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词汇 example_english_press

Examples of press

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
My comments here, however, are very general, and apply to any argument which presses the problem of evil on the basis of empirical evidence.
However, some issues are pressing and the pilot has had to find the answers itself.
The participants were asked to indicate if they detected the target by pressing separate buttons on the keyboard (' 1 '=yes, ' 9 '=no).
In some, the animals' bodies are pressed into clumsy and unnaturalistic positions more suited to a human body.
The subject had to respond to the square immediately after it appeared on the display by pressing a key on a special keyboard.
The plasma pressed by the magnetic field to the internal electrode is unstable because of an unfavorable curvature of the magnetic field lines.
Cats were strongly discouraged from arbitrarily pressing the response pedal.
Her comrades pressed her to go, but she was already distancing herself from them and decided to stay behind.
In essence, beginners pressed for being included as the beneficiaries of this technology.
One is the arrival of keyboard microcomputers, the twentieth-century equivalent of the fifteenth-century printing presses...
The intestine was then divided into ten equal sections, pressed in a trichine compressorium and cysticercoids counted under the microscope.
Large groups, perhaps corporate parties, find appropriate places for pressing flesh, or whatever it is that they do.
Specifically, they pressed for high tariffs on select groups of goods and low or zero tariffs on raw materials, intermediate, and capital goods.
Based on the epidemiological data of our study, there is a pressing need to implement control measures on this population.
Trematodes were fixed in glacial acetic acid and pressed between two slides, and preserved in 70% ethyl alcohol.
Pitch is controlled by varying the point at which wire presses a metal bar.
Let p1 be the proposition that pressing the power switch resulted in a green light.
Juveniles were artificially hatched from the eggs by gently pressing on the cover-slip with a mounted needle.
There are many pressing questions that need to be addressed within the context of spiritual issues and end-of-life care.
The practitioner described sending a client to a social worker after determining from her intake interview that her pressing issue was substandard housing.
Together, these studies indicate that there is a pressing need for empirical studies of the relationship between social cognition and social dysfunction in schizophrenia.
Observers were asked to indicate if they detected the target by pressing separate keys on the computer keyboard (' 1 '=yes, ' 9 '=no).
They were continually pressed by deadlines and emergency situations, which needed to be taken care of immediately for production to continue.
The result is a telling demonstration of how linguistic analysis can shed light on pressing social problems.
There is still much to be learned about these provincial presses.
While the button is not pressed, the height of the wand controls the note number, as in the precedent mode.
The participants then pressed a space bar when they were ready to see the first word.
The next fixation point was presented 600 ms after the examiner pressed the key for entering accuracy.
The third is the degree of vocal fold adduction, which reflects the degree to which the vocal folds are pressed against each other.
Each piece, under the weight of long narrative monologues, seems at this stage to have been pressed into the shape of an exclusively literary object.
Concerns about overinclusiveness seem less pressing for the unanimity version.
Each listener sat in front of a computer screen showing three buttons that could be pressed using the mouse.
The conclusion includes a prospective view and has remarks on inter-marriage and the pressing need to eradicate poverty and ageist discrimination through government legislation.
There is, therefore, a pressing need to learn about the role of socio-cultural factors in the experience and response to dementia.
They instead pressed for the adoption of the more widely used metric system.
Even a hungry rat rewarded by food for pressing a lever is to an extent controlling itself.
The other is the hook causing the lever to remain at rest prior to when the shutter release button is pressed.
After the subject responded by pressing a push button, the target disappeared, and a new target appeared in the next position.
Throughout the 1950s, this extensive network of administrators sought for rules and conditions which would enable municipalities to cope with their most pressing ®nancial problems.
Participants pressed one of two buttons to indicate the position of the face on the screen.
They pressed for social welfare programmes backed by both the private and the public sector.
Secretions from frozen larvae were obtained by defrosting them and subsequently pressing the integument gently with forceps on both sides of the osmeteria.
Positive affect and depression pressing interest in her.
If no key is pressed within 5000 ms, the response is recorded as incorrect.
In experimental paradigms, rhesus monkey subjects also pressed a bar to avoid witnessing the shock of a conspecific object.
The time between button presses was recorded and its correlation to the distances between illuminated places on the map was computed.
There is a pressing need for developing a general model for mapping the phenotype of reaction norms to multiple environmental factors.
