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词汇 example_english_mitral-valve

Examples of mitral valve

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The diameter of the isthmus was found to be smaller, and the size of mitralvalve annulus larger, than previously published values.
A tiny imperforate mitralvalve and a rudimentary left ventricle were found.
Two years after surgery the child is clinically well, with no signs of pulmonary hypertension and with normal flow through the mitralvalve.
It is generally acknowledged that the inflammatory process involves most frequently the mitralvalve.
Congenital mitralvalve disease associated with coarctation of the aorta.
The principal problem associated with repair of the mitralvalve in children is long-term durability.
Echocardiography showed poor systolic function of her systemic (morphologically right) ventricle, and identified new severe regurgitation of her right-sided mitralvalve.
The attachment extended to the left coronary leaflet of the aortic valve, and to the ventricular surface of the aortic leaflet of the mitralvalve.
There does not appear to be any residual ventricular septal defect but the mitralvalve is "masked" by the patch material.
There was no systolic anterior motion of the mitralvalve, but mild prolapse of an aortic leaflet was seen.
The ventricular septal defect was directly related to the mitralvalve.
Instead, they represented gross calcification of the mitralvalve, and of the papillary muscles, as a consequence of viral myocarditis.
Increasingly, we are debulking the coronary sinus which we feel may be partially obstructive to the mitralvalve.
Since 1991, mitralvalve allografts have been used in our institution to replace the mitralvalve.
Other abnormalities were: patent ductus arteriosus, septal hypertrophy, mitralvalve prolapse and pericardial effusion (one case each).
In this field, mitralvalve repair is gaining experience but has rarely been assess on long term results.
In the left ventricle, the cords of the mitralvalve are attached exclusively to the paired papillary muscles.
Angioplasty catheters with a total balloon length of 20 mm were chosen to avoid injury to the mitralvalve during inflation.
Mitral regurgitation was graded for each patient by preoperative echocardiography-none (12), mild to moderate (29) or severe (5) mitralvalve regurgitation.
Examination of the mitralvalve is the crucial step in the procedure.
Indeed, such a functional approach should be extended to analysis of the normal mitralvalve.
Estimates of valve areas are therefore more useful (normal aortic and mitralvalve areas 3- 4 cm2 and 4-6 cm2 respectively).
To monitor the position during implantation, single-frame images at a time just prior to opening of the mitralvalve were used for display.
The systolic anterior motion of the mitralvalve was no longer present.
A small ridge of subaortic tissue which did not appear to attach to the leaflets of the mitralvalve was resected.
Additional anomalies included straddling of either the tricuspid or mitralvalve, mitral stenosis, hypoplastic left ventricle, isolated pulmonary stenosis and interruption of the aortic arch.
The distances to the right pulmonary veins, the mitralvalve and the coronary sinus were measured.
The scheduled valvoplasty in one patient was cancelled after the initial diagnosis of a cleft mitralvalve was excluded.
The baffle directing the pulmonary venous blood to the tricuspid, and the systemic venous blood to the mitralvalve, could be identified in all patients.
The right atrium opened into a right side morphologically left ventricle through a dilated mitralvalve which obviously had bee incompetent during life.
It is connected through a mitralvalve to the morphologically right atrium, which receives all the systemic veins.
The left junction is dominated by thefibrouscontinuity between one of the leaflets of the mitralvalve and those of the aortic valve.
The shared clinical feature of congenital mitralvalve regurgitation is noteworthy but surgical removal of the valve precludes morphological comparisons in this respect.
It is thought to involve an increased flow velocity across the mitralvalve when the pulmonary-to-systemic flow ratio exceeds 2:1.
For implantation of the baffle a small venous retractor is placed into the anterior remnant of the atrial septum thereby lifting forward the mitralvalve.
Mitralvalve disease complicated by left-to-right shunt at atrial level.
Two patients, who were in cardiogenic shock at the time of their referral, died in the operating room following replacement of the mitralvalve.
The leftto-right shunt through the arterial duct may even induce enlargement of the left ventricle,15 thus causing relative insufficiency of the mitralvalve.
Three patients developed such severe mitral regurgitation in the immediate postoperative period that the mitralvalve needed to be replaced before discharge from hospital.
Mitralvalve repair in this young rheumatic population is associated with a low operative mortality and morbidity.
Three of these patients had a history of psychiatric disorder and one of mitralvalve disease.
Problems have included incomplete closure, malpositioning of the device, embolisation, damage to the mitralvalve, fracture of device arms and atrial perforation.
Echocardiography allowed identification and exclusion of patients with chronic valve thickening, especially of the mitralvalve.
A rarer cause is the hammock mitralvalve, again stenotic in most cases.
She died after a long and difficult replacement of the mitralvalve.
In this chapter he described four apical diastolic murmurs associated with mitralvalve disease.
This same "flow" murmur can be heard with increased flow across the mitralvalve from the left-to-right shunt caused by a large ventricular septal defect.
Unique views of the mitralvalve were obtained in two patients with atrioventricular septal defect by transgastric imaging.
Mitralvalve disease, in particular, is present in all cases who have sequels of the rheumatic process.
Congenitally corrected transposition with normally positioned atria, straddling mitralvalve, and isolated posterior atrioventricular node and bundle.
Repair of the incompetent rheumatic mitralvalve, therefore, must be differentiated from repair for congenital incompetence.
The aorta was anterior, with its orifice being guarded by a normal valve which was separated from the mitralvalve by a muscular infundibulum.
The mitralvalve displayed thinning of its leaflets.
It was not attached to the leaflets of the mitralvalve, which were supported by two separate papillary muscles.
An endocardial fibrous plaque was noted opposite the excursion of the aortic leaflet of the mitralvalve.
The tension apparatus of the mitralvalve was thickened and fused forming a fibrous plate.
The device can then be visualised relative to the atrial septum, the right pulmonary veins, and the mitralvalve.
The larger anterior chamber received the mitralvalve and also gave rise to the aorta.
Two patients were in active endocarditis and 6 had a previous failed mitralvalve repair.
The false aneurysm was repaired and the mitralvalve replaced with an aortic homograft the by the "top hat" technique.
The left atrium received the pulmonary venous return and opened into the left ventricle through a normal mitralvalve.
Strictly speaking, a valve with only two leaflets (the mitralvalve) can have only one commissure!
A revised terminology for recording surgical findings of the mitralvalve.
The non-coronary sinus overlies the ventricular septal apex, the aortic leaflet of the mitralvalve, and both atrial free walls.
On cardiopulmonary bypass, the mitralvalve was approached through the left atrium.
Other anomalies in the heart and aorta were also sought, with special attention given to the mitralvalve to rule out rheumatic disease.
A tiny and imperforate mitralvalve was discovered by inspection after wide resection of the intact and thick interatrial septum.
In the patient with multiple rhabdomyoma, one tumor protruded through the mitralvalve, necessitating resection of part of the aortic leaflet.
At surgery, rupture of the tendinous cords supporting the aortic leaflet of the mitralvalve was found in three patients.
This possibility is further supported by the absence of significant changes in the subvalvar apparatus of the mitralvalve.
This has specific surgical implications when considering re-operation for mitralvalve regurgitation.
However, early mitralvalve repair offers for the others lesions an acceptable alternative to reach the adult age, demonstrated on long term results.
Valvular location (17/22), was the most common 77%: mitralvalve (10/17) tricuspide valve (5/17) and aortic valve (2/17).
In addition to myo-myectomy, mitralvalve repair and anterior mitral leaflet plication have been reported to beeffecient alternative to mitralvalve replacement.
Two children required reoperations to implant a prosthetic mitralvalve and a pacemaker.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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