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词汇 example_english_mask

Examples of mask

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The attitude towards masks is another example; in different areas of the state they are viewed in completely different manner.
Furthermore, the general improvement in levels of imperial trade masked important regional variations between overseas territories and within individual colonies.
Further, the identities were masked - that is, judges were not provided with information regarding the authorship of a summary and of questions.
Cereal yields, as indicators of output, fluctuated over the period of the trial, masking any possible long-term change.
Thus, the masking effect of a wild-type allele does not appear to be very strong when weakly deleterious mutations are considered.
Websites directed at consumers can incorporate such data by masking quizzes as entertainment and offering incentives such as free merchandise.
The resounding presence of her voice masks a deeper lack: she comes from nothing and disappears into thin air.
Male movie masks primarily deny physical ageing or diminished dominance ; the ever-young interior subjective becomes (or strives to become) the exterior.
The sides of the chambers were masked with black tape so that only light from above reached the eyecups.
Even when the fundamental frequency is masked, it may be recovered from the pulse period and the surviving harmonics.
In 4 of the patients, the presence of atrioventricular block was initially masked by the pre-excitation.
Interactions of group by forward versus backward masking were not significant, suggesting that deficits in forward and backward masking were comparable.
If this attentional component becomes less robust with age, it would contribute to a steeper decline with age for backward, as compared to forward, masking.
Two of the masking conditions showed increased rates of decline in backward, compared to forward, masking.
Green et al. (1999) related visual backward masking deficits in patients with schizophrenia to a failure to establish cortical oscillations in the gamma range.
Magnocellular and parvocellular contributions to backward masking dysfunction in schizophrenia.
They destroyed the power structure, leaving the masks lying on the floor, impotent without their bundled remains.
Neither can the performance of these patients be dismissed by the claim that ceiling effects in the unimpaired category are masking a deficit.
Rather than masking the problems that afflicted her business, she paraded them in full view of her customers.
Effect of static noise and grating masks on detection and identification of grating targets.
The work presented here evaluates the setup reproducibility of several head and neck immobilisation masks from several different manufacturers.
Perhaps even more important, she shows that the appeal to intrinsically gradient categories often masks a failure to follow through on analysis.
He portrays this varied appeal as a feature of the libel as a genre, with simple, seemingly nave, rhymes sometimes masking informed political criticism.
The masks were fitted to the subject on each occasion by the same physicist.
The modality can be eliminated under certain conditions, just as effects that stay in some sense local can be masked in an effect system.
The main advantage of this method over conventional lithographic techniques is that it does not require the use of masks.
The stop's burst can be masked by a following consonant.
The result is a distortion that completely masks the nature of the original.
Like all transcriptions, therefore, its apparent objectivity masks a subjective element.
Of the eight deaths that resulted two were due to the explosions and six were due to improper use of gas masks.
My only request would be - off with the masks!
There is an emphasis on exploration and freedom for masks to engage (like children) in unstructured play.
However, they found that the masks helped them to reconcile these otherwise disparate elements.
The basis projection gives time masking functions that are combined with the spectrum basis functions to reconstruct independent spectrogram components.
The nature of the examination masked their true abilities.
Generally, the masks are not pierced at the eyes, nose, or mouth.
If the mortuary bundles were not buried, then archaeologists and looters would encounter the surviving masks in surface debris.
Associations of human bone and turquoiseinlaid masks strengthen the function of these structures as mor tuary-bundle containers.
Spatial frequency masking in positive- and negative-symptom schizophrenia.
Patients showed deficits across all three masking tasks.
Two subsequent studies with more elaborate designs have been interpreted as being consistent with normal levels of forward masking.
However, at the intensity maxima, the self-focusing effect is masked by the saturation effect of the nonlinear refractive index.
In separating the nervous system and its adaptive properties out of the physical world, the perception-action coupling is masked.
The relative weakness of children's vocabularies may prevent them from using their lexical knowledge to help them interpret partially masked speech.
In this strategy, epitopes that are poorly protective would be eliminated or masked in favour of epitopes that elicit strongly protective antibodies.
Voluminous volcanic supply appears to have masked a marine transgression identified from faunal content in the volcaniclastic half-graben fill.
In the upper cycles the mottling character (including the textural mottling) becomes very prominent and masks the physical structures.
