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词汇 example_english_precious

Examples of precious

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The continuous decline in precious-metal content was the safety valve that made possible the stability of prices expressed in trade coins.
Precious metal coinages and the mass disbursements of imported wine, attested in a few regions archaeologically, fit comfortably into an analysis of this kind.
Look at it this way: in some moods, or in some contexts, one might think that human beings are precious.
One has taken care to use those that are most rare and most precious in those places closest to the king's person.
One can learn much from one's own errors and precious little from one's triumphs.
The technology itself was simple enough for a child to figure out, and inexpensive enough that adults were not precious about it.
A procession of priests making an offering of blood or something precious.
We rely on them to cultivate a very precious natural resource, brainpower, and they consume a significant part of total government expenditure.
One final example of material evidence that indicates social inequality is metalwork, especially that produced in precious metals.
In addition, advances in surgical techniques increasingly allow for smaller biopsies, and precious tissue samples are quickly exhausted.
There were precious few defenders of this institution.
A literary work itself may also function as a crypt for this author, a way of holding onto someone or something precious yet problematic.
Precious substances, needing environmental stability, are sometimes stored in chalk.
In addition, it was necessary to recover the precious metals from the waste produced by goldsmiths or in the minting of coins.
Also, interpreting time is precious, so routine consultations are missing the interpreting time as the interviews need an interpreter.
Ceramic rhyta were in all likelihood more readily obtained substitutes for rhyta made of precious metals.
To the development economist, environmental matters thus appeared a trifle precious, not wholly relevant to the urgencies of poor countries.
Unetymological spellings involving h -, however, provide precious evidence in other respects, and are discussed in section 5.
The condition in which any study can -ourish is a precious commodity in townships with cramped living conditions and few essential facilities.
Nevertheless, this information is important because seed is precious and may be in short supply.
Where permeability is valued, such that mental release is good, the mind can either release precious things for public use or fail to do so.
Where this happened it took away precious time and enormous energy from other economic and social preoccupations.
However, this model reduced economic development to trade alone and, more specifically, to long-distance trade in mainly precious commodities.
Opportunities once in a while to stand back and assess the ' big picture ' are precious.
We believe that each model contribution is precious in shedding light on a particular angle of interaction.
Because information is precious and must be preserved as much as possible, the principle of minimal change can provide a strategy to perform revision.
The person whose curiosity elicits questions of this caliber brings the most precious of commodities to the research endeavor.
Without their precious collaboration, this project could not have come to fruition.
My frustration level rose as precious time was spent in this unproductive way.
Precious little compromise is possible in a book which starts like that.
Precious foreign currency needed for raw materials purchases could not be squandered on debt servicing.
Precious land has been taken up by exploration and the pipeline network, and destroyed by frequent oil spillage.
You are too precious to us to have such risk.
On other occasions nurses stepped inside my world and touched the depth of my person with their presence and caring - always a precious gift.
Thus coins competed with the aristocratic value system, in which the exchange of precious metal played an important role.
The connecting link, in this neolithic culture as everywhere, is that she has irrevocably lost the precious bond to a beloved being.
One day, when she is raking out the ashes in the brazier, she finds a precious ring.
Exploration work against the implicit space is a precious commodity.
Information delivered with an abundance that was undreamt of thirty years ago is a precious asset to the working lexicographer.
A pity that these gifts - churches, manors, lands, rents, tithes, precious objects or books - are not included in the index, which confines itself to names.
Anonymous and well done, now give me precious, lasting satisfaction.
You will find precious little about tempo, texture, harmony, arrangements or performance idiosyncrasies.
An agent who lives without this ability must constantly invest precious energy in reacting to external stimuli.
Palliating confusion in those precious last days of life should be addressed with the same rigor as are pain, nausea, and emotional distress.
At the same time, precious information can be obtained from the effects induced by the hyperfine coupling.
However, information is precious, and one generally tries to remove the least information possible, which is illustrated by the principle of minimal change.
Precious few could be better suited to write it.
Moreover, by the late eighteenth century intellectual distinction or "talent" counted among the most precious elements of national glory.
We were robbed of our most precious possession.
Lacking precious metals, its only source of wealth consisted of the large indigenous population.
Once the meteorite enters into contact with water after billions of year of radiation processing, it can release its extremely precious organic matter.
Symptoms involve losing one's basic capabilities as a person, one's most precious possessions: shadow and name, health and heart, and even life itself.
