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词汇 example_english_interval

Examples of interval

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
After discharge, patients were followed up for 9 months, at monthly intervals, in the same in-patient facility and under the care of the same doctor.
They were interviewed five times, at 14-16 month intervals.
Figure 1 shows a number of such intervals which are consistent with the single example of 60.
At short intervals and without knowledge of the upcoming target, individuals responded with a middle, "default" response.
One strategy for reducing difference threshold when the time intervals to be discriminated are long is to adopt a counting strategy, that is, using chunks.
The overland flow events were simulated at 7-day intervals for a period of 10 weeks.
Here, differences between the values of per formance criteria and system state variables in different time intervals are used as attributes.
Observing rules over intervals of time basically multiplies the number of resulting rules by the number of intervals.
Variation in growth potential was simulated with the mean growth at a given state and confidence intervals of the mean growth potential.
However, the constraints are binary relations on intervals instead of n-ary mathematical operations on intervals.
If the nominal value of the variable has significant meaning for the propagated intervals, the second alternative will be chosen.
The other sentences were altered in the same way, but with different intervals.
The sampling design, for example, covering only 20% of the study area, was obtained by means of transects 1 km wide placed at regular intervals.
Thus, a piecewise smooth f is in fact a collection of several intervals of smoothness which do not communicate among themselves.
The intervals specify only for which values of these bounds are best suited.
We can assume that these intervals are pairwise disjoint.
We collected conditioned media from these hepatocytes at 48 hour intervals.
At regular intervals, new individuals from different natural sites are added to the colony in order to maintain genetic diversity.
The developmental periods for the eggs, first and second instar larvae, prepupae and pupae were determined by observation at 12 h intervals.
The 95% confidence intervals for mean values of this index were computed by bootstrapping.
Plots from which biocontrol agents were excluded were also sampled at monthly intervals to confirm the absence of biocontrol agents.
To account for "ageing" of the samples, readings were made at 1 h intervals upon each sample until two similar consecutive readings (+ 5%) were obtained.
I do not believe that behind the musical scale, something which is equivalent even to the simple intervals between spans has yet been sought.
Suggestions have also been made to sectioning of the nodes at 2-mm intervals and to perform three 'levels'.
The parasitoid's oviposition rate in unparasitized and conspecific-parasitized hosts varied at the different oviposition time intervals when the females had fewer eggs in the ovaries.
The time intervals used extended from 110 to 170 ms after stimulus presentation.
Furthermore, the confidence intervals are very large, in particular for the lognormal model.
Since we simulate at 5 per cent intervals, we reach this estimate by interpolation.
The great majority of noun modifiers are again, throughout the various time intervals, inanimate.
The close relationship between the two treatises is suggested by the often similar wordings of the sections on the diatonic intervals and modal theory.
I will return to the spelling of these intervals in a moment.
The provision of tactile stimulation at regular intervals also stimulates recovery.
Non-fasting serum lipid values were measured at 6 to 12 mo intervals.
The selection of intervals is guided more by convention and pragmatic considerations than by clinical or developmental theory.
The same level was used for confidence intervals and standard errors.
Each probe supported four sensors at 0.2 m intervals, but data were only collected as the mean value over the whole probe.
Dotted lines denote the 95 % confidence intervals of the fitted lines.
Youths were reinterviewed in 1989 and 1990 at approximately 1-year intervals, and then again in 1992.
The extent to which an event elicits distinctive physiological and cognitive responding, the greater the probability that the event will be retained over protracted intervals.
A time code superimposed on each videotape in conjunction with a remotely controlled tape-stop device allowed observers to view tapes at 10-s intervals.
Next, we show that the lengths of oscillating intervals rk+1 - rk are bounded.
Families were first assessed when the male target children were 3-5 years old and at 3- year intervals thereafter.
The bristles thus appear to develop at intervals of a particular number of cells.
We find that the interior of two intervals in this set are periodic: one of period eight and the other of period 80.
Nonexistence of wandering intervals and structure of topological attractors of one-dimensional dynamical systems.
Sections are taken at intervals through a whole-mount embryo to demonstrate the different sites of expression.
By choosing n large enough, these intervals can be made arbitrarily small.
A few species are dominant in certain intervals.
The scale of the channel and overbank intervals in the formation suggests river systems certainly tens, and probably hundreds of kilometres in length.
Ninety-five per cent confidence intervals are derived by parametric bootstrapping of the data (see text).
