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词汇 example_english_permutation

Examples of permutation

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The number of permutations we can do is only 285.
However, permutations of the five genomes must be analyzed in order to collect the comprehensive set of putatively related core genes.
Different permutations of the three dimensions generated multiple model types.
The aim is to minimise this performance measure, and it has certain symmetries, namely rotations, reflections, and permutations of the hydrophone positions.
Significance values were assigned to variance components based on 1000 random permutations of individuals, assuming no genetic structure.
The permutations corresponding to possible orderings of the deck after one riffle shuffle can have at most two rising sequences.
The facets corresponding to permutations with 1 or 5 in the first coordinate have seven vertices, twelve edges, and eight 2-faces.
At this point one might hope that an enumeration result for-stack-sortable permutations might be possible.
The study of language and how it is used, its permutations by region, nation, and professional field, is all interesting.
To investigate this, both modules were integrated in the same program and relative weightings were adjusted using a variety of permutations.
There are 27 ways of assigning three bottles to three people, or six permutations if each person gets exactly one bottle.
In this paper we prove that permutations of even length with maximal entropy are not unique.
The two equilibrium pictures for 1992 and the five for 1996 are essentially all permutations of each other.
The permutations of these first two specification choices yield sixteen different regressions.
Horizontally, raised floors and/or dropped ceilings allow endless permutations in the eventual disposition of service outlets.
We show how to extend any existing parser combinator library with support for parsing permutations of typed, potentially optional elements.
The permutations of these three variables are kept in check by an avoidance constraint that prohibits stressed desinences.
In section 3.2, we develop an implementation for permutations without optional elements, and in section 3.3 extend this solution to cover optionality.
The implications of these textual permutations need careful unravelling.
We proceed in the standard fashion, and assume that the number of types correlates with the number of ranking permutations.
Environments are considered as sets of statements, and therefore modulo permutations and duplications.
To this end, we provide some rules that allow us to make permutations inside derivations.
The rules allow an infinite possible number of sound permutations while maintaining coherence.
The horizontal lines show the genome-wide 10 %, 5 % and 1 % significance levels computed by 1,000 permutations.
We want to understand the possible sequences of permutations which would arise following such a chain of inductions.
Thus, w are identical up to permutations and to the individual gk values.
Various permutations of a single study, review, and estimates also exist, the most common being a review plus a model.
In practice, however, the number of different permutations that actually occur in the input is small compared to the number of possible permutations.
Probability estimates would be stored for the 16 possible permutations of the four binary variables.
Their work provides well-motivated and well-documented arguments against the narrowly formal, structuralist approach of generative grammar in its various permutations over the past few decades.
Even when an authority is prepared to make a contract for a self-funding resident, there are permutations.
The other 40 matrices, which involve nontrivial permutations of the a(1) subalgebras, do not generate symmetries of the system.
One thousand random permutations were run for each phenotype on each linkage group to determine the likelihood ratio significance levels.
We have to be a little careful to see that these permutations will give a lot of different homotopy classes.
Ten groups were consequently formed, using permutations of the parameters of each of the concepts.
We performed significance testing using 1000 permutations of the data within each population.
The exact distribution of this test statistic under the null hypothesis is unknown and determination of the p values can be obtained by permutations.
After all permutations have been obtained, the model fit evaluations are used to calculate an empirical significance threshold for model selection.
More unpredictable permutations are common inside those flimsy disease constructions erected on the ecological sand.
The significance of the variance components was tested with 1000 permutations.
The facets corresponding to permutations with 2, 3 or 4 first have seven vertices, 13 edges, and eight 2-faces.
Another example of a class with only finitely many simple permutations is the class of separable permutations.
Note that k is a trivial lower bound for the size of any exactly k min-wise independent family of permutations.
The sortable permutations are characterized if r = 1 or s = 1 or r = s = 2 by a forbidden subsequence condition.
Here for the first time we make use of the row and column permutations.
The transform in [34] is valid only for permutations, and it can be constructed by using the approach presented in this paper [29].
Each design collaborative adopts one of the permutations and resolves their respective strategy into a highly developed proposal [4, 5].
We will illustrate this with a simple algorithm for enumerating the permutations of a list.
Here we give only a simple model using cyclical permutations on scales and modes.
Although the tradition doesn't document all these permutations, it does document as distinct meters approximately fifty, some of which are in (6).
