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词汇 example_english_publicly

Examples of publicly

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Commitments are an agent's publicly declared points of view about a proposition, which may or may not agree or coincide with the agent's internal beliefs.
The literature defines a ' clearing house ' as an institution, publicly or privately owned, which centralizes collections and recordkeeping for the second pillar.
The most noteworthy examples are the corporatisation of government business enterprises and a comprehensive programme of competitive tendering and contracting for publicly provided services.
Incontinence and erosion of the intact body are so unpleasant that they are rarely addressed publicly.
In many countries, the publicly funded share of drug expenditures has increasingly become the focus of health policy.
He appears to have had little interest in them himself, nor held especial ideas as to how ceremonies could publicly project the monarch.
The middling sorts were keen consumers of publicly performed music as well as avid makers of music in their homes.
However, information on incidents and failures of devices is not publicly accessible.
Politicians and academics were publicly blamed for overlooking local interests.
The water market is immature in that while trading occurs, trades are almost exclusively bilateral and prices are not publicly announced.
First, it is publicly funded by a universal licence fee and so directly accountable to its audiences.
Most disturbing of all, however, was another publicly posted manuscript libel that came into the hands of the authorities a few weeks later.
Among the most popular elements have been efforts to re-configure publicly operated hospitals into a growing variety of independently managed semi-autonomous organizations.
First, there must be publicly recognized forums for the criticism of evidence, of methods, and of assumptions and reasoning.
None of the schoolmistresses in the study publicly questioned the belief that women shared an essentially feminine nature, which differentiated them from men.
Catholics claimed that they feared the seigneurs, who ' had always oppressed them ', presumably by denying them the freedom to worship publicly in their own church.
In contrast, in public markets, information about transaction prices and quantities is publicly disclosed with evident benefits.
Although the works were not allowed to be publicly exhibited, they were viewed and discussed in the privacy of artists' studios.
In the case of publicly-owned uplands, this was carried out by private firms who were conceded exploitation rights by the state or local authorities.
On occasion, key industries' personnel have even publicly acknowledged this state of affairs as a source of concern.
To our knowledge, no publicly available compiler implements any of these approaches, and they are thus not considered in our evaluation.
All publicly stated their position on security reform.
Fourth, almost the only part of the tax system that registers publicly is the basic rate of income tax.
However, many respondents do not work for publicly traded companies, making this information unavailable.
We know that pension funds are not yet large shareholders of publicly traded firms in developing countries.
Our ®ndings provide knowledge about how much such information might be demanded, which provides insight about how much of such information should be supplied publicly.
We need to study the link between pension funds, the ownership structures of publicly traded firms, and public firms' performance.
Urban suggests that every publicly standardized discourse has implicit as well as explicit content.
Again, transactions in cattle are surrounded by secrecy, as people prefer not to publicly display their assets.
An intention, on the other hand, is a mental act that need never be expressed publicly.
The level of provision of publicly-financed, community-based services is expected to increase.
As a consequence, there is little chance of finding an income effect in relation to use of publicly-funded home-care.
Converts preached publicly, orally, about private wrongs, calling impotent, beery men to repentance.
By weeping, calling for water, and fainting in court, she publicly proved her womanhood.
None of the professors protested publicly against these actions (pp. 308-9).
Moreover, law has the advantage of being a publicly accessible (and enforceable) code that prescribes and proscribes actions.
Therefore, "we gathered together the village elders and discussed matters publicly," and each member "bound" () [their juniors] and determined to draw up strict regulations.
Data were used from a national longitudinal survey of individuals admitted to publicly-funded residential and nursing home care.
We have a set of pejorative terms which we apply to women who publicly contradict the standard view of the female temperament.
As an example, consider a setting in which the government is contemplating introducing a publicly provided asset into a market economy.
However, a strong argument can be made that publicly accountable decisions should be subjected to precisely this kind of discipline.
Both organizations are publicly funded and together have a staff of approximately 130 and a total annual budget exceeding 20 million euros.
Despite its mixed composition, the formation of the harbour committee provided a platform from which opposition to the town council was very publicly voiced.
Moreover, this data would be difficult to find due to the lack of formal publicly funded screening programs.
Professionals with awareness of the risks associated with introducing novel pathogens into the human population should speak publicly.
Second, publicly defining the program as a national policy priority must have been regarded as an effective means of mobilizing huge amounts of foreign funding.
He is also concerned about the insecurity of the world germ plasm resources, which are publicly funded but of value to industry.
The pension plan information for each university was manually collected from publicly available plan documents.
