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词汇 example_english_labour-market

Examples of labour market

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Furthermore, our main focus was on the examination of the results of participation versus non-participation on incorporation in the labourmarket.
In model 1, only variables concerning active labourmarket policy measure and access to unemployment benefits are entered.
A fourth factor causing a tension between the demand and supply sides of the labourmarket can be called the monopsony problem.
Labourmarket institutions are rather stable and changes in them usually take place over a period of years.
Both these variables were negatively correlated with preferences for a late exit from the labourmarket.
In recent years, in each of the countries studied, efforts have been made to reduce early-exits from the labourmarket.
Men and women leave the labourmarket to act as carers, with detrimental effects on their pensions record.
Nor is the socio-economic and labourmarket context or the crucial role of employers.
The main concern of the new government in labour policy was to ensure greater flexibility in the labourmarket.
Secondly, it describes the institutionalised co-operation between the participants in the labourmarket, both employers and employees.
Leaving the labourmarket and reducing the hours worked has consequences for a carer's future wellbeing.
This long-term trend became increasingly entrenched; and values of female dependence proved remarkably resilient in the face of pressures from the labourmarket.
In practice, millowners probably valued it, especially for its effect in regulating the labourmarket.
They saw freelancing as the medium by which they might control the nature and timing of their exit from the labourmarket.
This last element also brings about intermittent participation in the labourmarket.
The land market and the labourmarket were the two most important contexts migrants experienced.
On this basis, we might say that in reality a labourmarket did function, although not in a modern form.
The second pointer concerns the changes in the labourmarket that started to appear in the seventies.
On the basis of a labourmarket and a population survey we examine retirement intentions under alternative early-retirement policies.
This is typical in areas where there are landlord-tenant relationships or a landless class employed in a local wage labourmarket.
In the labourmarket, this extended control has gone largely unnoticed in the academic literature.
The relationship between poaching activity and fluctuations in the industrial labourmarket is most clearly evident during and after the 1870s.
The government's labourmarket and other economic policies still serve to worsen inequality, undermining the redistributive effects of the budget.
Fernandes, who belong to a rather lower segment of the middle class and face much uncertainty owing to the restructuring of the city's labourmarket.
However, the position of those beyond labourmarket age - older people - has rarely been examined in relation to how citizenship might be defined.
This type of economic citizenship had important consequences for labourmarket order.
Finally, there may be labourmarket related reasons, to do with the availability of alternative low paid and uncredentialised work.
Over the years although the exact institutional configuration of national labourmarket regimes varied nearly all gave pride of place to collective employment institutions.
This trend demonstrates that the implied contracts developed in an imperfect competitive labourmarket during the nineteenth century no longer obtained during the interwar period.
In this respect emphasis must be given to the highly negative labourmarket performance of single parents with younger children compared with the reference group.
Other labourmarket policies are likely to have a relatively small impact.
Accepting the idea that a labourmarket existed meant moving away from the pact of reciprocity.
It is unlikely that they will have the authoritative capacity to adopt comprehensive employment regulations that constrain or sanction labourmarket actors.
This perspective implies that, to understand disability income maintenance benefits, we should look to the institutions governing the labourmarket.
Similarly, the study found no general positive effects of involvement in active labourmarket policy measures on mental well-being.
The age at leaving the labourmarket was extremely variable and in many cases was based upon individual or familial decision-making.
Is such activity reducing or reinforcing the social inequalities produced by the formal labourmarket?
It is worth noting that the left's emphasis on labourmarket obligations for women as well as men discourages a system of familybased welfare provision.
These results have implications for those segments of the population that are disadvantaged in the labourmarket.
These reports were primarily concerned with labourmarket integration or descriptive accounts of the structure and range of the social services.
Second, the theorem plays a central role in debates about the labourmarket and social policy.
The authors contend that, despite facing broadly similar labourmarket challenges, pension reforms in these countries reflect the institutional structures of their existing pension systems.
The ministry of labour was all too aware that it would depend on labourmarket institutions if it was to succeed in reforming industrial training.
The pathway to independence and opportunity is through higher education and the labourmarket.
In terms of independence, they are operating in the conventional labourmarket and their social and employment rights are fully intact.
The introduction of electricity swiftly generated intense competition and conflict in the labourmarket.
One reason is related to trends in the labourmarket towards self-employment and greater flexibility, which mean that more social risks are met individually.
