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词汇 example_english_metrical

Examples of metrical

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Constraining metrical theory : a modular theory of rhythm and destressing.
The response to selection on major and minor mutations affecting a metrical trait.
Though optimally disyllabic, this notion is not the same as the metrical foot, and is not part of the familiar prosodic hierarchy.
If all were freely used, it is doubtful that any metrical structure would be perceptible at all.
The playing in these reflective sections is freer and non-metrical.
Rather than dissolving lyric into pure song, she sought to make it legible as a material effect of metrical translation.
Following the rules of choral responsion, the antistrophe matches the metrical pattern of the strophe, echoing its melody while also introducing a marked contrast thematically.
The relational property of stress can be expressed by means of metrical feet, which assign strong and weak syllables to metrical patterns.
Morphological feet are also not all subject to the same size constraints as metrical feet.
How are the feet (and the syllable sequences corresponding to them) in (12) and (13) strung together to yield different metrical templates ?
Second, if indeed an accentual tier is motivated on empirical grounds, can it be derived in metrical terms ?
In those languages where it has been described, it represents a phonological situation that should be taken seriously by metrical theory.
In addition, it is reasonable to wish to derive the stress of each singularplural pair through a single procedure, without appeal to metrical suppletion.
Lines that can be so mapped are metrical.
I have shown that it is statistically less obvious than previously thought, because non-metrical factors can have a greater influence on frequency than metrical factors.
Moreover, while a correlation is thought to exist between metrical tension and frequency, it is difficult to see it in the present corpus.
Instead, if a pattern is frequently used, it must be metrical (for the given poet).
Crucially, these models avoid all reference to phonology-proper notions such as (metrical) constituency and compositionality.
With the rise of metrical phonology, new light was shed on the entire question of stop allophones.
In addition, metrical structure gives the lowest-level note a pulse which defines the minimum possible density of movement.
The children were significantly worse at identifying words that had their metrical stress pattern reversed than words that were mispronounced in other ways.
Second, this knowledge of performing familiar meters facilitates parsing the metrical structure of unfamiliar metrical sequences by aligning them optimally to a familiar performance pattern.
A metrical family is constituted by a set of surface syllable sequences that may realize an abstract metrical template.
The syllable sequences are aligned against the metrical grid of a trochaic tetrameter.
The chapter also connects indeterminacy and ambiguity of metrical form to aesthetics.
The chapter looks at the metrical form of the sonnet, showing that there is considerable variation to both sonnets and theories of the sonnet.
One supporting argument is that lineation is as indeterminate and ambiguous as other metrical forms.
Metrical structure in planning the production of spoken words.
Many metrical r ules are more regular than this, and yet they are disregarded.
We teach recognition of such things as the creative tension between metrical lines and syntactic enjambement.
The acquisition of word stress is well documented and researchers have drawn attention to metrical restrictions for stress patterns of bisyllabic and multi-syllabic words.
In consequence, the phenomenal color-plane has no inherent metrical characteristics.
The possibility that colors might fail to be a metrical space was, from 1850 to 1860, a live one.
From the sun and the moon humans learn to determine periodicity, through which metrical oscillations the natural world begins to make formal sense.
In so "fashion[ing]" the universe through metrical order, the poet reconfigures the heavens and the earth.
I have already mentioned above that some of the artwork is not aligned properly and makes it somewhat time-consuming to study metrical derivations.
Emergent text-metrical structures in discourse are shown to reflexively map utterance-level propositional stance into larger-scale, fractionally congruent models of interactional stance.
When dissonant layers behave much like metrical layers, they can be considered structural, emancipating metrical dissonance from its need to resolve.
Riff 2 is not the only layer creating metrical dissonance in this track, however.
Complexity was determined through the number of "marked parameters" (syllable and/or metrical).
In addition, the existence of a default metrical pattern was posited, which could also affect the reading process.
The existence of a default metrical pattern is by no means obvious.
His conclusion is that such metrical considerations should be taken into account by text editors and override their scrupulous adherence to manuscript evidence.
Systematic exceptions arise only from the metrical convention that vowels before vowels are short.
As a preliminary step in that direction, the present investigation focuses on the influence of metrical stress patterns on lexical access.
Is it because some of the findings imply the processing/storage of metrical information?
Again, that depends on what it means to "preserve" metrical space.
Again, the number of unstressed syllables in the drop is irrelevant to metrical features like non-parasiting and non-contraction.
Such metrical deficiencies, if encountered in a metrical dating study, would disqualify the verses in question from consideration.
Because there were too few children represented in one or both of the metrical patterns involving rising contours, this analysis was restricted to falling contours.
If a metrical tradition has a single metrical type, it is usually symmetrical and rhythmic.
Five topics are considered: the structure of the syllable, phonological processes, metrical patterns, tone systems and intonation.
