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词汇 example_english_natural-selection

Examples of natural selection

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The academic struggle often seems to resemble naturalselection, where the fiercest competition is between conspecifics, rather than between different species.
Is there any alternative to such a reward/ punishment - based system in this evolution by naturalselection situation?
If cultural innovations modify naturalselection pressures, then genetic change resulting from modified naturalselection is likely to follow.
Chapter 4 also contains a good deal of discussion of the role of naturalselection in evolution.
Putting natural information to one side, what is mentally represented is only what naturalselection has found it was useful to have represented.
Therefore, naturalselection should tend to eliminate it.
And it's not by chance; it's by naturalselection.
The concept of adaptive effect focuses attention on how the history of naturalselection affected a current trait.
For some reason we have conceived of naturalselection as a single force and evolution as a single historical strand.
Adaptation is a good concept because all adaptations are explained through naturalselection.
While naturalselection acts on phenotypes, these phenotypes reflect the underlying physiology.
Naturalselection also would have favored anorexia during times of food-related travel.
That is, naturalselection will cause plots of to curve upwards over time.
If genome rearrangements are common and subject to naturalselection, this can leave important signatures on patterns of nucleotide variation.
The evolution of recombination removing the limits to naturalselection.
This excess is thought to be the result of the operation of naturalselection.
Because the force of naturalselection declines with age, the early positive effects easily outweigh the late-occurring negative effects, and such genes will be selected.
We may then start understanding what phenotypic characteristic naturalselection is acting upon.
This line of argument leads inevitably to the theory of naturalselection between groups.
In a pure selection procedure, strings are chosen for reproduction solely on the basis of principles of naturalselection.
Naturalselection and adaptive advantages reach through to the very core of our being and achievements.
The reason why variation is crucial in evolution is because it is the quantity (and, indeed, quality) upon which naturalselection acts.
Once it existed, naturalselection would take care of the rest.
Nitrate may be an important factor influencing naturalselection of some species.
Naturalselection is the editor, rather than the composer, of the genetic message.
Flowermorph-specific correlation suggests that naturalselection by pollinators has moulded trait covariance among floral traits.
Naturalselection made it part of the human genetic legacy.
It could also be argued that improvements in diet and naturalselection have meant we are more intelligent than our ancestors.
The simple fact that a language is ' optimal ' in some way does not automatically implicate naturalselection.
Over many generations, natural populations evolve according to the principles of naturalselection and "survival of the fittest".
Naturalselection acting upon segregating genotypes leads to higher fitness by identifying individuals that possess the ideal combinations of these three components of fitness.
Many organisms modify their own selection pressures, so that environment-altering traits coevolve with traits whose fitness depends on alterable sources of naturalselection in environments.
Initially, genetic and cultural processes were treated as independent, with separate fitness scores and transmission coefficients allocated for naturalselection and cultural transmission.
That was probably one of the decisive advantages that led naturalselection to favor it.
The book's main divisions deal with naturalselection in relation to mutation, to physical characters and behaviour, as well as to disease.
One hypothesis is that most variants contributing to quantitative phenotypic variation are deleterious and are quickly removed from a population by naturalselection.
Naturalselection for grain yield in dry bean populations bred by the bulk method.
It is interesting to note that the concept of naturalselection as the sole force in maintaining polymorphisms went virtually unquestioned 15 years ago.
They have been reinforced and refined by hundreds of millions of years of naturalselection and are an indisputably important component of who we are.
But is culture merely a hostage to gene-directed variation, a patsy to naturalselection, as the authors suggest?
The above hypothetical example does not imply that naturalselection will invariably favor parents to partition resources equally in all offspring.
Therefore, it is unlikely that a trait can acquire a new beneficial effect without at least some modification by naturalselection!
Their fate emphasizes not only the insignificance of human resistance to the struggle, but also the latent power of unsolicited naturalselection.
Furthermore, the organization of ontogeny may well bias the generation of variation upon which naturalselection can act.
Naturalselection favoured those who produced over those who wasted resources.
Our remarkable mental capacity has taken us out of the sphere of influence of naturalselection which has hitherto ensured man's survival.
In addition to naturalselection, there are other mechanisms that could be implicit in a given functional explanation.
This paper sets up a model of naturalselection among body types to explain this pattern.
In other words, naturalselection will, in a stable environment, result in the optimal allocation of resources.
Why the selection of resistance to anthropogenic toxins normally involves major gene changes : the limits of naturalselection.
In laboratory selection experiments, the force of naturalselection in later ages can be experimentally varied in a more controlled fashion.
