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词汇 example_english_neatly

Examples of neatly

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The two senses of 'own goal' are neatly instructive.
The comment is so wide-ranging that it can not be neatly summed up under a few heads.
Language is seen as a fundamental and integral part of culture and society and not something that can be neatly separated from its context.
In short, the chronological and philosophical distinctions between orthodoxy and revisionism do not coincide neatly.
There is always ample factual information, which also neatly guides the reader through the plethora of government publications.
She had a unique capacity for neatly interlacing management, motherhood, and home-making, and in making and maintaining a worldwide circle of personal and professional friends.
As we would expect from the author, the result is neatly crafted and attractively written.
The politics and adminsitration of partition prove to have been too intricately intermeshed to be separated neatly into mutually exclusive domains.
In adopting this approach the judge has neatly established a potential blackmailers' charter.
Various statistical quantities which did not scale well in the salt-water data (such as pw) collapse neatly for the air data.
Market reform did not neatly follow from the external imposition of severe adjustment programmes, as structuralists have argued.
Legal norms are not neatly demarcated within the legal materials.
All of this elite maneuvering is neatly tracked by our thermometers.
Of quite recent origin, however, is the attention now shown to a group of children who do not fit neatly into this general format.
Consequently, the four categories can be neatly ordered theoretically in terms of their degree of adherence to principles of syllabic well-formedness.
Most of the other applications fall either neatly into one of these categories or, more commonly, are a combination of the two.
Not all the chapters fit neatly into these categories, but the majority can be placed firmly in one or the other camp.
Writers within this movement say that the world is not neatly divided into national categories, but that boundaries are increasingly blurred and negotiable.
Roughly speaking, this requires that the evolution of the system can be decomposed neatly into expanding and contracting directions.
If we examine the lessons about zu and hi, it appears that the distinctions between them map quite neatly onto the prestige 0solidarity dichotomy.
The rather portentous title of this book neatly describes its topics, except that the term ' postmodern ' is likely to mislead.
Finally, we have shown how, within these sequences, the roles of complainer 0 complainee patterns are not neatly mapped onto the two principal par ticipants.
Within the established profile, the scheme neatly divided into six levels.
Such lighthanded market legislation fits neatly with government approaches across a number of sectors.
Therefore, dry forest species do not fit neatly into the shade-tolerant or shade-intolerant groups of species.
Reality, however, does not come neatly parceled up into macro- and microlevels.
I do not see a strong case for supposing that the boundary separating accessible and inaccessible mental phenomena falls neatly between representation and processing.
All of it could go into one's breast pocket when folded neatly.
In these photos rows of men sat neatly on benches and on the ground, facing a radio set flanked by somber standing attendants.
At times this journey through time seems too smooth ; square pegs fit neatly into all of the holes.
Exercise and opportunity aspects of freedom might not always be so neatly distinguished.
Not every lexical item in a language allows itself to be so neatly pigeonholed, but is your lexicographer deterred?
Was it simply that shall wouldn't fit very neatly into the headline measure?
In any event, this brief quote neatly sums up the thorniest problem with linguistic aesthetics: lack of an objective basis.
Further, photography itself appears as historically undynamic, some forty years of practice (not to mention technological change) are neatly homogenized.
The text of each chapter is neatly arranged and well referenced.
Most were neatly handwr itten, with song titles in decorative scr ipt.
The old and the new are neatly juxtaposed here, as apprenticeship succumbed to ' modern ' developments (p. 241).
However, it is always possible that a practical problem involving a meromorphic generating function may not fit neatly into our classification scheme.
His rethink is neatly summed up in a fairly short list of propositions.
However, the two elements cannot be separated so neatly as they seem to imply.
However, there are cases that do not fall neatly into one class or another.
Even if the data are neatly fitted, uniqueness of such a model cannot be meaningfully discussed.
However, t his t rial neatly illustrates the fact that such encouraging results are attained by careful patient selection.
Second, we are not so easily misled to think that their large parts must be neatly defined.
There are too many borderline particles for us to be able to neatly define a human organism.
The trend since 1961 fits very neatly with the hypothesis that the decline has been due to 'the pill'.
Although the number of informants varies, the series neatly illustrates how the change advances.
From this viewpoint, group identities and status have not moved on, those who hold power have neatly managed their representations.
Unlike local facts, they don't apply neatly to natural or experimental phenomena.
