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词汇 example_english_human

Examples of human

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Confidence ratings are often collected from humans in this way.
Without doubt, the success of humans has centrally depended on their ability to acquire and transmit cultural information.
Second, this standard depends on secondary reports by humans.
Pigeons (and humans) will also make observing responses (which have no reinforcement implication) that tell them what reinforcement schedule is in effect.
After a period of adjustment, humans and other animals control their orientation and motion very capably under such conditions.
By far the largest residual (more than 2.2 standard deviations) is associated with modern humans.
Thus, when known, the learning of cultural behaviour can be very similar in humans and chimpanzees.
At least in humans, adoption of cultural practices or beliefs often seems to depend on an implicit recognition that the cultural item has social significance.
However, such an existence proof does not demonstrate that the same underlying architecture exists for the stored knowledge of objects in humans.
The upper limit of verbal information transmission for humans is of the order of 100 bits/sec.
An interesting finding is that there is a substantial difference between humans and other animal species.
Modern humans are the only primates that impose geometrically regular shapes on objects.
Many are amiable and beautiful beings who have friendly relations with humans.
There is good evidence that humans have difficulty understanding random processes as part of causative accounts.
Thus, particles are patterns in the quantum field; humans are patterns in the particles; stock market crashes are patterns in the people; and so on.
The essential point is that humans share quite a similar memory process with chimpanzees.
The difference may be caused by the fact that live humans emit a wider range of cues than the foot odour collected on stockings.
In humans, more than 95% are cortico-cortical; less than 5% are thalamocortical.
Like paranoid rabbits, humans may possess adaptively biased inferential mechanisms.
Although dream content reflects our everyday concerns, the primary function of dreaming, for humans at least, must be neurophysiological.
Still, the simulation of the current concerns of modern humans probably has little if any biologically adaptive value.
Descartes expressed this by suggesting that humans were composed of two kinds of matter, one which has spatial extension, and another which thinks.
In other words, humans have a remarkable ability to look on a horror and see a silver lining.
Moreover, using the dead avoids exposing living humans and nonhuman animals to risks of morbidity, mortality, pain, distress, and suffering.
There must be a true internalization that nonhuman animals feel pain, experience hunger, and react to most stimuli as we humans do.
Contaminated water not only affects humans but can profoundly alter ecosystems, suggesting again a complex and wide-ranging web of reverberations.
Underinclusive definitions would be those that improperly exclude some humans - namely, those who do not meet the conditions implied by the definition.
As tool users, humans can detect the affordances offered by an object and employ it as a tool.
Moreover, humans are the only species that show anything like this cognitive plasticity.
A large expansion of the frontal cortex, which is associated with goal manipulations, occurred in humans.
Although such a simulation might represent the essential aspects of the human's task environment, the fidelity of the model's task environment is inevitably decreased.
The war had changed the degree of risk scientists were willing to take when conducting experiments on humans.
Is not everything on this planet somehow influenced by humans?
What, then, will count as a species-typical function of humans?
By selective breeding humans were able to nurture specific traits in animals and plants, long before they had the means to directly manipulate the genome.
Rejecting the 'one-world-ism' predominant in many social sciences, he argues that humans inhabit and draw on many worlds at once.
Studies have provided evidence for the existence of mammary stem cells in mice, rats and humans.
As adults, we have regions of the brain specialized for processing and integrating sensory information about the appearance, behavior, and intentions of other humans.
In many mammals, and crossculturally in humans, females form especially close, stable attachments with other females, often kin.
We do not generally account for the fact that humans need water.
In historic time, humans have not responded to environmental change through biological adaptation but through technological and cultural progress.
Unfortunately, most of the research on amygdala functioning has been based on animals or humans with severely damaged amygdalas.
The current paper examines the use of "natural experiments" to study the effects of early experience on psychological development in humans.
The concept of regionally vulnerable areas in the developing brain has been supported in animal models and clinical studies of humans.
However, the degree to which these findings may be generalized to humans is unclear.
Separation induced changes in squirrel monkey hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenal physiology resemble aspects of hypercortisolism in humans.
An investigative approach along these lines for humans, nonhuman primates, and rodents is described below.
Decreased memory performance in healthy humans induced by stress-level cortisol treatment.
In humans the study of autonomy has classically involved both functional and phenomenological considerations.
