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词汇 example_english_immerse

Examples of immerse

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
After some initial success the drainage commissioners found themselves immersed in legal wranglings with landowners and maintenance of the drainage system largely fell into abeyance.
Sickness forces us out of focus so that we are no longer preconsciously immersed.
The game itself is immersing, much like life itself is immersing.
A fluid drop immersed in a second incompressiblefluid is deformed by a motion which, far from the drop, varies linearly with distance.
How could he, and he alone, be naive and immersed in bad faith and false consciousness?
Instead, he immersed himself in tribal politics, making an enormous effort to cultivate shaykhs, especially from nomadic tribes.
Experiment 3 and 4 simulated the effects of seeds attached to a seabird and periodically, but briefly, immersed in seawater each day.
Secondly, it's incredibly difficult to be objective about something which you're immersed in every waking hour.
Also, at least if the inner product (see below) is of local character, it makes no difference whether the moving interface is immersed or embedded.
The pipettes were immersed in a constant temperature bath which was adjusted to the temperature of the jet during each experiment.
We seek a solution of this equation when there is a rigid, vanishingly thin, half-plane immersed in an otherwise unbounded fluid.
The day ended with tazzias being immersed in water.
Other investigators, myself included, assign a primary role to local activity, immersed in global circuitry.
The clergy were too immersed in secular occupations.
Put another way, it seems that children must be immersed in learning and using a second language in order for cross-language metalinguistic benefits to accrue.
The rubber dams produced a system in which the slides were completely immersed in the medium as it flowed through the reactor.
All microorganisms at all times lived and multiplied in the water are immersed in these electromagnetic fields.
Amorphous cores are immersed in oil and the oil-vacuum interface is made of an acrylic insulator.
On interaction between two bodies immersed in a solution of macromolecules.
A simple theory for the force between spheres immersed in a fluid.
A theory of the drag force acting on an object immersed in a flowing plasma is presented.
Like grammar and vocabulary, the lear ner should he gradually immersed into pronunciation.
Both fish immersed and injected with dexamethasone were kept in freshwater 48 h prior to infection with parasites.
Respondents are given a piece of information about their racial environment, but they are not actually immersed in it.
Snails were fed on lettuce immersed in spring water for 5 days.
In utero we are immersed in holy waters.
Yavesia, in contrast, remains immersed in a legal and political quagmire.
The slide was immersed in an aldehyde-dichromate mixture, and then in 1% silver nitrate, for a few days each.
The slide was immersed in an aldehydedichromate mixture, and then in 1% silver nitrate, for a few days each.
To assess water-holding capacity, air-dried epiphyte samples were immersed in water for 48 h, and then weighed.
Specimens were immersed in chloroform:methanol (1:1, v/v) at room temperature for 15 min and then staining was performed as described above.
Free to look anywhere at any time, the viewer becomes totally immersed in an entirety with no implied beyond, a film world with no frame.
My teachers in grammar school, while they immersed me in the discipline of diagraming sentences, made no attempt to intervene in our pronunciations.
The feeling of fullness, of being totally immersed in another world, is further heightened, and our experience as readers enriched.
As an additional fixation, the posterior half of the eye was immersed in the same fixative for 3 h at room temperature.
By adding more projectors and screens, users are surrounded by graphics and feel more immersed in the virtual environment.
The towels were then rolled together and partially immersed in a beaker containing 10 ml of distilled water.
The imagery of melody for life immersed in sorrow is common to both the couplets cited above.
Outside school, students are immersed in a rich entertainment media environment that has been transforming the ways in which they listen and respond to music.
We characterize the velocity of a single droplet immersed into an environment with constant flux field far away.
In fact, in its attempt to redefine death, the concept itself appears to have become immersed in ever-increasing vagueness and ambiguity.
On the other hand, as human beings immersed in the act of communicating, such distinctions become arbitrary and meaningless.
The flask was immersed in a cooling bath.
The target is immersed in an argon plasma with a density n l 5i10* cm-$.
Thus, unless one is deeply immersed in the ®eld, it is very dicult to realise that such a core exists, much less identify it.
Systems and components are immersed in an environment, typically composed of (or modelled as) a set of environment partitions.
Autonomous components can interact with the environment in which they are immersed, by sensing and affecting it.
The apparatus is now hung on the edge of a vessel full of water so that the bottles are completely immersed.
The tip of the pouch only, was immersed in the cercarial suspension contained in the bottom of a short specimen tube.
