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词汇 example_english_precarious

Examples of precarious

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Do the marginalised accord less legitimacy to state and government institutions than the precarious and integrated?
The current climate of scrutiny (without the infrastructure to respond within an adequate time) is making the position of student-led projects very precarious.
However, 50% of the marginalised indicated that they would do nothing, as opposed to 18% of the integrated and 32% of the precarious.
Are the marginalised more dissatisfied with the political economic system than the precarious and integrated ?
Again, there is an association between being marginalised, precarious or integrated and tolerance for anti-democratic behaviour by government.
Again, the larger proportion is found among the marginalised (26%), decreasing to 18% for the precarious and 4% for the integrated.
Alternatively, those in the middle may choose, temporarily, to leave the bureaucracy and operate, for instance, in electoral politics, from a precarious social movement base.
A close reading of these two protests shows the sometime 'citadel of the avant-garde' at a distinctly precarious moment in its history.
Employment is precarious and unstable, offering few possibilities for expansion.
His idealistic affirmations of citizenship begin to seem rather precarious when set against the racial conflicts taking place across the world.
The framework provides a much fuller picture of why some groups of older people are in a more precarious economic situation than others.
Challenging the authority gained through seniority may also be a threat to their slender or precarious hold on power in the domestic sphere.
The existing level of biodiversity, however, is precarious.
The literary energy of the recusant communion belied a precarious minority position.
Even the troop cost negotiations themselves in-uenced negatively con®dence in sterling, because they underlined quite dramatically how precarious the situation of sterling actually was.
Indeed, the demand may even have been greater, given the precarious nature of state services prior to the nineteenth century in most cultures.
The men were not willing to commit themselves to the project and put their already precarious economic situation even more at risk.
Children who receive less supportive care may, over time, develop a precarious sense of self-esteem, highly vulnerable to subsequent experiences.
Such an enterprise, of course, puts researchers in the statistically precarious position of trying to "prove" the null hypothesis.
Negative attitudes and discriminatory employment practices are reflected in the fact that many older workers occupy a precarious position in the labour market.
Attempts to close the niches in the informal street economy occupied by those apparently at risk merely made their life more precarious.
In the end the line between perception and reality, between truth and propaganda can be a precarious one.
Their rhythms are relatively regular, with repeated stanza forms and rhythmic shapes giving structure to the precarious business of dancing a choral narrative.
Regardless of how it plays out, all the alternatives seem to lead to a large portion of humanity being left in a very precarious state.
I think there's value in this feeling of vertigo, this realisation that causality or determination is precarious and incomplete.
Rural settlements and those with few inhabitants maintain a biological balance which may be quite precarious.
Given the rather precarious ethnic and political situation, it will be difficult to construct a stronger developmental state.
He realizes his position is precarious and therefore makes himself scarce.
Focusing on the marginalised, precarious and integrated, there are notable differences when it comes to the intended intensity of behaviour to defend democracy.
When it comes to willingness to actually do something about anti-democratic government actions there is, again, a discernible pattern between the marginalised, precarious and integrated.
In the marginalised category, 61% oppose anti-democratic behaviour, while the proportion increases to 73% for the precarious and to 79% for the integrated.
The marginalised have a lower disapproval rate of these alternatives, which increases among the precarious and shows a further increase among the integrated.
Overall, the marginalised in the four states show a lower disapproval and a higher approval rate of non-democratic alternatives than the precarious and the integrated.
The precarious economic group is mainly found in urban areas.
The fortunes of the undowried were far more precarious.
The precarious situation of the terrain vague as undefined politically and logistically requires and proposes new models of land acquisition, ownership and management.
They are also reluctant to accept patients' refusal for treatment, and they fasttrack some patients whose health status has become precarious.
Their place in the host communities was particularly precarious; at end of the summer of 1918 half a million refugees were reduced to poverty.
Uprooted from their homes and often alone, evacuees were in a particularly precarious position.
Moving to higher intensity behaviour, the proportions are 14% for the marginalised, 19% for the precarious and 23% for the integrated.
Generally, the integrated are more inclined towards more intensive acts, while the marginalised and precarious are more inclined to do nothing.
Overall, there were therefore no differences between how the marginalised, precarious and integrated rated their governments' performance in this area.
In this scenario, the future for participants is often precarious, and success depends on the ability to be co-opted or excluded by the market.
British socialization policy thus, in late 1947, involved a precarious balancing act.
Second, analysing variation in normative openness and closure suggests that norm creation can involve precarious, fragile social processes which sometimes remain unresolved.
Most importantly, however, these policy measures cannot by themselves change the precarious nature of the labour market with which lowincome families must engage.