Even in humans, blocking norepinephrine reduces the memory enhancing effects of surprise.
Moreover, hearts, livers, and kidneys perform the same functions in all humans.
Hormone profiles in humans experiencing military survival training.
Among humans, effective psychosocial interventions may result in adaptive changes in brain function well into adulthood.
There is very little evidence that early deprivation or neglect, per se, has any long-term impacts on activity of this stress-sensitive neuroendocrine system in humans.
Note, however, that animacy is also a graded concept which depends largely on what humans perceive as (more or less) animate.
The relative pronouns and noun phrases in the cor pus have different types of referents: humans, physical objects, and supernatural and abstract phenomena.
I will argue that these "adaptive genes" are genes that are involved in regulating the evolution and development of the social brain in humans.
The periaqueductal grey in the midbrain would be another place where stimulation appears to produce vocalizations in monkeys and humans.
Moreover, in the case of humans, empathic responsiveness is extensively under cognitive control.
In fact, humans follow the general trends within the animal kingdom.
Alternatively, is it to explain patterns in the activities of humans in terms of a history of differential reproduction of individuals enacting those patterns?
The findings of several reports in animals and humans using this paradigm have been mixed.
As revonsuo and other evolution-minded theorists suggest, humans, like other animals, should have evolved a plethora of special threat-detection devices.
Further, the opponent color spaces of some species may not exhibit the same structure as that of humans.
His suggestion that humans shape their own environment and thereby create new regularities appears even more radical than my suggestion of externalization.
We do not know whether humans are successful when being fast and frugal.
Thus, if any statements are to be made about the rational functioning of humans, then we need whatever tools we have, however crude.
Adjuvants that are currently licensed for use in humans.
When this has happened, it is unclear which might be the more relevant to humans.
The argument becomes most pointed, of course, where humans themselves are concerned.
At present this system is however not applicable to humans as exteriorized fetal catheters were used.
Up to this point the reader is provided with an overview of the physical environment without much attention to humans.
Conceivably, this system could have in vivo applications in humans and other animals, with genetic immunisation as a potential application.
Such microaggregates might be very difficult to detect or exclude in humans or animal models.
Plasminogen-deficiency states associated with the complete absence of plasminogen, as well as dysplasminogenaemias associated with reduced plasmin activity, have been described in humans.
The similarities make the data extremely interesting, but anatomical differences between mice and humans, which are probably mirrored at the molecular level, must be anticipated.
Does such an important biological pathway have an alternative route in humans?
As history shows, humans readily take advantage of those with less power.
A second group received statements worded in terms of people, humans, and they.
Experience with their use in primates, which are more similar to humans, is more limited.
Changes in myocardial repolarization in patients undergoing balloon valvuloplasty for congenital pulmonary stenosis: evidence for contraction-excitation feedback in humans.
An animal model should fulfil the criteria used to diagnose the disorder in humans.
206 tool to be used in future to detect congenital heart anomalies in humans.
Deletions in processed pseudogenes accumulate faster in rodents than in humans.
Inversions now suggest a multiple foundation, with the help of modern humans.
Such a delivery scheme simply will not work in humans.
Like it or not, mice are remarkably similar to humans sharing 99% of our genes.
Studies in both humans and animals suggest that high glucose levels might exacerbate ischemic brain damage.
A chemical's effects on one type of animal may differ from its effects on other animals and on humans.
No other species (besides humans) uses a similarly symbolic representation to communicate information from the real world.
The accumulation of this oxidative damage underlies the formation of many disease states in humans.
Thus, the unacknowledged objective among humans is to have things both ways.
As the ruins are but relics of the past and a reminder that humans and their works are transient in nature, so are the memories.
In sum, the conditions that seem conducive to instrumental learning are very similar in humans and animals.
In addition, feed restriction rather than starvation is closer to the numerous situations, particularly in humans, where the question of metabolic efficiency is raised.
Finally, humans create habitats of a kind that may well occur in nature, but not commonly.
To the prejudiced eyes of land-bound humans the oceans seem like one continuous mass, homogeneous as outer space.
Self-consciousness in humans is a conceptually structured awareness of self-processes that are unique to man.
Predation by humans and dogs together may be heavy in certain areas.
However, no experiments have yet been done on humans, so it might be best, for now, to keep a diary for your anniversaries.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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