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词汇 example_english_individually

Examples of individually

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The literature offers us a way to understand how people, both individually and collectively, respond to policy changes when they are involved in long-term relationships.
Spraying combinations of micronutrients had a greater impact on increasing biological yield and grain yield of wheat than the application of elements individually.
Efficiency of working together as compared to working individually.
All subjects were seen individually in a quiet place at school.
Each interaction term was entered individually; thus, the interaction effect reflects the full model of main effects plus that par ticular interaction term.
Each parent was rated individually in terms of triangulation.
An analysis of variance was always calculated for each season individually.
When analysed individually, no species showed a response to phosphorus.
Each panellist spoke individually, and then the floor was turned over to a free discussion involving all present.
As an objective modal, have to is neither particularly individually oriented nor particularly group-oriented.
There are no private languages which would sensibly give a strictly individually personal voice to the symbolic world that motivates us.
The first order kernel predicts the detection response from each pixel, individually.
Newly emerged males were individually placed on a single tomato leaflet in a plastic container.
Selected topics could be worked through individually or as part of a seminar or advanced course.
Therefore, alteration conditions must always be studied individually in each outcrop and cannot be assumed to be spatially invariant.
Using a short checklist, interviews were conducted individually with far mers.
Clearly, the least risky behaviour for a student is to remain as individually invisible as possible.
When using corpus evidence, therefore, the lexicographer works with whatever comes up in the corpus rather than with individually or specially selected examples.
Unfortunately, what is lacking is a critical assessment of the various topics, both individually and as a group, from a physical viewpoint.
Each plate segment is individually instrumented to allow measurement of the spanwiseaveraged heat transfer and the injection flow rate.
Although individually these are unlikely to seriously confound the results, their joint effect cannot be completely ruled out.
Both adverse pressure gradient and destabilizing curvature, individually tend to increase the shape factor in twodimensional flows.
In the following section, the instantaneous pressure fields for each case will be reviewed individually.
Camel owners in the study area know their adult breeding camels individually and identify them by name.
The study reported here evaluates such a program in two formats: individually based, and via a group intervention.
The device itself is not self-centering, but repositioning can be achieved by use of the guidewire and the individually preshaped pusher.
In the mathematical literature published before 1975, there are occasional references related to the topic, few and important enough to mention them individually.
Each participant was seen individually in a quiet room in his or her school for two to three 30-minute sessions.
As the configuration agents begin the modification cycle, as discussed above, they star t by individually examining the sequence to determine the "best" modification s!.
However, because the number of possible dashboards is very large, it would be impossible to rank each possible one individually.
However, it is individually rational for the customer agent, fast to compute, and, arguably, easily grasped by a human user of the system.
As several biologists have noted, altruistic individuals may add to population fitness even if they are individually unfit.
The dessert buns were then wrapped individually in cellophane bags and stored in a freezer before shipping.
In the past, most of these factors have been individually discussed as important explicators of either contraceptive practice or achieved fertility.
They should be broken down into individually conscious parts.
All subjects were tested individually in a quiet place.
Neither solution is as useful as analysing each subject's data individually along with a group analysis.
None of the algorithms we describe is individually very surprising.
In order to address this issue, the children's verbs were examined individually.
All the subjects carried out the tasks individually.
All these usages have to be learned individually.
Products were usually individually processed and manually finished.
Let us deal with each of these individually.
Because balance depends on multiple sensory inputs, it can deteriorate when any of these systems fails individually or collectively.
First, the data requirements for a properly powered or analyzed cost-effectiveness study are even more onerous than an individually randomized trial.
Patients are simulated individually in the model and start out with a current episode from depression.
By this technique 270 seeds (corresponding to 135 primed seeds and 135 untreated seeds) were individually analysed.
However, as in many attributes of desiccation-sensitive seeds, there is considerable inter-species variation, and ideally each species should be investigated individually.
Eventually, however, the aural-oral method was selected, as it allowed for greater control of the testing conditions than having participants complete written tests individually.
Therefore, tests were done in combination with each vegetation type individually and in total.
The discernible pollen types of heterospecific pollen were noted, but it was not always possible to count these types individually.
Because individual acts can include future acts as a part of their intention, the acts can be evaluated individually.
