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词汇 example_english_random

Examples of random

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The empirical evidence shows that for some countries we can reject the hypothesis that exchange rates are random walks.
The distribution of the random values is not very important, perceptually.
The results were indistinguishable from the random group.
A secondary problem is that mapping excludes random variables, which by definition are not interface parameters.
Then, the notes pass through a speedlim object, which receives a random timing between 100 to 400 ms at every note input.
The starting point for each part is either a random or a previously stored sound.
The signs in front of the random variables represent the agents' movements in and out of each group.
More important than the first-order approximation are the random fluctuations around the deterministic trajectory of the delay equation.
The stability result (i) says that the evolution of the capital intensity is uniquely determined by the random fixed point.
The same sequence of r random numbers has been applied to all computations.
Now that we can differentiate systematic non-proportionality from the effects of random error and lumpiness, let us look again at the issue of proportional allocations.
A second relevant concern here is whether we can treat the 901 respondents in our sample as a random subset of all survey participants.
The model assumes constant tectonic subsidence and a random variation in sea level.
Such correlated random walk models have been studied and applied to biological modeling [9, 10, 12].
The annular inpainting domain is initially inpainted with a random guess for the iterative strategy (2.12) or (2.13).
Looking forward, we should also mention that periodicity of the medium is not essential, and the same simplification works in the case of random structures.
In the end, we have only neutered rhetorical forms to stand as theories, and random design novelties to stand as practice.
The picture for each target word appeared on the screen in a random order different from the order used during the learning phase.
In the training trials, two homophone pairs, two synonym pairs, and two control pairs were presented in a random order.
After five familiarization trials, five short and five long lines were presented in random sequence.
The participants read 60 sentences in random order in a sentence reading task.
Test excavations were conducted at 37 sites, each of which was selected by a stratified random sampling strategy.
Such accounts can to varying degrees exhibit self-justification or self-blame, as well as a tendency to order random events.
The random sample was stratified for age and region.
The sentence contexts were presented in random order so that participants would not be able to predict which condition the stimulus would appear in next.
The reason we apply a uniform random number for rendering fractal is that it can create unique and more diverse forms.
The connection weights are initialized to small random values.
The result of this damage is that there are now dead processors scattered at random in the system.
One 5- 5-m square (or a 1% sampling fraction) from each stratum was randomly selected using a table of random numbers.
The weighted mean difference was k2n99 for both the fixed and random effects models.
Alternatively, higher early depression scores in the intervention group could reflect a failure of randomization or simple random fluctuation.
Random assignment would ensure that all unmeasured confounding factors were equally distributed between comparison groups.
A random sample of patients with none of the above three co-morbid conditions (hereafter called the general group) was selected for comparison.
Using random-effects specifications does not change the results significantly.
A brief excerpt, selected almost at random, may hint at its flavor.
Treatment effects did not differ by site or gender in random effects regression models.
The intercept was assumed to be random in order to take within-subject correlations of the dependent variables into account for statistical inference.
One day before each new infestation the beans were carefully mixed to achieve a random distribution of host larvae.
In the first instance, it is difficult to conceive what might motivate such random substitutions.
A stratified random sample of 1672 individuals was selected for study purposes out of 10 569 residents, stratified by age and gender.
Having random police patrols apprehend only some "unsuccessful" attempting criminals is not unfair even when such patrols miss other attempting criminals.
From this selection, two random samples were taken of 28 participants each.
However, co-occurrence patterns on burned sites were random, indicating absence of competition at fine spatial scales due to differential habitat use within the burned landscape.
The study participants were a random sample of 423 community-dwelling people aged 70 years and over.
The police indiscriminately dispersed demonstrators and arrested workers at random.
Search for alternatives can similarly be random or ordered.
First, in biological selection, the source of variability is well identified: it is the random mutation of the genetic material, followed by genetic mixing.
The associations that this random input produces are consequently weakened, and the process is repeated many times with different kinds of random input.
