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词汇 example_english_lone

Examples of lone

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Two forces, then, are active in the conflict, where one lone figure is pitted against a phalanx.
He found that harem males in herds had to walk farther per day to nourish themselves than did members of a lone all-male group.
Lone parents can earn up to £15 a week before their income support is reduced.
Lone parents have much smaller proportions of household heads in the labour market than two parent families.
Tentative estimates suggest that the average duration of lone parenthood could be between three and five years.
Families headed by lone parents have fewer children than two parent families, with an average 1.6 dependent children compared with 1.8.
We can treat lone parents as poor people, needing means-tested social assistance of some sort- as we do now.
If the extension of such benefits to new groups of lone parents took shape piecemeal, it might divide the" family lobby" rather than unite them.
What role then do grandparents and other extended kin typically play today when one of their own children finds herself or himself a lone parent ?
Furthermore, a lone signal may split and appear as two distinct points, or two separate signals may overlap and appear as one.
The 425 parent respondents were overwhelmingly female and 14 per cent were lone parents.
Part of the solution was seen to be a reduction in the number of workless households, including lone parents.
The training needs of lone parents may, however, be assessed with some discretionary grants available.
In both cases changing attitudes - towards lone parenthood and the needs of the disabled - have been significant together with institutional factors.
If lone parents are equally motivated by class, ethnicity and locality as by gender then the adjective gendered is not particularly appropriate.
The book is a very thorough guide to the issues around lone parenthood and employment.
Additionally, attention is drawn to the ongoing need for better services and benefits as employment does not necessarily eliminate poverty amongst lone parents.
The average family income of female lone-parent families during the same period was $25 445.
The links between lone motherhood and depression are likely to have adverse consequences.
Teenage motherhood is a frequent precursor of lone parenting, and this is implicit in our data as well.
The ribose sugar likewise has lone pairs on the 2k-, 3k-, 4k- and 5k-oxygens that can accept hydrogen bonds and coordinate metal ions.
The households we analysed were populated only by: husbands, wives, lone parents, people living alone, or children under 19 years old.
The increase in the frequency of -ndo constructions relative to lone-standing gerunds is highly significant.
Adults in need were (a) lone persons who provided for children, and (b) persons of working age who had lost their provider.
One interesting feature of the 1957 arrangements was that no distinctions were made between different groups of lone parents.
The king or amir is primus inter pares of the family, not a lone dictator.
We tend to think of the individual lone researcher, but the reality is more usually of an individual enmeshed in informative research and clinical networks.
A lone surviving sketch from a larger composition, this feisty fragment is f ull of interest.
Chapter 8 seems somewhat out of place as the lone chapter on syntax.
The developing market of the how-to text put lone women gardeners in touch with one another and created a sense of community spanning geographical regions.
At step one, lone separated older parents showed significantly fewer frequent contacts with a child compared with lone widow(er)s, the reference category.
Can a lone voice 'building simply' make a difference in face of a dominant corporate client that is everywhere and nowhere?
Instead, the sons of the lone 'modernized' bagdi household were brought into the party.
The children lived in a range of family structures including two-parent families (biological and reconstituted), lone parent families and extended families.
As a lone counterexample, this example has numerous problems.
He peered into a couple of rooms and then finally saw a lone figure with his back to the door, hunched over a table.
The lone can on the shelf really exists, of course.
What seems to be driving these results for lone fathers are the very high costs of pre-government, market child care.
However, child-care responsibilities and lone parenthood have a major impact on employment and on risk of poverty.
The interviewees included eight lone parents and three students.
The cumulative group are more likely than the other poor groups to be female, lone parents, large families and to have no one employed.
The implications of these changes (and of reduced childcare support) are especially serious for lone parents, mainly women.
Help from children among lone older parents, by contrast, showed similar odds ratios but weaker associations than the help received by parents with partners.
Lone widows also showed higher odds, but lone widowers did not.
We found that children who represented syllabic /r/ with a lone r also tended to represent letter-name vowels with a lone vowel.
The age of the lone entrepreneur is passing, superseded by a less personal, more ruthless system in thrall to the pitiless logic of hard capital.
His, however, was a lone voice of dissent.
Simple family households - couples living with or without unmarried children or lone parents living with children - comprised the majority in all enumerations.
Moreover, this economic and social disadvantage was sufficient to explain nearly all the association between lone motherhood and depression.
In the latter case, they are a snow-ice mixture contaminated with dust packed into a lone nucleus that is eruptive when exposed to sunlight.
Training is crucial for lone parents to meet skills shortages rather than competing with the unemployed.
Almost inevitably, therefore, some lone parents must depend on benefits and at best part-time work.
They argue that lone parents (presumably like other people in society) make decisions based on 'gendered moral rationalities'.
In 1998, they framed him as a neoliberal 'lone wolf' trying to win over his colleagues.
After government interventions, that differential is reduced to just over 16 hours a week (comparing again non-earning fathers in one-earner couples with lone fathers).