Naming latencies were collected using an indirect method whereby the experimenter pressed a key on the computer keyboard when the child initiated a response.
Finally, the database is pressed into service to answer our questions about convergence and divergence.
Doubtless there are reasons for pressing these possibilities, but we are skeptical.
The pressing need of these patients is to control the pain and maintain physical function.
Their task was to choose the agent of each sentence as fast as possible by pressing the spatially closer button.
Then embryos were isolated from the endosperm and pericarp by gently pressing the seed at the cotyledon end.
When we observed the participants' behavior during the experiments, they pressed and massaged the real specimen with their finger.
The issue is particularly pressing in the case of lifesaving procedures.
However, as cats detected most targets preinjection and most ipsilateral targets postinjection, they had fewer oppor tunities for late pedal presses in these trials.
In addition, a shaped and padded form pressed against the back of the head and prevented ver tical, lateral, and posterior movements of the head.
Each trial began with the target presentation and was continued whenever the animal pressed a key with its right hand.
The participants read this display and then pressed a key to request the second display.
Both men pressed the technical limits of their respective media in an attempt to exercise maximal control over the reception of their work.
Such prospects were often at their brightest when there was a pressing need for farm labor.
After aligning the images, the observer pressed a key which star ted the session.
In sum, the book provides up-to-date research on the pressing issue of the discourse functions of tense and aspect from a variety of perspectives.
Repeatedly, in the wake of the country's many democratic transitions, subnational officials wasted no time in pressing for a greater share of revenues.
The ultimate stage is to ask players to take up their places in space and only to move when some internal urge presses on them.
The former claim is supported with data from experiments that require overt behaviours, such as button presses, in rapid response to reasonably simple stimuli.
The windows are pressed out to the plane of the facade, leaving deep interior window niches whose sides are splayed to admit more light.
The participant then pressed the space bar to obtain the next item which might be the next test sentence or a comprehension question.
All participants pressed the ' '+' ' button with the index ®nger of their dominant hand and the ' '7' ' button with the middle ®nger of the same hand.
The image shows 20-30 surviving projectile fragments each less than 1 mm in size pressed into a textured substrate.
He then pressed his right fist to his chest over his hear t two times.
They attacked the movement and pressed the federal government to remove its leaders.
There remains the pressing issue of whether their affective impairment should influence responsibility ascriptions.
As such, there is a pressing need to investigate the underlying disease mechanisms and detailed preclinical studies in animal models are crucial.
The old man had pressed him to stay, declaring that his presence would help him back to health.
At the same time water is pressed out of the mantel cavity in order to loosen the shell from the sediment.
Therefore, we consider the use of cold pressed oil directly in the tractor as more in line with organic philosophy.
A nasal mask and an oral mask were held by the speaker and pressed tightly around the nose and mouth when the sentences were uttered.
When pressed on what shape this resource would take, a number of stakeholders identi ed the need for a nurse specialist role.
The space bar was also used to indicate indecision, or having previously pressed the wrong response key.
The subject pressed the keyboard as soon as the spot appeared.
We get £28 a week whether we are sitting at a machine all day or operating heavy presses.
Fish even implies this: for if the mind were truly closed, then the "urgencies" would not be pressing in on us.
They should simply go on organising the masses, pressing for social reform, and remain true to their unyielding opposition.
Ethnography is tied to people's lives, and in life the past is continually active in the present as it presses into the future.
In addition, there is an equally pressing need to understand the connections between brain and mind.
To do this, both wills and accounts must be pressed into service.
The conservation and management issue is one of reducing fishing capacity to address increasingly pressing economic and biological issues.
He hoped to address pressing economic problems which demanded political compromise: war debts, tariff and quota reductions, exchange restrictions, and the like.
When the participant was correctly looking at the fixation point, the experimenter pressed a button, causing a stimulus item to appear on the screen.
Participants read the sentences word by word and pressed the space bar as soon as they thought the sentence had stopped making sense.
Participants pressed the space bar to start the next trial.
By and large, these rights are civil and formal-legal; the notion of 'rights' to some output of social policy is alien and, when pressed, controversial.
Another pressing issue is the matter of teenage pregnancies.
In piano playing this would mean the fingers being pressed against the keys and giving us feedback of our movement through sounds.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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