In the random regression model, it is assumed to be constant over the time period examined.
Cycles were considered as fixed effects while year was a random effect.
The algorithm initially creates a population of m individuals by assigning random values to the elements of the genomes.
The environments were considered as random variables while the genotypes were treated as fixed variables.
The representation of sow biology also needs to take into account the random nature of the biological processes.
The reasoning process is general and can be applied on any type of objects with random complexity.
Although no formal study of parasitoid behaviour was made, the search pattern of the parasitoids in this experiment appeared to be random.
Arguably, random dispersal would allow them to have more progeny than if they had not dispersed.
Significance values were assigned to variance components based on 1000 random permutations of individuals, assuming no genetic structure.
The selection of a single lexical candidate is thus either random or based on frequency or familiarity of the lexical forms.
From each of these four programs and for each grade, three reading texts were selected at random.
We found that translation times were significantly slower for words learned in semantic sets versus in random order.
According to this hypothesis, neither random errors nor morphologically and syntactically more complex structures would be expected.
The situation is, however, quite different in the random setting.
Who collects and what is reported may be at best random or at worst deliberately false.
We state the theorem only for the simple random walk, although it was originally stated for more general (strongly reversible) walks.
We colour each vertex independently with a random colour.
The class of quasirandom graphs is defined by certain equivalent graph properties possessed by random graphs.
Note that intractability assumptions for random instances are much stronger than complexity-theoretic assumptions, which usually refer only to the worst case.
We also use the combinatorial method to study random walks on the circle.
His method uses return times of random walks to estimate the size of connected components.
However, it is hard to push the analysis of the random process to the very end using differential equations.
However, on the other hand, certifying that a random k-tuple system has low discrepancy seems to be an algorithmic challenge.
In each iteration, assign every uncoloured edge a random colour from the unreserved colours that are still available for it.
In the preparatory phase, the first step is to process a random vertex of type (0, 0).
Candidates are showing up in a random order for the interview.
A random railway is a random 3-regular multigraph where each vertex is regarded as a switch in a randomly chosen orientation.
Let pi be the random number of passive monomials after the ith phase.
Harmonic functions have an interesting relation to random walks.
In particular, they should have all the properties of a random bipartite graph.
In this paper we shall show that this conjecture holds for the branching random walk.
The hunter selects a velocity uniformly at random between 0 and 1 and proceeds in a clockwise direction according to this velocity.
Discrepancy certifications as in [15] certify the unsatisfiability of a random formula.
Similarly, being a quasi-random graph is also a hereditary property.
We can then measure the average running time of these algorithms on random instances.
In general, a random orientation can not be shown to balance each of a large number of small cocircuits.
In the case of random walks in convex bodies, we show that this new bound is better than the known bounds for the worst case.
If this is true they should give rise to less random responding and, thus, to more commonality, or associative overlap, between subjects.
Following this, they were shown the faces one at a time in random order and asked to recall the name associated with each face.
One must also be wary of small samples inducing apparent bimodality which is solely due to random fluctuation.
Four serial 10 ml injections of 5% dextrose solution at room temperature were performed at random during the respiratory cycle.
Moreover, the random effects affecting u 2it could be correlated with those influencing weight.
In order to control for misspecification errors, a random sample of 25% of patients was excluded from analysis and coefficients estimated for this sample.
Using this approach an unpredictable number of transgene-copies are incorporated at a random location in the recipient genome.
While this is a sample, the error comes not from random sampling error (which would be quite small) but the other sources identified below.
In that case one should investigate if there were any deviation from random treatment assignment that may have affected cancer death rates.
A second prediction from random graph theory is that the common structures should percolate through sequence space.
The random pair-wise correlation algorithm was applied independently to each of these datasets as well as to randomized versions of each dataset.
In evolutionary game theory, we imagine a population of animals pairing off at random and playing this game.
If we choose names out of a hat, or by using random numbers, then we are doing truly random sampling.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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