They are all nationally prominent politicians who closely and publicly identified themselves with a particular candidate.
While small projects such as micro-dams are being planned, no large-scale projects appear under consideration, at least publicly.
Choosing to acknowledge his debts publicly, he wants his acknowledgments to be seen and easily found.
Both of these reasons for valuing publicly checkable rules appeal to the idea that such rules better promote justice itself.
The interviewees were selected using publicly available lists of national contact persons and members of working groups.
Concerns about security also complicate efforts to reassure partners by undertaking publicly observable commitments that, if violated, would undermine a government's reputation.
My body is openly mine without my having to take action to occupy it publicly.
Can a writer claim personal possession of print products sold publicly while at the same time asserting personal privacy?
They can be produced informally, commercially or publicly, and consumed privately or collectively.
In demanding the right to speak publicly, to criticize without fear.
As children get older (beginning generally in first grade), direct challenges to a parent or teacher's authority is publicly named as khitspeh.
I have already suggested that some of the small-scale funerary songs were not performed publicly.
On the other hand, professional dominance is now more circumscribed and publicly accountable.
A well-organized police system, established courts, and many other publicly provided services are good examples.
With the additional hypothesis that information about the latter is publicly available to all market participants, this view is consistent with the single-representativeagent paradigm.
However, such information is usually hidden and highly political, so obtaining it (and publicly assessing it) is problematic.
In fact, the report is publicly available on the court's website.
From at least the 1720s into the 1740s, chemistry was publicly defined and accepted as an art.
Individually and collectively, public entrepreneurs wrote to authorities arguing for their need to sell publicly.
The test of whether guidelines are publicly justified lies in their clinical application.
They have to make rationing decisions while faced with the needs of individual patients, without having recourse to publicly underwritten criteria.
Overall, publicly available sources provided less than half of the necessary information.
Funding is limited and the cost of delivering the basket of publicly funded health services continues to increase.
However, in publicly funded health care systems at least, the initiation of a national screening program is unlikely to be contemplated without evidence of cost-effectiveness.
Ethics approval was not required as the research involved publicly available material.
Hospitals are public and most physicians are employed in the publicly run hospitals and within the primary health services.
Each year publicly financed hospitals receive a fixed budget for medium and low medical devices as well as for pharmaceuticals.
Once we had publicly announced our position of neutrality, we had to act to honor it.
If civil list allowances were paid from taxes, then the poor also deserved to receive generous publicly-funded welfare payments too.
Whereupon the mayor, the minister, the aldermen, the schoolmaster, capital burgesses and common burgesses, in all above one hundred, did publicly and solemnly pronounce it.
Unlike markets for most commodities, most water markets have no centralized trading locations and no publicly posted market prices.
Defining a purpose: diverse farm constituencies and publicly funded agricultural research and extension.
We could determine current usage more accurately by searching some of the corpora that are now publicly available.
Admittedly, this image of collapsing generational solidarity was publicly used to denounce poor-relief measures on behalf of the aged and infirm.
The question left aside by dictionaries is why an author decides to express his gratitude publicly.
Rather, it was the medical staff and keepers who were to be monitored and the administration which was to be rendered publicly 'visible ' and accountable.
By academic knowledge we mean the publicly available theories, methods, and findings produced in universities and research institutes.
During the same period, other women spoke out publicly on social and political issues in the form of prophecy, sometimes writing and publishing their views.
In each country, political figures find it difficult to publicly defend good relations with the other.
The term substantial steps is used because prior to that stage it is generally assumed that there is nothing for the offeror to disclose publicly.
How publicly should emissaries from the national body be encouraged to set up local associations?
The other two departments are concerned that" any information which is publicly available is also known to competitors and is therefore of little use".
In addition to reports that are publicly available, three departments have on occasion specially commissioned reports for their own specific needs.
Clearly, one feature of accountability is the need to show that public money is being spent in publicly approved ways.
We would argue then, that knowledge workers, distinct from most managers, do make significant use of external publicly available information sources.
All the works listed had to be publicly accessible, with full details given of international book and serial numbers, conference proceeding publishers and so on.
Based on this they suggest a provocative policy - a regulator might restrict the biological information publicly provided to landowners prior to running the auction.
In the developing countries, forestland and forests are generally publicly owned.
There is no centralized trading location and no publicly posted market price.
Business groups sympathised publicly with the sufferings of the war-damaged and explicitly accepted a (nominal) 50 per cent capital levy.
Their stories and attitudes were widely shared, although, until 1989, never publicly.
I felt it was my duty, also publicly, to still this concern.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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