Patients in photographs should not be identifiable and should have their eyes masked to conceal identity.
Estimates of the dominance coefficients available for other organisms also suggest that small mutational effects are only moderately masked by wildtype alleles.
If skewed at all, the error variance seems to be rather positively skewed, thereby partly masking the negative skewness due to epistasis.
Tracks may over print, due to near-parallel series orientation, masking the true series number in places.
Conversely, visions of the white presence as merely educational and referential masked the reality of domination.
Such schemes compute the next refinement level from several previous levels, using several masks.
In the sections on the analysis of subdivision schemes, we consider only schemes with scalar masks.
Therefore, it is possible that the impact of variance in coitus on overall fertility is being masked by compensatory movement in other unmeasured determinants.
Both caregiver and experimenter wear sealed headphones and listen to masking music during the course of the experiment.
Early signs may be subtle and elusive and the clinical picture may be masked by consciously or non-consciously applied compensatory strategies.
As for the music, great activity in the score simply masks a lack of euphony.
The assumption of independence deserves discussion since multiple vesicle releases would be masked if their timing were coordinated to provide simultaneous releases.
An inability to detect parasites likely went hand in hand with the masking effect of quinine prophylaxis.
Recall that the contrast of our auxiliary masks was 40% of maximum available contrast.
The masking effect can be demonstrated in three ways.
The individual data points (diamonds) represent each threshold measurement of the test corresponding to each masking direction.
The extent to which this was caused by masking and 0or entrainment is unclear.
However, serum has the effect of masking problems in the culture system.
Nerves were graded by two "masked" investigators who were not aware of the grade assigned by the other investigator.
First, we measured the ability of masks of different temporal frequencies to cause suppression.
Low spatial frequencies are suppressively masked across spatial scale, orientation, field position, and eye of origin.
By the evidence of her own material, women are frightening enough; our powers need not be explained away as masks for hidden hormones.
All of these, using masks, transformed the empty stage into a sacred grove, the 'silent, waiting glade'.
Playing at youth or masking the outward signs of old age are seen as counter-productive and alienating.
Research reports masked as books often have problems balancing the two.
The was probably masked by the other s in the same word.
Unlike the more traditional masks, these took the form of frightening apparitions.
The first clue comes from the masks themselves.
They realized that intact mathematical abilities can easily be masked by deficits to cognitive systems that are normally recruited for mathematical tasks.
The wooden skin is itself layered, with horizontal slats partly masking the vertical tongued and grooved rainscreen cladding.
Meaning is 'read' much like hieroglyphics, a visual code whose impression masks something hidden, something waiting to be revealed.
Any such effects, however, are likely to have been masked by better ascertainment in recent years.
The relative contribution to the intensity was masked by strong sodium emission at a slightly shorter wavelength.
Many people will also have seen half- or full-faced character masks.
The pellucid sound - a footstep in the snow, a church bell across the valley [...] - is masked by broadband noise.
On the one hand, a clear assessment of the nation's investment prospects was masked by general economic uncertainty.
The use of irrigation masked possible differences in soil moisture content that can occur between nonmulched and mulched soils.
Tinnitus may be matched and masked by standard audiometric techniques20 but this is subjective.
The only difference is that vengeance is now masked as sham love for the 'small'.
The use of a single marker in this situation does not solve the problem, it merely masks it.
The mode of road financing was invariably piecemeal, making necessary a host of small-scale operations and masking any broader coherence.
Thus, the total number of single-exon genes might be under-represented in this study, because of the repeat masking process necessary prior to our analysis.
They had to wear masks or veils on such occasions to prevent their recognizing each other.
Differences of rank, profession, and family identity have been masked in order to reveal their common humanity and purpose.
Another indication of this is that the joining errors are not masked.
They do not require the construction of elaborate stencils or masks as they have their own methods of achieving precision.
On reflection, however, the proffered rejection masks a more complicated practice.
The variation masks the effect of many design features that we may like to control.
As such, we provide a timely, unique, and strong test of whether the population age - crime trajectory masks individual variability in desistance for men.
Biologically-relevant differences in the performance of green peach aphid may have been masked by high variability within lines.
There does not appear to be any residual ventricular septal defect but the mitral valve is "masked" by the patch material.
The wellto-do could leave town for the clean air of the country or simply purchase gas masks to protect themselves from air pollution.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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