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词汇 example_english_interpreter

Examples of interpreter

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Compared to interpreters, songwriters generally score 1.70 point higher on the prestige scale, even when success and career length are controlled for.
In 2001, 78% of all men who participated in the contest registered as songwriters while 61% of women participated as interpreters. 15.
During the inter-war period, most of the humbler posts in the colonial administration, particularly those of interpreters and guards, went to veterans.
They also show partial evaluation which can then be used to generate instrumented programs by specializing these instrumented interpreters with respect to subject programs.
The calculus is a vehicle for designing, understanding, verifying and comparing implementations of the ^.-calculus, from interpreters to machines.
Furthermore, it is easy to add to the tiny interpreter's loop a call to a hygienechecking routine, which checks that the machine state looks plausible.
The language barrier represented another pressure, since the traveller could be the victim of interpreters or informers.
Selected variables include whether artists are songwriters or interpreters, their career length, radio success, record sales, and gender.
To summarise, songwriters generally have more prestige than interpreters, but prestige is above all a function of where artists are located in the field.
True, every government apparatus across the world needs a cadre of confidential translators and interpreters for its work, overt or covert.
Users and interpreters make their interpretations to suit themselves.
Since interpreters are typically fairly machine-independent, debugging systems based on them are also portable.
There was growing unease with this method of recruiting interpreters.
In an attempt to improve the quality of interpreters, a two-tier salary scale was introduced in 1922.
One important issue is the court's view of interpreters and the consequent treatment and use of them.
A past is not simply a static, inert text that present interpreters use.
They would have acted as interpreters, not just of language but of ideas and knowledge.
In other words, politeness stood for a constellation of meanings, which have offered modern interpreters numerous handles on the period.
In some provinces, a cadre needed from 3 to 7 interpreters to make just one speech.
The interpreters of investigations were completely blinded to the surgical procedure.
Combining courtroom ethnography, discourse analysis and matched-guise experiments, the author powerfully rejects the popular view that interpreters do not affect legal proceedings.
One can envisage several monadic interpreters for the same abstract code, which would differ in the implementation of the monadic operations.
The instrumented semantics, like the dynamic semantics, is given in terms of four mutually recursive interpreters.
Recent results confirm that specializers can indeed be generated from interpreters, even with existing self-applicable partial evaluators.
The differences reflect the different evaluation orders between the lazy and strict interpreters.
Conceivably, this could mean that two interpreters nominally interpreting the same object could actually be working from two quite different sets of data.
The texts under analysis are seen as meta-communicative insofar as they push interpreters to scrutinize their own assumptions about communication.
Table 1 shows that even among younger artists, the most important factor influencing the distribution of prestige is whether artists are songwriters or interpreters.
To finally construct these applications, they provide discoverers to locate suitable widgets, interpreters, aggregators and services.
Alternatively, the interpreters can be written with explicit attention to the fact that they will be partially evaluated.
In this paper, we consider the latter problem, and enlarge the set of acts that can be dealt by interpreters through quantifier elimination.
Except as a rhetorical device, the implied dichotomy between variously "visible" and supposedly "invisible" interpreters, and especially between theory and practice, is not justified.
His speeches used to be relayed into local languages by interpreters.
Thus, we manipulated the study conditions (with or without articulatory suppression) in three groups of participants: interpreters, high span individuals and control participants.
Is it computationally expensive to instrument interpreters and programs using partial evaluation?
The onus of providing interpreters remains with the users themselves, and interpreting is done mainly by children, grandchildren and other family members.
How do interpreters manage to cope with the adverse effects of concurrent articulation while trying to comprehend the message in the source language?
Why, to put the question baldly, do these interpreters - or we - shudder with horror and blush with embarrassment at these moments?
From here, threads are spun to radio, to sound film, to the record industry, to the big culinary establishments, to the interpreters.
In addition to their work as traders, many served the administration and military as interpreters, agents and clerks.
A contributory factor in the under-use of interpreters is the low supply of appropriately certified interpreters.
We certainly have to dispel the rumor that functional languages are for teaching compilers, interpreters, and type systems.
The interviewers spoke fluent pidgin and employed vernacular-speaking interpreters when necessary.
The main strategy for amplification in early grammar formalisms and interpreters was the codification of design moves as grammar rules.
Hence, this was a second possible factor contributing to the interpreters' ability to cope with the simultaneity of comprehension and production.
Thus, interpreters, high span and control participants performed a free recall task under normal or under visual tracking conditions.
As mentioned before, the absence of articulatory suppression in the interpreters could also be related to language knowledge and language activation.
