for each node in the graph, the set of all nodes reachable from it.
The edge column for a row contains the set of nodes directly reachable from that node through some edge.
Another, related explanation is that personal desire for democracy is an aspiration that rises as it starts to look reachable.
The main problem with enumerative model checkers is the amount of memory needed for the set of reachable states.
Verification of asynchronous systems is typically done by enumerating the reachable states of the system.
We analyze the reachable workspace and derive a condition for singularity avoidance.
The unit workspace volume can be obtained by computing the reachable points when the vertical prismatic guides are fixed at any value.
The intersection between the orientation annulus and the end-effector locus represents the orientation range for a manipulator at a certain reachable workspace range.
Hence, it is completely nonintegrable and strongly accessible such that the dimension of the reachable states is not reduced.
Based on the chosen link lengths, the reachable workspace and the singularity loci are analyzed and indicated in the figure.
The time optimal motion thus consists of the highest reachable speeds which do not cross the limit curve.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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