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词汇 example_english_matrix

Examples of matrix

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Table 1 presents the correlation matrices, means, and standard deviations for the models forecasting externalizing and internalizing symptoms.
The latter affords ample motivation for studying weak equivalence for arbitrary primitive matrices and not just those that match unimodal kneading sequences.
The amplitudes of incoming and outgoing modes for both fields are related by scattering matrices.
Connected simple systems, transition matrices and heteroclinic bifurcations.
In the case of the orthogonal group the generators must be skew symmetric matrices.
The present paper offers a better solution to this problem, using density matrices and superoperators instead of probability distributions.
To relate the sign of diagonal elements to the sign of the real parts of eigenvalues, we introduce the following dominant diagonal properties of matrices.
All operations are organised in relation to this base: in particular, they can be represented by linear functions whose matrices are diagonal in this base.
In that case, the simplest option is to take the canonical viewpoint, that is, the one consisting of diagonal matrices.
Fully off-diagonal submatrices of diagonally dominant matrices are completely unstructured matrices, and so with irreducible determinants of unbounded degree.
In the present work we give another construction for low-rank co-diagonal matrices, based on a modular sieve formula.
In this method it is not necessary to consider polarization vectors and eigenvalues of dispersion matrices around coupling points.
Distance matrices were calculated with a 50% conservation filter for each phylogenetic group.
Distance matrices between isolates were created for each type of data as follows.
Blocked matrices can never lead to a solution.
Vectors, matrices and higher dimensional grids play an important role in many scientific codes.
Each subject made two choices on each of the three matrixes.
In the following program strassen, matrices are represented by lists of rows, where each row is represented by a list of column elements.
Figure 6 shows one step of the recursive decomposition of the matrices.
Again, this function specifies what is to be done independent of the implementation of vectors and matrices.
All we have to do is to pick some controller parameters and some initial weighting matrices.
The temperature of nested matrices is given, where the result was significant.
Subsequent sections of this paper argue for the analysis summarised in (15) and present it in a more formal notation using attribute-value matrices.
However, the matrices developed for the group and the individual participants represent a starting point in identifying training issues for operating in complex organizational circumstances.
The average time required for the two matrices is used as a performance variable.
There is a high degree of lexical inser tion in the different-language matrices.
Clustering analyses on the stimulus-response confusion matrices revealed significant differences in the perceptual similarity spaces for the two listener groups.
We end this section by showing how to 'multiply' matrices.
The corresponding behaviours are, respectively, certain functions between input and output monoids, partial functions with duration and certain matrices of languages.
The resulting behaviours are certain matrices of languages.
Polydioxanone, a resorbable material, was electrospun to fabricate matrices possessing either aligned or randomly oriented fibers.
Thus, processes include improvisation, random number series, matrices, intuition, extra-musical patterns; constraints include keys scales, modes, metres, duration sets, event ordering rules.
In these problems the problem of degeneracy (matrices whose first quadrant is noninvertible) is highlighted.
Fifteen runs were made on (0,1)-normally distributed random input matrices with double-precision real computations.
However, the errors appear acceptable with well-conditioned input matrices as we show below.
One can now make this explicit in terms of 4 x 4 matrices as follows.
The central limit theorem does not care at all that these i s were eigenvalues of random matrices.
Note that since quaternions do not exist in matlab they are 'faked' using 2 x 2 complex matrices.
Models were fit to covariance matrices created from the raw data.
To deal with the graph representations used in this paper, one should first define cutset and circuit matrices in their vector and scalar forms.
The dendrograms constructed from profile distance matrices revealed well-supported colony clusters.
The matrices need not have any additional properties such as symmetry or positive definiteness.
As for 2 colours, the notion of multicolour discrepancy has a natural extension to matrices.
Question 10 is known to be true for single equations (matrices with one row) [19].
The methods of this paper can possibly be applied to the study of the spectrum of dilute random matrices.
We would like to extend the results to matrices, or more explicitly, to the class of accessible matroids.
Whether a similar result holds for matrices over the rationals is not clear.
Note that conditions on the rank of matrices and identities of matrices are all algebraic properties.
