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词汇 example_english_privileged

Examples of privileged

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
In these circumstances, it is difficult to maintain that the intersection rate is in some way privileged by virtue of its construction.
Reference to a 'liberation fund' highlights the (relatively) privileged position of the coffee workers on the city's waterfront.
The use of agreements in central-local government relations indicates a privileged position for the local government associations in the decision-making process.
Small groups of exploitive agents, even when privileged, have little success in taking advantage of, much less destroying, communities of co-operative agents.
In almost every debate, impressions are privileged over substance.
There is the imperial memoir, getting within the framework of one volume privileged and influential overseas experience at innumerable sites.
Tribalism thus has come to be synonymous with a system of wasta-privileged access to the system of patron-clientelism fostered by the state.
The important realms of the mind and culture are too privileged by histories that become ' thick descriptions ' or retrievals of a discourse.
Second, civil affairs departments could ask for material investment or privileged policies at local levels on behalf of 'community services'.
Both examples suggest a culturalpolitical logic - unwritten, fluid, but influential - which leaves some indigenous organisations privileged and others all but excluded.
The author was not only a privileged observer but also a secondary actor in the events of 1965 which sharpened the profile of this dispute.
Instead, they use their privileged access to the administration to lobby ministers to deliver local public goods to their constituencies.
The state conferred upon a privileged few the right to unilaterally set prices, regulate output and exclude competitors from the market.
When the use of names in meaningful propositions is emphasized, there is no longer need for a privileged process of thinking.
However, mid vowels which are non-initial are not permitted in surface forms unless they share height features with a vowel in the privileged initial syllable.
Only a privileged few papers were authorized to publish political news at all.
We may overestimate the level of satisfaction in the latter countries because the resident urban population usually is a privileged group.
The latter refers to the issue usually privileged in welfare state analysis - the scope and coverage of benefit provision.
The volume also gives history a privileged place in its framework of analysis in terms of the relative weight it attributes to memory.
Instead, what is privileged is a particular decision maker - the lower court.
More privileged groups have a clear advantage to use this as an additional tool in their 'struggle for land'.
I am privileged if my life is used for your benefit.
The psycholinguistic evidence reviewed above demonstrates clearly that initial syllables have a privileged processing status.
Although death metal musicians privileged an 'unseen' global underground over present, local repertoires, local texts also served as important indigenising addenda.
Only occasionally did women of privileged status participate in this lucrative trade.
The dialogue history is then a privileged communication area between processes.
Science is privileged to fully explicate the single truth of the real.
She has worked her way into a set of privileged business relations through an unparalleled combination of market savvy, charisma, and sheer gall.
On the one hand, one would expect that in k-cameral legislatures there are privileged dimensions of conflict and compromise.
Vocalising softly, casually, confidentially, he ' has our ear'; he is privileged as our main informant.
Two aspects of this newly privileged position are examined.
Churches, too, are privileged cultural spaces, but it is perhaps more significant that they are associated with heightened emotions and, frequently, with evocative architecture.
In essence, a great deal of academic work has over-privileged the recording industry at the expense of other sectors.
On the one hand, there existed an economic rationality that privileged efficiency, business success and economic freedom.
In this approach, with situations which the subjects are led to construct themselves, the adequate representations are increasingly privileged.
Ours are the first fully supportive behavioral data we know of for the privileged access and this was found using meaningful sentence contexts.
They found privileged access to function words in a task where subjects had to read sentences aloud and make a semantic judgement later.
Indeed, she charges that much feminist representation has privileged gender to the detriment of race and class.
In these cases, landlords or their agents often had privileged access to market information and could provide better managerial skills.
In this narrative action is privileged over motivation.
Of®cial memory, fabricated and promoted by the authorities, is privileged over history.
Being's privileged place does not rest on some objective truth, but on a choice to emphasize being over nonbeing.
Physicians became intermediaries between patients and drug firms and in other ways also developed a privileged position in the medical economy.
Does being in a privileged position also allow us to assert the existence of disease even though it is only expressed under specific conditions?
Ethicists, although making important contributions in some cases, do not have a privileged position.
Engagingly the essays are arranged alphabetically by author, to remove any sense that either of these often discordant disciplines is being privileged.
Recent approaches have used linguistic theory, including literary language as an important but not privileged variety.
Once upon a time it might be argued, say about 1960, professors indeed seemed to constitute a privileged and sheltered class.
The period of maximum deficit in growth, compared with the more privileged populations, lies between 3 months and 15 months of age.
Why do poorer people file with the rabbinical court whereas more privileged parties turn to the family court?
