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词汇 example_english_narrowly

Examples of narrowly

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The tryptophan pathway exemplifies the situation where paralogs can be engaged in primary amino-acid biosynthesis (widespread) or in a variety of specialized pathways (narrowly distributed).
Our third aspect of the truth of example, which we can consider more narrowly critical, may suggest a distinctive relationship of process to tradition.
If this recommendation is too narrowly defined, we will encourage people to look at small things like training programs.
A narrowly constituted élite was seeking to instruct the wider theatre audience in the incorrectness of its taste.
The acceptable limits of comfort may be too narrowly defined.
At other times, however, casting a net too narrowly may lead investigators to miss what might otherwise be detected.
Generosity can apply in a context in which narrowly defined justice cannot.
Another chapter focuses more narrowly on issues of ecclesiastical employment and religious involvement in public education.
In other cases, they become the norm simply by being recycled in a narrowly specialized field.
When a given concept is being used, will activity be distributed widely or narrowly?
Although this was an important factor, accounts which focus on it too narrowly are unsatisfactory.
Especially in less developed countries, research on ageing still tends to prejudge people's priorities and to focus narrowly on material outcomes.
Our strategy in writing our target article was to start with fairly narrowly-defined terms and gradually expand our analysis.
Most narrowly, he means the organisms produced by genomes.
More seriously the reliance on narrowly economic analysis often leads in places to an implicitly and perhaps accidentally over-critical position regarding trade unionism.
The folktale has assumed a life of its own, as various commentators have focused too narrowly on their own subdisciplinary concerns.
She eats the baby, but its siblings narrowly escape by climbing up a golden chain sent from heaven.
Complaints about media bias, he notes, increase when media outlets find it profitable to target news to narrowly defined constituencies.
The macro-textual function of the various cleft constructions is shown to dominate their more narrowly semantic characterizations.
Historians, unlike most social scientists, enjoy the opportunity to acknowledge the case-specificity of events, presenting their conclusions within narrowly defined parameters.
Instead of unilateralism based narrowly upon national security interests, liberals push for a deep involvement in international affairs.
The sample average, ranging narrowly from 88 to 93 in these three elections, is 90.6 overall.
The focus of this study is narrowly construed.
Despite lip-service to utility, they would not subordinate their research to narrowly economic, practical problems.
All else being equal, interests are likely to be defined more narrowly in a fragmented polity than in a centralized polity.
Other studies have focused, more narrowly, on certain features of private practice.
More often than not, health promotion is understood too narrowly.
In both volumes, some chapters focus more narrowly on language, whereas others give emphasis to macro processes of a political nature.
Further, the latter sort of investigation might shed a very different light on a phenomenon only investigated narrowly.
While not explicitly setting out to do so, his book also challenges a narrowly national history.
In this sense, the revolution in the factories was not narrowly economic but was also about the social relations of work and community.
Poverty can be defined narrowly in ter ms of income poverty or it can be defined broadly in ter ms of economic and social deprivation.
How narrowly adapted are the products of decentralized breeding?
Typically, the cross-sectional research has been rather narrowly focused on one or more speech acts, investigated by means of elicited data.
Although these alternations are restricted to narrowly 4 4 defined groups of stems, some of them are quite systematic, while others are truly irregular.
Whether they will pursue this equality in more narrowly defined confessional terms, or within broader cross-ethnic alliances, still requires much additional research.
In other words, intellectuals began to focus more narrowly on problems related to their subject of study and less on wider political issues.
In so doing an attempt is made to address questions that are at once broadly political and narrowly human in their scope.
There were three additional types that resembled narrowly unistratified ganglion cells in human retinas.
The images show a narrowly selective peak in the signal direction flanked by regions with a broader selectivity.
According to the depth of dendritic stratification, macaque wide-field ganglion cells were classified into four groups: narrowly unistratified, broadly stratified, bistratified, and diffuse.
The second direction taken in the study of language learning in the 1970s was the extension of its scope beyond narrowly defined linguistic competence.
In the end, the solution to the mystery, if it is in the least unconventional, exposes narrowly conventional convictions as partial, as misguided, as insufcient.
Hopefully, more narrowly-focused conferences and collections will replace efforts to straddle the entire topic.
Up to this point we have been dealing with dinosaurs either broadly or narrowly, and have reached the approximate halfway point in the book.
The argument is that as networks change from social through support to care networks, the more narrowly defined functions are associated with smaller size.
As a result, they view direct compliance benefits narrowly as simply the potential to reduce payments of fees and fines.
Narrowly defined exclusion criteria in public health reviews may mean that systematic reviews 'work' less well than they could.
The two are in broad agreement, although the nonlinear solution is evidently more narrowly pointed near the origin of the phase plane.
