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词汇 example_english_lodge

Examples of lodge

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
He will be lodged in the castle, awaiting his homage-makers.
Later reports describe a swatchel lodged in the roof of his mouth.
Even when not dreaming, most of us see our noses: they are the only organs to be permanently lodged in the field of sight.
The cane-cutters preferred the twelve-month cane; the 24-month cane was reported to be harder to cut, had lodged and was infested with weeds.
When the crop was left standing over one year, more weeds were present at harvest (after 20 months) particularly in varieties which lodged.
Most varieties grown were tall, and on none of the far ms was maize found to be free from lodging.
After the seventeenth century, lodging was no longer only a life-cycle phase for everyone.
What has not been achieved is good lodging resistance in all short spring wheats, nor a complete understanding of its physiological basis.
Differences in lodging between barley varieties are relevant for two main reasons.
Protests against the writs were lodged in 1314, 1315 and 1316.
After determining the parameters describing the susceptibility to lodging, their correlation with the physical properties of varieties was straightforward to calculate.
In the data used, lodging was recorded by visual assessment of the proportion of lodging in the field.
There are two observations about this assumption that can be lodged.
Responsibility for the liquidation of government assets, a clear example of such activity, has been lodged to cabinet departments, independent commissions or government corporations.
Tuition fees as well as the cost of board and lodging are all free to participating quartets.
Susceptibilities of barley varieties to lodging using two different arbitrary thresholds for significant lodging.
Workers and dealers in food and lodging 17.
Only barren, diseased and lodged plants were thinned at later stages of crop growth.
Once a declaration was lodged a landowner was constrained from felling the trees for a period of six months.
He saw the hospice merely as a place of lodging for the paupers, not where they should perform most of their activities.
In other words, the complaint was dismissed because it was prematurely lodged.
Rather than identity being lodged deep within the body, the body represents a surface on which selfhood is inscribed and through which self-interpretation is exercized.
The lowest maize yield from unfertilized sole maize, obtained in 1996/97, coincided with excessive rainfall and associated damage due to lodging.
The effects of lodging on crop structure are discussed below.
Other traits measured occasionally are lodging resistance, reaction to diseases, cold damage and wilting due to drought stress.
The attack was more pronounced in plots where cane had lodged and infestation by weeds was severe.
The choice was based on entrance fee, travel time, lodging facilities, tour packages, landscape features, and biodiversity of each destination.
A crystal of dye lodged against a grain colours the vortices formed by that grain.
In addition, the sensitivities of barley varieties to environmental variation in terms of susceptibility to lodging were compared.
The results obtained allow the prediction of the susceptibility of a particular barley variety to lodging in a given environment.
Furthermore, the distribution of lodging appeared to be highly dependent on the observer.
In such situations, producers typically have some indication of the risks of lodging in their fields, based on earlier experiences.
While the emphasis is restricted to lodging, similar methods can also be applied to other performance characteristics.
The results can be used to rank barley varieties according to their susceptibility to lodging in a given environment.
Plant development, lodging resistance and time to flowering and maturity were observed.
In this situation, better physiological understanding would likely help selection, which for lodging resistance is currently not easy.
Planting systems on lodging behaviour, yield components, and yield of irrigated spring bread wheat.
Lodging was minimal on the ' zero-grass ' treatments indicating that the grass weeds lodged and then 'brought the crop down'.
When a claim was lodged, he would summon the defendant, to appear either at once or on the next day.
A method for the assessment of lodging in cereal crops.
Both of these were larger than the lodges but both stressed small-group living with a very familiar and domestic flavour.
A similar complaint might be lodged against the pragmatist claim that truth is that which is useful.
In fact, he has rather robust common-knowledge requirements, to which many objections have been lodged.
After a period of about 24 h, as differentiation took place, flagellates were no longer lodged in the vacuole.
We describe the use of a snare made of nickel-titanium (nitinol) cable for retrieval of a broken pacemaker electrode lodged in the superior caval vein.
Molecular markers associated with soybean plant height, lodging and maturity across locations.
The census takes from seven to ten days to finish, and during this time the assessors are fed and lodged by the council.
There were a variety of lodges to suit all gradations of the middle class.
The routines of editing the journal are dominated by a two-monthly rolling production cycle that is lodged within the more leisurely annual cycle.
A similar charge can be lodged against the analytical foundations of recuperative archaeological politics.
