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词汇 example_english_labor-market

Examples of labor market

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
This upward pressure on wages further influences the private sector through the labormarket.
However, as it was the insiders who did the hiring, labormarket pressure rarely translated into wage cuts.
With the implementation of a labormarket reform in 1993, a much stronger focus was given to active labormarket policy.
Restrictions in the labormarket had a disciplining effect.
A third example is provided by the choices many women face when trying to combine family work with the demands of the labormarket.
The service-oriented character of the economy remained, translating into an irregular and seasonal private labormarket.
As with the firms, the right-hand side is the sum of flow income and the expected capital gain (or loss) from changing labormarket status.
This section develops a general equilibrium model to study these implications within an otherwise standard macroeconomic framework for labormarket policy analysis.
This results in a setting in which we have heterogeneity on both sides of the labormarket.
The confidence (and arrogance) of practitioners and reformers to change labormarket policies without evidence and subsequent evaluation is remarkable.
Pension expenses, when incurred over a worker's lifetime in the labormarket, can substantially erode the retirement assets.
Were these responsible for peculiar labormarket phenomena like layoffs and the reluctance of employers to reduce wages?
Furthermore, capitalism to be capitalism must have a labormarket where labor is bought and sold as a commodity.
So, this article shows more generally that the introduction of new labormarket approaches plays an important role in the emergence of endogenous fluctuations.
The most significant regulation involved the emergence of state industrial planning with labormarket controls.
Future work should try to solve one further puzzle in the international comparison of labormarket flows.
Again, various labormarket rigidities may necessitate a gradual transition of employment levels over time.
Reforms are expected to increase regular contributions by eliminating distortions and improving incentives in the labormarket.
This view has some implications for the labormarket that have not been demonstrated empirically.
Thus, it does not appear that over time, social democratic labormarket institutions have significantly been dismantled.
Both are proxies for labormarket possibilities and opportunity costs of time specific to an individual.
For one thing, it is misleading to measure leisure simply as time spent outside the labormarket.
This pattern made good sense during earlier periods of labormarket surplus.
They have also resulted in undesired behavior adjustments, in particular, in the labormarket.
Although women's labormarket experience is converging to that of men, the process is gradual and traditional roles continue to dominate in many countries.
For the labormarket, we assume that labor is perfectly mobile across sectors so there is one average market wage which balances supply and demand.
For men on the move, mastery of the labormarket was crucial.
Thus, one hypothesis is that the labormarket climate in 2002 was more understanding toward taking child-care leaves.
It is also a property of estimated models of the labormarket.
Design features require careful scrutiny as employers come to terms with the new realities of the labormarket.
They also respond to the labormarket effects of employment creation in the industrial sector by substituting herbicides for increasingly expensive weeding labor.
The 'aristocratic' position of craftsmen also had an effect on the labormarket and the workers themselves.
The results presented here indicate that employers and workers respond to changes in labormarket incentives.
In small towns, the labormarket is quite diverse, even within the category of manual labor.
Higher status may be the result of, or cause of, increasing labormarket opportunities that raise the opportunity cost of child-bearing thereby decreasing fertility rates.
Many of these large, horizontally-integrated enterprises enjoyed the economic power and legal autonomy to dominate key sectors of the labormarket.
Bargaining powers are based, in turn, on supply and demand conditions governing the labormarket for the specific industry.
Leaving the arsenals meant defying state policy, as the worker went up against a barrage of government regulations designed to control the labormarket.
Negative labormarket and migration effects may reflect rising opportunity costs of household time on the farm as labor and migration markets develop.
Shively models soil erosion and ensuing lowered productivity as having a negative impact on wage rates in the local labormarket.
Intensification has increased labor demand and has raised returns to land; however, the aggregate labormarket impact of this change has been modest.
In reality, as discussed in section 3.1, labormarket rigidities are likely to affect wage dynamics in the opposite way.
Each of them can be an index for the increase in, respectively, firm-specific, general labormarket, and industryspecific human capital.
Though our data set only covers a snapshot in time, we find strong evidence for the countervailing forces of product and labormarket effects.
One insight is that regional or larger levels usually govern product markets, while more local conditions determine the labormarket.
However, other factors, such as discrimination in the labormarket, also contribute to these divergent patterns.
Existing family associations altered their array of services to parallel the newly established organizations, emphasizing labormarket and financial aid.