What follows then may help us to grasp not narrowly what medieval theft law was, but why it was so.
However, he cast narrowly what metacognition means, reducing it to something that is merely executive, architecture-bound, or structural.
Stigmatic spines (fig. 9, b) rather small, narrowly conical, and more or less uniform; they vary from 25-38 in number.
Meanwhile, there remain educators who believe that authenticity can best be defined very narrowly.
The local nature of the mortgage market did much to keep the circulation of land within narrowly circumscribed boundaries.
In the debates about the viability of these alternative explanations, attention has been focused too narrowly on the modal response.
The book is careful to say that history should not be narrowly defined.
Here we have investigated this narrowly defined, relatively homogenous group for the first time using neuroimaging.
The team was providing a relatively narrowly defined service.
Urbanization of birthplace is associated with increased risk of non-affective psychosis but this is not confined to narrowly defined cases.
We found higher treated rates for narrowly defined schizophrenia among males, but no significant gender difference for age of onset.
Eventually, through the narrowly averted death of her son - who, it turns out, is actually their son - the two come together again.
On this question, though, we would note that the mind implements its decisions through the events in the human body or, more narrowly, the brain.
Thus, the gender gap that requires our concern must be limited to political participation defined more narrowly.
However, in both variants, the right has been defined broadly, the left narrowly.
Finally, it is not clear whether one should narrowly or broadly define investment.
Predictably, the result was a multiparty system of narrowly based parties.
More narrowly focusing on humble vendors than it had done in 1817, the crown lawyers gained far more convictions.
If the hypothetical monopolist cannot do so, then the proposed market must be defined so narrowly as to exclude a close substitute.
99 assure that care is responsive to patients' needs, and adoption of narrowly defined boundaries between medical and social service systems in caring for patients.
In sum, these works are either too narrowly circumscribed (number of speakers) or too broad to be representative (regionality).
Still, his scholarship is recognizably finite, as those of us who have read far more narrowly but somewhat more deeply into specific crevices frequently discover.
However, synonymy tends to be interpreted more narrowly, as the relation between distinct words that share the same meaning.
The interviewees agreed that success should not be too narrowly defined.
In some hands, the concept of peace has been so narrowly defined as to be evanescent or non-existent.
The essays are rather more narrowly focused than the very general title suggests.
Adjacent pinnules are narrowly confluent at the base, or in some cases somewhat constricted in the lower part.
The pedicel is strongly tapered towards where it was narrowly attached to the cone axis.
The ' informal economy ' is here rather narrowly defined, embracing only legal occupations, and excluding activities such as urban agriculture.
Rethinking the factory was much more than a narrowly economic concern.
Most observers recognise that any adequate account of the region's poor performance must extend well beyond narrowly economic factors.
Thus, more narrowly distributed taxa are characterised by earlier seed production, during the dry season or immediately after it.
Focusing narrowly sometimes yields the sort of insights into a president's thinking that illuminate the psychological sources of choices that could not be otherwise explained.
Moreover, even when available, clinical data may refer to narrowly defined populations and their generalizability to more broadly defined populations will remain uncertain.
What is acceptable now as a "normal" blood glucose for a diabetic is defined far more narrowly than it once was.
However, this seems inadequate to describe certain types of narrowly stratified cell and cannot accommodate the large number of cell types now reported.
Militia but only narrowly escaped punishment for leaving the ranks to chase a butterfly.
All layers contain nonoriented cells and all layers contain at least some relatively narrowly tuned cells.
Their work provides well-motivated and well-documented arguments against the narrowly formal, structuralist approach of generative grammar in its various permutations over the past few decades.
We have shown that such research is neither rare nor narrowly limited in the range of experiments that are performed.
If society cannot be conceived as providing locations within itself for social criticism, then society is being conceived too narrowly or schematically.
Whichever interpretation one chooses, what is at stake undoubtedly goes beyond aesthetic considerations narrowly considered.
Similarly, the diagnosis of depressive disorder could be overly inclusive despite the strategy of narrowly defining this independent variable.
Even when the reviewed area can be defined more narrowly than here, however, this may be questionable.
From the early 1950s onwards numbers fluctuated only narrowly.
Though procedural models of democracy are for some purposes narrowly focused, such an approach serves well for the immediate tasks at hand here.
Like law protecting and promoting instrumental community, law protecting basic conditions of co-existence has a limited, narrowly defined, even straightforward social task.
The probability here depends on how broadly or narrowly 'staying put' is defined.
Consider two parties whose horizons, as measured by the researcher, just narrowly fail to intersect.
As the cost of producing and transmitting a story declines, more news niches emerge, producing stories with a narrowly focused point of view.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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