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词汇 example_english_indirect

Examples of indirect

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Such expressions can have a directive force, and then bear a similarity to indirect speech acts.
Hence, there was only an indirect effect of producing sentences at 2 ; 0 on inflectional skills three years later (0.51r0.35=0.18).
Plausible alternatives to these constraints include : conservatism, item-based learning, indirect negative evidence, competition, cue construction, and monitoring.
Indirect costs made up 82 % of this total.
In both countries the influence of the human rights groups over the terms of transition was more indirect than direct.
The political operations of traffickers and their allies go well beyond indirect links with politicians.
In this case, the role of modality is indirect.
Thus, the contributions of older people to households' access to labour markets may be indirect as well as direct.
Overall, however, there was little evidence of indirect ageism, particularly in relation to intervention decisions.
The other channel through which the theory of minima naturalia developed was indirect.
The relative effectiveness and degree of harmonisation of direct versus indirect elder-care policies is an unstudied issue.
Their number can be assessed on the basis of the extant translations and the indirect tradition.
I did not, however, find men trading off direct for indirect care (provisioning).
In its ill-resolved form, internalization can accommodate such diverse approaches as indirect and direct theories of visual perception.
In investigations of the meta-level process per se, the painstaking avoidance of subtle cueing may be less relevant, and an indirect metacognition paradigm suitable.
Again, priming must be indirect, through the activation of words or phrases that suggest a particular state or property of a situation model.
However, of course gossip or other indirect informational exchange is cheap and may be unreliable.
If one argues that the indirect nature of the aiming task required ventral stream involvement, it follows that the ventral stream can operate very rapidly.
Few teams attack the company's greatest cost challenge - the indirect costs.
Indirect costs are everything other than labor and materials.
Finally, in example (17) the direct object precedes the verb and the indirect object follows it.
Other aspects, like experience with story structure, bear a more indirect relation to reading.
Among the most often mentioned examples of syntactic variation is word order, especially the order between the direct and indirect objects.
The path from thought to word is indirect and internally mediated.
In fact, however, the state was abandoning direct control in favour of a more indirect approach: talk of the state 'pulling out' was simplistic.
Choosing sufficiently small, this will be positive by the indirect hypothesis.
The percentage production of indirect objects was comparable across the three groups.
The idea of indirect downward bootstrapping is probably applicable to many additional bootstrapping cases.
Moreover, there is no record of staff ever being taken hostage or of their featuring as anything but indirect casualties of inmate aggression.
Indirect effects were calculated in the same way as for the path analyses for phoneme awareness, (1 x 2)2 x 100.
Direct and indirect quotes were not included in this category (see category 12).
The indirect effects are the standardized regression coefficients for the autoregressor corrected by the correlation between the autoregressor and other predictor variables.
All of this indirect evidence has supported the assumption that hormones and particularly estrogens determine breast density.
The relationship between the specificity of indirect defence and the degree of a plant's direct defence is currently being investigated.
Repeated exposure to social stress has longterm effects on indirect markers of dopaminergic activity in brain regions associated with motivated behavior.
Our findings required developing a mechanism for valuing an indirect ecosystem service through its contribution to another natural resource.
The indirect abatement of pollutants other than the targeted one does not have to be because changing border prices affects specialization and hence pollution.
The qualitative shape of the indirect effect is, of course, transferred to the total effect.
Note that the first force may include both direct and indirect effects.
Such indirect effects are felt throughout the food web.
However, there is clear indirect evidence of the effect of income on the willingness to pay to avoid air pollutants and other health risks.
In part, this reflects the fact that many indirect environmental effects of economic activities are still poorly understood.
Second, indirect schemes may be adopted for strategic reasons.
The environmental costs and economic value of water associated with the lowland irrigated agriculture are estimated using both the direct and indirect economic valuation approaches.
Although energy use is not a direct pollution measure, it is an important indirect measure of a society's environmental focus and performance.
The relative advantage of direct as opposed to indirect incentives depends on the curvature of the profit relationship.
More generally, the less substitutable the two inputs are, the more effective will be indirect subsidies.
The table shows that indirect incentives are not very cost effective in any event.
The results of model simulations show that there may be considerable indirect effects from adjustment policies on the environment.