Just as a precarious unionism made possible a consociational agreement, so did it also facilitate the hostile reaction to the agreement among some unionists.
We sense that the mediation between, on the one hand, external discipline and respectability, and inner frivolity on the other, is of a precarious nature.
As a quality of the process of human self-realization, freedom cannot be anything but contestatory and discontinuous or precarious.
People were living on sidewalks, and workers' living conditions were extremely precarious.
He advances hypotheses with measured circumspection, due obviously to the sometimes precarious nature of corroborating evidence.
However, it is made clear here that the precarious conditions of the health infrastructure in the years before the epidemic were of comparable importance.
Today the latter are demoted to a precarious state, objects of attack in the pursuit of political correctness.
Rather, they seek to highlight the variety, complexity, and instability of masculine identities as well as the sometimes precarious position of men.
Living in distributed subjectivity is, of course, a precarious business in precisely this sense.
She portrays the latter as a secondary construction, precarious, built on the repression of femininity.
With doctors' incomes so precarious, infusions of government dollars should have been welcomed, or at least not actively opposed.
Obviously, then, the independence of the small weaving household was precarious.
The structures of solidarity, always precarious, were threatened in new ways.
However, in the long run, the relative speed of innovation in different sectors and regions will matter and may break such precarious equilibrium.
Post-operatively, her hemodynamic status remained precarious, with high pulmonary arterial pressures which decreased only after inhalation of nitric oxide.
Undertaking to write a dictionary of this kind is a precarious task.
The economic position of a widow who had received little wealth from her husband, especially if she had young children, was extremely precarious.
Moreover, women who refused to conform were excluded from their households and communities and were thus condemned to a precarious existence.
Among those who indicated that they would do so, if given the chance, the integrated have a higher protest potential than the precarious and marginalised.
The integrated (across the board) are more inclined to protest than the marginalised and precarious.
The latter form the major component of the precarious, and are looking for full-time work without being able to find it.
In other words, the marginalised were not more dissatisfied than the precarious or integrated.
Consent has legitimizing force only if coercion is absent - if there is coercion, meaningful consent is precarious and dissent should be expected.
Fieldwork during the harvest of 2002 showed the condition of the stock of chopper-harvesters to be particularly precarious.
They are well aware of just how precarious their political existence is.
As it was, the situation was precarious from start to finish.
The postoperative period appears to be a particularly precarious time, with a high incidence of bleeding complications.
I think there's value in this sense of vertigo, this realisation that causality or determination is precarious and incomplete.
Making provision for care is precarious for welfare states because the issue of quality encompasses not just material and physical well-being but also emotional well-being and choice.
Only 10% of the integrated state that they would take these actions if given the chance, compared to 24% of the marginalised and 16% of the precarious.
Initially, when infants began to walk, and their upright balance was quite precarious, they increased their rate of two-handed responses for reaching and retrieving concealed objects.
As a result, the position of music has become precarious in some schools; in a study made last summer, evidence from ten respondents shows how it has survived in others.
Despite the relatively small number of these cases, the detailed affidavits shed new light on the precarious nature of the legal position held by women within marriage.
Bioethics already exists in a precarious tension with several other academic fields, such as history of medicine, medical sociology, medical anthropology, health law, literature and medicine, and philosophy of medicine.
When their situation on the approach to retirement was examined, however, it became obvious that some were in precarious social and economic positions or in outright poverty.
Indeed, this may be a romantic picture of the past and needs to be understood with reference to the precarious conditions of the workers' present-day life.
The conservation alliance itself is precarious.
The situation of some schools is quite precarious.
The revelation of order occurred at the precarious moment of coincidence between the vanishing point and the position of the observer.
The logic of it, however, was not likely to comfort hairdressers, whose working lives became increasingly precarious.
Talk to parents from the outset about how fragile, precarious, and vulnerable a 23-week, 614-g infant is.
Tensions also resulted from the sometimes precarious nature of their social location.
Decline and progressive attitudes towards growing older are thus in a precarious state of cultural balance - and decline is at present winning.
Freelancing was a precarious and inherently risky form of employment for all freelancers, but the risks were experienced unequally.
At a theoretical level" race" needs to be viewed much more contingently, as a precarious discursive construction.
The precarious role of women in conflict discourses maintains the invisibility of gender regimes operating within conflict scenarios.
The end result is a precarious set of compromises that pleases no one - far from simple or transparent, though decidedly less expensive than before.
The end result is a precarious and far from simple or transparent, though decidedly less expensive, set of compromises that pleases no one.
Nonetheless, he continued to live a precarious life, being promoted and demoted constantly, depending on palace intrigues.
We are certainly in a precarious situation with the sheer quantity of material that requires attention.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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