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词汇 example_english_promise

Examples of promise

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Instead, it exhilarates them with illusions and promises, which can intoxicate but cannot produce results.
He immediately gave himself up and promised to name his accomplices and own up to all his crimes if pardoned.
Patterns of butterfly diversity and promising topics in natural history and ecology.
The analogy suggests that speculation makes a claim, promises something to the community, while contributing nothing at all to other scientists.
Both the process of legislative bargaining and its nation-building object promised to slowly forge a nonzero sum game out of economic rivalry.
The most recent systematic review (4), carried out by an orthopedist, supports these (very promising) findings.
Agencies need to match users' expectations by producing what they have promised.
We suggest that considerations of host sociality and intraspecific interactions represent promising lines of inquiry.
However, since it cannot make any metaphysical promises to its adherents, one would expect that not everybody is "born" to live it.
Now it promised to become a tool for fractionating the cytoplasm of normal cells.
However, this does not mean the novel endorses the manuals' promises.
I indicate how it promises to help alleviate some difficulties facing modern practical ethics.
The difficulty, therefore, is that an inability to access the economic welfare and security that social citizenship promises inhibits any prospect of real inclusion.
A usurper is climbing the steps to the throne, and he promises changes.
To some the year 1918 promised defeat ; certainly there seemed little prospect of the war's end.
However, let us revisit the promises more closely whilst simultaneously interjecting with some of the reality.
Such developing democracies clearly represent promising territory for research on the political impact of television.
Occasionally some concepts and ideas that were important and promising for the future were hidden under a dense ideological cover during the 1920s.
A wager on the family was doubly attractive, promising an alternative welfare network and the discipline of customary kinship.
Thus, the study of bilingual discourse markers promises to make contributions to theories of bilingualism, contact linguistics, and language change.
Another example of the same phenomenon is sistema bleach ('bleach system'), in the advertising campaign of a clothes detergent promising whiter clothes.
Where parties have announced during the election that they will attempt to govern together, they usually keep these promises.
The diagnosis of such barriers promises to alleviate the social isolation of children with developmental disorders, in the process enhancing their communication and literacy.
A new product should not be approved unless there is strong evidence that it is safe and promises important public benefit.
Within the party they were promised autonomy for their organizations and a role in the directing bodies of the provincial federations.
Bhils assembled there on promises of full pardon by the government.
In promising emerging democracies, progress has been uneven, fragile and all too often reversible.
The reality is retirement saving represents a payoff that is too distant and uncertain, and pleasure promised tomorrow means pain today.
Beyond these broad promises little detailed information is available about the future value of the basic state pension.
The application of individual psychology to history promised a means to approach the interaction of ideas and personality.
He was determined, however, not to be fooled by any further false promises.
In the case of false promises the answer must be that he cannot.
There must also be a party for which they can vote that promises to translate their fears into remedial government policy if elected to office.
Gold diggers were therefore free to search promising mining spots.
Clear examples of such rights are moral rights to promises being kept.
The promises of assimilation fell short of the rhetoric.
Neither of these extremes looks promising in itself, so no doubt the best answer lies somewhere in between - a combination of instruction and experience.
They know from bitter experience that politicians' promises of prosperity can easily evaporate into deepening poverty and widening income gaps.
While modernity may have gone wrong, while it may not have yielded the culture, affinities, and social promises it intended, it is still modernity.
Ethical trust is 'the reciprocal confidence that every citizen has in the probity and justice of the other, that is, simple conventions and promises'.
Rather, perennial grain breeders are pursuing two parallel strategies: domesticating promising wild perennials and hybridizing annual crops with perennial relatives.
Commissives (promising, proposing, contracting) are commitments which need not be based on evidence.
Because of these promises, the men eschewed training programmes available to them as ex-combatants and amputees.
A high-valence politician would be expected to be more successful in delivering on policy promises than a low-valence politician.
The purpose of the oath was to hold man to his promises.
The state may not, when required, provide the guarantee/payment initially promised.
The results showed that such an approach was promising.