There was some debate, for example, about whether an indirect object in an active sentence could serve as the subject of a passive sentence.
An appropriate reaction, therefore, must include a response to the indirect illocutionary force.
The indirect speech act represents the speaker's real intention and the direct serves as a disguise.
If the test is significant, the indirect effect of marital conflict on children's adjustment through the mediator is significant.
Although negative emotionality was not directly related to coping, it had significant indirect effects to higher active and avoidant coping through perceived threat.
The items were summed into an indirect aggression scale that had a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 10.
All of these factors may give an indirect, but pervasive role to age in healthcare resource allocation.
However, a good case can be made that the indirect effects should also be taken into account.
As an indirect referring term, else can also be used in contexts involving multiple embeddings of referents, as shown in segment 13 below.
Direct preference-dependence is normatively unacceptable, whereas indirect preference-dependence is both unavoidable in practice and normatively unobjectionable.
An appropriate justification for the pure negative-liberty theorists' distinction between direct and indirect preference-dependence must lie elsewhere.
Hence, according to indirect comparativism, justified choice still requires the comparability of alternatives (1997: 12; 2002a: 58-60).
The problem of indirect influence then takes the following form.
The internal knowledge in this case would be indirect.
In both cases the description is indirect and does not immediately indicate whether non-zero eigenvalues exist.
There may also be indirect eects of temperature.
Basically, we can distinguish between direct and indirect borrowings.
The direct and indirect effects of corticosteroids on pancreatic cells are well documented.
Alternately, the production terms can be assumed to be of the order of the indirect dissipation terms.
The dashed segment was infer red from indirect observations.
Thus, our findings suggest that parenting may have indirect effects on teacherreported adjustment through its effects on coping.
Poverty, for example, has both direct and indirect effects on children's development.
Currently, the indirect description is not implemented, and the following example illustrates two possible ways in which a problem can be described directly.
The primary assumption underlying the instruments used is that differences in reaction time to various linguistic tasks are an indirect reflection of mental processes.
The indirect approach gave an estimate of the mutation rate as a by-product of our investigation of linkage disequilibria.
However, it is feasible to combine vital registration material with census data to enable an indirect comparison to be made.
The presence of sewage flowing in the street can be linked to both direct and indirect contact resulting in faeco-orally transmitted parasitic diseases.
Here, we consider both direct and indirect competition and distinguish different modes of competition within both alternatives.
However, there has been variance in the extent of such indirect protection.
The latter could be concluded from the high prevalence of trichiuriasis and hookworm infections, which is an indirect indicator of unhygienic human waste disposal.
First, there is the indirect influence of the improvement in the general level of living.
Undernutrition-a direct or indirect result of poverty-is one of the main problems still to be overcome.
Family court and rabbinical court judges employ both direct and indirect tactics to promote agreement between the divorcing spouses.
An indirect measure of marriage rate indicated that fewer couples entered into marriage in 1974-75, particularly in the lower socioeconomic groups.
The prompt itself can be direct or indirect.
However, it is not clear from these studies how children link indirect requests to context.
The measure for this, though, is an indirect one.
The first method is indirect: by rearing animals in social isolation, which is known to result in development of erratic agonistic behaviour.
Since linguistic theories are theories about the nature of linguistic competence, any evidence that comes from performance must be considered as indirect at best.
They are not subjects but objects, occupying no space in the discourse outside of the observer's indirect statements.
A distinction is drawn between pursuing consensus by direct and indirect routes.
Here it will be argued that an indirect, and occasionally a direct, relationship does exist.
Both methods of direct and indirect labeling were used in this study.
Here we demonstrate that detection of ovarian antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence using one specific commercial test system has poor specificity as a diagnostic test.
Nevertheless, it is probable that ownership does contain within it the potential for direct and indirect control.
The next step was to admit indirect words: a trust did not demand that the trustee should be addressed with a properly phrased request.
The multiplication of paths means that indirect effects are nearly always small.
The resulting high level of demand in turn served as an indirect stimulus to the growth of productivity.
British policy on the balance of payments has been largely indirect, based on manipulation of domestic demand.
If induced plant responses increase rates of predation or parasitism of herbivores, these changes may provide indirect defences for the plants.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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