In contrast to the symbolic rule-based account of inflectional morphology, there is no privileged, explicit, default rule.
She argues that verbs which undergo grammaticalization cross-linguistically play a privileged role in the acquisition process.
Depending on the message, the child's current grammar, and the discourse context, different parts of the message will be privileged.
To which body shall we concede this privileged position?
In the approach of mechanical models, however, mechanical analogy still has a privileged role and influences the form of the mathematical analogies.
They privileged their system as the only true one.
How could the philosopher fail to be attracted by this particularly privileged and organized fragment of reality?
As the privileged -ocked to the court, real and other property was concentrated into even fewer hands.
Given the wide-ranging canvases of these two volumes, it would be foolish to imagine, or probably to expect, that towns might occupy some privileged position.
In contrast to another institutional influence - the privileged trading areas - it nevertheless only had a very modest influence on the urban system.
At the isotropic configuration, there are no privileged directions of motion in the taskspace; so the compliance agility ellipsoid becomes a sphere.
Conversely, those less likely to enjoy privileged status, such as craftsmen, labourers and rural workers, were under-represented as litigants in the university courts.
Kemble describes her passage from one part of the tunnel to the other in theatrical terms as a privileged look behind the scenes.
In this sense the actor is in a privileged position to reflect our being human precisely because of the imperative to act.
The purpose of this alliance was for each party to maintain a privileged position in domestic politics and society.
Right to the end, very few of the political elite came from privileged backgrounds or were even born in the great metropolitan centres.
The idea of a cosmos centred on our unique and privileged position in space-time became more and more preposterous.
Moreover, under simple-majority voting - the paradigmatic democratic decision rule - no option is privileged over any other.
First, a privileged foundational practice (or set of foundational practices) could determine the role of other practices.
Because of the likelihood that many judges' presuppositions in easy cases are indeed subconscious, the judges themselves do not have privileged access thereto.
Most obviously, questions and expressions of race appear to have been privileged over other social and cultural categories.
Existing elites or newly privileged groups thus gain control and exclude the less powerful.
In particular, it cannot be used to guide practices from a privileged position above all practices and contexts.
Although chamber officials could not marshal comparable political mobilization in their favor, they did wield advantages that privileged their interactions with state elites.
Even as she assumes a privileged role in society, she simultaneously accepts the cultural and moral codes in her role as a single woman.
The unelected head, despite its privileged position, cannot ignore the results of elections or the powers of the elected head.
Such ' development ' helped to improve the lot of a privileged few while doing little to increase output.
They are the privileged jargon of the well-educated, part indeed of their logocentrism.
Slowly, physicians and surgeons began to use their privileged pathological learning to further bolster their professional authority and standing.
Suddenly, the bolseros enjoyed a privileged role as leaders of the private financial sector.
Lower courts otherwise are of very little tactical or strategic utility to groups with privileged standing in the high court.
The poor however did not submissively exist in the background whilst the privileged aristocracy strutted confidently in the foreground.
In particular, the state's agents seemed reluctant to pursue owners of private woodlands, especially if they were wealthy, privileged and well-placed.
They espoused a philosophy of national interests - that excluded no-one explicitly - that privileged no class, region, or economic sector.
The middle-class culture of professionalism privileged first-hand experience of reality in work and in play.
The lesson is that there is no escaping into some privileged area which can exclude encountered awkwardness.
Instead, he claimed that it was a privileged form within that society.
If his speech is not inherently privileged, if it can be reduced to the degraded status of empty wind, then his authority is gone.
Artisans and traders living on this privileged land escaped the tax and other service duties of townsmen.
Although few first-hand accounts of their reactions have surfaced, we can discern them between the lines of more privileged reviewers.
The second part of this book is devoted to this privileged group of the poor.
The resources that are directed to this purpose give this community privileged access to the material evidence of the past.
In narratives in the old regime the past was privileged, in keeping with a tradition-bound culture.
The least privileged evacuees came to think of themselves as discarded 'elements'.
Every aesthetic theory chooses a privileged object that 'illustrates' its principles.
All other theatrical enterprises possessed an ambiguous legal status that made them vulnerable to attacks by their privileged counterparts.
Under the ancien regime, the privileged theatres had acquired proprietary rights over dramatic works performed on their stages.
They also used their privileged position to restrict access to the sacred.
Serious methodologists do not, in fact, claim a privileged position from which to legislate the practice of economics.
In the first generation of bioethics issues, bioethicists could be cast as privileged observers and disinterested commentators.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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