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词汇 example_english_infancy

Examples of infancy

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Variations in maternal care in infancy regulate the development of stress reactivity.
The transition from infancy to language : acquiring the power of expression.
One of the questions raised in developmental circles is whether the dorsal or the ventral route functions develop first during infancy.
Changes in circulating leptin, leptin receptor, and gonadal hormones from infancy until advanced age in humans.
First, our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie neurotrophins and other cell-cell signals that modulate synaptogenesis is in its infancy.
Flexible working in most of primary health care remains in its infancy.
Support for good nutrition is needed in infancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood, especially for girls and women.
In our response on infancy, above, we agreed that an understanding of social development must have as its starting point the dyadic exchanges between individuals.
However, such work is still in its infancy.
As ever, good medicine needs to be founded on good research, and research into psychiatric disorders seen in palliative care is in its infancy.
Export is only in its infancy or does not exist in the footwear sector.
The association, however, is in its infancy, and has not ventured into significant collective action to withstand competition.
An issue that remains clear is that computer technology is still in its infancy.
All participants in this group were severely or profoundly deaf and their parents, who were deaf, signed to them from infancy.
Congenital anomalies included ankylosis between the right femur and its ischium in an individual in early infancy.
Mirroring this body of evidence, we hypothesise that successionrelated closure will be highest in the infancy of these firms.
However, the routine use of this method is still in its infancy.
Overall, planning decision rationale is still in its infancy as we move toward a more integrated approach to planning.
In the first half, she separates the lifecourse of her subjects into the periods of birth, infancy, childhood and adulthood.
By contrast, we deem it vital to trace developmental disorders back to their origins in infancy.
In setting up the epistemic triangle as the context in which children construct an understanding of mind, the authors focus exclusively on infancy.
At present, age is usually only recognized in terms of infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age.
Anoriialies associated with coarctation of the aorta: particular reference to infancy.
Infective endocarditis following cardiac catheterization in infancy: a case report and review.
Anomalies associated with coarctation of the aorta, particular reference to infancy.
Because of its rate of regression, mainly in the first year of life, conservative therapy is generally suggested when diagnosis occurs in infancy.
Based upon our results, the balloon dilation can be considered as thefirstchoice procedure for treatment of isolated aortic stenosis in infancy.
One-stage repair in infancy must be considered only a preliminary procedure due to the limited size of the tube to be inserted.
With increasing improvement in surgical results for repair in early infancy, it is now necessary to focus on long-term quality of life.
There is evidence that this process may have commenced prior to the last common ancestor, but if so, it was still in its infancy.
During infancy animals do not demonstrate hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis responses to stress.
A small proportion of children with elevated sociocontextual risk factors in infancy is expected to exhibit stable elevations in symptoms.
How specific language impairment manifests during infancy and toddlerhood is unclear.
Stability of maternally reported temperament from infancy to 8 years.
Obviously, inferring the economic value of children's health from estimates of the value of adult health is a process still in its infancy.
Difficulties with feeding and attaining optimal nutrition for growth are common problems in infancy.
Contrasted with the situation in adults, lateralization effects following brain injuries in infancy are negligible.
Testing joint attention, imitation, and play as infancy precursors to language and theory of mind.
However, can secure base behavior be assessed after infancy?
Maltreatment during infancy and early school-age years did not significantly predict children's false belief understanding, 2 (1) = 3.53, ns; 2 (1) = .06, ns, respectively.
Of 17 measures collected during infancy, only two showed differences, neither of which reached formal statistical significance.
Intervention effects for these two aspects of child functioning were observed only among children characterized by negativity in infancy.
Specifically, in the examination of the stability of negative emotionality in infancy and early childhood evidence exists for a lawful discontinuity between emotionality and outcomes.
Thus, low levels of fear in infancy may presage difficulties in socialization.
We hypothesized that a temperament characterized in infancy by low activity and high fear would predict escalations in internalizing symptoms.
Findings suggested that boys characterized by high activity level and low levels of fear in infancy escalated in both externalizing and internalizing symptoms.
Most children with autism appear to be symptomatic early in infancy.
To date hypertrophic cardiomyopathy presenting in infancy has been associated with a poor prognosis, often progressing to severe congestive heart failure and death.
Studying this process will require longitudinal developmental studies beginning in early infancy.
Instead, we recommend that studies obtain data from several age groups, including infancy, to examine the different trajectories of development in disorders.
In 8 who had a restrictive ventricular septal defect, a systemic to pulmonary shunt had been constructed earlier in infancy.
The disturbances in children's behavior associated with maternal affective disorders are often evident in infancy.
The prenatal life, but also infancy, childhood, and adolescence are periods of increased plasticity for the stress system, and are therefore particularly sensitive periods.
