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词汇 example_english_motif

Examples of motif

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Coiled-coil-like motifs are a distinguishing feature of a number of viral fusion proteins.
We analyzed occurrences of pair motifs of all combinations of amino acids separated by 1 to 10 residues.
Besides structural proteins of the cytoskeleton, the motor proteins that interact with them also contain coiled-coil motifs.
The actual binding motifs may be longer, we only need to capture the most significant region.
He asks, what evidence is there that the actions that workers took were determined by ideological motives of the left or right ?
The theoretical challenge is understanding how these mechanisms can be developed into complex motives in psychological experience.
Unfortunately, the neural systems related to aggression are not well understood, perhaps because such behavior can be called upon to serve several different motives.
The above discussion indicates that there are alternative motives for land tenure contracts in developing countries.
In addition, each strategy was a specific outworking of music analytical techniques, such as identifying motifs, harmonic progressions and overall structure.
By lesson 22 (of 30), the six-year-olds could perform two rhythmical motifs in two separate groups.
The likely motives were the desire to preserve and perpetuate the house name and maybe only a limited interest in social mobility.
Economics might encourage a move to town, but other motives might well point in the other direction.
Mercantilist motives can be discerned for this enactment.
He might assert that capitalist acts are rarely done from such motives.
The distinction between preference and duty does not coincide with the distinction between self-interested motives and motives that are not self-interested.
Three other motifs are also common between each dataset's list of 20 most significant motifs.
Again and again, residents and public officials - their complex motives run from the civic-minded to the selfish - tried to save the city from ruins.
Similar alignments of intein-associated endonuclease domains indicate a more diverged structure of the b-sheet motifs.
First, the estimates do not separate wealth accumulated from different motives at a fundamental level.
Gone are the pseudo-glyph motifs and complex layouts painted or incised on serving vessels.
The account shows some analysis, and there is recognition of the worth of exploring motives or reasons for behaviour.
Glycine-rich loops that engage the phosphates of a bound nucleotide are common motifs among highly diverse types of mononucleotide binding proteins.
The majority of the structural motifs in the loops are b-sheet and b-turns.
On the contrary, most of our actions are bound up with our having desires, intentions, goals, plans, motives, and the like.
Ideological objectives for violence became less distinguishable from motives of economic accumulation.
Thus, it is political representation, autonomy, and ideology that emerge as the key motives for the decision to launch (or not launch) independent parties.
The e-mail forum, once assured of the genuine motives for the research, welcomed it and commended the research process.
Such artefacts mean that care and experience are required to interpret gels accurately, leading to a preference for loci containing tri- or tetra-nucleotide repeat motifs.
He simply asserts that the designer might have reasons or motives that make other things more important than engineering excellence.
Many assumptions - about the volunteers' youth, gender, class, religion, ethnicity, politics, and motives, and how these may have changed over time - therefore remain untested.
The analysis also revealed bi-directional crossovers that referred to two motifs, comparisons of the past and present, and the narrator's involvement in intergenerational transmission.
The prominent use of the bi-directional motifs may indicate congruence between the narratives' structural coherence and the narrators' explicit efforts to create continuity.
The assumption that dream motives can be "interpreted" from the sequence of the visual images is implicit and absolutely essential to the interpretation of dreams.
Increasingly, social scientists are drawing our attention to the instrumental motives of the supporters of social insurance.
Databases also contain some very large families of related domains, motifs or repeated sequences, in some cases with hundreds of members.
Different combinations of motifs may have dramatically different effects on transcription.
They are perceived as driven by artistic motives rather than by commercial ones.
Other explanations are therefore needed to understand the motives that have led the government to pursue child-related policies in recent years.
The view and motives of others are taken into account and considered against those of the writer.
Consider the analogy with "bias-crime laws," that is, criminal laws that provide extra punishment for crimes committed as a result of prejudiced or discriminatory motives.
However, these requests were rejected for a mix of legitimate financial concerns and not-so-legitimate political motives.
The unemployment trap theorem has an institutional and a personal aspect and it involves institutional phenomena and individual motives and decisions.
Reformers therefore need to look at the key actors and their motives : who wants change and why, and who will benefit?
The musical output of the system, therefore, was quadraphonic propagation of motifs and variations, which successively got in and out of synchronisation.
The bottom-left quadrant offered pitch and amplitude control as well, but here the motifs were played in reverse.
After recording their voice motifs, players could listen to them in a loop and transform them by moving their fingers on the touch pad.
