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词汇 example_english_impoverished

Examples of impoverished

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Relatively little is directed vertically from the comfortable citizenry to impoverished and vulnerable groups on the margin.
Virtual worlds have a tendency not only to be impoverished but to be uniform, because this is the easiest thing to do.
The locality has a resident population of approximately 81 000, many of whom live in impoverished inner city neighbourhoods.
An object is impoverished insofar as it is not plentiful.
The fact is that the daily lives of these materially impoverished workers is mediated through with their religious practices and thus reinforces their religious convictions.
He objects to the "impoverished theoretical agenda" within which we place our review, but does not outline a coherent alternative.
Generally, they have migrated from the impoverished rural regions and consequently possess low levels of education and minimal skills.
The inability of commissioners to raise money to sewer impoverished areas was not just a hypothetical issue.
Our model uses a very impoverished picture of intracor tical connections, assuming these depend only on horizontal separation, are isotropic, and are unchanging during development.
All villages were in rural and impoverished environments, there was neither on-site electricity nor functional community-based sanitation facilities.
Many exclusivists are epistemically impoverished, and thus the epistemic status of their exclusive beliefs may well be lessened or defeated by religious diversity.
What these claims mean is that a child's phonological representation apparatus is initially highly impoverished and is enriched over the course of acquisition.
Ironically, as the living landscape is being impoverished, its prehistoric past is preserved in books, archives, and museums.
Although the species is not widely considered to be endangered, southern populations are likely to be genetically impoverished as a result of their recent history.
Indeed, many such communities may be inherently too intellectually impoverished and vulnerable even to be socially cognizant of the possibility of being entitled to protections.
Moreover, even if traits such as being impoverished were stigmatized, they would lack one feature that makes selection against disability so problematic.
They display poor emotion language specificity to a threatening challenge and impoverished production of explanations for emotions to such material.
We expected this relation to be particularly impor tant in impoverished neighborhoods, where exposure to deviant peers and adults would be higher.
If less skilled readers have impoverished lexical entries, this could further complicate their efforts to master the orthography.
Deficits in the accurate encoding of speech stimuli may lead to impoverished phonological representations.
In a mathematically impoverished environment, sometimes it is desirable to use simulations to communicate mathematical results, even though they demonstrate very little, if anything.
Since few variables are available in the impoverished situation, the variables used might not be "information" in the specificational sense.
First, judging speed and size in total darkness with no additional background is a very impoverished and unnatural situation.
On the other hand, humans playing such games show a persistent bias towards cooperating, despite the impoverished social conditions.
Their sound system, however, is extremely impoverished, consisting of a severely reduced consonantal repertoire.
Even most of the modern open ocean remains impoverished of biologically usable nutrients, including nitrogen, despite the presence in these waters of diazotrophs.
He argues that connectionist networks represent the input as rich rather than impoverished, the latter view being characteristic of the ' symbolic ' (linguistic) approach.
In fact, the opera is significantly impoverished without this pivotal scene.
First, there is clear evidence of impoverished performance on two distinct tests of theory of mind in this sample of people with schizophrenia.
The main reason for introducing financial assistance, however, was that the population had, in relative terms, become impoverished.
The protests thus brought together the interests of a corrupt leadership and the interests of thousands of impoverished excombatants.
The effect of such demands is corrosive in a society where officers are responsible for their extended and often impoverished families.
Whereas most gold diggers were impoverished to the degree that they left the gold field empty-handed, the suppliers of the mining campaigns realised large revenues.
With settlements located in relatively remote and impoverished areas, employment and other income-generating opportunities for refugees are largely absent.
In general, the islands were found to be impoverished in comparison to unfragmented forest, either in terms of reduced butterfly densities or species richness.
None of these concerns is pursued with rigour, and as a result our understanding of this site of contestation remains impoverished.
First, the domination of colonial capital further impoverished large sections of the population and created fertile ground for the diffusion of communist ideas.
We agree that a world without such an operative principle of justice would be an impoverished world indeed.
They lived so long and received so many pensions that they ate up the whole homestead and impoverished several owners in the process.
One could also take into account the evidence of sympathy for impoverished bachelors in popular culture generally.
The war-damaged were often even more impoverished than creditors in the 1920s.
Children who experience normal levels of social interaction with parents learn more quickly than do those with more impoverished linguistic environments.
Our findings indicate that older youth living in impoverished settings contend with similar issues, with implications for their psychological and behavioral adjustment.
The revisers did not try to exclude such features altogether, for that would have impoverished the stylistic range of the translation.
Such deprivations are highly concentrated among the most impoverished people, but decline rapidly if and when their incomes grow.
However, poverty is only a proxy for more specific forms of adversity that individuals who live in impoverished circumstances experience to varying degrees.
Thus, impairment in autonomy disrupts the development of relatedness, just as deficient or impoverished relationships impair autonomy.
When their first choice is not present among the alternatives generated by a democratic system, they may reasonably feel that their political life is impoverished.