In some instances these children have been shown to exhibit differences from other children in the earliest stages of infancy.
Do observed family processes during infancy predict preschoolers' adjustment ratings?
Empathy disorders are most severe in individuals who have problems from infancy.
Fetal brain sparing is associated with accelerated shortening of visual evoked potential latencies during early infancy.
Our understanding of the mechanisms involved in regulating the turnover of villous trophoblast throughout pregnancy is in its infancy.
Moreover, foster care, by design, challenges caregiving relationships through extended caregiver-child separations during infancy and toddlerhood.
In the sections to follow, polyvagal theory will be briefly outlined, and the literature regarding vagal tone and vagal reactivity reviewed, from infancy through adulthood.
Our findings suggest that children who were avoidantly attached in infancy may be more reactive to variations in maternal depressive symptomatology later on.
The other five volumes, about parenthood, adolescence, girlhood, boyhood, and infancy, serve as supplements and constraints on what the editors have chosen to emphasize here.
Sera were sampled 4- 6 weeks and 12-18 months after completion of a three-dose primary course in infancy.
A large proportion are referred from the maternity department, so it is likely that their youngest child is still in infancy.
However, the issue of reliance on shape information vs. other perceptual information such as colour, texture, or size has not yet been tested during infancy.
Quasivowels, representing the least advanced category theoretically, are the first vocalizations with speech-like quality to be produced in very early infancy.
The work reported here addressed the possibility that the very early bilingual experience of infancy may affect the unfolding of vocal precursors to speech.
In recent years the prognosis in infancy has greatly improved because of advances in surgical techniques.
The use of pathology-producing mutations to explore connexin structure-function is still in its infancy.
Although farmers have long attempted to do this for weeds in arable fields, seed bank manipulation, especially for conservation, is in its infancy.
Such conservation pollarding is as yet in its infancy.
Medical knowledge about contagious diseases was in its infancy in the late nineteenth century.
Clearly many auditory processing skills are required to accurately segment and recognize incoming speech, and these are active from infancy onwards.
We examine longitudinal relations between overtly expressed coparenting and family process during infancy and subsequent indices of child adaptation at age 4 years.
Such automatic activation is most apparent when inhibitory control is lacking, either following brain insult or during early infancy.
The results do confirm that even during infancy, there is a right bias in the distribution of handedness.
Crying peaks in the second month and is greatest in the first three months of life compared to later infancy and toddlerhood.
Reactive attachment disorder of infancy or early childhood requires "markedly disturbed" social relationships, particularly within the primary caregiver relationship.
Plasma-free corticosteroid response to electric shock in rats stimulated in infancy.
In infancy, the child's success at regulation depends heavily on the parent's awareness, flexibility, and responsivity to emotional expression and the child's need for intervention.
High resolution imaging can be obtained in infancy after appropriate sedation.
The principle that autonomy supportive caretaking environments facilitate a child's becoming more able to self-regulate emotion and behavior applies well beyond infancy.
Clearly, we are still in our infancy in understanding the complex biological and behavioral phenotype of autism.
The impor tance of validating attachment assessments in high- and low-risk family environments was demonstrated first in relation to attachment assessments in infancy.
His psychotic symptoms followed on the heels of autistic behaviors, vocal and motor tics, hyperactivity, language disorder, and oppositionality that had been present since infancy.
All children were cared for at neonatal intensive care units for 1 month but their infancies were otherwise uncomplicated.
More than that, it would have constituted a breach of rules of respect for elders, a denial of social hierarchy inculcated throughout infancy, boyhood, schooldays.
If one adopts the stance of 'infancy' when new policies are drawn up, perception of the political role becomes markedly different.
In its period of infancy, when a system is constructed, the game is wide open.
We have previously reported on the children's development in infancy and through the early school years.
As predicted, there was moderate stability in emotion dysregulation and anxiety symptoms from infancy through adolescence.
Anxiety in adolescence was associated with an insecure attachment history in infancy that appeared to exert its influence via negative relationship representations.
Undoubtedly, those participants who first experienced trauma in infancy had higher dissociation scores at all time periods.
At present, there is no evidence that adults have verbal access to experience from infancy.
One must, of course, agree that a longitudinal study of an at-risk sample beginning during infancy will provide the most powerful test.
He had been known to have a systolic murmur since infancy, but no investigations were done.
The presentation of this case during infancy was exceptional, with severe dermatitis gangrenosa.
We describe, therefore, the patient who presented in infancy with dermatitis gangrenosa and recount how coarctation of the aorta was produced by extraneous inflammatory tissue.
The nature of interacting risk factors in the development of externalizing problems is illustrated by longitudinal research on infancy attachment.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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