Similar motifs were found by these authors in desmin, vimentin and peripherin.
Would it not help to imagine footsteps and other aspects of motor movement when trying to analyse its rhythmic motives?
All three recurring musical motives are set up by a textual recollection.
By contrast, a changing investor ratio, driven by profit motives, will lead to asset dependency.
Thus, weaker precautionary motives raise wealth inequality between income groups as well as age groups. 31.
A study of the attitudes, motives, and strategies of university foreign language students and their disposition to authentic oral and written input.
Because of contingency, unexpected strategic choices and the incompleteness of our knowledge of circumstances and motives, we may not be able to predict social revolutions.
Moreover, though some motives are mutually reinforcing, others are contradictory: treating discussion as an opportunity for persuading others, for example, can conflict with educating oneself.
In both cases strong cultural-political groups with conflicting motives are using the archaeological past in the legitimation of one's cultural identity.
Among the motifs depicted in the main chamber, nine figures currently interpreted as ballplayers stand on the lower frieze.
Incised decorations included geometric patterns and circle motifs.
Efficiency gains and increased competition in care services provision were also important motives.
What does it mean to call apparently universal phenomena ' local ', or to see in such repeated motifs signs of diversity ?
What was to be seen in the compelling detail of material analyses was that "motives," for example, had worlds attached.
Perhaps there were aesthetic considerations, but the chief motives were more hard-headed.
Large independent expeditions, for example, may at times operate in a mode similar to adventure tourism but are distinguished from the latter by different motives.
The need for impartial policy implementation by experts refers to the two most important motives given by policymakers in quango statutes.
The position of the motifs inside the sequences and the number of amino acids separating them is indicated.
There is not too much of that here, as quote after quote is uncritically used to explain the motives of the maestro and his music.
Such a difference in motives might again produce a divergence in ideal outcomes and thus a difference in litigation tactics.
The majority of the sample had primarily empathic motives, while the second largest group were 'professionals ' and the third ' income prioritisers'.
Even seemingly highminded action must be probed by this sarcastic mistrust, until true motives are revealed.
Both motifs allow the past and future to be brought together in a conscious, controlled way.
Of the two identified support-giving motives, the quality of the relationship with the parent was a very strong correlate of support giving.
Surrounding these figures may be an intricate pattern of winged and/or paw scrolls, often associated with vertical scale motifs.
The assertion that the same mechanism overcomes selfish motives by creating altruistic ones is more tenuous.
The authors leave little doubt about the good motives of the central bankers.
The imitative sequential repeats chart an ascending course of sequences of matching motives playing in a call-andresponse texture.
Pupils will have to listen hard, work hard and use their brains to master cross-rhythms, develop musical motifs and sustain their concentration in longer performances.
Whatever their motives for this method of punishment, the implications are clear.
Economic and political motives seemed to take precedence over humanitarian considerations.
They come from different walks of life and their motives, claims, and qualifications for expertise are manifold.
The respondents were asked to rank five motives for returning to study after the age of 40 years.
As shown in section 3, preferences for the credence attribute and variety are both important and supporting motives to purchase labeled items.
He thoroughly disavowed every thing of the sort, and regretted that it was ever surmised that such were their motives.
The mixed subgroup also reported high levels of coping motives for drinking and emotion-focused coping.
However, conceptual and empirical advances depend upon identification of different forms of empathy, as well as the reasons and motives for different forms of expression.
In turn, these advances have stimulated the development of therapeutic approaches targeting structural motifs required for protein self-assembly.
Table 1 shows the top 20 motifs after linear regression with the two different datasets.
There are no things, only words, motifs, tropes, and half-hearted aspirations after something that never even existed.
As a path is traversed through the tree, a combination of motifs affecting expression is discerned.
Consider a combination of three binding motifs that cause increased binding affinity, and thus an increase in expression levels.
One approach is to ask whether the motifs are polymorphic in the promoters of genes that show variable expression within and among species.
The second situation where regression trees should provide an advantage is where multiple different combinations of motifs give rise to similar expression patterns.
The problem remains as to how to confirm the biological function of statistically significant motifs.
While membrane proteins are large and complex, their building motifs are simple, with -helical structures being common.
To some extent we already live in a world modelled by these motifs.
The whole book is a sad caricature of the kind of unselective suspicion of motives which has made psychoanalysis increasingly a laughing-stock amongst psychiatrists.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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