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词汇 example_english_intense

Examples of intense

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Measurements of energetic proton transport through magnetized plasma from intense laser interactions with solids.
A policy of ' ' prevention through deterrence ' ' has also resulted in the intense armed patrol of the border.
However, it must be mentioned that the area studied had been exposed to an intense educational campaign and the contraceptive supplies were very cheap.
In fact, since waves of pessimism were present before the 1973- 1975 recession, they could have turned the economic slowdown into this more intense recession.
During this period (1986), an intense election campaign was taking place in the district to elect a district representative to the national assembly.
They por tray the 1950s as a period of intense politics.
The second section is lower and slower and much more inward and intense, the motto appearing as a 'reminiscence', though everything is derived from it.
However, in all cases, malondialdehyde measurements did not reveal intense lipid peroxidation.
When they come to an end, we shall have had the privilege of seeing the final curve of his intense life.
As a consequence, intrasexual competition for mates is typically more intense among males than females.
The bats' activity was intense during the first hours of the night and then decreased.
In intermediate areas size-class distributions should contain all size-classes because the fire/herbivory/climate interactions are less intense.
Thus, larger trees may not be able to maintain compatible increases in crown area and width owing to intense competition to attain the canopy layer.
Temperature is fairly constant, but rainfall tends to be strongly seasonal with a period of heavy rains and an intense, usually long, drought.
In certain cases, for example, it might be wise for a legislator to side with an intense minority rather than an apathetic majority.
Deliberations about water rights involved intense arguments about priorities and property.
The only missing element was that of intense emotional involvement, but that was regarded as merely a difference of degree and not one of kind.
As the fallow gets older, late germination becomes d isadvantageous d ue to the intense competition from early g erminating species.
The prevalence of full functionality (level = 1) within any attribute typically declines as the care setting becomes more intense.
Fulltime students mentioned that 2-week modules were too short and intense, saying 3-week modules would be preferable to maximize the learning process.
One near-permanent source of tensions was the intense competition within the trade.
The central core and sparse regions corresponded to qualitatively defined areas with intense and moderate tracer deposition, respectively.
The anti-tubulin staining of the centrosomes was most intense at metaphase.
The harvesting of their first cane-crop (1993-4) was thus commonly accompanied by intense activity in building and construction.
The last three chapters deal with recent results concerning the interaction of intense laser light with rare-gas clusters.
The interaction of intense laser light with molecules and clusters is a rapidly evolving research area.
Pulse-length dependence of cellular response to intense near-infrared laser pulses in multiphoton microscopes.
Perhaps the clearest prediction is that the effect of directional selection on heterogeneity is likely to be greatest when selection is intense.
Observation of proton rear emission and possible gigagauss scale magnetic fields from ultra-intense laser illuminated plastic target.
Due to human land-use in many areas, the type of disturbance characterizing tropical forest landscapes is more intense now than it has been for millennia.
The available evidence on freshwater monogeneans supports the notion that monogenean infections are relatively more intense among hosts in which monogenean species richness is high.
However, in many situations where intense radio emission is observed, energetic particle beams are also observed or invoked.
The material mirror is replaced here by an intense laser pulse, acting as a photon mirror for the incoming charged particles.
Symptoms began within 4 h to 4 days (median 12 h), and virtually all cases developed swelling, erythema, and often intense pain.
52 for the new method to use intense heavy ion beams to generate high density states.
Penetration of intense charged particle beams in the outer layers of precompressed thermonuclear fuels.
Penetration of intense charged par ticle beams in the outer layers of precompressed thermonuclear fuels.
Comparative studies on intense electron beams generated in transient hollow-cathode discharges.
Equation-of-state properties of high-energy-density matter using intense heavy ion beams with an annular focal spot.
Implosion of multilayered cylindrical targets driven by intense heavy ion beams.
Guiding of intense laser beams in highly ionized plasma columns generated by a fast capillary discharge.
Lasers along with intense particle beams are the main tolls to induce high energy density states in matter.
Production of intense ion beams by electrohydrodynamic spraying techniques.
In 1943 raids became significantly more frequent and intense, with thousands of people regularly being rendered homeless by single raids.
Experimental investigation of multiple shock waves induced by intense heavy ion beams in solid matter.
In this ar ticle, the basics of optical field ionization that are relevant in analytical or numerical studies of intense laser-matter interactions are reviewed.
Since cathode spots are sources of intense electron emission, their operation is governed by the closing of the electron current onto the anode.
At least six intense non-thermal planetary radio emissions are known in our solar system.
In answer to this objection, it is shown that endless suffering, even intense suffering, is consistent with the suffering being finite.
