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词汇 example_english_inventory

Examples of inventory

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Less than 2.5 per cent of all inventories were for professional people (attorneys, apothecaries, barbers, schoolteachers, surgeons and clerks).
Indeed, much of the evidence for the mechanization of wheat farms was obtained from the inventories of insolvent estates.
Diaries and inventories are kept by participants to assist this process.
Variation in developing and fully developed phonetic inventories.
In some languages, the segmental inventories sponsored by the two contexts are either identical or nearly so.
The predicted correlation between segment neutrality and the obligatory consonants of inventories is summarised in (47), with the obligatory types indicated in boldface.
There will also always be gaps in inventories and available world knowledge.
Indeed, preliminary inventories of the general linguistic characteristics of the dialects reveals a plethora of archaic features.
If both agree to trade, they swap inventories one-for-one (because the goods are indivisible); otherwise, they part company and wait for the next period.
Harding's work includes comprehensive references to military reports, packing lists, shipwrecks, inventories, expenditure ledgers and accounts receivable.
At each assessment, participants completed self-report inventories and were interviewed by an independent assessor who was blind to the individual's specific treatment condition.
When probate inventories of the property of colonos are studied, the value of walls can be seen to be particularly prominent.
Phonological analyses focused on the construction of all subjects' phonetic inventories over time.
Previous studies have suggested that liquids are rare in the phonetic inventories of infants at the onset of first words.
Other speakers give multiple answers for a single subject type, and these individuals form the group of variable inventories.
They include registers of births, marriages and burials, and probate inventories.
Most data are included in reports and inventories made for public institutions until 1985.
Other claimed benefits of par tnership include greater satisfaction to the customer, simplified recycling, fewer computer entries, smaller inventories, and greater economy of scale.
The only exceptions were the three children in the longitudinal study whose consonant inventories were limited at the earliest recording session.
Disaggregated greenhouse gas emission inventories from agriculture via a coupled economicecosystem model.
In simple numbers they constituted the largest group within the middling sort, responsible for nearly half the inventories.
Fewer inventories survive for this decade than for any of the other periods, but this is not in itself suf®cient explanation.
The data presented herein are part of forest inventories considering all size classes of trees and palms.
What are the sizes and boundaries of these tree stands using large scale inventories c. 50-100 ha?
Species richness and species ranges estimated from using tree census plots: how accurate are incomplete inventories?
Just as languages are dynamic systems without clear boundaries, writing systems are not discrete entities either; their character inventories can be recombined and reinterpreted.
Among the source material used for this study, two sorts of documents need to be presented briey: probate inventories (mukhallafat) and endowment deeds (waqyyat).
A burgeoning body of empirical data from largely descriptive biogeographic inventories provides the foundation for further evaluations of this concept.
Many sense inventories have been taken from traditional paper-based (and from machine-readable) dictionaries.
First, the implicational universals concerning phonological inventories are devoid of empirical content since the theory does allow for ' accidental ' gaps to occur.
The bulk of the evidence comes from cross-linguistic contrasts and gaps in inventories.
Assessing the completeness of bat biodiversity inventories using species accumulation curves.
The inventories also provide clues leading to a coherent early history of both layers.
There are two versions of the inventories: infant and toddler.
Even houses that can be qualified as modest are of good architectural quality and have produced inventories testifying to a considerable level of wealth.
Clearly, monitoring of emissions and improvement of the emissions inventories need a lot of attention.
Farmers were asked to report the largest number of animals they had had in the past and compare it with their current inventories.
All children excluded some fricatives and at least one liquid from their inventories, and half of the children also excluded velar stops and\\or affricates.
Such inventories are needed to insure methodological rigour in making valid comparisons based on corresponding measures.
Now, a theory that allows arbitrarily structured inventories will obviously allow allegedly motivated ones.
The analysis shows that the earliest and most commonly occurring manner class in children's coda inventories was voiceless stops.
The comparative phonology section outlines some methods for evaluating segment inventories on a cross-linguistic basis.
In terms of distribution in inventories, the maximal number of rhotics in a single language is claimed to be three.
To investigate the third question, we examine the consonant inventories of children at different stages of coda production.
In this work, lexical development is approached through a methodology different from that of studies using checklist vocabulary inventories.
Variation in developing and fully developed phonetics inventories.
First, final goods firms face occasionally binding nonnegativity constraints in selecting their future inventories, which necessitates a nonlinear solution.
Table 2 summarizes the mean values of the patient group in the employed inventories.
