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词汇 example_english_pasture

Examples of pasture

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The migrations from winter pastures to summer pastures were particularly dangerous.
The results suggest that common property performs more poorly on average milk production than do owner-operated private pastures.
The local-regional species richness relationship was assessed over relatively fine scales: quadrats (= local scale) and within pastures (= regional scale).
Apparently, the abbey had suffered from the loss of seasonal pastures, a recurring but disastrous phenomenon.
Where wood pastures became parks, old rights of way, at least, were apparently preserved.
On the other hand, pastures and salt may specifically attract females who have to fill specific physiological needs during pregnancy and lactation.
Cryptosporidial infections have been linked epidemiologically to run-off from nearby fields, pastures and other areas of livestock or wildlife activity.
One farmer may fairly claim little impact in his pastures, while on another farm nearby there could be disaster.
They now recognize the need for new pastures.
The savanna is frequently interrupted by patches of pastures, crops, shrubs and gallery forests along the rivers, giving a mosaic appearance to the landscape.
The forest fragments were isolated in the early 1980s by creating cattle pastures.
In woodlands, nutrient cycling is steady but slow compared with the faster rate of cycling in cleared pastures.
A high number of seeds from fleshy-fruited species are dispersed to pastures by both birds and bats.
The site lies at the interface of several thousand ha regenerating forest 1-80-y-old, pastures, and 10 000 ha of primary forest.
Typical examples include fisheries, forests for wood or fuelwood, hunting grounds, and pastures.
The area is dominated by arable land, grazed and abandoned pastures, spruce plantations and deciduous woods.
Nonetheless, they acknowledged that distant stretches of land might relinquish their communal status and be converted to enclosed pastures on eighteen-year leases.
Milk production dominates in the valley floors where access to irrigation allows for cultivation of permanent pastures.
Extensively managed grasslands could prove crucial in catchment management to effectively lock up nutrients trapped from adjacent areas of intensively fertilized crops and pastures.
Farm facilities had been devastated, and fields and pastures had gone unattended, all of which created an atmosphere of desperation.
Where ranching predominates, wetlands provide choice dry-season pastures; corrals and milking sheds often perch on the islands.
In the upper hills where risk of frost is high, natural pastures dominate the landscape.
Dual-purpose dairy/beef cattle production accounts for pasture's dominance in the baseline, with dairy production beginning early and continuing throughout.
In contrast, herbage larval contamination on both pastures grazed by fungal treated calves remained low throughout the grazing season.
In the above systems, cattle are grazed throughout the year almost exclusively on grass-alone pastures.
The pastures, together with their grass-alone control, were incorporated by farmers into the normal paddock rotation, and were grazed by dual-purpose cattle of mixed breeding.
The situation for perennial crops (pastures, for example) is very different, since the associated data comprise repeated measurements made on the same plots.
The millet fields located between the haarima, pastures and burti, were worked by riimaybe or war captives, maccube, who were owned by the freemen.
In fact, more structurally complex pastures harbour more spider species per plot (see table 1a), probably due to more niches being available.
Comparing 10 pastures, we show that the management of domestic herds influences the risk of inter-species transmission.
Nitrogen cycling in low input legumebased agriculture, with emphasis on legume/grass pastures.
The periurban zone consists of forests, fields, pastures and meadows, which are intensively used for recreational activities.
The experimental design was a randomized complete block for pastures with unbalanced treatment replications.
Intensive management including limited use of pastures and high frequency of anthelmintic treatments were characteristic of the herd management in the latter region.
During this period, cattle have unlimited access to potentially metacercariae-infested pastures.
They graze pastures in wet areas for at least half of each year.
The landscape is mainly mountainous, including mixed and coniferous forests and pastures.
Only 2% of farmers reported treatment of animals with anthelmintics when moving to new pastures.
Far mers see improved pastures to be the most important technology to enhance forage and cattle production.
Woods and hedge-lined pastures, ancient village churches and chateaux contribute to its appeal.
The transects within each site were widely separated and encompassed the topographic variability within the pastures.
Total seed input to pastures did not reflect size of adjacent forest fragments, although seed rain density varied more than threefold among sites.
The contrasted behaviours of birds and bats predict a different contribution of each guild to the seed rain in open pastures.
Monitoring seed dispersal at isolated standing trees in tropical pastures: consequences for local species availability.
Among the less favourable matrix habitats for biodiversity conservation inside fragments are water, row crops and cattle pastures.
Many pastures were abandoned during the 1980s and since then much of the recovering vegetation has been re-cleared by recent settlers.
Once they have become established, further restoration could aim at grassland species, which are preferred pastures for livestock keeping.
