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词汇 example_english_presuppose

Examples of presuppose

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Obviously, the original argument presupposes a highly skewed distribution of size, which requires a large number of weak countries to flock together against a villain.
Just governance presupposes the guidance of behavior, and the issuing of prohibitions is necessary for such guidance.
We continue to use for a context of such assumptions, again presupposing that all variables labelling hypotheses in a judgment are distinct.
The possibility of social control through law therefore presupposes a basic cognitive autonomy of the legal subject.
There is no reason to think that the latter content cannot be asserted but can only be presupposed.
Logically, of course, we cannot say everything's accidental: the concept of ' accident' presupposes a complementary class of ' non-accidents'.
They attach implausible conditions and interpretations to claims in this area - for example that a coming-to-be presupposes a pre-existing domain within which the coming-to-be occurs.
Our account presupposed that these contextual assumptions made phatic interpretations more relevant (and non-phatic assumptions less relevant) than they would otherwise have been.
Furthermore, case assignment is presupposed several chapters before the crucial uninterpretable case features are introduced (281ff.).
Rather, it presupposes the existence and the authority of such sentiments.
More marked has come to mean ' less informative than ', or else ' accentuating ' (61) affirmative statements either by presupposing them or by correcting them.
The unusual constituents are pernicious from a point of view upholding the concept of rigid/stereotypical syntactic constituency often presupposed by traditional theories of syntax.
On the other hand, some thornier concepts are never explicitly introduced, but rather presupposed.
No more ' free' lands remained; a situation had been created in which every fresh conquest presupposed wresting territory from its owner.
Characteristics of persons and settings are, at best, indexically presupposed by the utterances deemed appropriate to them.
Still, not knowing how to vote in a referendum presupposes that one does not have an unequivocal opinion about the issue at stake.
The overall question presupposes that the purpose of intelligent life is to communicate.
The 'power of organized numbers',80 thus, presupposes the power to organise numbers.
The argument ... presupposes that it makes sense to speak of a power to choose evil.
The doctrine clearly presupposes that what we might call ' conditionals of freedom ' can be true.
Participation in physical exercise presupposes personal commitment related to motivation, ability, and will.
Embedded under a non-factive predicate, however (as they are above), these propositions are not presupposed and not taken for granted by the questions.
In each case, any specific project presupposes a development of the tool in a given direction which restricts certain aspects and expands others.
In various ways it presupposes and sometimes stimulates and influences the presence of types of music-making which are not directly electroacoustic.
Moreover, it presupposes very little in the way of linguistic processing, working solely on the basis of the shallow analysis provided by a (super)tagger.
Rather than escaping local practice, this intellectual work explicitly presupposes and rests upon that local practice.
At any time during a given discourse situation, a proposition can either be presupposed or expressed via a parenthetical (or a non-restrictive relative clause).
Clearly, this usage of time and the attributes presupposed provide meaning not apparent in the earlier example, (9).
The entire structure that leads to my account of injunctions is necessarily presupposed by any sort of ordering by contract. 30.
On the contrary, it values individuation and presupposes anything but a lifeless uniformity.
Such action presupposes the presence of a rational self, and neither young children nor adults with dementia fit this category.
Demonstration of these associations is necessary, but not sufficient, evidence for a model that presupposes common processes underlying generation and temporary storage of language representations.
Yamamoto (1999: 149) claims that agentivity presupposes animacy.
If we want an answer to that question, we cannot use a modelling strategy which presupposes that properties of the model are common knowledge.
The concept of stability presupposes a steady, or periodic, basic flow.
On the other hand, since code-switched forms are not integrated, their occurrence presupposes some degree of bilingualism.
Lateral gene transfer as we know it today presupposes significant similarities in the genomes of the microbes involved.
Specifically, the deceptive object task involves a mismatch between an object's presupposed identity and its actual identity.
However, this study presupposes that a family is composed of a married heterosexual couple with children.
Accounting exercises that are inherently subjective such as valuation, can acquire an institutionalized objectivity by virtue of being widely presupposed to be valid.
None the less the statement ' every religion either presents or presupposes a theory of the good ', while not a necessary truth, is true.
Similarly, the simple case presupposes the facts of moral agency, value, virtue, duty and moral relationship.
Active integration, in his terms, was "apperception," which presupposed a capacity of inhibition.
Rather, encyclopedias became reflexive; they described themselves as the science of science - which presupposed that science existed independently of encyclopedias.
Criticism presupposes the existence of a contemporary alternative - the paradigm concept denies it.
On the one hand, gender differences are typically presupposed to be nondifferentiating factors in color vision.
True, shadows slither among these anthologized ghosts, but a shadow presupposes a solid substance lurking somewhere, even if we cannot see it.
Have we not just conceded that the normativity of law, like that of any other conventional practice, has to be presupposed?