We used in-depth interviews, and fieldwork was carried out in three different localities chosen to reflect different patterns of divorce and lone parenthood.
However, contrary to several of them, this proportion varies very little between lone parents and couples.
Their analysis is multi-dimensional, not narrowly focused on macro-level indicators such as divorce rates, or trends in lone parent families.
Consider the mythological importance in democratic theor y of the lone dissenter, the loyal opposition, and (conversely) the tyranny of the majority.
We described the combination of increased token frequency and decreased propor tion of lone-standing gerunds as increased construction frequency.
In calculating construction frequency, both the token frequency of auxiliary gerund sequences and their frequency relative to lone-standing gerunds turn out to be impor tant.
The auxiliary loses autonomy as does the -ndo form, as shown by the decline in lone-standing gerunds.
Together, the twin acts from 1957 ensured all children of lone parents received a minimum payment as a matter of right.
Again it is lone women who characteristically end up in residential care.
The first main debate is about the very category of lone parenthood.
The second is that independence and a 'better life' for lone parents will be achieved through a 'hand-up' to work through workfare.
Moving lone parents into employment would also help meet another of the government's goals, that of reducing the numbers dependent on welfare.
A major issue in relation to paid work concerns lone parents.
Interestingly, entry into employment is generally more effective at reducing child poverty in lone parent families than in two-parent families.
The lone loser thus has a clear incentive to run again.
Consequently, there is no lone pair near the acid group to stabilize the molecule.
How, then, can we elucidate the grammatical status of lone nouns- even bare nouns-from one language in the discourse of another?
Largely the result of the efforts of a lone proofreader, it has had as its goal the 'renunciation... of an authoritarian position in favor of common sense and flexibility'.
Lastly, the current benefit system provides a disincentive to the use of their economic potential and higher benefit dependency of former lone parents in their old age.
We found that it is not only the token frequency of -ndo constructions that varies significantly between corpora, but also the propor tion of lone-standing gerunds.
Parental marital disruption and intergenerational transfers : an analysis of lone elderly parents and their children.
Finally, the association between social disadvantage and lone motherhood might be spurious, that is, both situations might be the result of a third factor, such as childhood experience or personality.
However, if this were the case, it would be surprising that controlling for the social and demographic variables eliminates the effect of lone motherhood on depression.
Despite having poorer health, lone men were less likely than partnered men to seek medical advice, suggesting that older men's sense of independence and masculinity may preclude preventive health-seeking behaviours.
The major watershed in our prospective history of error was the deconstruction of the convention that the lone individual was morally and intellectually responsible for its extirpation.
In fact, purported norms are usually summary digests of lone analysts and anthropologists struggling to reduce the flux of observed social experiences into manageable proportions for report.
In ice, water molecules are linked to each other in a tetrahedral arrangement by hydrogen bonds between the oxygen ' lone pairs ' (electron donors) and the hydroxyls (electron acceptors).
Within the faction itself, he was viewed as a lone wolf and had few supporters; there was no guarantee that he would even receive solid backing from his own faction.
We get no sense that the families and parents to whom policies are now addressed may not be traditional nuclear families but characterised by lone motherhood.
Levels of payment for couple families and lone parents are identical and, although this fact is unsung by the government itself, this effectively offers a financial premium to lone parents.
The cumulative group are more likely than the other poverty groups to be women, lone parents, large families and to have no workers in the household.
They argue that lone parents are a diverse group and that their social behaviour may derive more from their class position, ethnic origin or location in a particular area.
Reducing welfare dependency for lone parents has several possible objectives; minimising welfare expenditures, maximising the employment rate, improving the socioeconomic status of women, or improving conditions for their children.
However, as will be discussed in the final section, the ability of government to influence some risk factors - such as growth of lone parent families - may be rather limited.
Of those who were living with their parents, 59% of the men and 56% of the women were living with a lone parent; the remainder were living with both parents.
Predation of the lone star tick by the imported fire ant.
The decrease in the propor tion of lone-standing gerunds means an increase in the probability that a gerund is in construction with estar, ir, andar, or another auxiliary.
Here, too, the organ joins the orchestra in the opening mêlée, but the sound evaporates instantly, leaving a lone bass line to splutter out on tuba and organ.
The clearest point to emerge is that in all five countries lone parents and disabled persons are significantly more at risk of poverty than the general population.
Because of this, most analyses tend to rely on a few data points, each from a single locality, a particular moment in time, or the experience of lone individuals.
A common feature of the approaches is that both emphasise the need to consider "situated" agents rather than such lone performers as mathematical theorem-provers or chess machines.
In the second method in general use domesticated female elephants were employed to catch lone males who had been expelled from their herd for aggressive behaviour.
In such cases, the mandates collectively serve as a more illuminating unit of analysis than one lone state, especially given the artificially drawn boundaries of these political entities.
One way of helping lone parents, without offering a special benefit contingent on their lone parent status, is simply to increase unconditional child-related benefits for all families.
Equivalent treatment for couples and lone parents nevertheless militates against lone parents in other ways.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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