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词汇 example_english_liable

Examples of liable

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Consequently, these properties would not be liable to any noble or royal servitium.
An unidealized model, especially if he was old, was also liable to be distasteful - without the cosmetic intervention of the artist.
A sensitivity analysis was performed to evaluate the effect of inclusion of those studies most liable to various types of bias.
The cost of this extended power is that governors will be liable to defend their decision before an industrial tribunal.
Above all, service was voluntary and thus not liable to produce the grievances that accompanied selection for compulsory service.
One reason for this is the need to maintain an up-to-date register of those liable to pay.
Non-response is liable to be more of a problem in the larger-sample surveys, particularly those using postal questionnaire methods.
Moreover, the person responsible for inducing this state is likely to be held at least partially liable if misfortune does occur.
In final contexts and late subject constructions longer subjects are more liable to invert.
However, failure to complete and return the form within the stipulated period renders the recipient liable to prosecution.
From the diachronic point of view, it is therefore to be expected that these words are liable to erosion.
Anyone who suggests that groups can act and have preferences is liable to be accused of asserting the existence of mysterious collective entities.
Since 1991, noise sources have been liable for the levy.
Models by definition are simply representations and are liable to change and constant improvement.
Because of this lack of clarity, these labels are liable to create further philosophical problems even while resolving current ones.
Different firms in the same cluster perceive competitive drivers differently and/or are more/less liable to being affected by them.
Any unmarried person found to be guilty of buying or importing contraceptives is liable to a fine not exceeding £100.
Who is morally liable to our exercise of moral power-rights?
An important factor is that female radiologists are liable not only to genetic damage but also to injuries to their foetuses during pregnancy.
The precise sense of gelad may have been 'water-crossing liable to be rendered impassable by flooding'.
Philosophically knowledgeable readers will be exasperated and frustrated, while others are liable to be seriously misled.
Individual solutions liable t o degradation were used for about five consecutive runs during which a 50p.p. m.
Outsiders are also liable to ascribe all successes to themselves, all failures to others.
Without any additional support, however, this is an error-prone approach, liable to end up with semantically incoherent versions of components interoperating.
Second, one might be liable for what one ought to know.
First, one might be liable for what one knows.
Since each premise commands majority support, the defendant would be found liable under this procedure.
Moreover, member states are also being held liable if the desired result is not achieved or the directive is implemented too late or improperly.
Resonant wave interactions are more liable to be significant for extended periodic or nearperiodic wave trains than for isolated pulses.
The estimated times of symptom onset and duration are especially liable to bias.
If a ' doctor ' who is not currently registered holds himself out as being so registered, he is liable to be fined or imprisoned.
The social partners have tended to agree on contribution rates which the government regards as too high, and liable to add to unemployment.
If the agent is regarded as a legal person or an e-person, then in principle it is liable.
Property owners are held liable to trespassers who are injured by conditions that could foreseeably harm only wrongdoers.
Porters absconding after an advance of wages were liable to a fine of 60 rupees, along with six months imprisonment and 25 lashes.
At least in humans, this independence is liable to cause problems.
Of the two coinages we commonly exchange and which are liable to debasement, language is far more damaging than money.
On the other hand, bluff bodies appear intuitively to be even more liable to exert upstream influence !
Seasonal workers, or 'strange farmers ', were similarly considered as highly desirable and were liable for a special rent.
A want of proper circumspection on their part is liable to produce disastrous consequences to railroad travelers, as well as to themselves.
In most places they would also not have been liable for any of their food costs.
Screening technologies, like other healthcare technologies, are liable to be rapidly disseminated without full consideration of their harms as well as benefits.
In such a case, carry-over effects would be expected, because the learners are liable to remember the situations.
Any such justification must, at a minimum, be substantially weaker than the justification in cases in which the threatening person's responsibility makes him liable.
We are liable to think his choice a poor one, and not simply because he lets his talent go to waste.
In particular, the number of works published was liable to significant short-term variations because so many addressed current policy options under consideration in parliament.
In other words, its major breeding-places must be those that are liable to flushing by precipitation runoff.
Other wetlands that were cultivated irregularly were classified as 'fugitive wet' and were liable to assessment only when cultivated.
