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词汇 example_english_naturalistic

Examples of naturalistic

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Within the discourse of peace biology were some strong addictions to naturalistic analogy of a non-violent kind.
Another was the need for something more adequate than "naturalistic generalization" for evaluation purposes.
Temperament was more important than character; setting could not be separated from a naturalistic theory of environment, nor plot from theories of evolution.
When faced with these questions, he urges, we must bracket our" scientific beliefs", and naturalistic epistemology will be of no use.
The naturalistic treatment of plants and animals is deceptive: it is often quite inaccurate.
Attitudinist and intuitionist agree that this could only be denied through the naturalistic fallacy.
The most important characteristic of their work is that it is" naturalistic".
At first glance another kitchen-sink drama, it evinces no social interest and uses naturalistic detail for texture rather than for message.
In naturalistic drama, the prose must sound natural and credible and a character's speech is restricted to his own fictional personality and upbringing.
He believed that it was vital - but not sufficient - to give a naturalistic explanation of the origin of the moral instinct.
The criteria for 'unfitness' were essentially absolutes, or sociologically loaded rather than naturalistic.
The present study employed a better method of collecting naturalistic tongue slips.
Under what conditions should naturalistic observational data be collected?
Undoubtedly, if they had wanted to they could have produced naturalistic clay animals, with heads and legs, for example.
Naturalistic observations were carried out in the two classrooms over a 10-week period during the spring semester of the academic year.
The study was a prospective naturalistic follow-up of the emergence of symptoms of seasonal depression with the passage of time and change in seasons.
Since the cognitive science of religion is a naturalistic research programme, it is doubtful that its proponents can remain neutral on important ontological questions.
In that sense, there is no difficulty in reconciling non-naturalistic forms of evolutionary theory with religion.
I did not claim that the religion-as-fiction hypothesis is true, or even the best naturalistic hypothesis, but merely that it is provisionally better than realism.
Comparing primary and secondary generalized anxiety disorder in a long-term naturalistic study of anxiety disorders.
Attacking anxiety : a naturalistic study of a multimedia self-help program.
The text would then appear to be offering itself as something undetermined and unfinished, despite its apparently naturalistic detail.
Additionally, language learning can take place in either naturalistic or instructed settings or in a combination of both.
The patterned data produced by reaction-diffusion systems is used to create a naturalistic soundscape in the piece cicada.
However, there are some conceptual limitations to a truly naturalistic study of learning mechanisms.
Finally, this study highlights the continuing need for longitudinal, naturalistic studies of panic and agoraphobia, ideally beginning early in life with follow-up into adulthood.
Quality of life in schizophrenia: a multicenter, naturalistic, controlled trial comparing olanzapine to first-generation antipsychotics.
Effects of negative input for 13 categories of grammatical error were assessed in a longitudinal study of naturalistic adult-child discourse.
What remains to be learned is whether a homonym disadvantage, no effect, or a homonym advantage would be observed in naturalistic word learning.
The constructions, whose ungrammaticality learners have to deduce, will not occur in the naturalistic input.
Additionally, it is important to distinguish their pretest results from their posttest results that were observed after explicit training, not naturalistic learning.
More speci®cally, the data in (9) are naturalistic, and (7), (8), (14), (15), (17c), (22), (25) and (42) + (45) are elicited.
However, because the data are naturalistic, it was not always possible to obtain the required number of words per condition.
A second example in which the effects of early exposure have been deciphered from naturalistic studies concerns maternal depression.
The core limitation of naturalistic or observational studies to examine the specific role of early experience is the stability of exposure to adverse environments.
An advantage of the naturalistic camp setting was that it permitted the collection of saliva from the children during uniform time periods.
Differences in processing may simply be a matter of degree, not of kind, especially given that monologue-like episodes are common even in naturalistic conversation.
In contrast, our commitment to the naturalistic fallacy is considerably weaker.
Laboratory dreams are, undoubtedly, largely representative of many of the formal and content features of dreaming in naturalistic settings.
In choosing to adopt laboratory experimental research, one is not denying naturalistic field studies.
Naturalistic studies of older children could give a better point of comparison with the observational studies that have already been done with younger children.
First, due to the naturalistic nature of our methods, it is more difficult to discern the true focus of a child's attention.
In addition, we categorized the child's overall response to the task in terms of the three joint attention categories used in the naturalistic observations.
Certainly, positive input occurs far more frequently than cases of negative evidence in naturalistic data.
Cures attributed to saints were capable of naturalistic explanation, but they were not rendered innocuous by this means.
Our study used a "real-world" as opposed to an experimental research setting: we believe this "naturalistic" setting is an important asset.
The unity of drive and norm appears to be re-established, although on completely naturalistic grounds.
The boundaries of the supernatural were likewise those of naturalistic explanation; the limits of the divine and the limits of the natural were interdependent.
A surgery handled the more extreme therapeutic interventions, while experiments with drug therapies were performed in a more naturalistic setting, but under closely controlled conditions.
