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词汇 example_english_obligatory

Examples of obligatory

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The underlying dynamics of sibling relationships have been identified as balanced reciprocity, optional rather than obligatory exchange of support and the maintenance of personal autonomy.
To suppose that all formally valid laws are morally obligatory is a moral error.
Partial effects can be interpreted in terms of mutual (de)stabilization rather than obligatory inclusion.
Under most circumstances, few would expect an obligatory relationship between the activation of some eccentric retinal ganglion cells and the initiation of an eye movement.
The language exhibits obligatory subject-verb agreement, two pronominal genders (animate and inanimate), and morphologically marked tense-aspect, postpositions, definitization, and pluralization.
He was in favor of obligatory instruction for children because he feared that otherwise parents would exploit them.
Quite obviously though, this is not an explanation ; the question was, why is coreference obligatory in these constructions.
Take is usually a transitive verb, yet although it has an obligatory direct-object argument, locative arguments are normally optional.
Incidentally, all this seems to indicate the special status of tense with respect to recoverability as the obligatory recovery in (15) above suggests.
As discussed above, a corollary of a trigger-centered theory of movement is that any movement is by definition obligatory.
The object agreement marker, then, seems to be obligatory, while the subject marker is not.
They might insist, that is, that there are only negative duties and permissions, so that all acts of aid are supererogator y, not obligatory.
Nonetheless, this is a great book that should be obligatory reading for comparativists interested in authoritarian regimes and transitions to democracy.
Such contrasts make the volume excellent teaching material and it will also be obligatory reading for scholars.
While belief reassessment and epistemic peer conflict resolution are epistemically valuable and even obligatory for many exclusivists, why think that they are so for all?
Days are rainy only when skies are cloudy, but rainy days do not make cloudy skies obligatory.
If some course of action is an unavoidable means to discharging a given obligation, then pursuing that course of action is likewise obligatory.
The first nucleus position, which is the only obligatory position, is always linked with a vowel, whereas the second can be a sonorant consonant.
If the subject refers to an inanimate entity affecting a human direct object, the genitive is obligatory for the direct object.
Is a score an obligatory aid to spectromorphological description and analysis?
The book closes with an obligatory look at how existentialism shows up in the more literate of the radicals of the 1960s.
With disco, the individual could define him- or herself in relation to the whole, without obligatory recourse to a partner.
In this study, the interview additionally contained a broadened section on worry (see below) that was obligatory for all participants.
However, for the variables artificial induction of ovulation, twins have obligatory sharing of exposure status, resulting in four groups rather than six.
Eligible recipients are insured full benefits and thus all obligatory costs eventually must be met.
The difference in success (within groups) of correcting morphological violations varied by marker, apparently according to each marker's degree of obligatory use in the language.
Despite the differing syntactic mechanisms of obligatory anaphoric control and functional control, finite and nonfinite control arguably have the same compositional semantics.
My understanding from this is that situation aspect marking is obligatory.
If obsternasigt in (57) had moved, an explanation would be required for why the obligatory adverbial marking had been lost on the way.
The obligatory nature of ghamkhadi is widely perceived as binding and burdensome as it constrains as well as shapes social visiting among women.
All occurrences of inverted structures were compiled as percentages out of obligatory contexts.
The number of obligatory arguments licensed by the verb indicates the level of complexity of a verb.
Ninety-three percent of the verbs were used with all obligatory arguments.
What is supererogatory between strangers may be expected and obligatory between family members.
Indeed, given a physician's obligation to relieve a patient's pain, such acts are at times obligatory.
The production rate of object clitics in obligatory contexts was as low as 40%, compared to over 80% for level-matched monolinguals (mean age: 3;3).
The parent's donation is not altruistic because altruistic acts are not obligatory but optional, and they are motivated solely or primarily by other-regarding concerns.
Bioethics was institutionalized as an obligatory part of the undergraduate and graduate schedule in medical schools.
A treatment was not considered morally obligatory if it meant that a family would be thrown into poverty.
The hand-internal feature is not obligatory when a path has been used, and vice versa.
The second pillar is only obligatory for salaried workers.
In three of these it was obligatory as the aortic arch was interrupted.
After certain verbs, such as say, think and show, the connective that is sometimes not grammatically obligatory.
Both of these suffixes are obligatory, and show respect for those higher up on the social-stratification ladder.
As will be seen below, this criterion was easily met ; no child had fewer than six obligatory contexts for any of these verb forms.
Percent of use of accusative marker and of agreement were calculated relative to obligatory contexts of usage.
Subjects are only shown on the x-axis when they occurred in at least four obligatory contexts.