Furthermore, collinearity diagnostics, estimated correlation, and covariance matrices revealed that multicollinearity is not a very serious problem among the tested variables.
We consider only those unimodal cyclic permutations whose transition matrices are primitive.
There are three classes of matrices, positive recurrent, null recurrent and transitive.
However, very little is known about the eigenvalues of the product of two matrices.
The objects of interest in this paper are products of random matrices (linear cocycles).
Nuclear operators enjoy many of the properties of finite-dimensional matrices.
Proposition 5 shows that two such matrices may satisfy the isomorphism condition (14)- (15) without being equal.
We will next show that even within the class of algebras with incidence matrices of the form (18) there are non-stationary isomorphisms.
While most applications of weak equivalence involve primitive matrices, the notion extends naturally to non-negative integral matrices.
We have the following proposition (which is true for non-negative integral matrices) and omit the easy proof.
In general, matrices can be weakly equivalent yet have different associated discriminants.
The following notation will be used to generate and discuss products of matrices.
The discussion on chemical procedures deals almost exclusively with the extraction of microfossils from different matrices.
Permutation matrices are thus said to form the trivial flow equivalence class.
Covariance matrices including the peer relationship and externalizing problems variables were computed separately for boys and girls.
Thus, the two correlation matrices were constructed to conform with the above concept of intelligence divergence.
We want to convey is that random matrices are very special matrices.
The relations between various elements in the form of x matrices that facilitate computational evaluation and iteration.
The analyses also suggested how the correlation matrices might be partitioned to show up the relationships among the original variables.
The two correlation matrices themselves are unfortunately too large to present in print, and therefore there must be a certain selection in choice of items.
Run-length encoding, however, is an efficient representation for sparse matrices in non-functional languages.
As the final example, let us tackle the problem of representing square matrices.
His vectors and matrices are defined using nested types, enforcing shape invariants such as squareness by typechecking.
Thus, the partial velocity and partial angular velocity matrices, which are used in dynamic modeling, should be determined first.
They noticed that non-linear friction constraints can be rewritten as positive-definiteness constraints on suitable matrices, and used gradient projection methods to optimize.
Since there is empirical evidence that exchange rates are conditionally heteroskedastic, all tests use robust estimates of covariance matrices.
The relational dimension, by contrast, marks selfhood with patterns of belief and behavior derived from historically particular social or cultural matrices.
Recurring topics were arrayed in matrices and also clustered into categories44,45.
His study suggested that hydration-induced configurational changes in seed polymer matrices might not be fully recovered upon re-drying.
The numbers in the matrixes represent inequalities between two groups of people - say, men and women.
One of the matrices was permutated 999 times to calculate a probability for the test statistic.
The first significant test encountered in the hierarchy indicates how different the matrices are overall.
The recoded data were later used in the regression analysis to compute the distance matrices of the species data (see below).
The following equations are the system matrices of the helicopter's lateral and longitudinal model.
A separate ordination was produced with each of the ten distance matrices.
Thus, we worked only with three average matrices, one per patch type.
An obvious and useful property of triangular matrices is that their determinants are simply the products of their diagonal terms.
However, much attention has been given in the literature to inversion of triangular matrices by methods other than back-substitution, particularly iterative methods.
Polynomials of matrices are of great importance in a variety of ways.
Any product of these various matrices is always non-singular.
Thus, in the above example, triangular matrices is the ease with which their reciprocals may be calculated.
We have just defined the general equivalent transformation, and this leads naturally to the important concept of equivalent matrices.
Apart from its intrinsic importance, it is of interest since the subject of matrices evolved from it.
Punctuation marks are classified as separate syntactic categories and grammars and transition matrices based around this assumption.
The probabilities of the transitions are then stored in transition matrices for use at recognition time.
Here each symmetry operation will either leave the motion unchanged or reverse its direction, so the transformation matrices are simply + 1 or- 1, respectively.
The limitations of such methods are being reduced, and they have successfully solved problems with matrices of order 10,000 and more.
The objective may be to achieve the best possible condition for element matrices.
One may even demand that coupling matrices coincide with identity matrices.
Furthermore, for practical purpose, all matrices involved are required to be real.
The matrices generated represent a component tree of design solutions that has been pruned of infeasible designs.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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