Therefore, prosecutors think pregnant women are criminally liable for using illicit drugs.
If the indebted enter prises turn insolvent, then the government becomes liable for their loans without having made appropriate provisions.
Specifically, firms that participated in the government leasing program could make profits, but were not liable for any losses.
Readers were therefore liable to imagine vengeance as a private matter rather than a blow against political tyranny.
I discuss them only to indicate that what looks like straight first-person material is liable to reaccentuation through a third-person perspective.
The proprietors were bound to render military service and were liable to contribute 2 per cent in case of invasion.
The precise analysis of such devices is liable to be fairly complicated, and it is not proposed to consider any example here.
She seems to have been a bad influence, liable to get others into trouble.
The employers are the ones who break the law and are liable for sanctions if they pay below the required rate.
Any reforms of financing care are liable to be geared to maintaining the incentives for people to remain in their own homes receiving domiciliary care.
There is scope for misunderstanding liable relatives rules within local authorities.
In addition to sorrow and loneliness, widows and widowers are liable to experience loss of status and income.
By any reckoning, astrobiology includes many different scientific disciplines, and as such is liable to a range of interpretations and definitions.
Our data are based on retrospective selfreport and are thereby liable to recall bias, particularly for respondents who are not current smokers.
Imposing a ceiling on an expenditure system that is partly driven by entitlements is liable to generate tensions.
Although the frequency format is easier for people to understand and apparently less liable to lead to mistakes, it is not always intuitively appealing.
In the terrestrial geological record, sulphates are liable to dissolution due to interaction with ground waters.
Thus, partners are, whilst corporators need not be, liable for the debts of the group.
Are all personal wrongs liable to this kind of elimination?
In return for this benefit, an employer would only be liable to pay a modest amount of damages set out in a statutory schedule.
The lakeshore, liable t o flooding by the l ake, is characterized b y a lkaline g rasslands.
A group 1 patient who wishes to see another specialist without a referral is liable for the entire fee.
However, cardholders who did not turn up regularly in the hope of finding work were liable to have their registration cancelled.
Constitutionally, the executive body, which is the part of politics, is liable to the legislature.
The companions of ra y hold all of the thieves liable, on the basis of juristic preference (istihsan).
In the latter case there is no recourse to liable relatives, though there would be for other forms of support under aide sociale.
Securing agreement amongst a group of people for the kind of venture that is involved here is extremely difficult, and liable to provoke conflict.
They are most liable to be pushed into working more intensively as unpaid family labour or as cheap labour.
When professionals are found liable, courtroom verdicts appear random, unfair, and exorbitant.
In this position, no mortality or months to 20 years ofage underwent cusp extension (18), leaflet repait (5), complications, liable to homograft, had been noted.
The court can also hold the polluter strictly liable, without opting for either compensation or reduction of pollution to the standard.
If the doctor proved both, he would normally not be liable.
Such solutions are of course liable to be unstable to three-dimensional perturbations.
Bilateral clefts are notoriously liable to be asymmetrical, and the abnormal position of the pre-maxilla may cause dif®culties for treatment planning.
The levy was also related to property, and those earning wages and owning property were liable to pay on both.
Had the driver not been warned by the broadcast, he would not have been liable for damage caused by the flood.
If she failed to show, she would be liable.
However, who is to be held liable for an agent's misbehaviour?
In contrast to the positive change in exports, which may be considered to be irrevocable, the above combination is liable to change.
As previously stated, we find that corpuscles containing four parasites are liable to " vanish " earlier than, do others.
Servants were thus liable to be treated as second-rate witnesses because they were both physically and socially compromised.
Gaining in strength by use, passions and appetites were liable to assume mastery over the intellectual and moral powers.
Few colonial subjects accumulated sufficient property and personal wealth necessary to become liable for income tax.
They are even theoretically liable to have their salary reduced by the amount of public money illegally or wastefully spent under their nominal control.
An accident that is-relative to current evidence-unforeseeable is not an accident for which one can be held liable in negligence law.
Each driver would be liable for nine payments of ten dollars: one for each of the drivers on whom she 14.
The renewal of the ban left the merchants liable for huge loans.
Product manufacturers are held liable for harms caused by their consumers' negligent and even intentional misuses of their products.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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