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词汇 example_english_institutionalization

Examples of institutionalization

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The link between "institutionalization" and care by health professionals is to some extent a false one in this context.
Incontinence and troublesome behaviors predict institutionalization in dementia.
A prospective study of long-term care institutionalization among the aged.
The recognition of institutionalization of a language in language policies is only partly an attitudinal matter.
Effects of foster care following institutionalization on cognitive development and behavior problems.
The goals are generally twofold: to improve quality of life for the patient and the carer, as well as to reduce premature and inappropriate institutionalization.
Coupled with this finding was that the older people and their carers demonstrated higher levels of satisfaction and wellbeing and a reduced need for institutionalization.
One important test for the present thesis is to look at the period before the institutionalization of inferential statistics in experimental psychology.
Time to institutionalization was evaluated using proportional hazards regression models in relation to timevarying clinical features.
Each clinical variable was then evaluated individually to characterize the univariate association with time to institutionalization.
By applying multivariate techniques of analyses to the data, this study has shed some light on the importance of several factors related to institutionalization.
At the same time it is important for current longitudinal studies to continue so that the long-term effects of early institutionalization can be examined.
What we have learned from studies of institutionalized children, however, is that having experienced institutionalization does not necessarily doom a child to developmental insult.
Resisting institutionalization : constructing old age and negotiating home.
Overall, there was no significant difference between day hospital and alternative services for death, institutionalization or disability.
Such behaviours also place community-dwelling patients at high risk of institutionalization and can result in discharge from care settings.
The message of the past is that ignoring rehabilitation will produce unnecessary institutionalization, reduce independence, and add to the sum total of human misery.
The first step in the analysis was to evaluate demographic and social network characteristics as predictors of time to institutionalization.
One can focus on salient historical patterns of institutionalization, or on the typical policy intentions underlying a regime's programme characteristics.
The institutionalization of rule-based government, coupled with guarantees for free economic exchange, promotes trust among rivals and therefore increases the hazard of failure.
The institutionalization of visitations took place, they remind us, at the same time that the state itself was pursuing an agenda of centralization.
The level of political-par ty institutionalization thus is determined in par t by the strength of linkages between political par ties and the masses.
Between the retention of a particular standard and the institutionalization of others, the gap cannot be non-negotiable.
Contested election cases were used to support the institutionalization thesis.
The actual effectiveness of donepezil in reducing institutionalization was not known.
Such an institutionalization is visible in the rising numbers of civil servants as noted earlier.
Sectarianism and its institutionalization in madrasahs thus had strategic importance for the state.
Thus, social problems, while associated with institutionalization, were not specific to institutionalized care.
However, the 1948 war halted that momentum when the institutionalization of soccer in the periphery was still in its initial steps.
We suggest that institutionalization of this approach could make the conventional system more ecient.
Another logical implication is that institutionalization of private property rights may not be a sufficient tool to initiate sustainable resource management.
Another alternative was institutionalization : public or private homes for old people without the economic resources to survive on their own.
Researchers conducting this early work claimed quite strongly that children were intellectually compromised as a result of early institutionalization.
In other areas of child development the impact of institutionalization has been shown to depend on how long a child has spent in the institution.
Fourth, the effect of duration of institutionalization was strongly associated with attachment disorder related behavior in a dose - response manner.
Likewise, institutionalization was not associated with the presence of relatives other than children or of close friends in the area.
All clinical features were significantly associated with increased risk of institutionalization.
Institutionalization was assessed by informant interview at each follow-up observation.
Informants provided complete ascertainment of institutionalization and mortality during the study ; missing observations were limited to clinical evaluation variables.
The use of an incident disease cohort would also permit characterization of institutionalization rates across the entire disease course from the initial onset of symptoms.
Participation rates among survivors exceeded 90 % for four follow-up evaluations with complete ascertainment of mortality and institutionalization.
Institutionalization is common in this stage of the illness.
Nevertheless, the institutionalization of de facto federalism is also likely to render the political system rigid.
Thus, few such activities become a pattern for sustained social mobilization and institutionalization in normal situations.
Fully understanding continuity and change in par ty systems requires looking at changes in both institutionalization and par ty affiliation.
Once adopted, policies go through a gradual process of institutionalization.
The institutionalization of research disciplines in the nineteenth century significantly affected the exchange of meaning between scientists and nonscientists.
The degree of institutionalization is the least of the differences.
Respondents incapable of participating in the survey because of illness, severe disability, or institutionalization were excluded.