All this introduces new elements of rivalry and conflict into the labourmarket, and into subjective experiences of well-being.
By not forcing otherwise foreclosed debtors into the labourmarket, the supply of labour is restricted, keeping labour wages higher than they otherwise would be.
This is an index variable that measures labourmarket centralization.
The long-run trend to retire early from the labourmarket is clearly visible in many countries.
In other words, free and equal competition in the labourmarket is established by turning a blind eye to inconsequential differences.
However, the reasons why urban households in these two periods sent their non-employed adult females into the labourmarket differed.
In discussing these relationships, such ' conditions ' should not be restricted to employment opportunities both in the home and in the external labourmarket.
Yet, political factors and labourmarket institutions may also affect the economic situation.
Encouragement will be given to innovative projects and thinking that seek to address emerging labourmarket issues.
On the one hand, structures influence labourmarket participants' intentions and actions by enabling and constraining them.
Habits are enacted by virtually all labourmarket participants.
Another major change was the extensive reform of the active labourmarket policy enacted in 1997.
This suggests that while the majority of recipients have historically engaged in work over welfare, labourmarket conditions have forced them back on public assistance.
These responsibilities are expressed predominantly through engagement in the labourmarket.
Where parents are accommodating care, gender differences in labourmarket attachment, continuity and flexibility are much more evident.
We have already identified two key features of transition to liberal labour models, namely, labourmarket liberalization and the absence of corporatism.
In particular, it undertakes an empirical analysis of the labourmarket and finds no progress toward flexibility or integration.
The aim of these measures was to provide the unemployed with work experience and training in the regular labourmarket.
Quite the reverse, the lower status groups are very much reliant on national social and labourmarket policies protecting their interests.
However, as the labour continued to arrive to the mills, labourmarket soon became glutted.
Also, the re-employment engineering programme has lent much viability to an active labourmarket policy.
It is unlikely that the majority of low-wage employers will voluntarily provide the same level of employee benefits as found in the primary labourmarket.
They too have embraced labourmarket flexibility, but without converging with the wider policies and politics of the liberal model.
Older freelancers, like their younger counterparts, were engaged in relentless negotiation in order to survive the uncertainties of a flexible labourmarket.
While one strand of research on older workers has examined pathways into retirement, another has examined their experiences in the labourmarket.
This idea in turn was related to another theme, namely mobility in the labourmarket.
More and more, workers are relying on government regulations - minimum wage laws and the like - rather than traditional collective bargaining structures for labourmarket protection.
In particular within economics it is seen as a matter of course influencing the debate on labourmarket and social welfare reform.
Three different types of active labourmarket policy measures involving the unemployed were studied, 'activation', 'vocational training' and 'workplace participation' measures.
For those not participating in the regular labourmarket social rights are attached to their status as a child or partner.
That's the unemployment trap - a widespread view of the relationship between the labourmarket and the welfare state.
Not only did young unmarried women enter the labourmarket, but married women and widows worked on into late middle age.
For ty-two per cent said they always used the external labourmarket, but 53% said they used a mixture of internal and external markets.
Table 4 indicated that wealthier households were more likely to earn wage income, and especially to access the high-wage end of the labourmarket.
By contrast, this article argues that institutions other than the market contributed to the deeply genderized nineteenth-century labourmarket.
The labourmarket in the fish-canning industry was characterized by segmentation and by age and gender segregation in occupations.
In practice, the scope that employees have to bargain is severely curtailed by the nature of the labourmarket.
This pattern would be supported by the general absence of active labourmarket policies in these types of regimes.
This was particularly so where they had a low turnover of staff, and were unable to introduce the required skills through the external labourmarket.
The labourmarket was rather easier to manage because of underlying expansionist tendencies, and before 1960 policy-makers could concentrate on controlling inflation.
Moreover, the findings on the general effect of tax systems on labourmarket behaviour are not wholly unambiguous.
Young adults with no labourmarket experience were assigned the dominant class position of the parents.
Between 1880 and 1960 gender inequalities in contracts, training and payment characterized the labourmarket.
Figure 1 shows another significant change: there is no longer ' seniority advantage' in the labourmarket.
Older workers who seek to tailor their participation in the labourmarket are hindered by employment practices that undermine their acquired skills and experience.
With regard to the labourmarket, early exit can be perceived both as working for and against the interests of younger people.
Shopping at the labourmarket : a real tale of fiction.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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