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词汇 example_english_pioneer

Examples of pioneer

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
He was one of the mid-19th century's international pioneers of an interdisciplinary archaeology with big questions on the agenda.
The pioneers were carrying on an active struggle against the kulaks.
The analysis, thus, goes beyond pioneering archive research to a new synthesis.
However, the image of pioneers carving out a legitimacy in a new land is apt for the philosophers who take up residency in medical schools.
The countryside also pioneered the domestication of wild animals and their conversion into private property.
Many pioneers are those best equipped to make an international retirement move.
However, his pioneering discussion is no longer seen as adequate today.
There are pioneers in this area of measurement and management.
He also pioneered the use of computer technologies in remote sensing and geographical information systems long before these became used as standard technologies.
Recolonization was slow in the c. 20 mo since the storm and involved much sprouting of damaged trees and the germination and growth of pioneers.
Procedures are also less likely to have industry supporting their introduction, as they are often pioneered by clinicians.
Long-lived pioneers dominated all stands throughout the chronosequence.
Moreover, the spatial distribution of these pioneers does not seem to be polarized and such trees seem randomly distributed.
Competition co-existed productively with co-operation, especially when pioneering development was in hand.
The authors of the papers assembled in this enterprising volume are among the pioneers in each of their countries and fields.
How is the knowledge of previous electronic music pioneers integrated and assimilated - how is electronic music culture valued and regarded in academic music environments?
Installing newcomers in a given place became a way to stand in the path of pioneers from neighbouring villages.
The first part considers why pioneering photographers sought out the seaside and how older fisherfolk became icons of intergenerational harmony.
Modernist pioneers sought to understand and fulfil the potential of the machine, and came infallibly to adopt the notions of standard and type from industry.
The early pioneers of the organic movement genuinely believed in the value of their cause.
The pioneering thinking on the imperative of a publicityoriented seeing state was undertaken by government officials concerned with railroads.
Thus, her stance was less rebellious, though still acknowledgeably pioneering.
When noninoculated, the pioneers and early secondary species had lower concentrations of the macronutrients than the species belonging to late-successional groups.
The idea of organizing a conference around the topic of pioneering efforts at cocoa production around the globe was undoubtedly a good one.
He pioneered in the use of ultra-high-frequency radio for field communications in the 1940s.
From the point of view of pure science and of application, fast ignition is a research subject of pioneering significance.
He pioneered the field of shape grammars, opening numerous lines of research in shape computation, design, and aesthetic and stylistic analysis.
Online diarists perceive themselves as pioneers, consciously engaging in the development of a new set of practices.
Although these claims were pioneering work, they are problematic insofar as their hieroglyphic evidence did not match the established definition of emblem glyphs.
At the same time it has pioneered huge strides in exploration and production technology, safety/environmental management and applied geoscience research.
The fate of the 'social development' programme clearly underlines the limits of pioneering a new city.
They pioneered the manipulation of individual molecules for useful ends.
He carried out pioneering studies with his research students on environmental factors affecting plant growth, particularly that of water relations, especially with tomatoes.
The story is all the more remarkable because of the prejudice and hostility that the pioneers encountered.
Older homelessness is a new area of study, pioneered by the authors.
Parents do not have the luxur y of being pioneers.
The aim of this article has not been to score cheap points against those who have pioneered the academic study of music-related industries.
Thus, following the early pioneers, an array of articles and books followed which equated the recording industry with the music industry.
The pioneers in life-story books are now using them in many creative ways.
Thus, psychosocial researchers had pioneered the study of extrafamilial environments.
His work pioneered the field of ubiquitous or pervasive computing; pervasive computing systems are interactive systems that involve multiple devices, services, and software agents.
He pioneered the emerging field of behavioral economics and its most successful branch, behavioral finance.
The study of identity within sociocultural linguistics has been shaped by pioneering scholarship from a variety of approaches.
Their competitive advantage is to be 'on-site' before disturbed areas regain attractiveness for their dispersal vectors and to replace short-lived pioneers in the longer run.
Therefore, the resulting costs may only be representative for pioneering guidelines.
Within anthropology, new fieldwork techniques were being pioneered and discussed in the late 1880s and throughout the 1890s.
Following the completion of pioneering drainage programmes, the later twentieth century witnessed reorientation to 'nature as utility'.
Local scenes have been particularly important in pioneering new styles that have gone on to be popular throughout the global scene.
No doubt happenstance bears much responsibility for the direction taken by an academic career, but there was another influence at work on our pioneers.
As a result, the elite that pioneered refugee relief demanded full statehood.
In terms of formal studies, regional origins, cultural milieu, and class background, these playwrights differed from the pioneers of the 1870s.
During the first half of the 17th century they were followed by some further colonists, mainly relatives of the pioneers.
The composer or musical assistant can collaborate with the musicologist, but the pioneers of computer music will not always be available to analysts.