The crucial question then is whether the interpreters were also better able to function selectively in the language production tasks.
The absence of articulatory effects in the interpreters could therefore be due to several factors.
Second, we explored if the absence of articulatory effects in the interpreters was related to a general ability to coordinate processes and tasks.
In these studies, students of interpretation were compared to professional interpreters and non-interpreters control.
Varying realities patterned changes in the interpreter's representation of courtroom and external realities.
The purpose of the school was to train interpreters.
Jenkins is the scourge not only of radical interpreters but of readers who believe that the word ' gullible ' is not in the dictionary.
Other descriptions of interpreters offer very different perspectives on the development of bilingualism among interpreters.
The authors state that one of their principal aims is to 'improve interaction between geologically and geophysically inclined seismic interpreters'.
With the help of bilingual interpreters, interviewing with the case study sample continued over the 10-year study period, with no set interval between meetings.
Women are over-represented among interpreters, who on average enjoy lower prestige, and under-represented among the most prestigious group of songwriters.
Deaf students in hearing classrooms, even when provided with good interpreters, are often far more excluded than most hearing people appreciate.
The right to interpreters has been evaluated and also changed during the period covered in this study.
Having to book interpreters in advance is not conducive to the nature of district nursing, which often needs a more immediate response.
The author presents detailed figures that put the implementation on a par with conventional functional language bytecode interpreters.
The behaviour of the standard interpreters combined with this profiler is given in the next section.
However, most interpreters in the literature keep values (and types) from the interpreting and interpreted languages quite separate.
The dynamic semantics is given by two mutually recursive interpreters for closed terms, which may also raise run-time errors.
The pure and monadic interpreters are more tightly coupled than in the strict case; in fact gets threaded.
The best interpreters can perform up to 400,000 rwr/sec in the syntactic case.
However, similar recursive procedures appear frequently in realistic programs like interpreters.
In contrast, most commercial database systems have built-in formal query language interpreters, and the implementation of form-based interfaces is largely automated.
The physical characteristics of the interpreters were also important.
Like listeners in a conversation, interpreters of legal rules also make assumptions about the actions of their interlocutors and the purpose of their enterprise.
Given the idiosyncracies of this music, it could easily have been treated as a comical break from the daily round of the interpreters' concert schedule.
Unfortunately, interpreters have generally overlooked the relevance of this discussion.
Data on the use of interpreters was used to generate a proxy measure of service use by this group.
The hermeneutic process is a dialogical process between the interpreter's understanding and the object being studied.
They showed that interpreters categorized non-typical exemplars of the categories faster than the students and the bilinguals.
The results indicated that the interpreters outperformed the control group in the dual task condition.
Therefore, we do not have an estimation of the possible changes in the effect on participants other than the interpreters.
Translators or interpreters are often used when individuals do not share a common language.
During the discussion of pseudo-code interpreters, the notion that programming languages have 'ampliative' and 'reductive' aspects is introduced.
In this section, we will show that the two (interpreters treated as) sets are indeed subsets of each other.
Many interpretive decisions are therefore discretionar y: interpreters will have to use non-legal criteria to resolve the indeterminacy.
What divides interpreters most is the meaning of the third claim: that the state of nature perhaps never did exist at all.
Unlike them, these interpreters deny that his description has any genuine explanatory use for describing human existence.
Seeing actors as more than just interpreters of scripts seems to be an integral part of the company's creative approach.
Admittedly, some modern interpreters have become sensitive to the assets and liabilities of the open stage.
The interpreter's understanding and the author's intention must coincide.
There is, for example, a general absence of interpreters in hospitals even in areas with high immigrant populations.
Traditional, materialist and positivist archaeologists as well as most non-professional interpreters seem to put a greater emphasis on the archaeological remains of a vanished past.
Present interpreters and their social, cultural and political conditions determine the shape that the past they (re)construct takes.
Due to the conditions of simultaneity of the interpretation task, interpreters have to learn to distribute their resources among the various processes involved.
Few studies have addressed this question directly but a recent study of simultaneous interpreters provides some relevant preliminary data.
The pattern of results did not differ between participants who were interpreters and those who were not.
According to schema theory, meanings are constructed in the interaction between a text and the interpreter's background knowledge.
Five official languages would still require an army of translators and interpreters.
The long term objective is to have a national data base containing details of all qualified interpreters.
Help from community\\advice workers and official interpreters was negligible.
They are additional tools at the interpreter's disposal rather than limits to the inquiry.
The ability to parameterize embedded interpreters by any monad significantly increases the usefulness of our basic idea.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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