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Examples of lexicon

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The model that advocates for separated bilingual lexicons would account for such cross-language differences.
Do words in the bilingual's two lexicons compete for selection?
Indeed, the authors argue for integrated lexicons, but one has to wonder what, exactly, they mean by this.
In other words, semantic representations of words and pictures send activation to the bilingual's two lexicons regardless of the language programmed for response.
The results suggest that there is no competition between the two lexicons of a bilingual during lexical access for production.
In both cases, there are only two gender features shared by the two lexicons.
Consequently, some dictionaries have been indexed with lexicons of differing sizes.
Of the established parsing systems, very few have substantial lexicons.
The lexicons have been regarded as being of only secondary importance or their production considered to be trivial.
Our "private," "original," and "independent" thoughts are always phrased in cultural lexicons of imagery, myth and story, gesture, language, or mathematical formalism.
A task somehow included in the construction of lexicons is, then, the discovery of "alphabets" of non-verbal systems.
One reason adjectives have been neglected in the lexical acquisition literature may be that they are proportionately few in children's early productive lexicons.
Thus, the diversity in children's lexicons may be higher than any individual report leads one to suspect.
In addition, the cumulative score may yield more accurate insight into the structure and nature of early lexicons.
The precision of each of these lexicons is plotted versus its number of entries.
Our system is the first aimed at building semantic lexicons from scratch using only a representative text corpus and a handful of predefined seed words.
The results are different lexicons independently adopted during testing.
Also, we artificially varied the size of (some of) these lexicons by evaluating transcription accuracy on different subsets of the complete dictionary.
Interfaces with other lexicons as they become available are also obviously desirable.
The grammar consists of specific rules for every part of speech category, which are applied to the appropriate lexicons.
The algorithm uses a number of lexicons and flags to perform its work.
All recognizers are continuous speech recognizers and are based on statistical language models and orthographic and phonetic lexicons.
Bilinguals' divergent thinking routing of information exchange between both lexicons and concepts.
Is it the case that what might be stored in children's lexicons is more salient for initial and medial consonants?
Finally, there are chronological lists of lexicons, and four appendices drawn from older comment on lexicography.
Creole lexicons have been extended immensely by this process.
Talk with children of this age can be very repetitive and in addition, these children have limited lexicons.
Thus, the children in the sample with small lexicons were necessarily slow learners, and those with large lexicons were necessarily fast learners.
As this table shows, there are few words unique to only one mode in the students' lexicons.
The questions addressed in this research are familiar ones: are the lexicons of the bilingual interdependent or independent?
One challenge of retrieving relevant cross-domain information involves differences in domain vocabularies, or lexicons.
The highest frequency words in the early lexicons of children with typically developing language were also among the first words acquired by late talkers.
Previously, for spoken language processing, evidence for parallel activation of both lexicons has been scarce.
The predictions tested above were based on the assumption that the two lexicons of a bilingual are activated during speech production.
Many con-icting results in the literature, in particular those concerning the one versus two lexicons issue, can be accounted for by this problem.
Such words were present in the lexicons of most children in their sample by 28 months.
Firstly, the results suggest that children's mental lexicons are organized around morphological principles.
In this case, neighbourhoods in children's lexicons would be sparser even after correcting for differences in vocabulary size.
As word length increases, children's lexicons contain progressively fewer phonological neighbours.
The transducers are constructed using a lexical toolkit that allows declarative descriptions of lexicons, morphological rules, numeral-expansion rules, and phonological rules, inter alia.
In turn, these mediators predicted when children acquired 50 words in their productive lexicons.
Such individualized production strategies would render unique paths of development and idiosyncratic early lexicons among children.
Translation lexicons serve as a bridge between languages and thus play an important role in cross lingual applications.
Speci®cally, we test whether there is competition between the two lexicons of a bilingual during lexical access.
They may have had fewer system morphemes acquired in their lexicons at this point, and thus fewer opportunities for violations.
Does a bilingual have two lexicons that receive simultaneous inputs from a shared acoustic-phonetic ar ray?
In the case of bilingualism, these options are provided by two lexicons and grammars rather than one internalized by a speaker.
The effect appeared to be a consequence of the organization of the orthographic and phonological lexicons used by the model.
Two solutions have been proposed to the problem of lexical selection in the context of non-speci®c activation of the bilingual's two lexicons.
As mentioned above, the nature of cross-language competition between lexicons in bilinguals is currently under debate in research on language production.
We now introduce the notion of separate lexicons, one for each language known to a bilingual, raising questions about the previous point.
