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词汇 example_english_purport

Examples of purport

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The first is how linguistic factors purported to affect structural borrowing are identified, defined, and supported.
The sounds of muzak are purported to produce specific musical affects.
The term 'face validity' simply means that the instrument appears to measure what it purports to.
Violence purported to cover the loss of authority and askesis eliminated nameless but dangerous desires; sometimes the two traded places.
The maxim is also a comprehensive representation of the world, a generalized description of the "real," purporting to swallow up all particular cases.
In other words, art requires subjectivity and leaves purported objectivity to science.
Even more, participants made deliberate reference to their own (purported) political loyalties to strengthen the legitimacy of their actions.
Thus, the theory both predicts and purports to explain an association between these two variables.
Nothing in this account of team agency purports to tell people when they ought + whether morally or rationally + to act as members of teams.
Problems arise when more detailed contentful hypotheses are offered purporting to explain the existence and mechanisms of particular psychological phenomena in specifically evolutionary terms.
One small exception is in a table which purports to show that antonyms occur together more often than chance would predict (165).
What is more, neither version of the silencing argument actually rests on liberal premises, as purported.
I argue that this opera is as much ' about' the workings of the genre as it is ' about' the story it purports to tell.
The benefits of pooling the results of studies purporting to consider the same kind of service or intervention is questionable for this reason.
Consider the following argument that purports to show that there is no ' evil demon ', no individual who is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnimalevolent.
The agreement purports to resolve them at a stroke - subject, of course, to a long, no doubt contested, process of implementation.
Legislative codification of rules purports to determine authoritatively what the rules are.
Few people endorse the view that the law purports to make no difference to what we should do.
Second, their purported and actual qualifications are considered to be applicable and, hence, attractive to both public and private firms.
An expression that purports to mean the same as 'a life that is good for a person' is 'a life worth living'.
Indeed, the locally organized events were the first significant post-war test of the urban elites' relationship with the people they purported to serve.
Political theorists now fashioned their arguments against the background of displays of ritual emotion that purported to represent the people.
Such a move purports to establish the truth (or falsity) of a proposition beyond reasonable doubt.
Impoverished as the earlier manipulations left it, the terminology will not do: the tensions purported to be enhanced and highlighted reside in the old tropicality.
As this preference is purported to have a function different from the preference for symmetrical men, it should not increase during the fertile phase.
The processual approach is realist, in that it purports to deal with hard data, with nature and the real world.
Moreover, we cannot right that purported wrong by arbitrarily declaring and then coercively enforcing an "end to autonomy" at the end of life.
The difference is that this author purports to use a more complete historical and scientific record to justify the study.
If it purports to be a logical theory, it should be based on argument and analysis.
At the most general level, moral realism purports to be a theor y about what is "real" and is hence an ontological doctrine.
What is purported to be measured/researched is conceptualised in terms of task-as-workplan, whereas what is actually measured/researched derives from the task-in-process.
More inquiry is needed into the actual content of commonly-used indicators, as distinct from their purported content.
In a monograph which purports to give a balanced account of current research in the fields it treats, this neglect seems hard to justify.
Therefore, all institutionalists should be interested in methodological arguments purporting to discredit the use of formal modeling in economics.
However, if a biological account purports in any way to investigate or explain specifically religious experience, then the two universes have already collided.
Here is a frank admission that the outcome of interest, not the purported cause, is driving the author's analysis.
In purporting to underpin authority by a coherent intellectual and practical regime, psychology offers others both a grounding in truth and some formulae for efficacy.
Product transfer is accomplished through 'price discovery', a mechanism that purports to give growers some control over product price.
The designation "potboiler," therefore, purports to describe quality of art, but it is as much a designation of the artist as the art.
The literature purporting to address historical issues of discovery, settlement and conquest is mountainous, and generally polemical.
What do we know about real rather than orchestrated popular responses to these purported restorations ?
Both of them purported logical views of probability relations, but they had opposite opinions concerning where probability relations came from.
He proposes a theory which purports to explain a wide range of such operations.
At least one recent study has purported to provide some support for the civic-engagement hypothesis.
In other words, it dispels the opposition between ideality and reality, and instead purports reality as continually present, individual actions towards the world.
Direct speech purports to reproduce what another person said, or even how it was said.
Second, the purported semantic differences among commercial exchange verbs is not, we believe, motivated by any empirical observation.
The fact that 3 is a detached statement that purports to describe the internal point of view of the belief-holder has a further consequence.
An efficiency analysis purports to present information about how individuals are doing; it is not an inherently collectivist idea.
Multiple streams purports to explain national policy-making under conditions of ambiguity.
A rationalistically minded philosopher who purports to give a probablistic argument is only trying to justify that belief.
My present objective is not to pass any judgement on the adequacy of this framework as a model purporting to represent reality.
Finally, persistence assesses perseverance without intermittent reinforcement that is also purported to be related to decreased noradrenergic activity.
His initial version of the interaction hypothesis purported that interaction promotes development by facilitating comprehension, which in turn fosters development.
The text is exhaustive and at times impenetrable, as it attempts to replace architectural opinions and idealism on a range of issues with what purports to be scientific objectivity.