Symptoms were chosen to reflect most permutations of somatic distress.
While some permutations follow logically from a concept (for instance, non-constraint from liberty), this is not the case for all permutations.
In fact, such permutations yield exactly the 'exchanges' of causes needed to gain control over the operation of process concatenation.
Musicians interacting in different locations might want to send sounds from their latest pieces back and forth, in new permutations and alterations.
We turn permutations as above into closure operators by defining (x) = x (x).
Our next step is to extend the definition of a size from finite permutations to reorderings by a coboundary.
In our case the reordering associated with a pair of cohomologous orderings will be local and hence describable by permutations of finite blocks.
The idea is that we want to associate a number to the approximate permutations which, as we saw above, came from cohomologous orderings.
The sets of these permutations which map the graph into itself form a group called the group of automorphisms of the graph.
The other three center-surround permutations yielded higher values, up to 155% for the case of negative contrast steps applied in the center and surround.
After having so carefully set up the various stylistic permutations of the subgenres, here it is payoff time.
The primary purpose of this in our example language is to allow for alternative syntactic permutations to be transduced into the same output.
Due to the large sample sizes, complete enumeration of all possible permutations was not feasible.
Except that we get permutations since here the order of coins matters.
Studies involving different typological permutations will enrich the ®eld and yield new theoretical and empirical insights.
The crop elements in the systems under consideration are permutations of maize, sorghum, millet and edible legumes.
Moreover, for such permutations their longest r-maximal suffix is themselves.
Examples of assemblies include set partitions, permutations and random mappings.
A class with only finitely many simple permutations has a recursive structure in which long permutations are built via substitution from smaller permutations (their intervals).
Much less is known about the minimum possible size of exactly k min-wise independent familn ies of permutations of [n].
In this section we give an avoidance criterion for (2, 2)-stack-sortable permutations.
We give a concentration inequality involving a family of independent random permutations, which is useful for analysing certain randomized methods for graph colouring.
In order to illustrate this behaviour with bad sets, let us return to the basic case without random permutations.
The upper unbroken line represents the 0.01 threshold and the lower dotted line represents the 0.05 threshold as determined by 1000 permutations.
Power estimates are based on 1000 replicates of each alternative (phenotype and method), using 1000 permutations to obtain the significance level of each replicate.
Stem permutations in complex changes are also indicative of a broad, though not systematic, underpinning of morphological knowledge.
Probabilities were computed after 999 random permutations of the dependent matrix.
Note that no other permutations of the elements of this expression are possible.
The use of loops, interpolations or permutations as object descriptions does not ensure their musical potential.
The axioms of the logic compel terms, functions and propositions to be equivariant, that is "stable" under atom permutations.
Other choices of pick can be used, with a corresponding effect on the order in which the permutations are generated.
Second, repeated parsing of different permutations might cause multiple paths of the tree to be evaluated.
He discusses possible forms and permutations of programme strategies and characteristics such as eligibility, entitlement, administrative and financing.
Let us first say a word about allowing permutations of marked points.
By the definition of thread segment and the disjointness requirement, we see that permutations only involve moving exec steps before steps with distinct focus.
Relations and maps closed under name permutations are ubiquitous in process theories.
However, the reduction rules for the control operators are less than intuitive, and they involve complex substitution operations and permutations of contexts.
4 permutations of the vertices that preserve the adjacency.
In section 5.2, we go back to allowing for arbitrary permutations.
Probabilities of r-values were defined on the basis of 999 permutations.
Similar conclusions are obtained for the remaining line permutations.
Scenarios are then generated by random permutations of the 51r51 long vector and by selecting its 51 first elements.
Indeed, the requirement that the voting rule be structural is equivalent to the requirement that it be invariant under all possible permutations of voters.
In 4, we show that matrices which arise from unimodal cyclic permutations are unimodularly similar to their companion matrices.
I therefore systematically examine permutations of all four sets of specification choices.
The limitation of components is composed by endless permutations.
Under cyclical permutations, the set n is partitioned - in classes of equivalence whose elements are then the equivalent modes.
Loosely speaking, we may say that the modes are cyclical permutations of a particular scale.
We understand permutations both as placing bigraphs and in the conventional way.
With regard to categorical cut elimination, note that the permutations we have used have no effect on the value of the derivations.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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