Although it is unlikely that the general-courier and bike- courier lexicons will be lost, the primary productive domain of lexical invention for couriers is disappearing.
However, their early lexicons are generally similar in content to those of younger children with typical language development.
The three lexicons are given in (2), where, as before, an additional random category is included in each entry.
A crosslinguistic examination of the lexicons of four signed languages.
Then, the only difference between the two groups of children was in the percentage of grammatical function words in the lexicons of >425 words.
Section 4 discusses the new types of language resources: ontologies and lexicons, their representation, editing, and use.
We begin with how the head-modifier can assist in generating from text specialist semantic lexicons used in many nlp tasks.
Such lexicons do not have problems in principle with homonymy, but polysemy and vagueness cannot be covered adequately.
A total of 336 tagging experiments were performed using one of 12 different training sets and one of 28 different lexicons.
The construction of semantic lexicons has become a popular area of research in natural language engineering.
The grammars are mainly hand-crafted, but augmented by domain-specific lexicons derived semi-automatically from the domain ontology (see below).
The verb entries in these lexicons often include information on the semantics of the expected arguments of the verb.
We present a corpus-based bootstrapping algorithm that assists users in creating domain-specific semantic lexicons quickly.
Furthermore, hand-built lexicons are often incomplete because humans can easily overlook words that are important for the domain.
The phoneme sets used for these lexicons are different, even for the same language.
Structural analyses of developing lexicons have provided evidence for both children's holistic lexical representations and sensitivity to phonetic segments.
However, a closer examination of the words in children's lexicons reveals that this apparent increase does not tell the whole story.
The former discusses superstrate and substrate contributions to pidgin and creole lexicons and different semantic changes that words undergo during pidginization, creolization, or both.
The shallow syntactic analyser aims to draw relations among the chunks without using deep information (sub-categorization lexicons).
Unmarked handshapes appear most often in the lexicons of the world's different sign languages.
We use this language model to identify our "bridge verbs" to connect biology and engineering lexicons.
The simulation results showed that populations evolve shared lexicons that optimally facilitate the foraging task.
However, they do not demonstrate that both lexicons are active at the same time when there is no external activation of the second language.
Lexical selection in bilinguals: do words in the bilingual's two lexicons compete for selection?
To do this, they had to put themselves in a bilingual language mode and activate both their lexicons.
Using an implicit measure offers an alternative way of assessing children's mental lexicons.
Furthermore, she noted that the children who had higher proportions of nominals in their lexicons had larger vocabularies.
The systems surveyed fall into three main classes, depending on whether they are based on phrasal lexicons, word lexicons or systemic grammars.
Furthermore, the authors have no means to edit the systems' domain-dependent linguistic resources, such as the domain-dependent parts of the lexicons.
Modules based on sub-categorization lexicons are valuable in this framework if underlying lexicons are re-configurable and tuneable to the particular sub-language.
Both lexicons help the process that resolves sentence boundaries.
One possible solution is to develop automated methods for generating domainspecific semantic lexicons, which can be used to replace or supplement broadcoverage dictionaries.
The corpus-based bootstrapping algorithm that we presented can assist humans in building semantic lexicons quickly and in providing assurance that important words are not overlooked.
Maternal responsiveness at 0 ; 10 predicted children's total and reported lexicons at 1 ; 1, although children's observed lexicons were too restricted to yield results.
The control factors and predictors together accounted for 77 % of the variance in children's total lexicons.
Substantial style variation was noted in degree of noun bias, especially in children with fewer than 200 words in their lexicons.
As we shall see in the next section, using proper sharing they produce compact enough representations for manipulating lexicons of several hundred thousand entries.
In other words, individual differences with respect to the emergence of grammatical structures are more noticeable among children with larger lexicons.
First, a relation appears between the noun and verb grammaticalization processes and the quantitative development of the child's noun and verb lexicons.
The proportion of nouns in early lexicons seems to partially depend on sociocultural factors such as birth order and the parents' socioeconomic class.
Therefore, the scaling factors were based on the frequencies of the most common content words in the children's lexicons.
A possibly related fact provides further evidence of the nature of these students' lexicons as they relate to the differences between written and oral lexicons.
The results yielded by the experiments reviewed so far do show that both lexicons can be active at the same time when there is lexical input from both languages.
We encountered differences in engineering and biology lexicons, which present challenges for retrieving information from the biology domain, as engineers may not know the most useful keywords.
Nouns in early lexicons : evidence, explanations, and implications.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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