The domain of tone sandhi is now the metrical foot, and the tone in a metrically strong position spreads over the entire foot.
Unfortunately, the dialects in question do not offer compelling evidence for a metrical analysis.
First, the distinction between accentual and metrical structure is not clearly maintained.
In a metrical account, (24a) constitutes a stress clash between s1 and s2,11 while (24b) is metrically perfect.
The structure in (23a) is produced cyclically in accordance with the metrical rules given on page 307.
Since possible patterns are constrained by periodicity and line length, the number of such verse templates within a metrical tradition is usually (c) limited.
Moreover, additional constraints on the quantitative correspondence between abstract form and linguistic material may affect the realization of metrical positions.
A bimoraic metrical position may be either unbranched (realized by a single heavy syllable) or branched (realized by two light syllables).
The melody ipparently requires a measured, indeed for the most part a metrical, interpretation n units of uniform length in modern transcription.
In the present paper, we explore whether metrical foot effects can be detected in language comprehension.
Although pluralization is a simple process of concatenation of an -s morpheme, the candidates are chosen on the basis of syllabic and metrical appropriateness.
Understanding these typological properties makes a list of metrical variants superfluous.
Here, the highest row of asterisks represents the level of the metrical position ; the rows below it mark the foot and the dipodic levels, respectively.
In meters with non-isochronous rhythm (section 5.3), syncopation only occurs in the metrical phrase with -- tetramoraic feet.
The odd feet have a non-branching strong position, while the strong metrical position in even feet is obligatorily branching with a bimoraic strong terminal node.
The trochaic substitution analysis, on the other hand, requires the positing of metrical schemata that combine feet with opposed rhythmic configurations, which is undesirable.
I use "verse" because it does imply poetry, but there is abundant precedent in 20thcentury poetry for verse that is not metrical.
Still, there is evidence of metrical structure below the word level, as the tonal composition of words appears to be constrained by foot structure.
The possible metrical patterns for trisyllabic words are: ()(), ()() and ()()().
Because of obligatoriness, no language fails to assign metrical stress to a word for lack of a specific phonological property.
Kera shows that a tonal system can be sensitive to metrical structure, while maintaining a certain independence between the two systems.
I have shown that there is a non-metrical reason for the most frequent sentence type.
In the proposed account, metrical prominence is expressed in the relative height of gridmark columns.
A final analysis of this data was designed to explore the relative merits of metrical data derived either from the facial or lateral views.
In particular, recent advances in metrical phonology have underscored the shortcomings of a definition based on single- versus multiple-segment domains.
In (16), a mere 1 out of 5 lines is metrical, giving an iambicity value of 20%.
The musical form is also distinctly bipartite, but follows an articulation independent of the text's metrical structure.
The metrical strength of the rhyme position allows more violations of the prosody than would be acceptable elsewhere in the verse line.
Similarly, labour, languor, maner, mantel, mercy, mirour, peril, pile, rumour, sermoun, servant, seysoun, subgit, subtile, tresoun are matched only to even metrical positions.
The way in which this gradience manifests itself in metrical evidence will become clear below.
How does this connect with the issue of phonological strength and metrical structure introduced above?
I propose to treat reduplicative words as coextensive with the metrical dipod.
He does acknowledge, however, that contextual factors may contribute to a sense of the displaced layer arriving before the metrical layer.
The throbbing stream echoes the pulsing rhythms of the "tumultuous seas," and an ordered metrical structure governs what had at first appeared fitful rhythmic motions.
According to a theory of phonological encoding in word retrieval, the phonemes of a word and the word's metrical frame are processed separately.
The suggestion that certain poems were favoured because of their metrical structure goes some way towards placing the notated tradition within a broader context.
Constraining metrical theory: a modular theory of rhythm and destressing.
Is any representation of geometrical, spatial, metrical, or visual properties depictive?
The metrical results place this industry, like the one just discussed, in the middle of most ranges.
If reduplication is a 'special' use of language, the template, like metrical templates, can combine both size (number of moras) and prominence parameters.
There are also metrical differences between the two types.
I use the term 'metrical foot' to refer to a unit which brings together some prominent element + say, a stressed syllable with some unprominent element.
They indicate that the versifier avoided breaking more than one rule at once: verses without the alliteration also lack multiple metrical-grammatical requirements for it.
Does this subset of meters pose a true challenge to periodicity as a fundamental property of metrical verse ?
The caesural pause occupies a position in the periodic structure of the meter and therefore must be factored into the metrical parse.
I aligned the metrical sequences obtained from the traditional repertoire against this tune to establish yet another parameter for metrical fit.
Unbranched metrical positions correspond to a single heavy syllable while branched metrical positions correspond to two light syllables.
How can these meters be reconciled to the idea that metrical verse is always periodic?
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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