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词汇 example_english_plainly

Examples of plainly

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The insects in the true nocturnal layers observed with the radars were plainly migrating.
The idea that his own personality might have brought his ' sufferings ' on himself plainly never occurred to him.
Plainly, however, we can sensibly infer a lot more about the meaning of gloob.
One message of this book that comes through loudly and plainly is that developmental theory needs greater precision.
Stated plainly, social factors act not qua being social but by constituting part of the total information input experienced by a person.
A number of witnesses plainly declared that a partnership never existed, while others confirmed its existence.
Here, the treble acutes seem plainly to function as an instruction to take careful note of the forms so marked.
Plainly, the traditional structural approach, from everyday language to literature, has not been as successful as its practitioners hoped.
Plainly our rigid-wall computations have been tested satisfactorily.
Present day hospitals, as their manner of operation plainly demonstrates, do far more than furnish facilities for treatment.
Plainly, some words can be learned without linguistic support.
After all, no hypothesis of language origins can carry any weight if it plainly conflicts with what we already know about language structure.
Many such facts are said to be ' plainly ' or 'certainly ' the result of diffusion, without an alternative genetic explanation being explored.
Stated plainly, an analogy treats a particular case as though it constituted a general theory.
In some cases, indeed, even though the situation described plainly holds at speech time, the past tense is preferable, at least without further context.
Philosophical intuitionism considered in the abstract is plainly an advance on dogmatic intuitionism.
What good could a woman get from an assertion so plainly, so manifestly false?
Lots of things are not mentioned about the database built-ins or are plainly wrong.
The motions corresponding to these eigenvalues are plainly inertial waves, which will be influenced by gravity through the surface boundary condition.
Since that is plainly quite unreasonable, there must be at least some likeness between the members of a series and their limit case.
When we knowingly do what we ought not to do, we are plainly not ignorant of our duty.
The frequency argument ("almost always" in invertebrates) is plainly irrelevant: only phylogenetic topology allows historical inference.
Under these conditions they are plainly visible to the naked eye as minute specks, particularly on the basal regions of the young leaves.
Plainly, a genetic relationship can also have some importance in parenthood.
The answer plainly depends on what properties are considered to be definitive, rather than merely characteristic, of passives.
The way in which economic aristocracy has been followed by economic democracy and economic democracy by economic aristocracy shows this most plainly.
Most referents in speech directed to all age groups (671/922=73%) were plainly stated in the linguistic context.
At the relevant moment, the offender plainly does have the forbidden intent.
Her methodological precepts hold that language plainly says what it means, that it does not engage in coy games of concealment.
In fact, he says very plainly that the only result was open camping of sheep.
Plainly, one's rights over the genes one may bequeath to another individual are not the same as one's rights over one's own genes.
Stretches of chant material are quite plainly stated, and most elaboration occurs towards cadences.
His statements from the 1950s and 60s identified him as a non-party liberal, as his contemporaries plainly understood.
Scientists, especially physicists, opposed the use of ideological criteria in science, yet it was still too early to raise such objections plainly.
Röntgen is plainly as natural a lieder-writer as contrapuntist, the vocal lines unfolding naturally, the piano part supplying support and atmosphere.
Plainly, the therapist's overwhelming personal charisma was the source of much of the success in gaining the subject's compliance.
There are plainly questions about how the latter is squared with even his sanitized use of myth and tradition.
Furthermore, it was considered crucial that the scope and meaning of oaths was both plainly conveyed and clearly understood by all interested parties.
Similarly, the potential objection that particularist ethical theories fail to provide adequate guidance is plainly distinct from the claim that particularists reject the constraint.
Plainly, the echoes heard are not the only information available during such activities; the haptic, inertial, and mechanical arrays are not obliterated.
Principles that seem plainly true now may have been condemned in the past, or vice versa.
Plainly, empathy is relevant to a host of topics studied by psychology; they include observational learning, sociopathy, altruism, social facilitation, deception, vicarious learning, and autism.
The culprit must be either (1) or (2); (1) is plainly true, so (2) is false.
Everyone could plainly see that most objects thrown into the air fall down again.
To the cognoscenti of cyberspace, there is a strict pecking order, all plainly visible in the alphabet soup of letters and punctuation.
The inference she then draws - that therefore the restraints were not very important in the original - is illegitimate, and plainly wrong.
The analysis is plainly interdisciplinary and the results can be refreshing.
Plainly the values of the critical capillary number reported by all investigators, including ourselves, scatter yet agree within the experimental uncertainty.
On the contrary, the sorrow about which she sings is plainly visible in her face for those around to see.
Plainly we cannot grapple adequately with this issue if we see it as one concerning the proprieties of linguistic usage.
The qualifications may seem unnecessar y, because it might seem that necessity on the ultra vires thesis is plainly an excuse.
More plainly, in what ways can the present global socio-economic ecology be changed in order to sustain linguistic diversity, cultural heterogeneity, and individual multilingualism\\multiculturalism ?