The difficulty of calibrating this amorphous form of governance undermined our attempt to establish a linkage between institutionalization and transfer outcome.
I am not so sure of that: institutionalization is a product of linguistic, cultural and sociolinguistic processes over a period of time.
Results of studies show, however, that institutionalization, although a risk factor for less optimal development, does not doom a child to psychopathology.
However, the impact of institutionalization is greater when coupled with risk factors in the postinstitutional environment.
Aggressive behaviors exact many consequences for conduct disordered individuals, including damage to interpersonal relationships, loss of access to resources, and institutionalization.
Initial assessment of growth, development, and the effects of institutionalization in internationally adopted children.
We will then examine the effects of institutionalization upon the development of children and discuss the implications for social policy regarding internationally adopted children.
During this era, institutionalization was not stigmatized and may have even been encouraged.
We hope that the natural experiment of institutionalization will allow us to examine directly the effects of intervention on early deprivation.
We were particularly interested in the role of institutional care amongst the various alternative solutions, as well as in the determinants of institutionalization.
Toward a model for improved targeting of aged at risk of institutionalization.
At the time it was little more than the institutionalization of meetings in which statisticians from several countries chose to cooperate in a private capacity.
Results show that frequency of elections, opportunity for double listings, electoral volatility and legislative institutionalization have statistically significant effects on turnover.
If the correspondence exists, it does not prove the institutionalization of the correspondence so vital to the idea of the mandate.
Thus, the institutionalization of a new type of bundling may not necessarily be smooth.
All these developments have contributed to the greater institutionalization of economic policy making.
The "bureaucratic bindweed," however, did go along with institutionalization of the civil service, making for gradual institutional consolidation.
Structuring, the last stage in the developmental cycle, represents the institutionalization of organizational relationships.
Time to institutionalization was comparable for participants living with a spouse and those living with a child.
In one series, time to the first event (death or institutionalization) was modeled.
The relationship between behavioral symptoms and time to institutionalization was evaluated in a 4-year longitudinal study.
Institutionalization was to be avoided through choice and care would become patient-centred rather than professionalcentred.
Their support and the ultimately inevitable conflict took concrete shape in the institutionalization of race hygiene as a teaching subject at the universities.
Actors operate within a set of constraints that are often profoundly shaped by long processes of institutionalization.
Two estimates were included in the cost calculations, which valued the effectiveness of donepezil in reducing institutionalization care.
When institutionalization is the alternative of informal care, the absence of the patient may have great impact on the well-being of the potential caregiver.
Because behavioral symptoms are susceptible to therapy, efforts to modify or prevent these symptoms deserve careful consideration as a means to delay institutionalization for persons with this disease.
Institutionalization of demented elderly : the role of caregiver characteristics.
Who is really at risk of institutionalization?
The family in the institutionalization of the elderly.
Collectively, results from this study, the first of its kind, points to the serious neurobiological sequelae of early and prolonged institutionalization.
The longer the length of institutionalization, the greater the decline in these measures.
Before the institutionalization of marriage by church and state, coupling was a social process - folkways for joining couples into wedlock, sanctioned by kin and community.
Here, it is natural to think in terms of the institutionalization of a disposition which could be displayed in a simpler form pre-culturally.
In addition, because the present data represent the participants' baseline data function, they are an important benchmark of behavior and neural processing during institutionalization.
Institutionalization studies also have the problem of having to use measures standardized on home-reared children to assess institution-reared children.
Very few studies of orphanage-reared children have focused on the impact of institutionalization on physiological development.
A number of longitudinal studies have been conducted as natural experiments to examine the effects of institutionalization on children's development.
Thus, we attempted to negotiate agreements with local governmental authorities to ensure that no child would have to return to institutionalization.
Despite these changes, poverty remains widespread, and options for alternatives to institutionalization, such as foster care, are limited.
We expected that children from larger families experienced a greater risk of institutionalization than children from smaller families for a couple of reasons.
While the maps influenced the institutionalization of archaeology, the documenting of an archaeological record on the maps shaped their look and language.
Initially, studies of third-wave democratization treated the institutionalization of electoral competition as sufficient to consolidate democracy.
We must concede, however, that our attempt to test the hypothesized link between institutionalization and policy transfer under facilitated unilateralism has proved unsatisfactory.
Of course, vestrymen might have realized that outdoor relief was cheaper than institutionalization.
The learned professions were here setting a precedent of institutionalization and control, which many other occupations sought to emulate over the nineteenth century.
Cognitive scores, even within the normal range, predict death and institutionalization.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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