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词汇 example_english_laminated

Examples of laminated

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
They are frequently employed as laminated shell structures with complicated shapes.
The duct was completely occluded by laminated thrombus but there was no evidence of ductal constriction.
In 2, certain relationships between harmonic measures and measures invariant under the laminated flows g, h+ and h- are discussed.
Application of genetic algorithms to stiffness optimization of laminated composite plates with stress-concentrated open holes.
The trackways were found in the laminated fine sands and siltstones at the tops of fining-upwards sequences.
The latter comprises laterally continuous, horizontally laminated, alternating dark/light beds that vary from a few millimetres up to 10 cm thick.
Interestingly, the margins of the columns are much better laminated than the cores, suggesting that sediment abrasion may have influenced the column texture.
Visible are fine- and less frequently medium-grained, laminated or slightly cross-stratified sandstone beds arranged partly as trough-shaped bodies with very minor purplish shale intercalations.
However, a restriction was placed on the maximum shock-sphere pressure by the limited strength of the laminated glass observation windows.
Indeed, the pronounced planar foliation exhibited in the case of the laminated gabbro appears to be the principal difference between the two.
Tuffs interbedded within interfluvially driven sediments, often cross-laminated fine- to medium-grained sandstones, display both current- and tool-marks.
Interbedded thin fine-grained sandstone and siltstone layers are laminated and wavy in nature.
Laminated membranes (lm) are present in the thin cytoplasmic lining of the parental uterus.
The conglomerate grades into laminated greenish/dark grey mudstone at a horizon approximately 87 m above the base through sandstone.
The basal three units of this sequence are composed of a graded unit, parallel-laminated unit and wavy-laminated unit.
In this paper we prove the equivalence of two definitions of laminated currents.
Siltstone occurs in structureless or horizontally laminated beds 0.5 to 1.5 m thick.
The pages were laminated and loosely bound, permitting the pages to lie flat when turned.
Each speaker produced each line once, reading from a laminated card containing the entire word list.
Then a pressure-sensitive rubber sheet is laminated to the bottom of the base film.
No anti-14-3-3 reactivity was detected in germinative or laminated cyst layers (2c, two different sections).
The intervening finegrained sand layers are laminated and rippled, and exhibit brownish clay lenses and escape burrows (sections 2, 4, 9).
There are two notions of laminated currents that we will discuss.
A property of compact, connected, laminated subsets of manifolds.
A normally laminated afferent projection to an abnormally laminated cortex: some olfactory connections in the reeler mouse.
The doors and their frames are made of laminated timber, with glued joints left visible [15c].
Picture pages were laminated and placed in a three-ring binder with blank pages in between the test pages.
On a superficial level, each disc is housed in a 'digipack', a laminated case with the texts and translations for the disc bound in.
The customer begins with an informational question, rather than a request, in which she refers to a document service by name, laminated (lines 06-07).
She proposes a candidate term, laminated (line 25), which the customer confirms (line 28).
A removable laminated card very conveniently recapitulates and illustrates the phonetic symbols and the typographic conventions of the book.
The track-bearing layer consists of a well-laminated, calcareous, black shale in an alternating sand/shale succession.
Sandstone beds are massive, graded, planar laminated, undulating laminated, or hummocky cross-stratified.
Laminated shales with heterolithic rhythmites appear to indicate subtidal deposition in tidal channels.
The top is made up of a comparatively thick (c. 30 cm) bed of platy, laminated sandstones.
The distribution of labeling within the inner plexiform layer changed from nonorganized to laminated appearance prior to eye-opening.
Internally, initial sediments are finely laminated silts/mudstones containing compressed plant remains.
The lithology of the sediment is also fairly unusual in comprising clasts of finely laminated grey limestone.
The trackways are preserved on bedding planes of finely laminated planar and rippled siltstones.
The finely laminated sediments represent standing water bodies (ponds, small lakes) on the floodplain.
Toughened laminated glass panels are directly attached to the wooden bars.
Of course, the hexa-laminated structure of the mammalian isocortex may provide additional organizational and computational advantages, as well as some disadvantages and constraints.
Such a result would allow us to express problems related to harmonic measures, which are usually very difficult, in terms of laminated flows.
Plane-laminated and cross-stratified sandstone facies constitute an interbedded succession and often coarsen upward.
However, a shared histology of densely laminated apatite without internal spaces and pores may better reflect a phyletic and taxonomic relationship.
Laminated membranes (lm) are abundant in the cytoplasmic uterine lining.
In these units lensoid ripple cross-laminated and mottled siltstone layers 10-15 cm thick are interbedded with equally thick clayey silt which is faintly parallel-laminated.
The intervals are commonly millimetre-laminated, caused by variations in carbonate content relative to clay mineralogy and organic matter.
Each drawing was made on a 3n5i6 in. laminated white card.
The 24 pictures were colourful realistic photos, also prototypical, and mounted individually on cardstock and laminated.
Eight drawings, kept in a laminated book, were each paired with a set of three picture cards.
In many cases pathognomonic features such as the presence of a visible laminated layer or daughter cysts makes identification more straightforward.