The objective of the present study was to investigate the susceptibility of barley varieties to lodging under variable environmental conditions.
The area (proportion) of each plot that had lodged was assessed visually.
Table 5 provides evidence that rates may depend on whether the variety sown is prone to lodging.
To retain most of the information, while removing subjective elements, lodging recordings were transformed into binary scale.
Lodging ratings were conducted at various sites after specific lodging events (heavy rains, snowfall) and at all sites just prior to harvest.
In the cotton mills, authority was diffused and lodged at various levels among the managerial and supervisory ranks and within the workforce.
Lodged plants were thinned unless lodging occurred near to physiological maturity when far mers would support lodged plants by tying them to non-lodged plants.
We pointed out that unless an appeal is lodged within 28 days of the sentencing he could be free in a little over two years.
Wages were higher than elsewhere, even after taking board and lodging into account.
As in other countries, board and lodging were part of the servants' employment conditions and to these were added other agreed benefits.
Quantitative trait loci for lodging resistance in a segregating wheat spelt population.
They appear to fit the ideotype specifications with reduced tillering, lodging resistance, prominent erect final leaves, and buried panicles.
At a time of instability, the lodge's isolated, elevated site allowed its surroundings to be easily surveyed.
The judges agreed, since they decided in favour of the opposition in the appeal lodged by the latter against the government's hindrance of the campaign.
We have no positive demonstration that community churches served as a meeting place for the villagers or village elders, or offered lodging to weary travellers.
In architectural patronage, the large, central monumental endowments gave way to smaller architectural complexes, which now emphasized dervish lodges.
Another suite of positive feedbacks is lodged in the home environment.
Tackling the improvement of lodging resistance would seem to be an initial comparatively straightforward subject for consideration.
Lodging is visually assessed by estimating the proportion of lodging in the field.
Therefore, a limit of 0.10 was used for assigning lodging into a binary variable.
As an explanatory variable, the average level of susceptibility to lodging in a given environment was used.
Effects of single and repeated applications of chlormequat on early crop development, lodging resistance and yield of winter oats.
The last resort was lodging in small poorhouses, where they could get at least shelter, firewood and some food to cook for themselves.
The importance of lodging resistance in this zone is natural because of the higher chances of lodging under higher rainfall conditions.
The type of cane growth, whether the cane is erect or lodged is an important trait for planters.
All political organizations were banned, as were the freemasonic lodges.
Once delivered, it was hoped that orders would be lodged in the minds of workmen as a rule to be remembered.
We could easily enough compile a dossier of complaints lodged against the device.
Xiyu was on the silk road where caravans travelled, lodged and traded.
However, lodging the choice of executive in the national legislature, whatever its composition, was problematic.
To say that the lodges mitigated class consciousness, therefore, is to ignore the broad context of the workers' daily existence.
Likewise, the legal representative acting for a widow lodged a declaration in 1772 to fell 103 mature oaks.
The "internalization" phraseology suggests that the constraints of the external world are "things" that have been lodged in the mind in the form of explicitly stated rules.
Even if the principles of kinematic geometry are not explicitly encoded by the visual system, it therefore appears that kinematic principles are "lodged in the mind" (ke, p. 619).
In most cases, an observed score above 0.10 was consistent with a commercially significant amount of lodging, whereas lodging measures below 0.10 appeared to be irrelevant.
Expression lodges in the unexpected, hence always at the edges or interstices of form.
The first is the matter of lodging.
He concludes that stocks of social capital, lodged in trust, norms and horizontal networks of civic engagement, are the ' key to making democracy work ' (ibid : 185).
Their townscapes experienced extensive urban improvement and rebuilding; there was a proliferation of new-style cultural and associational life, with music-making, assemblies, theatre, masonic lodges and learned societies.
Plant height is an important indicator for farmers and, conventionally, rice breeders tend to select stronger and shorter rice plants to avoid lodging from high winds.
The number of women lodged was higher than the number of men (29n16 per cent more women than men), when the period 1897-1935 is considered as a whole.
The speaker has naturally been lodged in the ship's bosm or hold because that is where the base of a mast is located, joined to the keel.
Understanding and reducing lodging in cereals.
Instead, dramatic interest has been lodged exclusively in the liberated prisoners, who come to stand for all humanity and express their joy over their new estate.
Such varieties of wheat were more resistant to lodging than the traditional types and were more efficient because they produced more fertile tillers and a higher grain to straw ratio.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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