Large, quasistatic magnetic fields generated by a relativistically intense laser pulse propagating in a preformed plasma.
Production of radioactive nuclides by energetic protons generated from intense laser-plasma interactions.
Harmonic generations in ultra intense laser plasma interaction has been studied extensively both experimentally and theoretically in the past.
However, there are no ferromagnetic cores in the transformers; magnetic saturation will not be formed in the case of intense current flowing primary winding.
Under logrolling, intense minorities, as potential coalition partners in a majority coalition, can get their way on particular dimensions by threatening to block overall agreement.
Magnetic field generation and relativistic electron dynamics in circularly polarized intense laser interaction with dense plasma.
The production of intense radiation bursts, by the electron beam during the reflection process, was also demonstrated.
The intense and well-funded antagonism of the pharmaceutical industry to these regulations in countries around the world is perverse evidence of their success.
The low sentencing rate in libel cases tells us nothing about the intense legal pressure thus brought to bear on the accused.
Later, in the 1990s, seasonality was intense and peak activity occurred in winter.
The experiments have shown that after irradiation, because of the intense tensile stresses formed at the stage of cooling, microcracks appear in the coating.
Then the dipole strength saturates, although rapid and intense oscillations are calculated.
The most efficient lines for monochromatic backlighting are the intense resonance lines of ions of different elements.
Modeling astrophysical phenomena in the laboratory with intense lasers.
We present in this ar ticle an overview of par ticle sources produced by the interaction of a very intense laser beam with a plasma.
Radiative jet experiments of astrophysical interest using intense lasers.
Second harmonic generation in plasmas produced by intense femtosecond laser pulses.
The following statements are illustrative of the intense disagreement that characterised mestizaje as a political dialogue.
There is also reason to think that there will be intense disagreement about social meanings, on the basis of conflicting general notions of justice.
Given this, it seemed unlikely that there could be a single intense focus of transmission.
Religion has come back into the public domain and has become once more the subject of an intense and rich discussion.
As consc iousness returned, she was aware of intense pain, feeling fogg y, drif ting in and out, and terrible depression, nearing despair.
The presence of two well resolved and equally intense doublets suggests that the sample is homogenous.
Intense staining was also detected in the cells of the ventral and dorsal ganglia located between the nerve ring and the pharyngeal gland cells.
Intense mutual mode conver sion of these waves occur s at these sites.
Thus, the concept of neutron production from the interaction of an intense laser pulse with overdense plasmas has received much recent attention.
The ion generation in the preformed plasma slab created by a relatively intense prepulse has been reported.
We both know that whatever we have left together will be richer, more intense, more dedicated than it could otherwise have been.
The second theme, having breathing space in suffering, provided an opportunity to recover balance in life when intense suffering abated.
The intense research and policy interest in the role of the patient in this process, however, may be missing the mark.
The relative validity of the gateway and common liability models has been the topic of intense debate since the early 1970s.
Local intense irritation and inflammation is likely; therefore, small areas of skin should be treated at least one time (maximum 500 cm2).
The mountains and valleys, whether surrounding the northern slate quarries, the rural hill farms, or the industrialized south, generated a peculiarly intense environment.
The mechanisms by which estrogens protect neurons is currently under intense investigation and may involve, receptor-mediated mechanisms or non-receptor-mediated antioxidative effects.
Attempts to change these routines usually lead to intense resistance.
Another characteristic feature of the new towns, and one which would grow ever more intense, was their patriotism.
The struggle against a division of intellectual and manual labour is evident, though it is less intense than in the poetry already considered.
Far from privileging authorial discourse, such writing submits the figure of the author and his/her subjectivity to intense scrutiny.
In general the application of energy with electrosurgical devices is intense for an extremely short period of time (several seconds).
Female-identified procedures may even strengthen such demand characteristics, since they are more likely to involve the intense demands of a social encounter.
The pressure to engage in after-work activities can be intense as it has both social and financial dimensions.
The idealisation of rustic life in this period has certainly been discussed many times and has been the object of intense ideological controversies.
A visitor has yet to complain that their colours are too intense.
The two began an intense collaboration that involved frequent site visits and meetings in his office, and socializing.
The intense stimulation and threat attendant to partner violence is highly arousing and even terrifying for the child witness.
Later at age 18 she began to have intense nightmares as well as other periods of intense anxiety, especially on dates.
Typical reports describe intense interests lasting for months, but which then switch to new, equally intense topics.
Consumatory processes elicit intense feelings of pleasure, gratification, and in terms of physiology produce restful and satiety.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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