The effect of naturalselection would be reinforced if asexual reproduction was predominant in the population.
And yet elsewhere, in a video that simply and quickly explains the workings of naturalselection, viewers see the "theory" in operation.
He takes an ecosystem approach, passing lightly over how so many kinds of trees can coexist, and how naturalselection on individuals shapes tropical forest.
Nevertheless, it is unclear how the left-brain lateralization for vocalization alone, without naturalselection for hand or arm specialization, would lead to the actual right-handedness.
These definitions reveal underlying properties and, thereby, they support the naturalselection hypothesis.
According to evolutionary theory, some effects of a mechanism were beneficial to past organisms and thereby caused the naturalselection of the mechanism.
Conversely, morphological traits are generally believed to be subject to naturalselection, and their expression is partially under the influence of environmental factors.
Thus, naturalselection favours smaller, more rapidly maturing worms when the resulting increase in survival outweighs size-related reductions in fecundity.
Such a research design excludes the very solution that naturalselection likely created to solve the problem.
Naturalselection is a mechanism governing the course of evolution, not the cumulative results of evolution directly.
Attainment of quasi-linkage equilibrium when gene frequencies are changing by naturalselection.
Genes are operated on by naturalselection, and in animals genetic differences influence brain and behavior, in presumably adaptive ways.
Genetic drift in clines which are maintained by migration and naturalselection.
There is no naturalselection directly on the male character or the female preference.
Naturalselection may act locally and lead to different patterns of geographic variation in life history traits of polyphagous herbivores.
In biological systems, persistence is perhaps the most obvious regularity characteristic, and is believed to be governed by naturalselection law.
Intra-ascal mating results in homozygosity of mutations that would be essentially immune to naturalselection in heterozygotes.
The deleterious consequences resulting in accelerated ageing and diminished longevity would have escaped the influence of naturalselection.
The evolution of recombination : removing the limits to naturalselection.
It means that naturalselection was not able to exhaust a reserve of genetic variation for this trait accumulated in natural populations.
Naturalselection in a fluctuating environment thus leads to accumulation of genetic variance in separate components of the fitness, rather than to their exhaustion.
Figure 1 shows how niche construction and ecological inheritance interact with naturalselection and genetic inheritance.
Often, evolutionists use consistency with naturalselection as the sole criterion and consider their work done when they concoct a plausible story.
They may be by-products of naturalselection operating on other cognitive mechanisms.
It is possible that the specific properties of conscious thought emerged by naturalselection thanks to their efficiency in dealing with these natural units.
Evolution by naturalselection can occur when new mutations can possibly lead to fitter phenotypes.
Experimental analyses in both the field and the laboratory have greatly enhanced our understanding of the effects of naturalselection on behavior.
What matters is that optimization theory permits evolutionary theory to characterize the results of naturalselection in complete abstraction from the underlying neural structures.
The motivation to become competent was highly adaptive and evolved presumably by naturalselection.
In nature, solutions to design problems are discovered by means of evolution and naturalselection.
Biologically primary abilities are found cross-culturally and are designed by naturalselection in our evolutionary past.
Faced with the difference between paradigm cases of naturalselection and operant conditioning, two conclusions are possible.
In one sense, as suggested earlier, all behavior has its origin in naturalselection or, more proximally, the inherited behavior of individual organisms.
The role of both respondent and operant behavior in naturalselection is emphasized.
Indeed, all traditional examples of naturalselection should count as examples of niche construction because they involve changed niches and changed selective environments.
Assume that the mental mechanisms and the strategies and decision-rules they contain were designed by naturalselection.
This is an issue of adaptation by naturalselection, and both proposed functions are considered valid.
It is possible that the genes for schizophrenia represent random mutations or "neutral genes" and are not subject to naturalselection.
We provide arguments for the need to explain handedness in terms of adaptation and naturalselection.
I speculate that naturalselection favoured individuals in need who mimicked the neonate, because individuals able to mimic these signals would get more help.
Evolution is constrained by physics, chemistry, and structure; not all change is powered by naturalselection, and not all phenotypes are adaptive.
Effects of naturalselection in segregating soybean populations exposed to phytophthora rot or soybean cyst nematodes.
Naturalselection may have produced adaptations that allow the perennial plant to live through periods of extreme heat, drought or flooding.
Naturalselection will improve the yield of a population, often through improved resistance to diseasecausing pathogens.
Naturalselection leading to interspecific adaptations under these circumstances is reasonably questioned.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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