However, it seems promising to experiment with such data in smaller, laboratory contexts to drive the development of new methods in this area.
The cooption of those with social influence promised cheap and effective government.
Carter himself had promised in his 1976 campaign to promote deregulation in the name of equity and efficiency and made the airlines his first target.
A sense, rightly or not, that the promises of the postwar world were unfulfilled.
In particular, it is not quite the optimised program that we promised in the introduction.
Due to the long-term nature of promised pension benefits, pension funds are able to follow a long-horizon investment policy.
We have tested the proposed controller by extensive computer simulations and the results appear to be promising.
We are promised spiritual eternity, so why not a fatalism?
Still, despite these defects, the regime promises to provide more import and export (depending, of course, on the electricity market conditions) than before.
Thus, one of the promises of the introduction of e-governance is that it would help to stabilize bureaucratic procedures and state-citizen interactions.
The discussion and valuation of pension promises is presented intuitively, making it easy to follow and to understand the economics behind pension funding and accounting.
While promising, these results are preliminary and require replication.
Although therapeutical application is promising, little is known about the physiological properties of this cell type.
Based on this analysis, we propose a method to select promising index terms from among various types of index terms in the second-phase retrieval.
Consequently, the number of words tagged fell far short of the 1000 initially promised.
Second, promises of future policy play no role as agents look only at inflation outcomes.
Unforeseeable sound events leave no promises and open no temporal horizons, leaving no traces of themselves in time.
Instead, it promises to support and sustain the evolution of the very idea of 'music'.
What types of promises are generally acceptable in exchange, what kinds are not, and why?
The chapter reviews the qualitative analysis, promising "an in-depth analysis of the linguistic and extralinguistic factors which pertain in the interviews" (p. 79).
Surplus for each regime when promised utilities are truncated at autarky.
Others are kept near the initial level (although not, of course, exactly at the initial level) of promised utility.
I offer the following information and thoughts to what promises to be a long-running discussion.
Even here, however, the niche construction model so far promises more than it delivers.
Once this has been accomplished, promising cases that depart in one way or another can be interpreted within the framework established by the clear cases.
She agreed to find a physician to interpret his medical reports and promised to contact him again.
Fully-funded pension schemes reduce the need for future tax increases to pay for pension promises.
In some cases they had promised the older person that they would never have to move into a nursing home.
Disposition 1: usually does what he 0 she promises.
A number of long existing but still growing and promising plasma technologies and their recent advances were vigorously discussed.
The promises are as contradictory as the society that establishes them.
The next step in the process is to test promising compounds in clinical trials.
Further, virtually every party made campaign promises on revaluation it could not keep and often had no intention of keeping.
The book fails, overall, to deliver what its title promises.
He promised progreso y bienestar (progress and prosperity) for all campesinos.
On this view, people who restrict themselves to promises involving bananas, rather than lives, are likely to end up in better moral standing.
Every student1 promised to come but the idiots1 missed the train.
Obviously, we are only at the beginning of this journey, which promises to change radically our view of eukaryotic transcription.
At first glance, reducing future benefits promised to current workers would not seem to increase resources available to invest now.
The retirement benefits promised under current law reduce the amount people believe they need to save on their own for retirement.
In fact, some or most of the decline could have been due to the failure of management to deliver on their promises.
The canons, for their part, promised to contribute each year the tithe from their benefice, together with a prebend's income.
Participants were promised a summary of the results and stamps to cover postage.
Various tests using the scale and the concepts behind it appear to be promising.
They promised to set up schools next to their cathedrals, and some do in fact date from this period.
He writes the self-incriminating letter because he has promised to.
He has promised that in extremity he will send for her, and she will come and be his nurse.
In a world apparently given over to the mimetic forms of the "private life", art promises to give some sort of "outside" to social relations.
Despite this, bioremediation is the least developed treatment technology, although a number of promising site studies and other research activities have been done.
Second, promises are made by acts intended to undertake obligations and confer rights.
Only acts whose purpose is to realize this result are promises; not so consent.
In lieu of an ideal functional profile, the use of alternative heuristics may be promising.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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