The claystone facies is composed of four subfacies including laminated claystone, sandy claystone, nodular claystone and claystone.
Palynomorph-bearing siltstone laminae occur below this original find with a similar but non-laminated lithology in the same horizon as the conglomerate.
The overlying fine-grained sandstone unit is ripple and wavy laminated.
The marbles occur either as thickbedded to laminated, thick (2-76 m) intercalations or massive, isolated blocks showing polished, striated and slickensided surfaces.
The remaining protoscoleces had vesiculated but lacked the laminated layer and truncated microtriches typical of the hydatid.
The coloration was absent from the laminated layer and also from the germinal layer of control cysts incubated in the absence of the appropriate substrates.
The experimenter took the set of picture cards for the first drawing out of the laminated pocket and placed them face down on the table.
Seeds at each moisture content were tested for germination, and the remainder sealed in laminated aluminium foil packets for subsequent storage.
In some places, thickly bedded, finely laminated siltstones and claystones exhibit preserved rootlets and mottling.
The child is shown a laminated card that has four letters on it.
The design did not use any welded connections, laminated glass or other composite materials that would make difficult material reclamation and recycling.
Rooflight: flat double glazing, toughened glass over translucent laminated glass, to disguise bird droppings and other dirty deposits.
The task was explained using laminated cards depicting the pictured stimuli.
The expression task was presented using laminated individual portraits as photoimages gray scale!.
The infarcted area had gradually thinned to form an aneurysm, which was contracting poorly and was partly filled with laminated thrombus.
Core of each column has dominantly thrombolitic texture, whereas margins have better-laminated stromatolitic thrombolite texture.
The sedimentary facies are predominantly well-sorted, rhythmically bedded sandstone and siltstone, with small fining-up sequences and ripple-laminated horizons.
The words were presented on forty-eight cards in a 5.5r8.5-inch laminated and spiral-bound booklet.
In the northwestern part of the complex, a magmatic flow texture gives a laminated alkaline granitic variety.
Beds of very fine- to medium-grained sandstone with ripple cross-lamination are commonly associated with horizontally laminated sandstone.
The lower parts are trough cross-bedded and the upper parts ripplecross-laminated or parallel-laminated.
The finely laminated sediments were most likely deposited in a lacustrine environment.
Finely laminated finegrained sediments, the dominant facies of exposure 15, are uncommon.
A few iron concretions and nodules have been recognized within the finely laminated strata, always 1.2 m below the base of sandy deposit.
The vertebrate retina is a highly conserved, laminated structure, with specific retinal cell types residing within specific retinal layers.
First, we prove that the finite harmonic measures of this laminated space correspond to finite invariant measures for the affine group action.
At the locality studied the marl is well laminated and contains millimetre-scale coarser (fine sand-silt) laminae.
The massive/ macrogranular gypsum is in shar p contact with the laminated gypsum, locally forming diapirs several metres long.
Sandstone beds are planar or undulating laminated, often grading up into ripples at top.
In this locality, the stratigraphic series consists of a rhythmic alternation of graded and laminated bioclastic marly calcarenites and massive calcilutites rich in planktonic foraminifera.
The sandstone beds are normal graded and the claystone units are laminated.
Such evidence includes laminated sediments that prograde from one end of a void to the other to produce a convex-up cavity fill.
Frequent intercalations of muddy shales between the cross-bedded or laminated fine-grained sandstones exclude the interpretation of formation by a braided river system for this part of the basin.
Towards the margins of the dome the schists grade successively into phyllites and finely laminated dark grey, quartzrich slates at distances of more than 2 km from the intrusion.
A theorem that characterizes harmonic measures in terms of measures invariant under one or more laminated flows is likely to hold, but is still to be proved.
Shearing flow of highly anisotropic laminated composites.
The clay lenses are internally laminated.
The main results of this work relate harmonic measures and measures invariant under the laminated geodesic and horocycle flows.
The in vivo morphological/ultrastructural correlation (strobilate/spined microtriches: cystic/laminated layer and truncated microtriches) clearly did not obtain in the majority of individuals in the present culture systems.
If, during this very active phase, the growth of a cyst becomes arrested, a change in the rate of secretion of the laminated layer would become necessary.
The chaotic megabreccia consists of up to house-sized limestone blocks and calcirudites, predominantly in a coarse-grained carbonate matrix, or in red finely laminated calcarenite, occasionally containing crinoid ossicles.
To achieve the large spans demanded by the clients for shop and restaurant, deep solid laminated beams were needed running fore and aft, with plywood-web beams spanning between them crossways.
As such, a villa compresses experience into intensely poetic moments, time seems to slow down, life is laminated into simple spaces that echo with the presence of other events.
They crop out in long narrow lenses with low aspect ratios (1:10), in some cases with normal grading and ripple laminated tops.
The ramp displays facies gradients involving updip grainstones which pass downdip into broad, spatially extensive tracts of microbial laminites and finely laminated mudstones deposited above and below storm wave base.
The succession is quite variable with a steady fluctuation from laminated mudstones and siltstones to platy quartz arenites with only relatively small reworked shale clasts at their bases.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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