Thus, controlling or neglecting caregivers lead to a fragmented volitional organization and impoverished intrinsic motivation.
As can be inferred from the empirical analysis, the representational system underlying typing is relatively impoverished.
Teaching either principles or virtues without the other would be considered an impoverished account of medical education and ethics.
There are also great divides between the life chances of urban women compared to those of their impoverished rural sisters.
In this study the most impoverished memory was seen in those with negative signs.
Our results suggested that patients with prominent negative symptoms, characterized by apathy, amotivation, and impoverished affect and speech have impaired ability to represent information internally.
Family planning clinics sprang up in many places, financed by local funds and limited contributions from the still impoverished international federation.
Unfortunately, the impoverished editorial work may distract readers from this value.
We believe that it is beneficial to emancipate musicians from the dominant 'piano metaphor' that, while ubiquitous in synthesis, is an impoverished and limiting constraint.
The origins of such an algorithm are found in locations distant from impoverished neighborhoods - in government and business, for example.
When one language has something that another does not, the "gap" in the impoverished language is filled by borrowing.
However, even this text exhibits an impoverished understanding of both identity and sexuality.
Robots have no immune system and a very impoverished coupling to the real world when compared to even very simple living organisms.
The first observation to make is that after 1610 the number of people who appeared impoverished to the authorities increased at an accelerating rate.
Species were not distributed as impoverished subsets along the cerrado-cerrado sensu a stricto gradient.
However, in the less productive lower rainfall sites, clay soils supported fewer vertebrates than the even more impoverished sand and loam soils.
Impoverished as the earlier manipulations left it, the terminology will not do: the tensions purported to be enhanced and highlighted reside in the old tropicality.
Mapping would even be more difficult to establish when the morphological system is impoverished.
However, secondary forests were probably unsuitable for large primates, and held an impoverished avian frugivore assemblage in comparison to primary forest sites.
Without the law of excluded middle, he exclaims, mathematics would be impoverished.
The results presented here provide evidence of impoverished bat assemblages in man-modified habitats linked with deforestation and overall disturbances related with forest fragmentation.
The incessant and mostly fruitless campaigns further impoverished the leadership and dampened its warrior spirit.
The sons of impoverished farmers poured into the military academies and increasingly turned against corrupt urban politicians.
Impoverished argument structure may not be merely attributable to performance limitations related to increased utterance length, but may reflect partial representation of complex verbs.
In effect, raiding established a vicious circle in which an increasingly impoverished section of society was subject to taxation and yet further deprivation.
The impoverished situation of many middle-aged and older women who live alone is mostly invisible.
Much research on non-human language has been concerned with trying to teach animals human-like language, which seems to us a conceptually impoverished approach.
Participants are merely forced to rely on such constraints by the impoverished stimuli.
Apparent motion and real motion can both be studied in and out of the lab, in rich and impoverished environments.
In the colonial period, many of these rich customers became impoverished.
Maltreated children produce fewer words referring to their internal state, which leads to fewer dyadic exchanges about feeling states and an impoverished, disorganized emotional vocabulary.
Is democracy somehow impoverished when political parties do not offer citizens distinct alternatives?
Our speculation is that orphanage settings provide impoverished emotional learning environments, lacking the socioemotional contingencies for acquiring efficient exper tise in affective processing skills.
Reducing the number of dependants would improve the impoverished parents' chances to support themselves and the remaining children.
Older people represent the biggest group amongst the many impoverished groups of consumers of health and social care.
They will feel frustrated and communication will be impoverished, to the detriment of both partners and the cooperation between them.
Sinitic languages are often considered to be impoverished in morphology; nevertheless, in the aspect of compound formation, the morphology is very rich.
The irrational secularist is offering us a very impoverished view of the world.
To go no further is simply reductionism that suggests an impoverished historical imagination or an unwillingness to use it.
The" homelands" are, for the most part, over-populated, overgrazed, and impoverished.
By what stretch of imagination can remorse satisfy an impoverished playwright or his political-aesthetic schemes?
Future research should focus on replicating the study in more representative populations, as well as in other samples of impoverished youth.
The sampling frame excluded families from middleclass and upper middle-class areas of the city as well as the most impoverished areas.
I have consistently argued that our traditional view of intelligence is too limited in scope and impoverished by its failure to integrate intrinsic motivation.
The core of the overpopulation thesis is that an unequal, impartible inheritance system could have prevented the population from growing, becoming impoverished and emigrating.
Most likely it was an emergency measure also for the impoverished households whose children were boarded out.
Then, when the elderly parents became widowed, infirm, or impoverished, they moved into the household of one of their children.
Other elderly had no property listed because they were truly impoverished, and this group rarely resided with their children.
The consequence of deprivation for height is further emphasized by the greater stunting of the more impoverished destitute boys.
Without adequate exploratory movements, the global array is impoverished and insufficient for guiding activity.
The prevalent educational myopia at national level has impoverished language education through a misconceived language policy which treats bilingualism almost as an oddity.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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