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词汇 example_english_moderation

Examples of moderation

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
We should very much like the framework to be less submissive and the strategic moderations and corrections to be more forthright.
From Europarl Parallel Corpus - English
Policy moderation by incumbents has a positive significant effect on their votes.
Capital accepts the development of a large public insurance system in exchange for the unions' moderation and the availability of a well-qualified labour force.
He also earned himself a reputation for ' moderation ', which increased his usefulness in confrontations with the crown.
Merchants pragmatically expressed their indignation at usurers and bankrupts as violators of the charity, moderation, and prudence they themselves claimed to display.
Centralized bargaining aimed at trading wage moderation for welfare benefits and employment guarantees would lower wage inflation in any type of policy environment.
The original moderation technique is far from being a laissez-faire approach, it is meant to keep the discussion under strict control.
In part this is a corollary of her discussion of masculinity, and its moderation.
We expect the drop in probability to be greatest when both surprise and moderation move from their lowest to their highest values.
At the same time, the effect of incumbency on moderation remains strong.
Given this 'moderation' effect of coalition governments, neither radical privatizations nor nationalizations should be expected under coalition governments.
Statistical difficulties of detecting interactions and moderation effects.
Vast amounts of water were needed for cooling and for moderation.%!
If the universalist were to call for moderation and liberal inclusivism at this point, this would seem totally immoral to the particularist.
The theoretical premises of the "inclusion-moderation hypothesis" remain the same.
Conventional architectural theory rarely considers environmental moderation as part of the task of architecture.
We may call the instigators doctrineeropaths, who doctrineer without humour, criticism, moderation or sense.
Real moderation would surely not have caused such divisions.
Subsequently, moderation in statute was unintentionally supplemented by the authorities' normal and complete incompetence when they tried and failed to enforce the oath.
Teachers mark the completed portfolio of compositions and submit a sample of compositions to the examination board for moderation.
The list could, of course, be extended to include many other qualities such as moderation, justice, benevolence, loyalty, tolerance, patience, and so forth.
Declining promotes self-interest because it is a means of achieving moderation.
We argue that a focus on cross-contextual mediation and moderation of resilience processes is likely to yield advances in our understanding of resilience against depression.
We examined the role of child-parent attachments in the connections between marital conflict and child adjustment, and tested additive, mediation, and moderation models.
The first was modelling the variability across agents of perception of the world as a result of moderation of behaviour.
Testing these predictions is, however, complicated by reciprocal causation: moderation affects resources (negatively), but resources also affect moderation (positively).
However, the coefficient for spending advantage could be underestimated due to endogeneity bias resulting from the negative effect of policy moderation on candidate spending.
The negative effect of policy moderation on campaign funds is not only statistically, but also substantively, significant.
Any convincing deliberative view of democracy must therefore appeal to the value of inclusion, just as it appeals to the value of moderation.
Still, we might continue to ask why any of this should matter: surely, all that counts is moderation, irrespective of how it is achieved?
In this sense, inclusion and moderation feature in their accounts if and because they promote stability or reduce instability.
I measure candidate policy moderation in terms of the location of a candidate relative to the other candidates who belong to the candidate's party.
I expect that the effect of incumbent policy moderation is positive.
At the same time, the advocates of moderation and compromise never constituted a well-organized movement.
A possible explanation for this observation could be that their ideological moderation makes it easier for them to cross partisan borders.
Rather, the focus on individuals' interactions points to one shortcoming of the causal relation posited by the inclusion-moderation thesis from the outset.
During the first par t of this period, intra-communal rivalries enabled the formation of inter-communal and inter-regional coalitions, thus encouraging moderation and pragmatism.
We will also see diminishing returns associated with political moderation.
The offering of feigned opposition can give moderates a welcome scapegoat and pretext for moderation.
In this midst of this determined moderation, the gospel which these reformers preached was that of justification by faith alone.
On the one side she had something wild, frightening and perhaps tempting while on the other side the requirement of moderation.
In much current architecture, environmental moderation is self-conscious, explicit, and part of a wider, rhetorical agenda: political at one extreme, technical at the other.
The direction of moderation was similar for all outcomes.
Moderation, in particular, involves the specification of differential treatment response in different subgroups, identified by the moderator variable.
Unfortunately, the sample grouping of these demographic variables within each gender was not sufficient to conduct finer tests of moderation.
We were also interested in the moderation of those influences by gender, but speculated that the etiology would not vary across gender.
One was pronounced utterly pure or thoroughly vile, foreclosing moderation and due exercise of judgement.
Instead, this paper suggests that the rhetoric of moderation often worked to mask the harsh realities of power on the colonial frontier.