The article gives a short description of pioneering work in lexicultural pragmatics in the deliberately selected area of everyday culture.
Since these early hip-hop pioneers, scratching as a compositional technique has developed further to embrace forms of sonic manipulation.
Conceivably, it is easier to make productive investments in an economy that is somewhat lagging behind the pioneers of economic development.
Few are meant to be read as pioneering scholarship.
Tompkins pioneered this approach, and explicitly invokes typological significance in its support (134-36).
The experiments, which he pioneered, showed how it was possible to study the cortex or higher brain as a center for sensorimotor activity.
Figure 5 depicts the dominance of four regeneration guilds (short-lived pioneers, long-lived pioneers, partially shade-tolerant and shade-tolerant) throughout the 50-y chronosequence.
Short-lived pioneers and partially shade-tolerant species did not dominate the successional stands at any point in the chronosequence.
Surprisingly, the pioneers of modern urban healthcare supported a 'return to nature' by mobilizing anti-urban and pro-rural discourse.
The town was active, though not pioneering in a municipal sort of way.
In particular, the pioneers, regenerating either from the soil seed bank or from post-opening seed rain, show faster dynamics than other species.
The organic farming movement progressed slowly from its early pioneers of green environmentalists and social reformers.
He pioneered work into the introduction and use of the electronic catalogue for standard engineering components, systems, and assemblies.
Most of this literature has been developed only since 1990, although a few relevant pioneering works occur earlier.
He led pioneering work on the economics of exhaustible resources in several path-breaking analyses.
We have now advanced beyond the era of the pioneers.
The opportunity to review later the results of pioneering surgery comes rarely, as it does in this patient after an interval of 43 years.
We suffered the experience of all pioneers, of course - having to do things the hard way which later on became very easy.
He has done pioneering work in rational choice theory and social and political theory.
Significantly, the local project manager was also internationally recognized as one of the pioneers in developing and using cost-effective participatory research methods.
The process was pioneered in pharmaceuticals and then spread to medical equipment.
The pioneers of powerdomain theory were primarily concerned with binary non-determinism.
Many of the pioneers who created the organization 40-50 years ago are still alive and active.
An historical account of the various theories, techniques and instruments, and the pioneers who invented or discovered them, is thoughtfully presented throughout the book.
I understood that all those people whom textbooks described as pioneers and audacious artists were all individuals who came from outside the theatre.
When the bootlegging of rock music first began in 1969, the bootleg pioneers were explicitly counter-cultural: their aim was to destroy the record industry.
The field of cardiac electrophysiology would not have been where it is today without his pioneering ideas, insights, and ingenious experiments.
In this case, species included shade-intolerant pioneers as well as shadetolerant species within a single family.
Shade-tolerant species became more dominant in older stands, but did not dominate long-lived pioneers even in the mature stand.
We are asked by these pioneering authors to accept the beneficial effects of mycorrhizal associations, although their very existence is disputed in some species.
Often the best pioneers are those who dare to advance deeper and are the first to arrive at unsafe territory.
Light levels in the forest understorey are typically around 1-3% of full sun, and are conditions in which pioneers rarely persist.
The technology employed has long since passed into obscurity, and only a select and inevitably diminishing group of pioneers is now able to provide a conduit to this bygone era.
There ought to have been a crowd: there have been a few great pioneers, but even these, in general, have lost heart in the middle of the enterprise.
Bakhtin pioneered the idea that linguistic meaning cannot be understood without reference to speakers' and hearers' identities; indeed, linguistic meaning does not even exist independent of identity.
Given the inter-denominational aims of the early pentecostal movement, its pioneers attempted both to relate to other denominations and to retain links with their former churches.
A pervasive technology was the framing of positive case examples, including 29 ' agedefying producers ' and 11 'prudential producers', as successful pioneers of new ways of retiring.
He pioneered research into the introduction and use of the electronic catalogue for standard engineering components and has extended this work to deal with systems and assemblies.
In designing the experiment, however, it would be unwise to rely on the 'hidden replication', as the pioneers called it, because an interaction is possible, though not expected.
Moreover, where these pioneers led, others followed in a series of large scale drainage projects overseen by individuals with exclusive rights in either the freehold or leasehold.
Medical officers of health prepared the kinds of comprehensive annual reports on epidemiological and environmental developments that had been pioneered by progressive districts in the capital since the early 1860s.
There is slight indication that both basal area and volume of pioneers increased in stands from 4 to 12 y old and then decreased among older stands.
Emigration to the towns or overseas was the best option but to take place on any scale among people with little access to information it awaited feedback from the pioneers.
Studies of coexisting tropical pioneers have revealed strong evidence for habitat partitioning among species with broadly similar regeneration needs (high light conditions resulting from canopy openings).
In many ways, these pioneering studies have established important theoretical, methodological and substantive precedents in the field to which a new generation of scholars have responded.
Extreme radial changes in wood specific gravity in some tropical pioneers.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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