A pocket calendar on his bedroom bureau was neatly marked with his doses, 2.5 alternating with 5 milligrams of coumadin.
They neatly capture the differences between the two with a set of elasticities that reflect political tradeoffs.
A trifle in a glass bowl, neatly cut bread already buttered, and of course, that most essential for all significant occasions, the red salmon.
The reward, a missing piece slotted neatly into the intricate jigsaw of the natural history of such important creatures, is worth the wait.
The evidence is neatly summarised in tables each devoted to a particular group of risk factors.
They have full heads of hair, neatly cropped round the ears and into the neck.
The whole unfortunate affair would be very neatly and quietly swept beneath the carpet.
The neatly structured fourth chapter can thus help to re-establish clar ity.
Foucault is a good place to start as he himself does not fit neatly into established philosophical categories.
Because no quantitative reviews are available, measures of effect size cannot be neatly summarized.
Vast pasturelands and their communities get 'settled' and revenue-bearing lands are neatly cordoned and monitored.
On this occasion, the room was cleared of any tables, and chairs neatly lined the perimeter.
Our dichotomy between assaultive and non-assaultive trauma, though theoretically relevant, does not consider the fact that some experiences do not neatly fall into either category.
Everything is neatly placed in chronological sequence, with copious attention to the dates when tours began and finished.
The signs are neatly reversed for age, membership of the established churches, and for social class.
However, the neatly patterning measurement results presented here suggest that this is very likely the case.
Given the nature of the sources, these arguments did not appear in neatly divided sections.
In general, this can be implemented quite neatly.
There are other transitions of a sort that are not neatly captured by existing typologies.
However, it is a workforce which does not fit neatly into conventional approaches to career progression and professional training.
Each paper is well illustrated with figures and tables that provide a host of primary data and neatly complement the text.
The notion of a 'frontline' suggests that the opposing forces were holding neatly demarcated territories.
His arguments do not fit neatly into his causal model.
As before, this approach has given us a nicely diverse set of papers which neatly complement our previous selection.
They were the finest grass, neatly rolled and piled.
We thought we were entering the tranquil and neatly ordered abode of reason, but we find ourselves in a factory.
We identify three situations in which the policy issues cannot be neatly sorted into one of the three domains of activity.
Unfortunately, although many perceptibles, such as pebbles and dogs, neatly fit his understanding, others are not so clear.
The average of 20 per cent falls neatly between the three highest and the three lowest periods.
Obviously, not all the most popular pieces fit neatly into these three areas.
If one were writing about commercial products instead of people and ideas, these occasions would fit neatly into a model of celebrity product endorsement.
The drive to measure and encompass topographic features neatly paralleled and reinforced the drive for political and socio-economic hegemony.
Taken together, the two novels neatly encapsulate the debate over the "servant problem" that raged in middle-class periodicals throughout the 1860s.
209 of sacred space initiated by the bedrock pit clearly cannot be neatly accommodated within traditional notions of burials and caches.
They cannot neatly be separated into a political-versus-economic schema and involved far more than an act of free will based on one's political inclinations.
All his subsequent observations follow neatly in its footsteps.
His sections are numbered, his ideas neatly paragraphed; his sentences roll on in regular rhythm until they reach their point of rest.
They can therefore be neatly reviewed in two g roups.
On closer examination, one ®nds that these two patterns correspond neatly with independently attested patterns of syntactic placement.
From the top down, meaning-making winds up characteristically neatly packaged according to theoretical specification.
Since patterns of social risk do not neatly follow class boundaries, so risk pools do not neatly coincide with class groups.
On the one hand, market and government failures are discussed, whilst, on the other, voluntary failures are neatly summarised.
There were many others whose work suggested that income and consumption may not exhibit a neatly specified relationship.
Does any individual, let alone a family, fit neatly into any one category ?
A few notes are in order about utterances that do not obviously fall neatly under one of the rules above.
Because they straddle boundaries between phonology and morphosyntax, and between pragmatics and lexicon, they do not fit neatly into linguists' notions about ' modules ' of language.
Not all organizational structures fit neatly into a particular category, and some architectures may include characteristics of several different styles.
There are other approaches to assigning terms to the cut rule and the left-introduction rules that do not fit neatly into the categories given above.
As we demonstrate, however, this reasoning does not always neatly correspond to observed outcomes.
Generative linguistics showed that language could not be neatly dissected into the linear, discrete units claimed by structuralists.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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