Three main effects hypotheses, one moderation hypothesis, and two mediation hypotheses were tested in the path models.
The other 75% either showed no clear pattern or appeared to display moderation in their responses to social challenge.
Through all linking mechanisms this moderation extended to the (semi-) public sector as well.
In cotton, and iron and engineering, labour relations were stabilized in die period, die stress mainly on moderation and co-operation widi employers.
We can, however, have other reasons for valuing inclusion and moderation, besides political stability.
On this practical approach, values like inclusion and moderation emerge in the course of empirical inquiry, and are ultimately judged as instruments of political stability.
Moderation is only a last-ditch response to electoral panic.
The moderation technique has one final specificity; it also includes the preparation of a scenario.
Instead, it is to show how situating moderation and inclusion within a deliberative framework allows us to make important recommendations about questions of institutional design.
The assumption of most studies of inclusion and moderation seems to be that cooperation is most likely to occur in the context of political liberalization.
Rather, he observes that their moderation has protected their social-service network.
The second is the moderation of the actions and behaviour of the traditional governance structures and elite behaviour in the oil economy.
All this is done with admirable clarity and openminded moderation.
With conservatives now in possession of the moral absolutes, the more politically progressive artists felt pressed into the position of endorsing ambivalence and moderation.
Among 'their people ', their power grew, not always in the mold of 'precolonial aristocracies',121 but as a model of moderation in modernization.
Claiming that moderation and accommodation were essential if the movement was to survive, conservative elements gained control of the party leadership.
Moderation by child gender was not considered further.
There is probably no more than 250 in the might cause of loss of 'power' for moderation needed in all things; whole world.
Moderation models were tested using linear multiple regression.
The marks awarded by the listening/ assessing groups were averaged; the resultant mark was subject to moderation by the tutor who monitored the proceedings.
Thus, candidate strength often has dual effects on moderation.
Moderation by one candidate will encourage counter-moderation by the other in an attempt to move the cut line in the opposite direction.
The benefit cutbacks had to result in lower contributions, and thus in lower wage costs, but the main emphasis was placed on wage moderation.
Inclusion and moderation can therefore be recast as requirements of political equality, although the structure of the argument is different in the two cases.
Let us begin, though, by briefly reviewing just why it is that moderation and inclusion must be regarded as mutually reinforcing.
Do they fare any better with respect to balancing the values of inclusion and moderation?
Finally, the estimated effects are more variable at higher levels of surprise and moderation.
Non-incumbent winners' policy moderation in the next election is significant at the 0.01 level.
To test these theoretical results, two-stage estimation is used in this article to solve the reciprocal relationship between policy moderation and campaign resources.
A fully interactive model that tests the effect of the interaction of the three independent variables on policy moderation also produces qualitatively similar results.
Moderation may have been a conventional ideal but one need not draw from that the conclusion that it had been drained of meaning.
The internal interreligious politic and the culture of moderation that maintained it were both shattered.
Mixed model analyses were computed to examine moderation between parental alcohol status and parental socialization when predicting coping and coping efficacy.
A political climate of caution and moderation led to more modest claims with regard to the desired outcomes.
In recent years the trend, like almost everywhere else, has been towards pay moderation.
However, this moderation effect varied depending on the predictor and outcome variables included in the model.
Results provided modest support for the main effects hypotheses but little support for the moderation and mediation hypotheses.
Analytically, this means a move from linear mediation models to nonlinear moderation models where many factors are interacting in producing the expected outcomes.
When moderation and mediation are extended from field research to clinical trials, conceptual and methodologic confusion is possible.
Moderation and mediation may work simultaneously, as well.
There appears to be two aspects of the program's effect on maltreatment reports that help explain this moderation effect.
Moderation was supported if the addition of the interaction term in the second step resulted in a significant improvement in model fit.
Assessments of additive, mediation, and moderation processes within a single study on the association between marital conflict and child outcomes are scarce.
If the moderation effects varied based on gender, follow-up regressions were conducted separately for boys and girls; there were no significant interactions involving age.
First, we assessed moderation of genetic risks on anxiety symptoms by negative life events in each age group.
Paradoxically, it was that emphasis which allowed them to approach a range of other, potentially contentious, issues with moderation.
Their numerical pluralism makes it difficult, if not impossible, to make and enforce a bargain, tacit or explicit, that would achieve moderation.
Even when moderation is pursued, the results may be less than wholly illuminating.
Several commentators advocate moderation on the grounds that a scientific approach must secure itself against premature generalizations.
Teachers may form a consortium in order to administer and validate the scheme and moderation procedures of some kind will be required to ensure reliability.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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