This sector is otherwise integrated with the rest of the economy via a common labormarket and hence a common market wage.
This trend holds for labormarket variables as well.
Overall, important asymmetries are found in disaggregated labormarket variables in the univariate setting.
Various other topics also receive attention, including labormarket effects, methods for paying benefits, and taxation.
The proponents of the multi-pillar reform model argue that the new institutions increase the efficiency of the labormarket.
The results reported in this paper, indicate that agents respond to changes in labormarket incentives.
This will have a disruptive effect on the purchasing power of workers and the functioning of the labormarket.
The following section examines why firms offer pension benefits by specifying a simple model of the labormarket.
This means that figures on open unemployment give only a very partial picture of the situation in the labormarket.
As firms continue to invest, the labormarket tightens and wages start to rise, reducing the net profits of the firms.
Finally, if wages are determined on the spot market, wages should depend on the current labormarket conditions.
Supply equals demand in the labormarket when the firm chooses to employ this labor supply.
This paper turns the microscope on the assumption of linearity and investigates the presence of asymmetries in aggregate and disaggregate labormarket variables.
It should be a fair reward for the individual's contributions to the organization and must be competitive in the external labormarket.
Farm households that participate in the wage labormarket will gain when the wage rate effect is positive, and lose when it is negative.
However, this tax also stimulates labormarket activity in the untaxed informal sector via equation (6).
Under policies (30) and (31), these two antagonistic effects exactly balance, so that the labormarket remains cleared.
Among them, of course, were company-based welfare-type benefits that could not be easily monitored, measured, and regulated by the centralized institutions of the labormarket.
An integral part of the segmentalist labormarket regime is the widespread company-level provision of social benefits - "welfare capitalism" in the parlance of historians.
Here was a design to strengthen the masters' power in their shops and in the labormarket without explicit reference to that market.
To flood the labormarket and humble their skilled hands, his son needed a new law, at least.
Prospective proponents of universal worker protection policy retreated, conceding business prerogatives in the labormarket.
Second, with utmost speed, industry needed to raise productivity to accommodate an orderly rise in incomes and thus relieve pressure to manage the labormarket.
They explain this large disparity with international differences in labormarket experience.
Bargaining powers in the labormarket determine the magnitude of the indexing parameter to be in effect following contract negotiation.
The intertemporal allocation of consumption is the same for both steady states, as it is the resource constraint and the labormarket equilibrium condition.
Many workers exploited the new labormarket situation to better their individual and material welfare.
Scientists in organizations : discrimination processes in an internal labormarket.
It slows down the changes in labormarket composition as it slows down the penetration of members of protected groups.
Only one household in the sample appears to have no tie to the female labormarket.
Alternatively, search costs or efficiency wages can be used to model wage rigidity and labormarket disequilibrium.
The labormarket dividend is three times higher than in the case of a cut in the overall labor costs.
Two key markets of interest are commodity markets for outputs of the milpa (or consumption substitutes) and the local labormarket.
When there is no labormarket, the farmer directly compares the returns across periods in his/her labor allocation between farming and forest clearing.
However, a study using the labormarket approach to measure the discount rate is practically non-existent in developing and other developed countries.
Conversely, a worker working in an unorganized labormarket might have the right to strike but not the power.
Explanatory variables include the industry-level measures described above, which are designed to measure the effect of labormarket conditions on the firm's conversion decision.
In my view, the aging of the population is more appropriately framed as a labormarket problem.
Recoveries are followed by slower reductions in the unemployment rate - revealing an asymmetry in labormarket response across the business cycle.
Therefore, labormarket signals act as expected if certain other parameters take on certain values.
This meant there were more skilled workers available than the labormarket could absorb.
She voices an undeniably strong-willed desire by college women to have a public role, specifically one that is participating in the labormarket.
It does not preclude, however, ameliorative action, such as improving the operations of markets, including the labormarket.
One could believe that the spot labormarket assumption is incorrect, but a convenient way of summarizing data.
However, some researchers have overlooked this key feature of the labormarket and continued to focus their attention on linear representations.
Intuitively, both decrease labormarket participation via the wealth effect in aggregate labor supply, thereby raising wages and reducing the long-run rate of interest.
However, although the model does not take the labormarket differences into account directly, the observable data from each country should reflect these differences.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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