Moreover, it can be shown that capybaras can maintain available pastures in places where they forage.
Streams bordered by remnant vegetation (riparian vegetation) cross pastures and agricultural lands.
A total of 12 647 seeds from 38 fleshy-fruited species were dispersed to pastures.
However, data are hierarchical, with pastures nested within habitats (seminatural vs. sown) and habitats nested within islands.
Traditional fallows in the temperate regions are principal components in crop rotations, where pastures and/or legume green manures are used in cropping systems.
Manning (1988) notes that the lord's new hedges must have made it increasingly difficult for tenants to drive their animals to commonable pastures.
The herbage from affected farms contained approximately ten times as much lead as that from healthy pastures.
Livestock are generally fed on grasses and browses in communal natural pastures, and on crop residues after the harvest of crops.
Livestock are generally fed on grasses and browses in natural pastures, and on crop residues after the harvest of crops.
Integrating agroforestry and perennial pastures to mitigate water logging and secondary salinity.
However, this seems unlikely, since pastures are grazed in rotation and therefore provide a mosaic of vegetation structures.
Nevertheless, results presented here show that grass+legume pastures are of higher quality than local pastures and this is re-ected by milk yields.
Milk yields on the mixed pastures were examined further by stepwise regression.
Nevertheless, one of the most intriguing results refers to farmers' perceptions regarding both the experimental grass+legume pastures and their in-uence on milk yield.
Most farmers had to build reservoirs and to pipe water from rivers (or other sources) to their pastures.
Therefore, the 12 pastures were not independent regional samples and a hierarchical regression model was used (see data analysis).
They prevent us from having space and pastures for our cattle.
Does more than 1 year old grazed approximately 10 months a year on permanent, sown pastures and in forest.
Results from the evaluation of the pastures are not presented in this paper.
The experiment was carried out on two naturally contaminated 2 ha pastures which had been used routinely each year for the grazing of sheep.
In this experiment, the degree of contamination of pastures during 2001 was influenced by the low stocking rate.
I remember hayfields and pastures, and fields of buckwheat, corn (maize) and winter wheat.
In annual-dominated pastures, the soil is left almost bare at the end of the summer drought.
Riparian vegetation consisted of primary tropical rain forest on the western bank, and pastures on the eastern bank of the study riffles.
Contrary to expectations, the total number of seeds dispersed by birds to pastures was 1.5 times higher than the number of seeds dispersed by bats.
Burned forests commonly adjoin fire-maintained pastures and agricultural lands.
Factors limiting tropical rain forest regeneration in abandoned pastures: seed rain, seed germination, microclimate and soil.
Therefore, we would expect pastures adjacent to larger forest fragments to have more dense and diverse seed rains.
There are, therefore, 12 treatments in total (uncleared, and 5-, 11-13- and 33-y-old pastures, each for three tree species).
In the present study, the rate of release of nutrients tended to decline with age of cleared pastures.
The shepherds' annual descent to these winter pastures would eventually create problems.
Moreover, the availability of green pastures in irrigated or waterlogged areas also assist in the perpetuation of helminth life cycles.
Speculation unrestrained and licentious threw its blighting sirocco over the green pastures of knowledge, and prejudice and mysticism involved them in their exhalations.
The remaining eight chapters deal with pastures, animal feed and livestock production.
However, colonists and ranchers use fires both to clear forests and maintain pastures, which often burn into adjoining forest blocks.
Do perching structures elevate seed rain and seedling establishment in abandoned tropical pastures?
We selected 12 sites of riparian vegetation adjacent to pastures.
Numbers next to secondary forests indicate years after abandonment; numbers next to pastures indicate age in years.
The present study fills this gap, and reveals decomposition behaviour and release of nutrients from ground litter in open grassland and woodland pastures.
The soils are predominately sandy loams and the main crops are winter cereals with some pastures for sheep.
Rising sea-level thus relentlessly reduced the extent of the precious coastal lowlands used for pastures and hay fields.
Grazing on mountain pastures - does it affect meat quality in lambs?
The potential of management practices for reducing losses of nitrogen from grazed pastures.
Competition from urban weaving and depletion of pastures brought about a separation between spinning, weaving and the rearing of sheep.
Therefore, policies that reduce the demand for tropical agricultural products can limit the conversion of forests to croplands and pastures.
Her lover is referred to as a shepherd; she meets him in idyllic pastures.
Fairly dependable signi®cant dierences between pastures were detected, with grass+legume pastures generally outyielding the control pastures by 7+10%.
Across farms and years, grass+legume mixtures signi®cantly outyielded grass-alone pastures by 9%.
Options like medic pastures are very vulnerable to changes in costs and bene®ts for alternative crops or to government-induced changes.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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