Specifically, they argue that a fundamental feature of development in the second year of life is obligatory attention to linguistic stimuli.
Table 3 presents both children's overall production of determiners (including target-like, non-target-like and filler determiners), showing number and percent use in obligatory contexts.
Determiners were produced in obligatory contexts with 38%, 75 % and 95% accuracy across the three age groups respectively.
The child will usually hear nouns preceded by an obligatory determiner.
We should not, however, assume that all morally permissible actions are morally obligatory.
What is supposed to emerge from such applications are moral judgements about morally obligatory types of act.
If determinism is true, then we can be morally responsible for our actions, but none of them are right, wrong, or obligatory.
A frequency count was made of the obligatory contexts for these uses in the data.
If we could safely and inexpensively enhance immunity through a genetic intervention we might think it as obligatory as vaccination.
There is a live performer, a soprano singer, and an obligatory electronic part.
Indeed, it is the non-obligatory nature of anaphors which makes observing (and quantifying) their mastery most difficult.
In its extended version, (29) is found to have obligatory application after labials, but optional application in certain dialects, after velars.
A (3a) type subrule may be obligatory or optional.
Necessarily, then, whether an act is obligatory is wholly fixed by a set of properties that does not include being obligatory.
Being obligatory thus strongly2 supervenes on the non-moral.
In such cases, supererogatory actions are made obligatory.
Now, it is certainly true that we did not provide an analysis of what it is for an action to be either reasonable or obligatory.
We found none of these arguments persuasive, and concluded that the case for thinking of worship as obligatory has yet to be made.
Necessarily then whether an act is obligatory is wholly fixed by a set of properties that does not include being obligatory.
Moreover, financial contribution to it is not obligatory.
Percentages were obtained by dividing the number of errors produced by the total number of obligatory contexts for the article.
However, it is not obligatory for this process to be encoded by the incorporation of the definite article.
However, these lower means do not indicate non-adult-like competence on an obligatory grammatical structure.
A child who produces uninverted questions with only a few wh-words has a mixture of optional and obligatory rules applied to different wh-words.
The construction may simply be a classifierjnoun (a numeral is not obligatory) and occasionally just the noun is used.
The second phase is also obligatory and involves an organisation of the knowledge gained in the first phase.
Null arguments were differentiated between those that were grammatically acceptable and those that were not, and grammatically obligatory null arguments were not included for analysis.
Thus, children pass through a phase where structures that are obligatory in the adult grammar appear to be optional in the child's grammar.
A case in point is the omission of obligatory morphemes like determiners, plural suffixes and regular past tense markers.
From this point on, we no longer include imperatives and colloquially acceptable structures in our discussion ; only omitted subjects in subject-obligatory contexts are considered.
A nominalization that has only verbal senses does not need an obligatory-role slot.
Instead, as (12) shows, an apparent copy of the pronoun is obligatory in these cases.
The first factor that can make the genitive obligatory relates to the type of human direct object used in the construction.
In contrast, other subjects may have either obligatory singular agreement-number, or variably singular or plural agreement-number if their number is plural.
Indeed, the second, demarcative, strongly obligatory pause is not needed in these cases.
In the case of the personal pronoun /, the obligatory capital letter would make confusion between 77/ and ill unlikely.
There was a non-obligatory persistence of a left-sided arterial duct in 11 cases with a common arterial trunk.
The prevalence of non-obligatory ducts was 71% in hearts with aorticopulmonary window compared to 15% in hearts with common arterial trunk.
If one employs enteric rest with total parenteral nutrition, it is obligatory to insert a central venous catheter to provide adequate calorie support.
How might we identify the moves necessary to establishing land law reform as an obligatory point of passage ?
The obligatory force of the gerundive is precise here.
How can we determine what is and what is not obligatory?
In order to be all-things-considered obligatory a prima facie obligatory act must not be incompatible with some more stringent prima facie obligatory act.
The vowel unit represents a single phoneme, the obligatory nucleus of a syllable.
Percentages of use in obligatory contexts were computed for each grammatical morpheme type.
Later, however, he devised polychoral textures that required obligatory instruments and allowed for supplementary singers (capellen).
Likewise, the obligatory fronting of this constituent places even the zero pronoun in the normal position of the relatives.
Another measure was the proportion of plurals used in obligatory contexts.
However, it seems to be important that parental involvement is based on negotiation and is optional rather than obligatory.
Treatment is obligatory when it is the most likely means for nurturing whatever development is possible.
We will conclude that defensive violations are morally permissible, but will begin by considering the claim that they are morally obligatory.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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