With the moist-eyed young steelworkers who filed out of the cinema with me this plainly struck a chord.
However, one feature had plainly been calculated in advance.
What can one say that it has not already said, much more quickly, plainly and poetically?
Finally, giraffes were plainly highly destructive and detrimental to the trees' overall fecundity during the season we examined.
In view of the fact that most of these policies were controversial at best and plainly unpopular at worst, how were the reformers able to prevail so often?
Melodic inflections can appear in monophonic songs plainly serving a melodic function, as well as in polyphonic settings, still serving a melodic function, but outside the frame of the contrapunctus.
Any maverick officials opting to answer negatively will incur reprimands from their colleagues, who will reverse the mavericks' decisions and deem them to be plainly in error.
Plainly they are more accurate than chance.
Two points are worth emphasising: he plainly sees grafting as partly being a matter of rhyme ('cinq vers entez par eux aux rimes de la chancon').
The authors have each plainly been asked to convey information in a manner accessible to a wide range of readers, and to incorporate basic knowledge alongside novel interpretations.
Clearly, models can be challenged on any of these grounds, so it is essential to state one's assumptions plainly and assess the costs of getting those assumptions wrong.
Above all, something plainly inspired by the cultural approach - the sense that regulation, and changes in regulation, are about organizational rituals - lies at the heart of this book.
A resolution of the point at issue here would be just as plainly empirical as any resolution of a dispute that hinges on people's recollections of their conscious attitudes.
Either would have filled the gap handsomely, addressing its subject with obvious authority, based on plainly painstaking research and diligent examination of a prodigious pile of scores.
If a heavy involvement of memory in simple decision tasks seems to characterize human performance accurately, then plainly models which ignore this feature must be inadequate.
Just because two kinds of music from very different areas seem to have plainly audible characteristics in common, does that mean they have an historical link?
Plainly, much depends here on the purpose of the analysis or enquir y in connection with which the identity of some legal system has become a matter of interest.
The combination of legal materials and normative background will make certain solutions seem plainly wrong, some answers possible, and in many situations, one answer seem the one required by law.
The fact that a variety of religious experience and of religious aims is plainly to be observed has always been an item in favour of a more polytheistic outlook.
The requirement, at least on the part of the civil servants, for both civic centre and ring road plainly pre-date the published plan by nearly a decade.
Conceived on one level the thesis is plainly right : cultures that are themselves fixated on religious fission are likely to produce historiographies that reflect or transform that fixation.
The relative prevalence of social and cooperative choices (sometimes on a heroic scale) relative to their opposites is plainly crucial to the viability of human social arrangements.
The free rider corruptly takes part in the public debate by his or her refusal to deal plainly, resorting to hypocritical arguments in support of his or her position.
Moreover, given recent increases in residential mobility and decreases in geographically-based forms of social involvement,55 the finding that spatial proximity influences citizens' participatory behaviour is plainly striking.
The first statement is plainly misleading as it stands since there are many robot configurations that have less than 6 degrees of freedom that are redundant, particularly planar designs.
Among other topics he discussed the place of error in the history of mathematics, declaring plainly that errors had played a significant role in the development of this science.
Plainly some adjustment was necessary.
To sum up this section, the way needs are moral demands in moral practice is most plainly seen in the simple case of a moral agent meeting a need.
Plainly this is an unacceptable result.
As the clearance process advanced, it was often argued that the standard of the properties taken improved, and many became marginal rather than plainly un®t.
Let us say it plainly - we know from international experience that this is not the first time this has happened.
From Europarl Parallel Corpus - English
To put it plainly: there will always be net contributors and net beneficiaries, nobody disputes that.
From Europarl Parallel Corpus - English
Thus, a good case study states the argument and evidence more plainly than most reports have to.
Understandable as it is, this reaction is plainly not altogether reasonable.
Plainly, individual journalists have individual styles but ultimately they have to turn the result of meeting you into the type of article their publication requires.
Plainly, this is a 'split' of a different kind from those discussed above.
Plainly, then, the reach of markets and governments does not always extend as far as is necessary to build the desired resilience in social systems.
Since a claim is a duty owed particularly to the person, the unfairness is plainly suffered by that person.
In this section, we shall present four types of evidence which plainly call for the distinction to be observed.
The settlement of the barbarians was plainly varied, and our sources provide only a hint of its complexities.
The larva is plainly visible through the chorion.
There has always been a divide between secure middle-class families and poorer working families and the government's policies are plainly intended to mitigate that divide.
Even more plainly excluded as a basis for the judge's decisions is the mere unwisdom of the statute.
Plainly, the controversial character of a view does not in general disqualify it as a candidate for being the truth.
Quite plainly, their theory also cannot explain the results for semi-presidential systems.
The intention was plainly to frighten the ruler into making his request at once.
Plainly it could not have achieved this exposition plausibly if it were incompatible with his general notions of political obligation.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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