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词汇 example_english_inflection

Examples of inflection

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
All these inflections added up to little more than endless and empty whimpering.
Even at 36 months, the children in both groups studied here did not produce enough phonetically complex bound inflections to permit meaningful analysis.
Genitive inflections would be expected to be difficult according to the agreement deficit account, because case assignment is involved.
Complex strategies and direct reading predicted positively, while teaching vocabulary and building joint attention predicted negatively the mastery of inflections.
Only the literal reading measure continued to predict mastery of inflections.
Overall, these errors are consistent with the suggestion that children are gradually working out the function of the en and ed inflections.
All modal and auxiliary-type elements are also realized as suffixes on the verb stem, as in other kinds of verbal inflections.
The alternative view on the acquisition of inflections minimizes the importance of rule learning in favor of associative learning.
Swedish represents a good example because finite inflections in this language mark tense only, without making any distinctions according to person or number.
Agreement on this measure ranged from 86.5% for indefinite articles to 98.5% for noun plural inflections.
As is already apparent by a glance at the original notation, there is a proliferation of chromatic inflections.
The number of third singular inflections was quite high, due to the fact that the stories were written in present tense.
In the experiment designed for the present research, verbs with alternative inflections were avoided.
The masculine and feminine classes are relatively large, so most masculine and feminine inflections apply to more nouns than the neuter ending.
There should be no other differences between the gender classes (since regular inflections are not sensitive to frequency or phonological similarity).
As for inflections, for each child, any given verb took only one form, but across children we did find some variability and considerable ambiguity.
Thus, the only marking came from the two feminine and two masculine case inflections.
In these debates the question of condescension took on a great many inflections.
A word was not scored as correctly repeated if inflections or affixes were missing.
To meet this criterion for verb inflections, it was necessary to collapse across conjugation classes.
A task with a broad range of inflections and derivations might account for even more variance.
In sum, morphological awareness of inflections and simple derivations might emerge early whereas an understanding of more complex derivational relations may come into place later.
However, a closer examination of the data showed that accuracy of agreement was not uniform across the agreement inflections.
Thus, it appears that the facilitatory effect of inflections cannot be explained by their position at the ends of words.
Thus, like the results for the picture pointing task, the use of inflections at test seemed to contribute minimally to the current set of results.
Instead, we suspect that the word-final consonantal nature of these inflections represented somewhat of an obstacle for these children.
Morphemes of this type are consonantal inflections and weak syllables that rarely appear in sentence positions where they can be lengthened.
If verb inflections are not marked, the referent must be marked using pragmatically appropriate means such as an overt subject.
With regard to bilinguals, we hypothesized that they would employ the decomposition route for inflections at all frequency levels, including the highest one.
The plural inflections vary according to the declension of the noun.
Second, for all groups, the children's omission of verb inflections was dependent on nonsyntactic properties of the verb such as frequency and phonological complexity.
Thus, there were significantly more errors in stems than inflections (14 vs. 7%), and older children made significantly fewer errors than younger children.
On these trials, inflections for the adjective (if present), noun, and verb were coded on the input layer.
Both patients had great difficulty with inflections when reading verbs.
Plural noun inflections are earlier attainments than third person singular inflections.
The distributional difference between nouns and verbs might also apply to nouns with plural inflections and verbs with third singular inflections.
Firstly, we examined only suffixes, which limits the generalizability of the findings to inflections and derivations that operate as suffixes.
One is that plural nouns have greater semantic salience than third singular verb inflections.
The two types of inflections clearly differed in their frequency of occurrence.
We have emphasized the possible contribution of frequency and duration to the earlier acquisition of plural noun inflections than third singular verb inflections.
Thus, plural nouns were more than three times as likely as third singular inflections to occur in final position.
There are but a few overt agreement inflections on the verb, such as the third-person singular-s.
Overregularization of the ed and en inflections accounted for 75.3 % of verb form errors.
However, several studies suggest that children may also evidence productivity by appropriately dropping inflections from novel verbs they have heard only in inflected forms.
Table 3 presents the frequency of appropriate, inappropriate and ambiguous non-modelled uses of the two inflections.
Future studies should examine whether appropriate dropping of inflections emerges earlier in young children learning morphologically rich languages.
However, they were conservative overall in their use of verbal inflections in that most of their uses of the novel words replicated the modelled forms.