The fanatically immersed self is to be properly regarded as the subject, and object, of psychotherapy.
The seeds were first surface-disinfected by immersing in 95% ethanol for 30 s and then rinsing five times in sterile distilled water.
As grade school students, the children are immersed in ' school culture ' and were administered the definitions task at school.
However, also basic interaction phenomena are of utmost interest, since atoms and ions immersed in a plasma environment experience perturbations from the plasma.
We need to forget who we have been, and who we might be ultimately, for us to fully be immersed into our current role.
In a virtual reality system, the user is completely immersed in a virtual world.
Indeed, because the city is everywhere, contemporary culture is completely immersed in the cultural representation of urbanity.
Suppose that all or part of the elastic material is confined to certain surfaces that are immersed in fluid.
The student is motivated to learn because there are strong professional and financial incentives, and the student is well immersed in the subject.
Green asparagus (10 g) was rapidly crushed in a flask fitted to another flask immersed in liquid nitrogen and connected to a vacuum pump.
In evenings, youngsters dance accompanied with melodies and are immersed in sweat happiness.
The emotional life of the toddler is immersed in the affective climate of the family system.
Tubes were immersed in liquid nitrogen and the contents were crushed with a pestle.
We consider the light scattered by small particles which are immersed in a liquid that is undergoing an arbitrary steady, laminar motion.
The water depth was measured directly (in ft.) with a wooden scale immersed through the still water surface.
As a starting point, then, young people are imagined as immersed in family and supported by caregivers.
During participant observation researchers immerses themselves in a new world with the goal of exploring the members' point of view.
He immersed himself in folk music in the next three years and maintained an interest for the rest of his life.
One link may be found in the ballet composers, nearly all of whom found themselves deeply immersed in operatic endeavours from time to time.
Distilled water was added to the larger dish until the edges of the filter paper became immersed in the water.
The filling of spectral and perspectival space in circumspace so that the listener feels immersed in the image.
The listener becomes immersed in an ocean of sounds where no prominent figures exist and all the sources remain well hidden.
In the latter case utensils had to be immersed to collect the water from the reservoirs.
The liver was immersed in a saline solution, and any remaining trematodes were obtained by consecutive compression-decompression of the hepatic parenchyma.
I could still be totally immersed in my present life.
During the rainy season, these nodules were immersed in the deeper surface water.
Individual samples were immersed in 1% formaldehyde for 15 min to crosslink chromatin binding proteins to their targets.
When a dust grain is immersed in a plasma, it collects both ions and electrons.
The sizerman gathered this paper and immersed it in an emulsion of hides, hoofs, tripe, and alum.
Each sample was immersed in water and cut into 1-cm segments with their attached side branches.
Following transfer, the membrane was immersed in methanol for 1 min, then dried overnight at room temperature.
We attempted chemical removal of the chorion using bleach either by soaking or repeatedly immersing the eggs in and out of solution.
The brain block was then fixed for 24 h in 4% paraformaldehyde, and immersed in 30% sucrose solution overnight.
They were provided with a small piece of absorbent cotton that had been immersed in 5% honey solution.
With special devices like head-mounted displays, a human observer can be immersed in a virtual environment so deeply that he/ she feels like really being inside the simulation.
To be immersed in the happiness of happy families is not really a beginning.
Supplies for seed germination were either autoclaved, treated with 10% commercial bleach, or immersed in 70% ethanol.
Rather, most of the above facts show the child as immersed in the world of things rather than people.
Only when mortality was well off its peak, and immersed in what was to be irreversible transition, were its effects on fertility clearly evident.
We believe that plant breeders need special tools for analysing the human situations in which they are immersed.
Nonetheless, she is immersed in this system during the most crucial months (and, later, years) of her transformation into a physician.
Because the study immerses itself in issues that relate to both women and men and invites new conversations, it succeeds in its goals.
The basilar membrane of the inner ear is an elastic shell immersed in fluid that vibrates in response to the incident sound.
Babies born with hearing are immersed in spoken language from birth and even before.
The litmus paper turned red when immersed in the liquid.
We have, as the novel suggests, been immersed for too long in a predominantly oral culture for it not to have permanently altered our minds.
Similarly, five ten-snail groups immersed in dechlorinated water were used as controls.
All specimens were mounted and immersed in a water bath.
She takes her place invisibly as a ventriloquist whose puppets, the dull, everyday performers, sit immersed in a soundworld to which they obviously cannot relate.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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