Learners learned inventories of functions that they were expected to apply outside the classroom.
Moreover, it appears incapable of sustaining inventories alongside capital.
In our equilibrium model, stockout is associated with inventories being reduced to zero. 15.
Although this is still roughly 20 times lower than in the data, inventories are at least not so rare.
Reference to figure 1 confirms the generalization that the decomposition of variable inventories does not point to two geographically adjacent inventories.
Selling sheep to repay loans was another reason why inventories decreased on far ms in that district.
The second factor will be studied directly, via the probate inventories.
Analysis of post-mortem inventories suggests that retirement payments in kind to elderly parents could include sufficient seed grain to sow a medium-size farm.
One solution to these problems would be to maintain the vouchers from floristic inventories as separate collections in herbaria.
Among the 493 species identified during inventories, 416 were represented by less than 20 individuals.
The main problem of sample-based inventories is that many species are so rare that they will not be observed.
Of course, we need to be cautious in interpreting inventories, since valuable goods were often excluded.
However, this survey of forest composition had complete inventories of families, and statistics based on the real abundance of individuals.
Such large-scale inventories of many little-known species in remote primary rain forest unavoidably suffer from bias due to unequal species detection and sample sizes.
The proportion of inventories including pictures more than doubled between the last decade of the seventeenth century and the 1730s.
Editions of the inventories of the second half of the eighteenth century are advertised to be published in the next few years.
Data obtained through ground inventories were compared with data obtained from aerial photography.
One way is to make full inventories and to describe the fauna and the flora.
Business reasons for holding inventories and their macro-economic implications.
Thus, the second aim of household inventories was to gather infor mation to help assess property for taxation purposes.
As a result, our 0.1-ha inventories were substantially more efficient in terms of floristic data gained per effort invested.
Until now, few inventories in high v'rzea forests have been made.
Most quantitative floristic inventories focus only on tree species and assume that the diversity for other life forms is correlated to tree species diversity.
The species were chosen due to their abundance (determined from previous inventories) and the feasibility of identifying their leaves on the forest floor.
The practice of writing out inventories of gifts did not end with death.
The delicate items were still rare and special ordered while the mass-produced blue and white porcelain were frequently parts of household inventories.
The different personality characteristics of the women were investigated by various tests and inventories.
Additional studies are needed to determine whether traits measured by other personality inventories show disturbances in recovered women.
Post-mortem inventories of newlyweds in the same category constituted 35 per cent (26 cases).
Although the estimates are not statistically significant, the point estimates for fixed productive assets and livestock inventories were 683 yuan and 161 yuan, respectively.
The three inventories cannot but reflect a limited view of historical trends, since they only cover a period of seven years.
Harvesting of timber was based on decisions established by the government based on five-yearly inventories of existing stocks.
An additional limitation is that the majority of the data used in the present study were taken from selfrepor t inventories.
Late talkers had significantly poorer phonetic inventories when compared to the control group.
Five regional inventories have been undertaken since, with another three planned or underway.
Neuroticism and well-being inventories : measuring traits or states ?
Although the two laws made independent predictions, there were similarities in the way in which children's inventories patterned.
Many, however, include collection inventories or other aids for accessing their collections.
None who left inventories was poor; most were among the better-off tradesmen of their parishes, and a few were quite rich.
Culling baskets or wool baskets feature in many clothiers' inventories.
The raw wool was washed and oiled: tuns and vats invariably appear among clothiers' shop goods in inventories.
The figures would be higher if the numbers of retired farmers could be deducted from the total numbers of surviving inventories.
The parish supported a wide variety of occupations (as shown in the wills and probate inventories of its inhabitants), several inns and many alehouses.
Looms appear in a small minority of clothiers' wills and inventories.
Clothiers' inventories proved in the local courts suggest that the most successful were coping well with inflation.
The contrast with the inventories of lesser clothiers is stark.
There were just seven inventories of occupations normally grouped together as 'professionals' (the mean of their estates was £92).
Between the 1560s and the 1580s the economic position of those represented by probate inventories appears to have improved.
The middling people, whose inventories always made up a large majority of the sample, were not keeping pace with inflation in the 1590s.
The personal estates of tradesmen therefore span the whole range of values of farmers' inventories - and dip well below that range as well.
Many craftsmen appear 'poor' from their inventories because they were not also farmers.
Individuals have been classified based on age of onset, family history, symptom severity, psychiatric comorbidity, scores on screening inventories, personality characteristics, and many other variables.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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