Although his sign formation had improved, other aspects of sign, such as more complex verb inflections, were intermittently missing.
Agreement inflections were lost on adjectives, which then became fixed in a position adjacent to the head noun.
Our next concern was whether maternal book-reading strategies would predict mastery of inflections.
We hypothesized that vocabulary-teaching strategies would be negatively associated with acquisition of inflections.
The acquisition of the full set of verbal inflections demonstrates how these precursors evolve, stepwise, yet rapidly, into the adult grammar.
Little by little, the tone became more elevated, certain inflections occurred which belonged to song and to the most authentic speech, the most spontaneous delivery.
I have also argued that non-syllabic clitic forms resemble inflections.
Precursors of categories such as determiners and ' inflections ' may appear as early as the late one-word stage.
Finally, there is evidence suggesting that the ability to produce regular and irregular inflections may be differentially impaired in various neurological disorders.
Rules or connections in past-tense inflections : what does the evidence rule out ?
The coderage interaction reflects bigger gains over time for the coding schemes that involve inflections and function words.
Several other pieces in this section of the manuscript preserve accidental inflections and dots of division in triple-metre passages which most likely were performers' clarifications.
The inclusion of a saxophone introduces jazz inflections.
There was a notable lack of learning of the functions of the verb and noun inflections.
We expect that verbs will more likely occupy the sentence-initial position, and have more morphological inflections relative to nouns.
Plural nouns were 8 times more likely than third singular verb inflections to appear at the end of sentences.
We then asked whether plural noun inflections would show longer durations on average than third singular verb inflections when sentence position was free to vary.
Previous research has examined children's ability to add inflections to nonsense words.
At the age of two, children seem to know at least something about dropping and adding verbal inflections appropriately.
With respect to the variable inflections on the third person singular verbs, the results were similar although not quite as dramatic.
In the second area between the first and second inflections!, the main process is metal melting.
Figure 5 summarizes the morphological complexity measure (mean inflections per type) of nouns and verbs in relation to context and language stage.
The various written inflections (s and nt) are inaudible because for all these items the pronunciation is the same.
None of these accounts appear to offer any mechanisms which would permit effects of lexical context on the realization of inflections.
However, the contexts were changed so that each function was now encoded by two different inflections, neither of which was the correct one.
Gradually, more hypotheses about the associations between inflections and grammatical dimensions are introduced.
Associative learning, on the other hand, is determined by the strength of inflections as cues to sentence interpretation.
The live performers play mostly in a tuning close to their normal tuning, with a few unusual inflections.
His acute awareness of the tiniest nuances of syllables, their articulations and inflections, is exemplary.
Similarly, verb inflections were counted as accurate regardless of the specific verb employed.
No group differences were found for third person singular and plural verb inflections in the preterite tense.
One concern regarding the facilitatory effect of case inflections is the effect of position.
Thus, case inflections have a low type frequency but a high token frequency.
Because this is one of the easiest case inflections, we decided not to use it to avoid ceiling effects.
There are no verb inflections that are needed to distinguish passive sentences from active sentences.
There are no grammatical inflections in the language.
In general, each concept contains a list of lexical terms such as its abbreviations, acronyms, morphological inflections, synonyms, and itself.
The transcripts were coded for correct use in marking verb inflections.
Such creative productions seem unlikely if inflections were associated only with specific verbs.
Therefore, inflections were a better target for our study than derivations.
Finnish case inflections involve a variety of phonological structures, and therefore it was considered important to include variation in the test items, too.
In contrast, for their age-matched controls inflections were not a significant predictor until the age of 3.5 years.
A similar discriminative trend between the groups was also found for verb inflections at 3.5 years and for verb and adjective inflections at 5 years.
Specifically, one child did not use plural inflections in any of his responses.
The argument for children's learning of inflections on a verb-specific basis implies that they will be unlikely to have an adult-like representation of subject-verb agreement.
The emergence of the verb form class should, in principle, encourage liberal extension of argument structures, just as it encourages liberal extension of past inflections.
They point out that irregular inflections rely on memory, and hence can be applied only when memory can be accessed.
Morphological cues to verb meaning: verb inflections and the initial mapping of verb meaning.
They do not explain how children learn what are the bases and what are the inflections.
First, results are presented showing the overall course of development of the inflections of interest for each of the five children.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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