The fallow period, ranging from 3-15 y, depends strongly on the size of the individually-owned farmland (in general, 3-20 ha).
The use of these priorities is usually embedded in the derivation mechanism and competing rules are compared individually during the derivation process.
The path is broken up into straight and curved segments and velocity is individually planned for each segment.
Each clutch was digitally photographed and individually marked.
Large ponerine ants individually removed the diaspores up to 13 m, whereas small ants (myrmicines) normally recruited workers and consumed the diaspore on the spot.
The interaction y ields a compromise between what is best with respect to each selective p ressure if considered individually.
Leaves associated with shredders were placed individually in labelled paper bags, while the remaining leaves in the sample were placed in a separate bag.
However, this study found no relationship between soil clay content and incidence of the common fungus-growing species, analysed as a group or individually.
In the future, individually designed gene therapy will probably represent a therapeutic option.
To evaluate the reliability of the results, data points from intensity response functions for each ring were individually fit to the sigmoidal curves.
However, neither e strontium and ethanol individually, nor the association of both were efficient to produce parthenogenetic blastocysts.
Individually, none of these phenomena is very telling, but together they constitute some reason to doubt that the two interstripes are entirely identical.
There are very few hollow babies in which fingers are individually modeled.
Regional states must be individually developmental states in order for them to successfully promote balanced regional economic development, and participate effectively in the global market.
Once captured, animals were individually housed in plastic cages and transferred to the veterinary facility.
They got more oral practice than in other foreign language classrooms, where pupils are often called on to respond individually and therefore not very often.
They were tested individually in a quiet area adjacent to their classrooms.
Finally, objects and money were owned collectively and used individually by nuns, serving material and immaterial purposes.
In contrast, the pension level is determined for each pensioner i individually and takes account of his earnings history.
Then, the main exports are taken individually to analyse their evolution in terms of quantity and price.
Translating each of the conjuncts individually would make it impossible to decide whether an origin or destination location is being specified.
All sheep moving to and from a show must be individually identified and their movement recorded in the on-farm movement record book.
Transcripts were read individually immediately after the interviews were transcribed.
Measures of kindergarten writing, alphabetic skills, socioliteracy variables, and general ability were all administered individually at the end of the kindergarten school year.
Taken individually, these indicators are still valuable in pointing to the sources and nature of change.
Individually, he argues, many of these traits are present elsewhere but not in combination.
In particular, each component must be autonomous and individually determine its behaviour.
Two research assistants ensured that all children recognized the photos of all their classmates by presenting them individually.
In this process, we have seen both societally - and individually - larger and functionally more potent fish eating smaller fish.
However, this condition is not exclusively a supersonic one, since it can also be met if the ion flows are individually subsonic.
Individually and collectively these processes have different rates of change over time, at times gradual and at other times quite rapid.
The fauna of petioles was reared individually in plastic bags for c. 1 mo and finally dissected.
When the groups met, the moderator, assistant moderator, and note taker welcomed and oriented the subjects individually, and obtained informed consent.
The worry is that some aspect of the way we live together, collectively, is going to be damaged by actions that we take individually.
We suggested that the agency modify its proposal to require travelers to list each expense individually on the travel voucher.
Participation, choice, integration and contribution are the principles guiding the individually tailored programmes of services.
The simplest involves classing each town in relation not to all other towns but to the number of roads to which individually it was linked.
Therefore, only exons that were spliced out individually were compared to the mean values.
Portions of each tissue were placed individually in a labeled vial and flash frozen in liquid nitrogen.
By relieving the teacher of a heavy load of formal teaching sessions, time is released to assist learners in small groups or individually.
The fittings were individually made for each example, with only a general standardisation.
Individually, many of these environmental effects may be relatively small in terms of their overall ecosystem and monetary importance, particularly in the near-term.
However, the pressure on architecture is often to disintegrate in the search for independent processes which may be individually programmed and competitively tendered.
In the fall, the students were given the standardized language and reading tests and the metalinguistic tasks individually over a period of a month.
Each block, which was preceded by two demonstration items, included all the letters in an order that was randomized individually for each child.
However, in order to get some insight, one can look at each term individually.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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