In fact, purported norms are usually summary digests of lone analysts and anthropologists struggling to reduce the flux of observed social experiences into manageable proportions for report.
The thesis purports to identify a nontrivial condition for holding a legal power of enforcement, and the mere holding of such a power cannot itself satisfy the thesis.
As will be recalled, a criterial account of the word "law" purports to be an explication of the criteria that people actually use in applying the word.
The tobacco companies did not just think up the policy upon which their arguments relied; they took it, or purported to take it, from a federal statute.
Moreover, for the silencing argument to be an argument from free speech, as purported, this disability must be claimed specifically to be a violation of speech rights.
However, despite the studies purporting to include all patients with suspected appendicitis after initial clinical examinations, a broad range of prevalences was apparent (23-78 percent).
The present contribution purports to show that uniformity of health insurance premiums entails a considerable loss in terms of efficiency, while not necessarily serving accepted distributional goals.
The lack of a lymphatic system has been purported to be one reason for the lack of identified extracranial metastases in the vast majority of glioblastoma tumours.
The first, in a long chapter on visuo-perceptual deficits, presents a pilot study that purports to demonstrate how environmental changes decrease certain problematic behaviours and also increase social interaction.
There has been a blurring of the distinction between fecundity and fertility in studies purporting to demonstrate that lactation is an effective means of birth control.
The programme's design not only purports to show a concern for primary education, it also reflects very specific attributes of the political institutions confronting the current administration.
Here it is worth noting that the way in which morality purports to guide behavior is different from the way in which law purports to guide behavior.
A stratagem is a move that purports to cause a relevant audience to (re)act in a certain way, by inducing it to believe that a proposition is true.
Considerable difficulties were encountered when undertaking this study, highlighting, above all else, the complexity of explaining why results from economic evaluations purporting to answer the same question diverge.
They also straddle an uneasy distinction between prescriptive versus descriptive, purporting to be descriptive of natural principles while also describing the proper behaviors to ensure those principles.
Moreover, the dictionary, while never purporting to be exhaustive, confirms nothing more than the suspicion that historical recollection is ultimately fragmentary and partial rather than an aggregative testament to intrasubjectivity.
The novel is set out as a letter designed to counter the publication of an academic book which purports to detail the activities of the underground cell.
The conflict model, which purports to balance the rights and interests of the pregnant woman against those of the foetus, is now widely acknowledged to be unsatisfactory.
If one writes what purports to be an authoritative survey of a language area, one must make oneself familiar with all the sources on that area.
In the gambling milieu, dreams were accorded the status of wishfulfilling evidence in that they were made into the carrier of a system of symbolism purported to bring good fortune.
The table purports to represent the period experience of annuitant mortality at the time it was developed, but was partly constructed by making adjustments to mortality data from other countries.
The growing clinical interest in patient-based outcomes has resulted in a plethora of instruments purporting to measure 'health-related quality of life' in different conditions and client groups.
By purporting to explicate natural causes, their common mistake had been "to imagine" that "the operations" of "this or that body" "must flow" from their specific natures.
Far from renouncing the literary style of his introduction, his purported apologia instead vividly and dramatically introduces yet another character and her emotional response to his inexplicable, persistent silence.
Too often, troubling patterns are found in one county or jurisdiction, but not in another, thus studies purporting to examine encompassing problems are suggestive at best, misleading at worst.
In addition, complex political and economic issues surrounding famine and relief were disguised by their reduction to over-simplistic moral formulations purporting to analyse the character of the people.
Indeed, the two were closely allied, representing two methodologies, which purported to investigate the shared problem of the emergence of human and civilisational differences and types.
The early decades of the nineteenth century were captivated by phrenology that purported to be a 'science' of character as interpreted through the shape and size of the skull.
The goal of the present investigation was to examine the relations between several purported risk factors - insecure attachment, maternal depressive symptomatology, and economic risk - and children's depressive symptomatology.
There is no living sense of the tradition the poem purports to defend.
The organization of archival material is itself revealing of the conditions it purports to portray.
The process of consciousness involves abstraction and consequently distortion of the reality it purports to represent.
Another way to consider this purported child density problem is demographically.
In part, these problems stemmed from the failure of researchers to clarify the theory-driven processes and mechanisms by which mediation is purported to occur.
In an article that purports to discuss the role of bioethics in this controversy, this is a significant omission.
Not every guideline purports to speak to everyone involved.
Another thought-provoking proposal purports to unite the concept of prototype and border.
An integrated, multidisciplinary approach to this study is essential for the verification of any artefact purported as a microfossil.
Psychiatry purports to be scientific and takes a deterministic position with regard to behaviour.
In such cases the judge purports to discover, not invent, a conflict between the directive and a moral condition of its authority.
By requiring the courts to treat like cases alike, the law purports to assure the litigants that they are treated equally by the law.
Intentionalism purports to provide a method of determining which members of a family-resemblance concept used in a statute are apposite.
The globalisation thread seems rather thin (and at times invisible) as an issue or concept around which the volume purports to cohere.
Influenced by either essentialism or political myopia, or both, this analysis ends up selling short the very struggles it purports to defend.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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