We know precious little of the welfare of older people in the poorest and most rapidly transforming world regions.
We now have to reconstruct an advanced industrial system that does not destroy the precious envelope in which all life on earth must exist.
While such difficulties are often cited to justify opposition to the minimum income option, precious little has been done to address the underlying problems.
People had little say and precious little choice.
A circumstance that the public will perhaps learn with pleasure should render this music precious to true connoisseurs.
As a result, local farmers and landowners scrambled to dig their own deep wells and secure private access to the oasis' precious life blood.
When ideological thinking falls to its minimum, voters rely heavily on character assessments and precious little on issues.
In such precious samples, general features of the bacterial and mineral distribution must be looked for with non-destructive and non-invasive techniques.
As yet there are precious few other strategies for actually falling in love with the mainstream and keeping one's political convictions intact.
Evening or weekend workshops for active researchers would negate the need to negotiate time off work, for others this is precious family time.
Byzantium rewarded the rapprochement by handing over precious manuscripts.
Is the theoretical development elaborated on the basis of one's own dreams a personal theory, specific to and precious for the dreamer, analyst, theoretician?
Rising sea-level thus relentlessly reduced the extent of the precious coastal lowlands used for pastures and hay fields.
In our view, the added strophes should rather be seen as precious concrete evidence of an early reader's response to the manuscript.
How did the precious coin of the sovereign become the twaddle of misguided preachers?
To do otherwise would be to waste a precious gift.
The author singles out this arcane juxtaposition in which precious metal currencies circulated side by side with small currencies, and designates it as heterogeneousness or asymmetry in money.
Rather than seeing the process of discovering others' preferences and forging coalitions as a waste of our precious resources, we might see it as a positive part of being human.
The ability to bridge this gap is a precious commodity and individuals who are able to operate in, contribute to and enhance the world of theory and practice rarer still.
As the thing is more precious, so the measure is larger or smaller even with a measure of the same name and properties, as, for instance, the braccio.
Democratic victories are precious and fragile.
Alongside these, preschool education may be treated like other precious commodities, and parents can expect to be saved from unscrupulous entrepreneurs, but will themselves be able to invest in education.
Working with the flat, reflective surfaces of precious metal is rather like working with words as the steeple-jack puts gold armour plating on the steeple to protect it from corrosion.$!
Indeed, to yield that precious ground to any of the environmental philosophers today would amount to increasingly experiencing the patient as a mere means to some fanciful ecological utopia.
Indeed, the exactitude of the composer's notation might even seem precious if it were not backed up by such evident craft in the deployment of texture and register.
In some parts of the world there is too much of it and in other parts it is so scarce that it is more precious than gold.
Designs are precious productions and designers do return to them, to use them directly or to infer from them analogous structures and moves that can be applied to other designs.
There is precious little attention paid to dealing with uncertainty, despite the fact that everyone must deal with uncertainty continually in life, both for major decisions and minor everyday activities.
Such a bit of wild forest as this small valley and the hilly land beyond are precious lessons in the best way of tree and shrub planting.
He was widely respected and people from all walks of life visited him acquiring grace from his 'precious utterances', 'being directed thereby in the path of righteousness and godly living'.
If the former were the case, then there would be substantial interest in expanding this area of research and maintaining close connections with, and funding for, these precious samples longitudinally.
She paid eight hundred dollars and came home with the precious document that secured his freedom.
Next to his part, an actor's most precious possession was his costume.
In this respect, locality as a cross-contact network is a precious resource.
The primary resource, the most precious and valuable of all, is, of course, the teacher.
Thanks to the records the system produced, historians now possess a particularly precious source for the study of economic transactions, including credit relationships.
To the development economist, environmental matters, therefore, appeared a trifle precious, not wholly relevant to the urgencies of poor societies.
Over a period of time, the use of precious metals, such as silver and gold, became increasingly important.
The collected essays have precious little in common.
At one time it was only precious metals.
We distinguish between fact and fiction but there is, it would seem, precious little that we can say about this distinction beyond asserting it.
At the same time, distinctive local environments seem more precious as global forces foster a bland uniformity in the conditions in which people live.
Every baby has a father, and today it usually seems that the father has received precious little education in family planning.
The frequent success of commodity, precious metal and import merchants best illustrates this phenomenon.
Treating this precious opportunity as though it were trivial or did not matter would be deeply immoral.
No matter how perceptions of the environment are parsed, scapegoat theory receives precious little support from these data.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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