Difference is not, therefore, naturalistic but part of an ongoing process of development and realisation.
In most of these naturalistic observations, additional adults (other than the parent/caregiver and experimenter) and peers were present.
The process by which the tree of resurrection universes is generated is itself naturalistic.
The third develops a more naturalistic account of the many universes needed for resurrection.
The notion that religions are false may motivate attempts to develop naturalistic explanations but it doesn't help to justify them.
We cannot comment on the long-term effects of our treatment and our study is not a purely naturalistic study.
The main aim of this study was to evaluate child language in different, but all essentially naturalistic, situations.
Furthermore, researchers usually sample only a small fraction of the child's life, and focused assessments based on naturalistic sampling will be limited as well.
Chapters 9 through 13 on naturalistic data collection are also varied in the subject matter they cover.
First, children in a naturalistic testing context are more likely to show competence with conversational implicatures than in a test situation which involves pragmatic judgment.
Studies like the present one, meanwhile, based as they are on naturalistic data, suffer from a number of limitations.
While suggesting a potential homonym advantage in production, these naturalistic observations have not directly compared homonym learning to novel word learning.
Observation has the undeniable appeal of ecological validity providing a naturalistic view of typical child language and is considered direct, objective, and reliable.
A two-year naturalistic follow-up of depressed patients treated with cognitive therapy, pharmacotherapy and combination of both.
The naturalistic data demonstrates how such conversations often include instances of metadiscourse which are language learning experiences in themselves.
The prevalence of oral language use in naturalistic and classroom contexts suggests the importance of tackling this issue.
Teachers are likely to find naturalistic research both easier to do and more valuable to the kind of enquiries in which they wish to engage.
The question then would be how any naturalistic reduction of propositions about reasons could be a priori.
As an instructional handbook, it explains botanical terms and supplies technical details about how to craft naturalistic floral representations in wax.
A total of 2752 time-sampled naturalistic observations of children's on-task behaviour, sustained activity, and affect in the preschool classrooms were conducted.
I have critiqued matrilineal descent, divine kingship, the naturalistic fallacy concerning the origins of descent groups and the myth of real kinship.
The analogical paradox: why analogy is so easy in naturalistic settings yet so difficult in the psychological laboratory.
If a null effect of neighborhood density is obtained, then this would suggest that other factors are stronger determinants of lexical acquisition in naturalistic contexts.
Alternatively, this influence of neighborhood density on lexical acquisition may be robust across both controlled and naturalistic settings.
In naturalistic settings, listeners are likely to interpret the individual's utterances before completion, and thus, before a multiclause structure can be encoded.
In sum, analyses of bilingual narratives reveal cross-linguistic language interaction in naturalistic speech samples.
We acknowledge that laboratory training cannot take the place of naturalistic exposure to a target language.
The data were gathered in 2002 in two hour-long taped sessions of structured but naturalistic interview sessions conducted by the first author.
On reflection, this actually seemed to be a more naturalistic test of symbolic play than a test for single actions.
Therefore, we are always left with naturalistic inferences of various degrees of cogency.
A naturalistic display of objects was used (as opposed to computer presentation) to increase the ecological validity of the study.
Attentional dysfunction in more naturalistic settings in young children with autism has also been linked to cerebellar abnormalities.
A pattern of overall improvement over time was found in this 3-year naturalistic study.
Maternal depression and preschool attachment to show more sadness and irritability with their toddlers when observed in a naturalistic apar tment setting.
Although less interpretable than a randomized study, the naturalistic design of this study does reflect what is done every day in clinical practice.
Our results extend prior research that has revealed hypoactive cortisol production and blunted cortisol responses to laboratory and naturalistic psychosocial stressors.
The research hitherto on multiliteracies has largely been qualitative, naturalistic case studies.
First, they used naturalistic paragraphs, which made it difficult to control for the cumulative effects of context, including the presence of lexical associates.
Studies of learners in naturalistic learning situations have provided evidence that younger is better.
Previous comparisons employing naturalistic conversational language samples have raised two important issues related to this syntactic deficit.
Her interdisciplinary research combines techniques and ideas across fields, and uses naturalistic paradigms, in order to study how emotion and cognition interact to produce behavior.
How well can individual differences in both naturalistic and experimental contexts be predicted?
As we know from surviving wall paintings, ancient artists had achieved considerable naturalistic realism even in the representation of complex geometrical spaces.
In naturalistic signing the child replaced the marked handshapes in the target with unmarked handshapes in her production.
A number of elements were included to approximate the naturalistic word learning circumstances encountered by an infant.
Too much emphasis on any one element would lead to the production of narratives which were stilted and not naturalistic.
Studies based on naturalistic data are a core tool in the field of language acquisition research and have provided thorough descriptions of children's speech.
A final source of discrepancy is likely to rest in the use of parental report rather than naturalistic observation.
Naturalistic observations of children's behaviour in the preschool classroom were conducted, and teachers and parents reported on children's behaviour at home and school.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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