The relationship between the downhole and laboratory depth scales is not linear and depends on the degree of fragmentation at particular intervals of the core.
An objective definition of shoulder dystocia: prolonged head to body delivery intervals and/or the use of ancillary obstetric maneuvres.
A loop consisting of admissible intervals will also be called admissible.
S-unimodal maps do not have wandering intervals [6, 8]; in particular f has no homtervals.
Non-existence of wandering intervals and the structure of topological attractors of onedimensional dynamical systems.
Then j is in one of the return intervals r (i) < j < r (i + 1).
After leaving out all intervals up to step n, we proceed as follows.
Measurements were taken at 0.1 m depth intervals from 0.1 to 0.9 m and the mean of the three readings were used at each depth.
Others have rotation intervals of positive length, and are sometimes called rotary horseshoes.
The cold temperature was maintained by adding ice to a reservoir at regular intervals (once every frh for as long as 36 h).
The thin vertical lines are at 10 cm intervals and the end wall can just be seen on the far left.
An objective definition of shoulder dystocia: prolonged head to body delivery intervals and/or use of ancillary obstetric maneuvers.
The dynamical behaviour appears to switch at irregular intervals between a non-periodic state and the quasi-periodic state.
Hypothesis tests and confidence intervals on vector coefficients were determined by bootstrapping over clone means ; this test assumes that family means were calculated without error.
181 sponding to mating intervals 1-6 (1-24 days posttreatment).
Male mice were mated consecutively to individual females at 4 day intervals.
The lactation stage of animals at first test varied between 4 and 40 days, with successive tests at approximately 30 day intervals.
To update the estimate of recombination frequency at some or all intervals, we need to calculate it for each individual.
The abundance of conodont elements also shows significant variation in similar chert lithologies, probably indicating fluctuations in sedimentation rate at particular stratigraphical intervals.
Error bars represent the 12n5-87n5 % confidence intervals, approaching 1 standard error.
To compare map intervals between the two species, we need to map the same intervals in both.
In practice, there would be many marker intervals of different information content.
The intervals of singularities become orbit segments for the non-singular flow defined, which are locally attracting.
There are also prominent intercalations of matrix-supported debris flows and intervals affected by slump folding.
Points on mixing curve are at 10 % intervals.
In pebbly sand intervals, tabular crossstratification is also observed.
The overlying mudstone (in places mudstone-siltstone-sandstone alternations) is typically red and includes thin lenses or layers of dirty whitish caliche intervals.
A 2.5 mm long sicula gives rise to two declined firstorder branches and subsequent dichotomies occur at regular intervals.
A total of 6720 uniform grid intervals were used, with subgrid scale effects simulated with eddy coefficients proportional to the local velocity deformation.
In other words, we allow the images of some maximal intervals to overlap.
In order to avoid isolated points, we require that any two of the removed intervals have no common endpoints.
Five subsequent assessments occurred at intervals ranging from 6 months to 1.5 years.
Detecting taxonicity using covariance of two quantitative indicators in successive intervals of a third indicator.
Figures are expressed as %survival+95% confidence intervals.
A trend-display allows various time intervals to be surveyed.
We consider this rule for both finite and infinite intervals, and present the remainders of this rule in several forms.
Results are presented as adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals.
Mailed surveys were repeated at 5-y intervals.
We must remember that the physical "action" that takes place on the outermost, waking level of reality in punctuated by intervals of sleep.
Meanwhile, markers for the liquid phase were dosed and samples were collected at different intervals.
They were weighed at weekly intervals in order to monitor growth and to calculate diet requirement.
Alternatively, it records the rotation of a 2 + 3:1 rectangle at 30° intervals.
The regular duodecagon is formed by the superimposition of four equilateral triangles per rev, at 90° intervals.
However, he is likely to need to rest at frequent intervals.
The confidence intervals for these rate ratios excluded the null in each of the age categories, except 5-24 and 75-84 years.
In this analysis, "adaptive" refers to using the data to select the follow-up time, with appropriate adjustment in computing confidence intervals.
Other reports are due for release at intervals up to 1996.
In addition to the" panel" version of longitudinal studies, surveys can be repeated at intervals though with different groups of respondents.
Ignoring the problem that the time intervals are not equal, smooth and plot the series.
Credible intervals acquired for less well determined genes or less well determined expression nodes are correspondingly larger.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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