The first part in this process is to realize that the myth presupposes that the alliance was something it never really was, close and harmonious.
The presence of secondary glyphs presupposes the presence of primary glyphs.
No union can simultaneously engage all of an individual's potential resources ; moreover, any ' ' particular union ' ' presupposes the exclusion of others.
Nevertheless, that presupposes that the patterns are understood to be true in a fundamental sense.
Sentence (5a) presupposes a global view such that the boundary falls within the visual ®eld, as in ®gure 4(a).
The rationale for regulation is the assumption that discrimination is unfair; the legal issue presupposes the moral one.
At the same time, the legal issue presupposes the moral one and the presumption of unfairness.
Broackes thinks that our theory presupposes some version of opponent-process theory.
Lastly, the function of altruistic responses is to promote the individual's welfare, which frequently presupposes or relies on the welfare of others (persons or groups).
A child cannot know in advance what kind of phenomenon belongs to the core and the periphery, respectively, if one presupposes the puzzle strategy.
Both kinds of transactions presupposed that the purchasing company had convertible foreign exchange.
The typical intelligence test presupposes that the number of dimensions needed and their indicators are the same for a very wide range of age groups.
However, performing an action in order to produce an intended effect presupposes advance knowledge about the respective action-effect relationship.
As suggested earlier, the notion of interaction with a setting presupposes an understanding of its organizing principles.
Such a decision to improve one's behavior presupposes a valid judgment of who needs help more urgently.
Meta-analysis presupposes a homogeneity of the services and patient groups studied that is unwarranted in the case of current mental health services research.
Our data-specification presupposes the use of trees with relations at the nodes and content at the leaves.
The concept of "hobby" presupposes a sharp dividing line between work and recreation.
However, cognition - in the sense that is presupposed by the cognitivist interpretation of relativism - is only par tly culture-specific.
Accepting the truth presupposes that we accept the theistic context of understanding and rejecting the truth presupposes that we reject this context.
The crucial difference is that while conservation presupposes an object of the divine action, creation does not.
What is presupposed here is that a ' rationally acceptable belief ' is, essentially, a belief that is justified with respect to its truth-promoting function.
A framing principle is any proposition the truth of which is presupposed by all other propositions within a specified domain or context (or framework).
The thinking\\believing\\hoping subject presupposes the existence of meaningful propositions ; it cannot account for their existence.
In response to the critic's arguments it should be pointed out that she presupposes a foundationalist frame of reference.
Nothing is presupposed about the nature of spirits, if they actually exist.
Context-specific corpora only reveal this shared knowledge indirectly, insofar as it is presupposed in the way that language is used.
The duty to pay compensation for a private-law wrong presupposes a breach of some private-law duty.
Call a legal duty secondary just when it presupposes a violation of some other legal duty; otherwise call it primary.
Such a notion presupposes a prior notion of theoretical progress, a notion that ordinary speakers then most likely lacked.
In the first place, nothing in the last few paragraphs has presupposed the indeterminacy of answers to moral questions.
Note that the context formation judgement presupposes that the signature is well-formed, rather than checking signature formation at the leaves.
Because of the overall small numbers, the zero anaphors were counted with the pronouns and represent the ' more presupposing ' referential expressions.
However, to understand and linguistically express a sequence of events presupposes an advanced level of narrative competence.
Furthermore, the formation of rules out of cases presupposes the stability of the underlying processes.
To be sure, (10b) presupposes the external relation.
As a result, the claim that sincetype conjunctions introduce presupposed information might be difficult to confirm empirically.
Rather, his criterion presupposes the ability to individuate properties.
Note that it presupposes that hermeneutics is concerned entirely with the interpretation of language.
Within masculine sexuality the most significant other is the male- but it is a significance which presupposes, and is rehearsed in relation to, the female.
Fourthly, criminal law, in common with all branches of substantive law, presupposes a complex body of procedural rules and the law of evidence.
I would claim that the autonomy and self-sufficiency presupposed for narrative worlds are compatible with some principal aspects of the pragmatic definition of fictionality.
Identifying temporality with narrativity is presupposed in definitions of the narrative present.
The chief intent of any sermon is to edify its hearers; it is a genre that presupposes a collective audience.
Moreover, it presupposes a context of narrative and practices - 'narrative' is the temporal context in which our lives are made intelligible.
Modern science presupposes an intelligibility which makes sense if the world is created as a result of design.
Starting an independent household presupposes a marriage, which is still not a matter of personal choice.
The only exception matters when analysing crop-price uncertainty, which presupposes the existence of markets for agricultural outputs.
Such an analysis, however, presupposes a particular theory of grammar.
Such a claim could only be made if one accepts as an axiom that must presupposes more speaker-involvement than have to.
In this case, the reputation argument attempts to establish present optimality by presupposing future optimality.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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